Position: Admin but if denied I would also love to be a Moderator
A little information about myself: My name is Juan I am a student currently and attend school. I am a very bright person (in my opinion) and am ahead a grade in mathematics. I can play the guitar and I am a computer gamer and programmer.
Time able to dedicate towards your server: I personally have a large sum of time on my hands. I only take one musical instrument outside of school, which frees up my time a lot. In order to balance this time I plan what I need to do every day. Currently I am holding 1 separate staff position (which I will list below with evidence), which is very time consuming. However if I am accepted and given the privilege to work with the your server and its staff team I would immediately leave such positions. On an estimate between practicing my musical instrument, doing schoolwork, and moderating the server, I would be able to spend around 3-5 hours on your server and the Forums. I understand that Moderating is a very demanding job, but I am prepared to take it on.
Past experience as staff: I have held 5 staff positions in the past. Unfortunately I can only provide evidence for four of them. I am currently a Head-Mod on Music craft this is a low scale server mainly because previously it was a minigame server. Lack of funds forced us to downgrade to survival and creative. Although I didn’t deal with a lot of people there, it taught me how to deal with minigames contrary to survival. Also, I hold an admin position on an opening server called Skyrim craft this server is starting out so there isn’t much to say about it. The website is up but server is currently down for maintenance. Lastly I hold a T-Mod position on a server called cracked cube I deal with around 7 people a day here but the owner of this server has taught me a lot about professionalism. There is one more server but unfortunately it shut down due to lack of funds I held a head-admin position on it and I was around the only active staff on it. By myself I handled around 30-50 people on a day. This server taught me how to handle large crowds, which I believe will be especially helpful on the server. I held one more moderator staff position but I have no proof of it so I will not be mentioning it here.
Why do I want to be staff: Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.
Why do I think I should be staff (excellent question by me of course): I consider this question one of the most important questions on a staff application, it allows me to discuss my qualifications so prepare for a long answer. There is a very clear reason in my head that makes me believe I am suitable to be staff, experience. Others may downplay experience but it has taught me a lot. From all of my different staff positions I have learned different things. First, my strategy for dealing with rule breaking players, I have reviewed lots of applications where the person says I will warn them three times and than mute them. Honestly I hate this strategy; its very robotic and the player will probably appeal and do it again. My personal preference to dealing with such issues is convincing. I like to try to talk a spammer out of spamming. In my opinion showing them how what they are doing is pointless and really does nothing can possibly convince them not to do it again. Of course this doesn’t always work than in that case I have to mute them. Banning to me is a last resort. I always oppose banning players unless it is obvious that they must be banned or it’s a last resort. In my view servers love their members and all that banning does is remove members. If we can change the view of such troublemakers than we can have a great community base. Also I understand how to treat a staff rank. When I have been given the privilege to serve on a staff team I take it very seriously. I will joke around with others but I have learned to respect the rank. Being staff will not make me cool or give me respect but it is my goal to help and server the players of this server. I understand that under no circumstances should I abuse and that I have been given a chance to be a part of the staff team, a chance I should be very grateful for. I hope that I can qualify above mediocre and be exceptional. My experience in the past has taught me how to deal with people, how to inspect and analyze a situation, and how to respect everyone. Lastly I do not have anger issues and I don’t rage. I have learned how to keep my cool even in the most frustrating situations. It will be very rare that you see me genuinely ed off at someone. I have handled many situations in the past and I believe that the challenges I will face on your server will be within by ability. Thank you.
Final statement:
Thank you for reading my application if you have further questions please contact me on Skype. I hope you consider me as a candidate for staff on your excellent server.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I applied for server administrator on page 14 and just in case that is not available at this time I could be a part of the Network Ad Team.
Best Regards
Youtube: Youtube.com/user/superawesomeguy808
Email: [email protected]
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go to YouTube.com/user/superawesomeguy808
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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1) What position are you applying for? The position I will be applying for is Game Master. (Moderator or Admin if you need me to. )
2) Any past experience in the field or something similar? Yes indeed. I have had a TON of past experience, me and my friend have owned many successful server in the past. We had to shut down do to economical issues.
3) Age and maturity level(1-10)? I would have to give my maturity level a solid 8. I am mature in all cases, but the other 2 points are because I still like to have fun and enjoy the game, and the community!
4) Skype and IGN? My Skype is owen.ross16. My In-Game name is FowenX
5) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific! My typical way of resolving a conflict, would be to first of all, get both sides of the story. After that, I would go in to deep, but quick, investigation. I will not be using the "Ban Hammer" on just anyone, I would have to in-depth proof, and ask a fellow Moderator or Admin on their position of what to do next.
6) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee? The reason you will be able to trust me as an employee, is because I am a hard-working person. I am loyal to the fellow crafters and anyone on the server. I have countless points of experience in the past, and am a Minecraft veteran. I have been playing since Alpha, and know my way around the game.
7) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some: - Permissions - Spleef - Factions - SurvivalGames - Jails ... and a few other small plugins most people don't know about
8) Developer only: How much a day can you work?
9) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? I just want to let you know am am willing to dedicate my many hours a day to this server. I am willing to donate my trust, and my many skills to this Minecraft Server. I feel it is going to be a HUGE success due to your hard-work I can tell you have put in to just his post itself!
~ I hope you consider me to be a part of the Team/Community!
P.S. ~ Sorry if this post looks bad, I went through it in the editor and messed it up a bit.
We have Re-opened our original thread. If you would like to apply for Staff, please refer to our main Post and see what positions are available! I'm looking forward to seeing new applicants!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Santa Monica, California
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1.) What position are you applying for? Network Supervisor 2.) How important is this to you? Very. 3.) Any past experience in this field or something similar? I'm currently an Administrator for Leviathon Network and am just applying to try and get promoted. 4.) Have you ever managed a server before? Yes, I've managed many servers before this one and I have owned 4 of which 1 was popular that other 3 not so much but I gained a lot of experience from that. 5.) Age and maturity level(1-10)? 8 6.)Skype and IGN? You already have both. 7) Would you still want this job even if it had high stress? Yes, stress doesn't bother me at all because I've been in a lot of stressful positions in life and I can control them very well. 8.) How many hours are you willing to dedicate a day/week? About 5 hours per day on weekdays, a little longer on weekends. 9.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated staff member? I've been with this Network for quite some time now and I feel I have been very dedicated and helpful to the Network. 10.) How much money can you set aside for the network/server (not necessary but will earn you a lot of consideration points)? Not a lot, but I will set aside as much money as I can for the Network. 11.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? I have owned and moderated on many other servers, I like to be a happy member of any community but get work done when it is needed.
1.) Age? If you are really interested just PM me. 2.) Skype/IGN?
Once again just PM me if interested. 3.) Do you have programming knowledge?
I am self taught in java, I also know a little python. I understand general concepts though. 4.) Do you know Java?
Yes, I've wrote a bunch of plugins. 5.) What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?)
Plugins. 6.) Is your code clean?
Yes. 7.) How long have you been developing/coding?
About a year and a quarter now, I think. 8.) What are you plugins you've created (Provide basic descriptions)
Well I've made many private use plugins that do random things just to test different functions of Bukkit, and minecraft multiplayer. But I've made plugins that work with configurations, event handling, commands, etc.. I guess one example of a plugin I've made recently (and keep in mind this is simple because it was made by request) was a command that blocked dropping things upon death or while alive or both in a world and saved which world had the blocking enabled and such. 7.) Anything else you can bring to the table?
Well I've ran a few small community servers before and I know quite a bit about server management (perms, files, etc.). I don't really know what else I bring to the table. I guess I just like to be part of a team (like a server team) and enjoy playing as well as working for servers.
My questions:
I am curious about a few things. One, would I be paid? Two, is the server hosted as of now? Three, is the server going to be just MMO? That's about it.
Developer Application Format: I have a question I would like to ask. If possible I would like to be also the website developer, GFX for the server. Im pretty skilled in GFX and can make some sick designs.
1.) Age? 12 years old. I am mature though for my age as I have seen some other people my age who cant handle one word. It is not even funny.
2.) Skype/IGN? My Skype name is chris.jimoah21. It will say Chris [GFX Etc.]
3.) Do you have programming knowledge? A little bit, As I said before im wondering if I can possibly get on of those jobs.
4.) Do you know Java? I have done a little bit of java. So yes. I made my own plugin where when you type /cookie a creeper pops up and explodes with cookies. Although I have lost that plugin sadly.
5.) What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?) I like to do plugins. Also Web Development. Thats my favorite! Haha, Anyway It would be cool for something like Plugins and Web Dev and GFX all three jobs! I would love to do it!
6.) Is your code clean? I guess you can say that? I have made some cool things with windows codes such as Rainbow colored matrix:) 7.) How long have you been developing/coding? I used to have my own server long ago. It was not successful. With that I added my cookie plugin and more people joined amazingly! Then I got no donations so had to shut down my server. So that was about a year ago. Maybe two.
8.) What are the you plugins you've created (Provide basic descriptions) As I said before I created my cookie plugin. Untill then I have not made any plugins nor want to. It was sort of a disappointment.
7.) Anything else you can bring to the table? Yes! As I said the few times I would like to be GFX,Website Developer,Server Developer,Plugins and maybe an admin if possible. Im willing to do anything for this server!
1.) Age?
If you are really interested just PM me. 2.) Skype/IGN?
Once again just PM me if interested. 3.) Do you have programming knowledge?
I am self taught in java, I also know a little python. I understand general concepts though. 4.) Do you know Java?
Yes, I've wrote a bunch of plugins. 5.) What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?)
Plugins. 6.) Is your code clean?
Yes. 7.) How long have you been developing/coding?
About a year and a quarter now, I think. 8.) What are you plugins you've created (Provide basic descriptions)
Well I've made many private use plugins that do random things just to test different functions of Bukkit, and minecraft multiplayer. But I've made plugins that work with configurations, event handling, commands, etc.. I guess one example of a plugin I've made recently (and keep in mind this is simple because it was made by request) was a command that blocked dropping things upon death or while alive or both in a world and saved which world had the blocking enabled and such. 7.) Anything else you can bring to the table?
Well I've ran a few small community servers before and I know quite a bit about server management (perms, files, etc.). I don't really know what else I bring to the table. I guess I just like to be part of a team (like a server team) and enjoy playing as well as working for servers.
My questions:
I am curious about a few things. One, would I be paid? Two, is the server hosted as of now? Three, is the server going to be just MMO? That's about it.
1.) Age? (Looking for 18+ - not required)
Born: October 14th 1994
2.) Skype/IGN?
I go by pbgben ingame, and have Skype.
3.) Will you take this position seriously? (100 word minimum)
I understand your not looking for a simple yes answer, but I would not be applying for this position if I was not able to commit my time and attention to. So yes I will take the position seriously, and no this is not 100 words.
4.) Do you understand that this position is taken extremely highly?
I fully understand that my full attention will be necessary for this position, I can assure you my maturity and attention to detail.
5.) Previous experience? (MUST HAVE!)
I was involved in the running of a successful Minecraft server that was started back in 2010, I was part of a team of around 5 and we shared many of the day to day tasks of running the server and making sure things were kept up-to-date. Additionally I had the extended role to manage the servers website and custom scripts that managed the grey-list, bans and our custom built donations system.
To date, I manage a few servers located in data centers for friends and clients, this is not a big business and doesn't take much of my time.
6.) Why do you want this position (100 word minimum)
Since the closure of Tektoncraft, I have had a growing urge to get back into the server hosting/management position I was once proud to hold. I need something to give me the inspiration to develop new ideas and provide the steam to help me start and finish projects.
I'm also quite young for a systems engineer, I started young with Tekton, and want to continue to expand my knowledge through first hand experience with the issues that will arise as this network grows and as we expand onto new, much more powerful, hardware.
7.) Do you speak and type with proper, and fluent English/Grammar?
I'm sure this question can answer itself upon reading my post.
8.) What are your computer and or Minecraft skills? (Coding? Which languages? Developing? Building)
I'm a systems engineer, I can manage both Linux and Windows operating systems. I speak fluent English and am a master of Google translate. I can also design and code websites in HTML/CSS and program back end systems in PHP, JSON, SQL, or develop .net based windows applications.
9.) How will you earn this position?
The only way I know how, by working hard at my tasks and being as professional as needed.
10.) What can you bring to the table, how will you make our network better? (100 word MINIMUM!)
My adept skills in server management and web development will be my primary cards on the table, I have extensive knowledge of running servers and the best providers around the world. I intend to use my skills to get better deals on hosting and make sure that those hosts work with us to provide a perfect connection to our players.
A successful network needs more than just a singe server, you'll need a few to guarantee a stable up time and disaster mitigation. As well as supporting the front and back end of the website and forums.
I have also been through the process of running a server, I've tested a ton of applications and scripts to find the best systems for the best prices, and then gone through them to customize them beyond their supported methods.
Finally, you'll need people on your team with experience, knowledge and a profession in server management.
-If possible, Server Administrator, if not, Server GM or Server Moderator
2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar?
-I have indeed moderated some servers from two years ago. However, I would like to start over so I somewhat discredit my experience on those servers. I was quite immature then, but I have grown as a person. I don't think that the experience I've gained during those times I moderated those servers can contribute to what I can do now.
3.) Age and maturity level(1-10)?
- 15, and 9. I can be very mature when needed but when games come and everyone plays, I can loosen up and have fun.
4.) Skype and IGN?
- hipstasaurus.rex and TerrorFace12
5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific!
- (This will be somewhat long) First of all, find out the root of the problem. Be it hackers or lag, or map exploitation or rudeness, always find the root. Second talk to the players DIRECTLY involved, the reporter and the reportee per se. Get their stories, from their respective sides. This will not be enough to make a solid judgement as a person's story can vary from another's. So I will talk to the bystanders or witnesses. Get what they saw as well. Then I will weigh what to do after I have gathered the information needed to make a solid judgement. Then I will inform the player what his/her punishment will be, if there is one. If there is no bystander in the area, I will skip that step and directly weigh which story makes the most sense.
6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?
- There isn't any way I can prove this to you other than hiring me and see for yourself. However, I can promise you that if you hire me I will devote time and energy into this server. I want this server to take off, be successful. I feel like I can contribute to that. I think I am fair in giving judgements and making decisions and I can promise you I will be dedicated.
7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some:
- It has been two years since I last played with plug-ins so I'll name the ones at the top of my head. Essentials, WorldEdit, DisguiseCraft, PowerTools. (Sadly these are all I remember partly because I watch trolling videos on YouTube)
8.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?
- I am also proficient in Photoshop. (Or I would like to believe I am.) Other than that, I hope I have made a strong enough impression on you to consider me as a part of your staff.
1.) What position are you applying for? Network Ad Team
2.) How important is this to you? I wouldn't mind helping out fellow servers to get more popularity as I have seen quite a few close down. Sadly :'(
!3.) Any past experience in this field or something similar? No, but I use social media quite a lot and I know what they want!
4.) Have you ever managed a server before? 1 presently and 1 in the past. ( Owner) Quite a few times moderating and administrating.
5.) Age and maturity level(1-10)? Age: 13 Maturity: 7
6.)Skype and IGN? r.s.m.speirs IGN: nude_scot
7) Would you still want this job even if it had high stress? Yes sure, I can put the times and effort into it, but school work sometimes intervenes.
8.) How many hours are you willing to dedicate a day/week? An hour a day minimum.
9.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated staff member? Just have to trust me. I can do this!
10.) How much money can you set aside for the network/server (not necessary but will earn you a lot of consideration points)? Around $20 max
11.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? Yes. I run an instagram page and would love to post about your server with screenshots and filters I am starting a YouTube channel so I could do some gameplay on your server too
Other stuff: In the near future, I am going to be finishing off my unique modpack server and would not mind to join a network!
What position are you applying for?I very want to be a builder or architect
Any past experience in the field or something similar?I have Built on Pixelmon and modded servers and I have a lot of experience building
Ageand maturity level(1-10)?I would put my self at 10 out of 10 because I have worked with builders that are just goofing of and I hate them because I want it too get done not just Make Jokes.
Skypeand IGN?Sorry No skype But IGN is SilverSalamence
Whatis your typical way of resolving a conflict?Be specific!I will tell them to stop and it doesnt matter so you should just stop because it is just going to get into a bigger fight and it will not resolve anything.
How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?I can do it every day and I have owned many Servers So I know how it is and how stressful it can be
Are you familiar with plugins?If so name some:I know the HG Guns Plugin and I know the Stronger Mobs Plugins and I am Familiar with lots of others but I do not Know the names of them.
Anythingelse that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?Nothing else you should know
Created my own application, as I believe taking more time, of your own to create your own app is better than using a pre-made.
1. IGN: iiBreach
2. Age: 20
3. How Often Do You Play: Every day that the wifi will work for me. I do nothing on this deployment I am on, except go the the gym, and play MineCraft. Usually, the amount of time I can put into the server per day is 5+ hours.
4. What Position Of Staff Are You Applying For: Admin or Mod, which ever is available.
5. Why Should We Pick You: Experiences with plugins: I have a good amount of experience with World Edit, World Gaurd, PEX, Core Protect, and a few others I can't think of right off the top of my head.
Experience with previous positions, or servers. I will include the name, as I can think of them. I have held the position of Admin and Head Admin on countless servers, and have been respected as such. I uphold myself to the rightful position, with good grammar, respect, and trustworthiness. As mod, I have held positions as Trial-Mod, Mod and Head Mod on few servers. Most servers respected my ways, and how I work with problems, that they felt Admin was a more suitable position for me. As this server, may not be a suitable server, it is the Staff's decision of the server to decide. As all these servers listed, might sound like I am not dedicated. Well, I was until they ran low on players, and the Owner did not have the money to pay, and I couldn't afford to help pay to run the server anymore as I have a family to care for.
killerfactioncraft.fluctis.com (website killerfactioncraft.enjin.com Head Admin), Generation Gateway (Admin), Obsidian Realms (Mod), and 2 others that never really made it anywhere, I was an Admin on both of those. Those are the listed servers that I can remember.
I believe with all the experience I have had in each position of staff, I would be a good choice for your server to be a part of your staff team. I can help keep an A+ grade community, and help with server suggestions. When I have the chance, I get close to the owner(s) (in terms of the server) because I like to help as much as possible. If I can do anything, and I am available, you would soon learn that I would probably be your first choice. You can come to me to search for plugins you need, donor perm help, etc. I have experience in helping a past owner with setting up his server from scratch to a Beta in less than 1 week. I am enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and am en trusted with anything I do in my life. Though I am in the Marine Corps, I do have time to play MC. I'm either at work, sleeping, at the store, or playing MineCraft. I do put a lot of my time towards MineCraft. Maybe too much. If I were to get the staff position in your server, I'd be ecstatic! I love helping with anything I can and need to.
I do not ban people for childish reasons. If it is deserved, they get up to 3 warnings, and if they still do not listen, it is a temporary Mute or Ban. If it is staff of the server that is acting in a way to receive warnings, the problem will be taken to the Co-Owners/ Owner, as I strongly believe that a mature staff is needed and staff that act in appropriate should not hold such a position.
6. Other Info About You: Alright, here's some personal information about myself. I Love my job in the Corps. I am a 3521 Motor T Mechanic, I work on HMMWV's, and 7-ton trucks. Though if needed, I am also a Rifleman. Every Marine is a Rifleman. I am married to a very amazing girl. A girl that I have known for about 6-7 years, and we just got married this past November. I have a 2 year old daughter with my wife as well.
7. What timezone you live in: Currently, I am deployed in Spain. I live in North Carolina, which is EST. But in Spain, the time is +6 of EST time zone.
8. Contact information: Skype username is iibreachmc
9. Donations per month to the server: As donating to a server to keep it running, and new updates coming is a Huge thing to me of playing on a server, I would Love to donate any chance I could. Donations per month you could expect from myself could range anywhere from 5-20$ as I do have a family to take care of. If I don't donate every month, I'd probably be saving it up to buy something big.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from the staff team soon!
If you would like any more information, please contact me on Skype.
Name: Juan
Age: 15
Skype: jvellisochoa
Position: Admin but if denied I would also love to be a Moderator
A little information about myself: My name is Juan I am a student currently and attend school. I am a very bright person (in my opinion) and am ahead a grade in mathematics. I can play the guitar and I am a computer gamer and programmer.
Time able to dedicate towards your server: I personally have a large sum of time on my hands. I only take one musical instrument outside of school, which frees up my time a lot. In order to balance this time I plan what I need to do every day. Currently I am holding 1 separate staff position (which I will list below with evidence), which is very time consuming. However if I am accepted and given the privilege to work with the your server and its staff team I would immediately leave such positions. On an estimate between practicing my musical instrument, doing schoolwork, and moderating the server, I would be able to spend around 3-5 hours on your server and the Forums. I understand that Moderating is a very demanding job, but I am prepared to take it on.
Past experience as staff: I have held 5 staff positions in the past. Unfortunately I can only provide evidence for four of them. I am currently a Head-Mod on Music craft this is a low scale server mainly because previously it was a minigame server. Lack of funds forced us to downgrade to survival and creative. Although I didn’t deal with a lot of people there, it taught me how to deal with minigames contrary to survival. Also, I hold an admin position on an opening server called Skyrim craft this server is starting out so there isn’t much to say about it. The website is up but server is currently down for maintenance. Lastly I hold a T-Mod position on a server called cracked cube I deal with around 7 people a day here but the owner of this server has taught me a lot about professionalism. There is one more server but unfortunately it shut down due to lack of funds I held a head-admin position on it and I was around the only active staff on it. By myself I handled around 30-50 people on a day. This server taught me how to handle large crowds, which I believe will be especially helpful on the server. I held one more moderator staff position but I have no proof of it so I will not be mentioning it here.
Why do I want to be staff: Many people have different reasons to apply for staff. Mine will sound a little cheesy but its true. I purely enjoy helping people. It gives me a sense of gratitude when I show someone how to do things the right way or help someone with their issues. I am a good problem solver and I have an analytical brain. These traits make my job easy and fun. I know that staff isn’t meant to be a fun job, but keeping a cheerful attitude on job and being friendly to players makes more people want to come back to the server. I have two modes when being staff; one cheery light mood when I joke around and talk with players and a serious mood when dealing with issues. I NEVER allow these two to mix together because that could jeopardize my position and probably annoy some players. Lastly, I know that certain people apply for the rank because they think it will bring them respect and make them cool. I have never considered this as a reason to apply and I frankly hate these types of people. They often end up abusing their power and getting banned. I have never abused and will never abuse. I am applying because I believe that I have what it takes to help the server.
Why do I think I should be staff (excellent question by me of course): I consider this question one of the most important questions on a staff application, it allows me to discuss my qualifications so prepare for a long answer. There is a very clear reason in my head that makes me believe I am suitable to be staff, experience. Others may downplay experience but it has taught me a lot. From all of my different staff positions I have learned different things. First, my strategy for dealing with rule breaking players, I have reviewed lots of applications where the person says I will warn them three times and than mute them. Honestly I hate this strategy; its very robotic and the player will probably appeal and do it again. My personal preference to dealing with such issues is convincing. I like to try to talk a spammer out of spamming. In my opinion showing them how what they are doing is pointless and really does nothing can possibly convince them not to do it again. Of course this doesn’t always work than in that case I have to mute them. Banning to me is a last resort. I always oppose banning players unless it is obvious that they must be banned or it’s a last resort. In my view servers love their members and all that banning does is remove members. If we can change the view of such troublemakers than we can have a great community base. Also I understand how to treat a staff rank. When I have been given the privilege to serve on a staff team I take it very seriously. I will joke around with others but I have learned to respect the rank. Being staff will not make me cool or give me respect but it is my goal to help and server the players of this server. I understand that under no circumstances should I abuse and that I have been given a chance to be a part of the staff team, a chance I should be very grateful for. I hope that I can qualify above mediocre and be exceptional. My experience in the past has taught me how to deal with people, how to inspect and analyze a situation, and how to respect everyone. Lastly I do not have anger issues and I don’t rage. I have learned how to keep my cool even in the most frustrating situations. It will be very rare that you see me genuinely ed off at someone. I have handled many situations in the past and I believe that the challenges I will face on your server will be within by ability. Thank you.
Final statement:
Thank you for reading my application if you have further questions please contact me on Skype. I hope you consider me as a candidate for staff on your excellent server.
Please follow the format.
I applied for server administrator on page 14 and just in case that is not available at this time I could be a part of the Network Ad Team.
Best Regards
Youtube: Youtube.com/user/superawesomeguy808
Email: [email protected]
go to YouTube.com/user/superawesomeguy808
The position I will be applying for is Game Master. (Moderator or Admin if you need me to. )
2) Any past experience in the field or something similar?
Yes indeed. I have had a TON of past experience, me and my friend have owned many successful server in the past. We had to shut down do to economical issues.
3) Age and maturity level(1-10)?
I would have to give my maturity level a solid 8. I am mature in all cases, but the other 2 points are because I still like to have fun and enjoy the game, and the community!
4) Skype and IGN?
My Skype is owen.ross16. My In-Game name is FowenX
5) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific!
My typical way of resolving a conflict, would be to first of all, get both sides of the story. After that, I would go in to deep, but quick, investigation. I will not be using the "Ban Hammer" on just anyone, I would have to in-depth proof, and ask a fellow Moderator or Admin on their position of what to do next.
6) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?
The reason you will be able to trust me as an employee, is because I am a hard-working person. I am loyal to the fellow crafters and anyone on the server. I have countless points of experience in the past, and am a Minecraft veteran. I have been playing since Alpha, and know my way around the game.
7) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some:
- Permissions
- Spleef
- Factions
- SurvivalGames
- Jails
... and a few other small plugins most people don't know about
8) Developer only: How much a day can you work?
9) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?
I just want to let you know am am willing to dedicate my many hours a day to this server. I am willing to donate my trust, and my many skills to this Minecraft Server. I feel it is going to be a HUGE success due to your hard-work I can tell you have put in to just his post itself!
~ I hope you consider me to be a part of the Team/Community!
P.S. ~ Sorry if this post looks bad, I went through it in the editor and messed it up a bit.
I am sorry but your application has been denied.
I am sorry but your application has been denied.
I am sorry but your application has been denied.
If you have not been responded to then please repost your application below for me to review!
Here is a list of positions that need to be filled!
Network community manager x1
Network ad team x5
General staff positions
Sever developer x3
Sever game master x1
Sever builder x 10
Denied! Failed the Dev interview over Skype
Leviathan Network Staff.
2.) How important is this to you? Very.
3.) Any past experience in this field or something similar? I'm currently an Administrator for Leviathon Network and am just applying to try and get promoted.
4.) Have you ever managed a server before? Yes, I've managed many servers before this one and I have owned 4 of which 1 was popular that other 3 not so much but I gained a lot of experience from that.
5.) Age and maturity level(1-10)? 8
6.)Skype and IGN? You already have both.
7) Would you still want this job even if it had high stress? Yes, stress doesn't bother me at all because I've been in a lot of stressful positions in life and I can control them very well.
8.) How many hours are you willing to dedicate a day/week? About 5 hours per day on weekdays, a little longer on weekends.
9.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated staff member? I've been with this Network for quite some time now and I feel I have been very dedicated and helpful to the Network.
10.) How much money can you set aside for the network/server (not necessary but will earn you a lot of consideration points)? Not a lot, but I will set aside as much money as I can for the Network.
11.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? I have owned and moderated on many other servers, I like to be a happy member of any community but get work done when it is needed.
If you are really interested just PM me.
2.) Skype/IGN?
Once again just PM me if interested.
3.) Do you have programming knowledge?
I am self taught in java, I also know a little python. I understand general concepts though.
4.) Do you know Java?
Yes, I've wrote a bunch of plugins.
5.) What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?)
6.) Is your code clean?
7.) How long have you been developing/coding?
About a year and a quarter now, I think.
8.) What are you plugins you've created (Provide basic descriptions)
Well I've made many private use plugins that do random things just to test different functions of Bukkit, and minecraft multiplayer. But I've made plugins that work with configurations, event handling, commands, etc.. I guess one example of a plugin I've made recently (and keep in mind this is simple because it was made by request) was a command that blocked dropping things upon death or while alive or both in a world and saved which world had the blocking enabled and such.
7.) Anything else you can bring to the table?
Well I've ran a few small community servers before and I know quite a bit about server management (perms, files, etc.). I don't really know what else I bring to the table. I guess I just like to be part of a team (like a server team) and enjoy playing as well as working for servers.
My questions:
I am curious about a few things. One, would I be paid? Two, is the server hosted as of now? Three, is the server going to be just MMO? That's about it.
1.) Age? 12 years old. I am mature though for my age as I have seen some other people my age who cant handle one word. It is not even funny.
2.) Skype/IGN? My Skype name is chris.jimoah21. It will say Chris [GFX Etc.]
3.) Do you have programming knowledge? A little bit, As I said before im wondering if I can possibly get on of those jobs.
4.) Do you know Java? I have done a little bit of java. So yes. I made my own plugin where when you type /cookie a creeper pops up and explodes with cookies. Although I have lost that plugin sadly.
5.) What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?) I like to do plugins. Also Web Development. Thats my favorite! Haha, Anyway It would be cool for something like Plugins and Web Dev and GFX all three jobs! I would love to do it!
6.) Is your code clean? I guess you can say that? I have made some cool things with windows codes such as Rainbow colored matrix:)
7.) How long have you been developing/coding? I used to have my own server long ago. It was not successful. With that I added my cookie plugin and more people joined amazingly! Then I got no donations so had to shut down my server. So that was about a year ago. Maybe two.
8.) What are the you plugins you've created (Provide basic descriptions) As I said before I created my cookie plugin. Untill then I have not made any plugins nor want to. It was sort of a disappointment.
7.) Anything else you can bring to the table? Yes! As I said the few times I would like to be GFX,Website Developer,Server Developer,Plugins and maybe an admin if possible. Im willing to do anything for this server!
Extra: Proof Of Work I made:
A Outro I made http://i57.tinypic.com/11v62ol.jpg
Hopefully I get Accepted! ~Chris
If you are really interested just PM me.
2.) Skype/IGN?
Once again just PM me if interested.
3.) Do you have programming knowledge?
I am self taught in java, I also know a little python. I understand general concepts though.
4.) Do you know Java?
Yes, I've wrote a bunch of plugins.
5.) What are you applying for as a developer? (Plugins, Web Development?)
6.) Is your code clean?
7.) How long have you been developing/coding?
About a year and a quarter now, I think.
8.) What are you plugins you've created (Provide basic descriptions)
Well I've made many private use plugins that do random things just to test different functions of Bukkit, and minecraft multiplayer. But I've made plugins that work with configurations, event handling, commands, etc.. I guess one example of a plugin I've made recently (and keep in mind this is simple because it was made by request) was a command that blocked dropping things upon death or while alive or both in a world and saved which world had the blocking enabled and such.
7.) Anything else you can bring to the table?
Well I've ran a few small community servers before and I know quite a bit about server management (perms, files, etc.). I don't really know what else I bring to the table. I guess I just like to be part of a team (like a server team) and enjoy playing as well as working for servers.
My questions:
I am curious about a few things. One, would I be paid? Two, is the server hosted as of now? Three, is the server going to be just MMO? That's about it.
1.) Age? (Looking for 18+ - not required)
Born: October 14th 1994
2.) Skype/IGN?
I go by pbgben ingame, and have Skype.
3.) Will you take this position seriously? (100 word minimum)
I understand your not looking for a simple yes answer, but I would not be applying for this position if I was not able to commit my time and attention to. So yes I will take the position seriously, and no this is not 100 words.
4.) Do you understand that this position is taken extremely highly?
I fully understand that my full attention will be necessary for this position, I can assure you my maturity and attention to detail.
5.) Previous experience? (MUST HAVE!)
I was involved in the running of a successful Minecraft server that was started back in 2010, I was part of a team of around 5 and we shared many of the day to day tasks of running the server and making sure things were kept up-to-date. Additionally I had the extended role to manage the servers website and custom scripts that managed the grey-list, bans and our custom built donations system.
To date, I manage a few servers located in data centers for friends and clients, this is not a big business and doesn't take much of my time.
6.) Why do you want this position (100 word minimum)
Since the closure of Tektoncraft, I have had a growing urge to get back into the server hosting/management position I was once proud to hold. I need something to give me the inspiration to develop new ideas and provide the steam to help me start and finish projects.
I'm also quite young for a systems engineer, I started young with Tekton, and want to continue to expand my knowledge through first hand experience with the issues that will arise as this network grows and as we expand onto new, much more powerful, hardware.
7.) Do you speak and type with proper, and fluent English/Grammar?
I'm sure this question can answer itself upon reading my post.
8.) What are your computer and or Minecraft skills? (Coding? Which languages? Developing? Building)
I'm a systems engineer, I can manage both Linux and Windows operating systems. I speak fluent English and am a master of Google translate. I can also design and code websites in HTML/CSS and program back end systems in PHP, JSON, SQL, or develop .net based windows applications.
9.) How will you earn this position?
The only way I know how, by working hard at my tasks and being as professional as needed.
10.) What can you bring to the table, how will you make our network better? (100 word MINIMUM!)
My adept skills in server management and web development will be my primary cards on the table, I have extensive knowledge of running servers and the best providers around the world. I intend to use my skills to get better deals on hosting and make sure that those hosts work with us to provide a perfect connection to our players.
A successful network needs more than just a singe server, you'll need a few to guarantee a stable up time and disaster mitigation. As well as supporting the front and back end of the website and forums.
I have also been through the process of running a server, I've tested a ton of applications and scripts to find the best systems for the best prices, and then gone through them to customize them beyond their supported methods.
Finally, you'll need people on your team with experience, knowledge and a profession in server management.
2.) Any past experience in the field or something similar?
5.) What is your typical way of resolving a conflict? Be specific!
6.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?
7.) Are you familiar with plugins? If so name some:
8.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?
2.) How important is this to you? I wouldn't mind helping out fellow servers to get more popularity as I have seen quite a few close down. Sadly :'(
!3.) Any past experience in this field or something similar? No, but I use social media quite a lot and I know what they want!
4.) Have you ever managed a server before? 1 presently and 1 in the past. ( Owner) Quite a few times moderating and administrating.
5.) Age and maturity level(1-10)? Age: 13 Maturity: 7
6.)Skype and IGN? r.s.m.speirs IGN: nude_scot
7) Would you still want this job even if it had high stress? Yes sure, I can put the times and effort into it, but school work sometimes intervenes.
8.) How many hours are you willing to dedicate a day/week? An hour a day minimum.
9.) How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated staff member? Just have to trust me. I can do this!
10.) How much money can you set aside for the network/server (not necessary but will earn you a lot of consideration points)? Around $20 max
11.) Anything else that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points? Yes. I run an instagram page and would love to post about your server with screenshots and filters
Other stuff: In the near future, I am going to be finishing off my unique modpack server and would not mind to join a network!
Any past experience in the field or something similar?I have Built on Pixelmon and modded servers and I have a lot of experience building
Ageand maturity level(1-10)?I would put my self at 10 out of 10 because I have worked with builders that are just goofing of and I hate them because I want it too get done not just Make Jokes.
Skypeand IGN?Sorry No skype But IGN is SilverSalamence
Whatis your typical way of resolving a conflict?Be specific!I will tell them to stop and it doesnt matter so you should just stop because it is just going to get into a bigger fight and it will not resolve anything.
How can I trust that you are going to be a dedicated employee?I can do it every day and I have owned many Servers So I know how it is and how stressful it can be
Are you familiar with plugins?If so name some:I know the HG Guns Plugin and I know the Stronger Mobs Plugins and I am Familiar with lots of others but I do not Know the names of them.
Anythingelse that I should know that may earn this application some consideration points?Nothing else you should know
Leviathan Network