C-Craft is a new server being released soon, but before it's released we need staff!
C-Craft info:
C-Craft is a new community that features a towny server, and a factions server.
We have minigames including SurvivalGames, Spleef, and SkyBlock. We also have awesome donator packages.
We are basically looking for people that are:
On a lot
14+ years old
So if you are interested, just post your information like this.
* = required.
*In-Game Name:
*Experience being staff:
Why you want to be staff:
If you have any questions about the server, just post them below :D.
*In-Game Name: lazonlop123 *Skype:wragt349 *Age:14 *Experience being staff:I have been a staff in couple of servers Why you want to be staff:To help you guys make the server improve
*In-Game Name: Blaizius, though online I go by nicknames such as Blaze, Blaz and Blazes.
*Skype: My current name is Blaizius, though If that doesn't work try bjcavis. I would prefer chat for now as I would first like to get to know you before anything cakes into play. I think a great part of being mature is to be responsible for ones self, and should prioritise safety over other things.
*Age: I am currently 17, turning 18 in september.
*Experience being staff: I have worked on a couple of servers, acting as moderator, (Minecraft Addicts) builder/ head builder (Minecraft Addicts) and a lore writer (Curse of Moria) to name a few.
Why you want to be staff: I am comfortable with many different styles of building including medieval, old english/victorian, Modern and fantasy. I am currently partaking in a '1 to 1' program with younger children in pre-school and primary school. Through this I have learnt of how to deal with situations comfortably and how to get slog with people. I tend to be a people person, making friends through common likes and dislikes.
A bit about me I currently reside in Australia with my family, though I have French and Italian heritage. I can go on the server about 2 - 10 hours each day, serving out anything needed in those times. If anything, my staff preference would be a Moderator/Builder, for my love of building and helping others. I tend to write a lot in applications, due to the fact that I believe that the more you write, the better chance you have of being accepted, as the more you add, the more you are willing to trust that person.
I would also (with your permission and a bit of time on the server) like to become a head in any profession as I think I can strive to lead and support others with my skill.
If I am accepted please send me a personal message.
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Well the title says everything , I can be Co-Owner / Plugin-Manager doesnt matter anyways heres the app
GN: baobei07
Age: 12
Skype: alwis001
Position: Co-Owner / Plugin-Manager
Years Played: 2 and a half years now.
Average daily on time: Well, due to the fact that I am in high school, I can try for 4 hours during the week, because of homework, I may will be on everyday. On the weekend hours I can play vary from 8-12, give or take.
Previous experiences on other servers:I CoOwned a Factions server for around a year, it then closed but came back up a year later and I moderated it. I have heard nothing but good comments on my management skills. I have also administrated a survival server for around 7 months. Along with this I have personally owned 3 servers, my most recent grossed around 400-500 dollars in profit. None of the money went to me or staff all money was dedicated to the server. (advertising, website, more player slots, etc) Unfortunately my server came to an end, I was unable to play non stop like I was because of school, and my staff were unable to handle things themselves. So, it died out. The remaining money was refunded.
If so, names of these servers: The creative server had many names, those names were, NukeUSA, NixtCraft, and Create System. I do not recall the name of the survival server, sorry. When I become staff on a server I tend to stick with it for awhile, I do not like to move around to different servers and see how many servers I can become staff on, I prefer to stay loyal to 1 or 2.
What happened to these servers?: The Factions server has died twice now unfortunately, due to the owner just leaving randomly. The survival server died due to constant ddos attacks.
Are you currently staff of any other servers?: I am a head-Admin on ArcadeCraft and HulkCraft. Do not worry my work on this server will not affect my work on your server.
Why are you applying for another server?: I am applying to make sure my time on minecraft is fully occupied, because I always love doing something to help.
Building skill (1-20): 18, to be honest, I am not that great of a builder, sorry. If you are going to hire me hire me for server management or permissions management.
Plugin Knowledge (1-20): 18/20, because I am good with plugins, but there is always more to learn so I do not think anyone, can give themselves a full 20. I must say, however, I am an expert with GroupManager, I have set up GM permissions for around 3 server now, including my own. I can have full permissions up and running perfectly within mins, although I prefer to take a day to perfect everything.
Coding Knowledge (1-20): 13, I have tried coding once went horribly wrong, just about destroyed my server.
Basic Command Knowledge (1-20): 20/20, I love my commands.
Fluent Languages: English and I am currently learning Spanish, I currently know very little Spanish.
What do you hope to accomplish for the server?: I hope to help, what ever server I get accepted on, reach its peak. I am able to manage the server smoothly even if there are no other staff present. I am independent. I can eliminate and dangers that may present themselves to the server. With help from all staff and especially owner I believe we can keep this server up and running for years. I am able to advertise, and keep a steady flow of new players coming to the server. Along with this I can find donors that will help keep server running.I am quite good at making donor ranks appealing and making people want to donate themselves. If given a chance, I believe with help from all we can work miracles for the server.
What can you bring that others can't?: I can bring my wide range of server experience, from Creative to Survival to Hunger Games servers. I have yet to let down a server. I can bring the much need audience and donors to the server to keep it running for years.
Anything else you may want to add?: That is pretty much it. Thank you for taking a look at my app to those who did. Hope to see you soon.
Avaibility : 4 days a week , 8 hours on the 4 days!
Donation Ability - I cant really donate and i dont need to be paid
*In-Game Name: argster2k
*Skype: will be getting one soon, it will be argster2k also. message you when i get it
*Age: i would rather not reveal my actual age, so somewhere between 14 and 16.
*Experience being staff: a lot, about 3 or four servers
Why you want to be staff: I would like to help build the server hub, etc.
Baobei07 we'd definitely be interested, but I already manage everything on the server that requires being set up plus I can code; so, if you'd like to be staff you'd be put into Admin or Mod position. - I have added you on skype btw.
Weirdo12321 we'd be interested and if you'd like to PM me your skype, if you have one, that'd be great :D.
argster2k just PM me when you get the skype and we'd definitely be interested :D.
Thank you everyone for the replies.
If you are still interested as of RIGHT NOW we have two positions on our factions server left, Moderator (Mod) and Admin. If you are interested and apply, we will find the right fit for you :D.
In-Game Name: Rilesteenz Skype: rilesteenz Age: Not revealing. Experience being staff: Yes! I'm Mod-Admin+ in lots of servers. Why you want to be staff: So I can help out within the server and help the players have a good time.
Baobei07 we'd definitely be interested, but I already manage everything on the server that requires being set up plus I can code; so, if you'd like to be staff you'd be put into Admin or Mod position. - I have added you on skype btw.
Weirdo12321 we'd be interested and if you'd like to PM me your skype, if you have one, that'd be great .
argster2k just PM me when you get the skype and we'd definitely be interested .
Thank you everyone for the replies.
If you are still interested as of RIGHT NOW we have two positions on our factions server left, Moderator (Mod) and Admin. If you are interested and apply, we will find the right fit for you .
Whats your skype? cos i didnt receive your request
*In-Game Name: Felicitaaay *Skype: felicitaaay (United STates) *Age: 14 *Experience being staff: I am currently a co-owner on Wolfcraft and a Admin on SlashCraft Why you want to be staff: I would like to be a staff because i like to help people fix their problems and I just like to help out with the community and prevent any trouble liked ppl
C-Craft info:
C-Craft is a new community that features a towny server, and a factions server.
We have minigames including SurvivalGames, Spleef, and SkyBlock. We also have awesome donator packages.
We are basically looking for people that are:
* = required.
*In-Game Name:
*Experience being staff:
Why you want to be staff:
If you have any questions about the server, just post them below :D.
*In-Game Name: lazonlop123
*Experience being staff:I have been a staff in couple of servers
Why you want to be staff:To help you guys make the server improve
Blaizius, though online I go by nicknames such as Blaze, Blaz and Blazes.
My current name is Blaizius, though If that doesn't work try bjcavis. I would prefer chat for now as I would first like to get to know you before anything cakes into play. I think a great part of being mature is to be responsible for ones self, and should prioritise safety over other things.
I am currently 17, turning 18 in september.
*Experience being staff:
I have worked on a couple of servers, acting as moderator, (Minecraft Addicts) builder/ head builder (Minecraft Addicts) and a lore writer (Curse of Moria) to name a few.
Why you want to be staff:
I am comfortable with many different styles of building including medieval, old english/victorian, Modern and fantasy. I am currently partaking in a '1 to 1' program with younger children in pre-school and primary school. Through this I have learnt of how to deal with situations comfortably and how to get slog with people. I tend to be a people person, making friends through common likes and dislikes.
A bit about me
I currently reside in Australia with my family, though I have French and Italian heritage. I can go on the server about 2 - 10 hours each day, serving out anything needed in those times. If anything, my staff preference would be a Moderator/Builder, for my love of building and helping others. I tend to write a lot in applications, due to the fact that I believe that the more you write, the better chance you have of being accepted, as the more you add, the more you are willing to trust that person.
I would also (with your permission and a bit of time on the server) like to become a head in any profession as I think I can strive to lead and support others with my skill.
If I am accepted please send me a personal message.
Excessive hat tipping to the people that press the Like button for things they found useful or helpful
*hat tipping intensifies
Blaizius I'll send you a skype request, we can talk from there.
GN: baobei07
Age: 12
Skype: alwis001
Position: Co-Owner / Plugin-Manager
Years Played: 2 and a half years now.
Average daily on time: Well, due to the fact that I am in high school, I can try for 4 hours during the week, because of homework, I may will be on everyday. On the weekend hours I can play vary from 8-12, give or take.
Previous experiences on other servers:I CoOwned a Factions server for around a year, it then closed but came back up a year later and I moderated it. I have heard nothing but good comments on my management skills. I have also administrated a survival server for around 7 months. Along with this I have personally owned 3 servers, my most recent grossed around 400-500 dollars in profit. None of the money went to me or staff all money was dedicated to the server. (advertising, website, more player slots, etc) Unfortunately my server came to an end, I was unable to play non stop like I was because of school, and my staff were unable to handle things themselves. So, it died out. The remaining money was refunded.
If so, names of these servers: The creative server had many names, those names were, NukeUSA, NixtCraft, and Create System. I do not recall the name of the survival server, sorry. When I become staff on a server I tend to stick with it for awhile, I do not like to move around to different servers and see how many servers I can become staff on, I prefer to stay loyal to 1 or 2.
What happened to these servers?: The Factions server has died twice now unfortunately, due to the owner just leaving randomly. The survival server died due to constant ddos attacks.
Are you currently staff of any other servers?: I am a head-Admin on ArcadeCraft and HulkCraft. Do not worry my work on this server will not affect my work on your server.
Why are you applying for another server?: I am applying to make sure my time on minecraft is fully occupied, because I always love doing something to help.
Building skill (1-20): 18, to be honest, I am not that great of a builder, sorry. If you are going to hire me hire me for server management or permissions management.
Plugin Knowledge (1-20): 18/20, because I am good with plugins, but there is always more to learn so I do not think anyone, can give themselves a full 20. I must say, however, I am an expert with GroupManager, I have set up GM permissions for around 3 server now, including my own. I can have full permissions up and running perfectly within mins, although I prefer to take a day to perfect everything.
Coding Knowledge (1-20): 13, I have tried coding once went horribly wrong, just about destroyed my server.
Basic Command Knowledge (1-20): 20/20, I love my commands.
Fluent Languages: English and I am currently learning Spanish, I currently know very little Spanish.
What do you hope to accomplish for the server?: I hope to help, what ever server I get accepted on, reach its peak. I am able to manage the server smoothly even if there are no other staff present. I am independent. I can eliminate and dangers that may present themselves to the server. With help from all staff and especially owner I believe we can keep this server up and running for years. I am able to advertise, and keep a steady flow of new players coming to the server. Along with this I can find donors that will help keep server running.I am quite good at making donor ranks appealing and making people want to donate themselves. If given a chance, I believe with help from all we can work miracles for the server.
What can you bring that others can't?: I can bring my wide range of server experience, from Creative to Survival to Hunger Games servers. I have yet to let down a server. I can bring the much need audience and donors to the server to keep it running for years.
Anything else you may want to add?: That is pretty much it. Thank you for taking a look at my app to those who did. Hope to see you soon.
Avaibility : 4 days a week , 8 hours on the 4 days!
Donation Ability - I cant really donate and i dont need to be paid
An Experienced Plugin Manager!
*In-Game Name: argster2k
*Skype: will be getting one soon, it will be argster2k also. message you when i get it
*Age: i would rather not reveal my actual age, so somewhere between 14 and 16.
*Experience being staff: a lot, about 3 or four servers
Why you want to be staff: I would like to help build the server hub, etc.
Weirdo12321 we'd be interested and if you'd like to PM me your skype, if you have one, that'd be great :D.
argster2k just PM me when you get the skype and we'd definitely be interested :D.
Thank you everyone for the replies.
If you are still interested as of RIGHT NOW we have two positions on our factions server left, Moderator (Mod) and Admin. If you are interested and apply, we will find the right fit for you :D.
Skype: rilesteenz
Age: Not revealing.
Experience being staff: Yes! I'm Mod-Admin+ in lots of servers.
Why you want to be staff: So I can help out within the server and help the players have a good time.
Whats your skype? cos i didnt receive your request
An Experienced Plugin Manager!
*Skype: felicitaaay (United STates)
*Age: 14
*Experience being staff: I am currently a co-owner on Wolfcraft and a Admin on SlashCraft
Why you want to be staff: I would like to be a staff because i like to help people fix their problems and I just like to help out with the community and prevent any trouble liked ppl