I am looking for a person how know how to make a minecraft serrver hosting company
i have a website and i can bay to you
and thx http://www.onegameclub.com
We have several Minecraft servers hosted on our VPS/Hybrid/Dedicated servers.
If you're interested, we could help you develop a Minecraft hosting service, using our servers. If you have the funds available to rent servers beforehand I recommend it, but we could set up a reselling arrangement with you to take a good chunk of all sales your company makes.
www.nuovawebs.com, you can ask for me in Live Chat - My name is Will.
i have a website and i can bay to you
and thx
Try 9th node networks. They're a very great hosting company with 24/7 support for you and your server.
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If you're interested, we could help you develop a Minecraft hosting service, using our servers. If you have the funds available to rent servers beforehand I recommend it, but we could set up a reselling arrangement with you to take a good chunk of all sales your company makes.
www.nuovawebs.com, you can ask for me in Live Chat - My name is Will.