The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Hello Minecrafters! My name is Mason, And I'm going to be starting up a new server. The server has been decided to be a Network of Servers (Starting out with Factions, Kit pvp). We're looking for people with creative minds who could help us by contributing their great ideas for plugins.plugins. Im looking for a whole group of people that would like to create this great server from the ground up and make it the best of the best!
Ign: Age: How much experience do you have? Where from?: Time zone: Hours you can play per day: Why you want to be a mod on my server? What can you contribute to the server? Have you ever been banned from a server? Why?
Coders Ign: Age: Time zone: How much experience do you have? Doing what? What can you contribute to our server? Example of plugin you made/helped with(put link here): Why do you want to code for me?
Builders Ign: Age: Time zone: Building experience (post pic): Why do you want to be a builder here?
If you have any Questions please fill free to add me on
Position: i want to be head-mod and head-builder i can make a great spawn for you and i have alot of experience not much with plugins but i could moderate and build for the server
Experience:I used to own a server called gircraft and used to be head mod for obamacraft and head builder and admin for mcdeltacraft and currently builder/Head-admin for rpgknight
Please consider me for your staff and you might want to fix the thread:D
IGN:Wafemutaku Skype:lakaboom_kyle09 Age:11 Position:Builder Proof of Creations: Will make one for this server Am I Currently staff on any server?:No Because I dont have a full version account I only use KeiNett Launcher I wish for one to join here I can join one but the Admin is not always Online Do I have any experience of a Builder?:No As I said I am Not a staff on any server
ING:Redlog29 Skype:south.lynn Age:13 Position: i can be in any position you need me in but I whould like to be admin Experience: Have my owner bukkit server and have helped many servers become popular
Skype: d3v1n302418 IGN: d3v1n302418 Position: Developer(Coder) Reason you should chose me? Well I'm a 2 year plugin developer and am very reliable. I love to code and am willing to help you out. I do not request any money(nor will I accept any). Please contact me if you would like to talk about this.
Hello Minecrafters! My name is Mason, And I'm going to be starting up a new server. The server has been decided to be a Network of Servers (Starting out with Factions, Kit pvp). We're looking for people with creative minds who could help us by contributing their great ideas for plugins.plugins. Im looking for a whole group of people that would like to create this great server from the ground up and make it the best of the best!
How much experience do you have? Where from?:
Time zone:
Hours you can play per day:
Why you want to be a mod on my server?
What can you contribute to the server?
Have you ever been banned from a server? Why?
Time zone:
How much experience do you have? Doing what?
What can you contribute to our server?
Example of plugin you made/helped with(put link here):
Why do you want to code for me?
Time zone:
Building experience (post pic):
Why do you want to be a builder here?
If you have any Questions please fill free to add me on
skype :Mason Phillips
Position: i want to be head-mod and head-builder i can make a great spawn for you and i have alot of experience not much with plugins but i could moderate and build for the server
Experience:I used to own a server called gircraft and used to be head mod for obamacraft and head builder and admin for mcdeltacraft and currently builder/Head-admin for rpgknight
Please consider me for your staff and you might want to fix the thread:D
Proof of Creations: Will make one for this server
Am I Currently staff on any server?:No Because I dont have a full version account I only use KeiNett Launcher I wish for one to join here I can join one but the Admin is not always Online
Do I have any experience of a Builder?:No As I said I am Not a staff on any server
Here goes Nothing Hope this application works
Position: i can be in any position you need me in but I whould like to be admin
Experience: Have my owner bukkit server and have helped many servers become popular
IGN: d3v1n302418
Position: Developer(Coder)
Reason you should chose me? Well I'm a 2 year plugin developer and am very reliable. I love to code and am willing to help you out. I do not request any money(nor will I accept any). Please contact me if you would like to talk about this.