I have been running small servers for my family and a few friends for a while, but want to do something bigger. I like most working adults have a limited amount of time to spend developing a server that can hold it's own, so I am looking for some experienced help. My server has a domain name and IP Address, though I am considering buying another block.
Here are the positions I am wanting to fill.
Co-Owner(s) - Responsible for upkeep and development of the server and it's plugins.
Admins - Responsible for helping keep peace, order, and fairness on the server.
Builders - responsible for assisting other staff in peace keeping and leading on the build efforts.
Application process and requirements:
The application needs to be filled out completely and accurately, and it needs to convince me you are interested in the same types of things I am for the server. I'm not telling you what I want to see because I want to know who you are.
Short and/or incomplete applications will be ignored, unless I feel it was an oversight; in which case I may at my discretion follow up with you.
The application must include the word "Language" so I know you read instruction completely and are not too lazy to follow through.
copy and paste the following application to your post and fill out completely.
What is your in-game Name?
What is your age?
How much time do you play?
How much time can you dedicate to the server?
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?
What position are you interested in?
How long have you been playing MC?
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?
How much time do you play?: 3-6 hours at least every day
How much time can you dedicate to the server?: well between 3-6 hours every day (might change in the future we will see)
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?: well keep my room as clean as possible, do laundry, help with dishes, take dog for walk, take out trash, and homework
What position are you interested in?: Co-owner cause I'm great at being a leader and helping others with questions or problems
How long have you been playing MC?: 11 months
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?: I'm a staff member on one currently active server, but I have been a Co-owner on a friend of mines server which I'm still not sure whats happen to it :/
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?: Well I'm a great leader and I'm a very mature trustworthy responsible person and player ((says my teacher)) and I take action at any problem and I try my best to fix it, big or small, I can probably over come it.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?: I'm not a tech kind of guy at all so pretty horrible I'm afraid :/
Where would you like to see the server go?: Well I always try to meet above and beyond expectations, and if I'm going to do that I need to do my best, hire the right people (if more staff is needed) and deal with any problem thats in my way
What plugins if any do you have experience with?: bad but learning how to use world edit
What type of players do you like?: I like players who are fun, energetic, kind, respects the rules all the time or most of the time, but can get mad at things (I feel like I am a bit like this player )
What type of players do you dislike?: well hackers and people that would say mean things to players that I think would leave a mark, the one that you can't control and freak out at everything (( I have once seen somebody like this and they said I like to suck on my moms tits... the things is that my mom is dead and I live with my aunt *I have no idea where my father is* so it was very hurtful )
Is there anything you are forgetting? I dont mind when players swear a bit, I do myself when I'm mad... but if they spam YOU ALL then I'd temp ban him for an hour
Am I forgetting anything?: nope I dont think so, but thank you for taking the time by reading this application I hope I get to join your staff team!!!!
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Play CS:GO?? Add Me @ Steam! `IHeartWifi #EzSkins.com`
How much time do you play?: 3-6 hours at least every day
How much time can you dedicate to the server?: well between 3-6 hours every day (might change in the future we will see)
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?: well keep my room as clean as possible, do laundry, help with dishes, take dog for walk, take out trash, and homework
What position are you interested in?: Co-owner cause I'm great at being a leader and helping others with questions or problems
How long have you been playing MC?: 11 months
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?: I'm a staff member on one currently active server, but I have been a Co-owner on a friend of mines server which I'm still not sure whats happen to it :/
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?: Well I'm a great leader and I'm a very mature trustworthy responsible person and player ((says my teacher)) and I take action at any problem and I try my best to fix it, big or small, I can probably over come it.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?: I'm not a tech kind of guy at all so pretty horrible I'm afraid :/
Where would you like to see the server go?: Well I always try to meet above and beyond expectations, and if I'm going to do that I need to do my best, hire the right people (if more staff is needed) and deal with any problem thats in my way
What plugins if any do you have experience with?: bad but learning how to use world edit
What type of players do you like?: I like players who are fun, energetic, kind, respects the rules all the time or most of the time, but can get mad at things (I feel like I am a bit like this player )
What type of players do you dislike?: well hackers and people that would say mean things to players that I think would leave a mark, the one that you can't control and freak out at everything (( I have once seen somebody like this and they said I like to suck on my moms tits... the things is that my mom is dead and I live with my aunt *I have no idea where my father is* so it was very hurtful )
Is there anything you are forgetting? I dont mind when players swear a bit, I do myself when I'm mad... but if they spam YOU ALL then I'd temp ban him for an hour
Am I forgetting anything?: nope I dont think so, but thank you for taking the time by reading this application I hope I get to join your staff team!!!!
Sorry, you don't have what I am looking for, but I will let you know when we start testing. We will see where things go then.
What is your in-game Name? My ingame name is robinhoodie3
What is your age? 12
How much time do you play? I can play around 4+ hours per day (after school) and I have had minecraft for just over two years.On the weekends I can practically play for the whole day.
How much time can you dedicate to the server? I can dedicate around 4+ hours on the server daily. And I can also get a few friends on the server.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? As I am still in school I don't have many important responsibilities. I know a lot about servers and plugins though. At weekends I may be off for an hour because of homework.
What position are you interested in? Co-Owner or Admin (I am also happy with Head-Admin)
How long have you been playing MC? I have been playing minecraft for over two years.
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? I am not really staff on any servers right now. But I have had a lot of experience as staff on servers that have unfortunately shut down. Here is my staff experience (Head-Admin: 2 Admin: 3 Mod:2 Head-Mod: 1)
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? As I have said I have a lot of experience related to servers and spend a lot of my day around them and setting them up for friends and sometimes myself. I know how to set up plugins and sort out a lot of things related to plugins. I unfortunately don't know how to make my own plugins but it is something I am willing to learn. I very mature and I like to help people. I will stick to all rules and make sure nobody breaks the rules or hacks and I will punish people who do so in the right way. I also am online a lot so I can help people out on the server for a while each day. I can also help you out with your server If you would like some help. Overall I would really like to be Co-Owner or Admin on the server so I can be part of the team and make the server an enjoyable one for everybody. I am also a trustworthy person and I will stick with your server
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? I don't have that much programming skills but as I said above I am more than willing to learn.
Where would you like to see the server go? I would love to see the server go which ever way you would like it. But I would like to see the server become popular and enjoyable for all players.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? I have experience with these plugins and more but I get to know plugins and how they work quickly. Essentials GroupManager Factions PlotMe PlayerHeads Disguise Craft
What type of players do you like? I like players who enjoy the server and like to have a good time but I am nice to all people for they way they are unless they are rule breakers.
What type of players do you dislike? I dislike players who break the rules and hack. I also don't like people who use bad language (swear or curse words)
Is there anything you are forgetting? I don't think so besides my skype which I can tell you if you need it but I would prefer not to say it in the forums.
Am I forgetting anything? Not that I am aware of. But I would like to know the IP.
All I can say is thank you for reading my application and I hope you choose me
It looks like you have some good experience, but you started working for another server very recently. We can talk more outside of the forum.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
What is your in-game Name?
King_Hustla12 What is your age?
15 How much time do you play?
Anywhere from 1-5 hours a day How much time can you dedicate to the server?
The whole time I am on Minecraft In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?
School, homework chores, lol What position are you interested in?
Admin/mod How long have you been playing MC?
2 years Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?
I have been staff on MCOPVP (server closed) Universal Rush (Cruel Owner) and Nexus PVP (Left because Owner wasn't dedicated and left the Admin in charge and I hated the Admin) What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?
I am very good in keeping a server under controls and I lot of plugins What technical, and or programming skills do you have?
I can learn coding if you need I know some. I know a lot about plugins and permissions Where would you like to see the server go?
Bigger than the biggest! What plugins if any do you have experience with?
factions, many mini games ones and I know everything about World Guard and World Edit What type of players do you like?
The ones that listen and don't do stupid things What type of players do you dislike?
Opposite of what I just said Is there anything you are forgetting?
I hope not
SKYPE : logan.brinks Am I forgetting anything?
How much time do you play? Minecraft is my main PC game, 3-5 hours a day on most days.
How much time can you dedicate to the server? I would spend most of my time on minecraft on the server, instead of my survival worlds, 2-4 hours a day at least.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? Homework, chores, and babysitting, but i will make sure to let you know when i am free.
What position are you interested in? I would take any of the positions, Preferably Admin or builder, for i have experience with both.
How long have you been playing MC? Since before 1.4.7, not sure exactly when.
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes, i was admin on a survival world, the owner saw i was a decent builder and I helped him with building things on the server, i left because of a new update, he changed the IP in 1.5.2
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? On the server i mentioned earlier, I also kept the peace in the server, making sure no griefers, exploiters, hackers, and anything against the server rules.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Not a lot, i have been able to create mods, edit save files and install mods and addons.
Where would you like to see the server go? I would like to see the server grow, bringing me along with it.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? Tree assist, claiming blocks/items and Chest shops.
What type of players do you like? Ones who do not talk rudely, inapropriately, or imaturely, i also like those who obey the rules and respect their higher ranks.
What type of players do you dislike? I dislike ones who behave rudely, inapropriately, or imaturely I also dislike the disobeyers, and ones who do not obey server rules also those who use bad LANGUAGE and rude gestures.
Is there anything you are forgetting? No, I read through all of the instructions and filled in the answers with complete thoughts.
Am I forgetting anything? Not that i can see, your server seems to be a good one.
How much time can you dedicate to the server? i could spend most of my computer time so about 2 hours a day
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? i usually just do school and help out with my family
What position are you interested in? anything that you would need me to
How long have you been playing MC? about 3 or four years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?i have never been on staff on another server
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? i have never worked on any other servers
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? i have no expirence with programming
Where would you like to see the server go? i would love to see the server go a long way have have plenty of people to make the server grow
What plugins if any do you have experience with? i have never worked with plugins
What type of players do you like? i like players with a good attitude and use good language
What type of players do you dislike? i dislike players who are direspectful and lie
Is there anything you are forgetting? no i read through all the instructions and answered all the questions
What is your in-game Name? Michael (Or Ray, whichever you prefer)
What is your age?: 17 (18 next month)
How much time do you play?: Almost all day. So probably 8-19 hours, Depending on the day. During the week its 8 hours cause of school.
How much time can you dedicate to the server?:All but about 8-10 hours. I'm at school all day until the weekend and then on the weekend 20 hours.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?: School, dishes, trash, dog watching,
What position are you interested in?: Co-Owner.
How long have you been playing MC?: Since December 11th 2010
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes I have, on Spark 6 Gaming, VoidFrost Gaming, And Legend Gaming. I own Spark 6 Gaming on Garry's Mod. And Legend Gaming is a 'paused' project for the time being. And VFG was my old Minecraft server from like a year or two ago. I never left spark or LGND They are just both on hold.
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?: Back on Spark I helped keep the players happy, but I also enforced the rules. I was kind of like a very laid back Enforcer. I also know how to manage plugins and even manage the server due to me owning VoidFrost Gaming. I had to manage my owner server, along with it's plugins. Same as spark the way it is now.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?: I can use Photoshop, Notepad++, Filezilla(for FTP sv managing, moving files editing them etc.), Sony Vegas Pro, I can write lets say a story or something, create games(Depending on the game), and I am still working on coding(Lua, C++ etc.)
Where would you like to see the server go?: I would like to see it expand to a vast community like we did with Spark 6 Gaming. We got up to 70 member on our little RP server, it was great!
What plugins if any do you have experience with?: Bukkit/ PEX, Groupmanager, (too many to list really) Custom Enchantments, PlotMe, Factions, Multiverse, Any NPC creating plugin I figure out how to use within minutes, Mobdisguise, Towns, MCMMO, there are literally too many to list.
What type of players do you like?: Ones that enjoy the game for what it is, buildings, rp'ers, explorers, miners, any type!
What type of players do you dislike?: Griefers, Hackers, people than genuinly ruin the game for everyone else. OR think of themselves as a higher entity above other players.
Is there anything you are forgetting? Not but if you need to ask me any more questions my skype is: BurningSnoMan
How much time can you dedicate to the server? I will play everyday, about 1 hour to 3 a day
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?Im in honor school so studying, and playing sports everyday
What position are you interested in? Being a high member, because i always see abusive owners, and i wish that i could be that one nice owner that doesnt get mad.
How long have you been playing MC? 2 years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes; I was very low staff, only a op, so all day i just built for the server and never talked.(i left because i got in a argument saying i was the most caring of the server and the other owner said he does all plug-ins and muted me)
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I feel like im a great building when it comes to towns and citys and buildings(i never done pixel art)
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? I can hack any ps3 game
Where would you like to see the server go? Id get people posting reviews and get it to be a donation server so that we can pay for top internet, without lag.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? i know how to use a lot , almost all famouse plug-ins(but i dont know how to program it)
What type of players do you like? I respect a new player that doesnt bug anyone
What type of players do you dislike? The richest players that think there the best because they been on the server sense the begining
Is there anything you are forgetting? I know a lot about factions, pvp, and survival, also creative
A quick word on Skype; I don't use it. I have servers for Mumble and Ventrillo; If I need to talk to you I will send you a message and we can schedule a time to talk on Mumble or Vent.
I am also a bit disappointed in the failure of some applicants to read the instructions completely.
Hi! I Am Conor Mills! A Respectful, Responsible, Mature And Friendly Player
What is your in-game Name? cnrman
What is your age? 11
How much time do you play? 30min To 2h
How much time can you dedicate to the server?I Would Spend All My Computer Time On It
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? School, Waking Up In The Morning.
What position are you interested in? Admin
How long have you been playing MC? Two Years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason forleaving? None
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I Can Make Peace In Servers, Stop Fights STOP PEOPLE BEING IDIOTS AND HACKING!!
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Plugin Managing, Websites
Where would you like to see the server go? I Would Love The Server To Be Quite Famous With Hundreds Of People On Each Day.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? Pex, Essentials, Worldedit, Multiworld, Multiverse Main, Multiverse Portals, Factions, Survival Games, Chestshop
What type of players do you like?Respectful, Friendly Players That Vote A Lot And Contribute To The Server.
What type of players do you dislike? Hackers, Disrepectful, Immature, Idiots In General And Spammers
Is there anything you are forgetting? Yes, But Nothing To Do With This
Am I forgetting anything? No! Thank you For Reading, Please Accept (: From CNRMAN!!!
Hi! I Am Conor Mills! A Respectful, Responsible, Mature And Friendly Player
What is your in-game Name? cnrman
What is your age? 11
How much time do you play? 30min To 2h
How much time can you dedicate to the server?I Would Spend All My Computer Time On It
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? School, Waking Up In The Morning.
What position are you interested in? Admin
How long have you been playing MC? Two Years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason forleaving? None
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I Can Make Peace In Servers, Stop Fights STOP PEOPLE BEING IDIOTS AND HACKING!!
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Plugin Managing, Websites
Where would you like to see the server go? I Would Love The Server To Be Quite Famous With Hundreds Of People On Each Day.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? Pex, Essentials, Worldedit, Multiworld, Multiverse Main, Multiverse Portals, Factions, Survival Games, Chestshop
What type of players do you like?Respectful, Friendly Players That Vote A Lot And Contribute To The Server.
What type of players do you dislike? Hackers, Disrepectful, Immature, Idiots In General And Spammers
Is there anything you are forgetting? Yes, But Nothing To Do With This
Am I forgetting anything? No! Thank you For Reading, Please Accept (: From CNRMAN!!!
Denied; your post sounds too immature, and you didn't follow instructions.
How much time do you play? Minecraft is my main PC game, 3-5 hours a day on most days.
How much time can you dedicate to the server? I would spend most of my time on minecraft on the server, instead of my survival worlds, 2-4 hours a day at least.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? Homework, chores, and babysitting, but i will make sure to let you know when i am free.
What position are you interested in? I would take any of the positions, Preferably Admin or builder, for i have experience with both.
How long have you been playing MC? Since before 1.4.7, not sure exactly when.
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes, i was admin on a survival world, the owner saw i was a decent builder and I helped him with building things on the server, i left because of a new update, he changed the IP in 1.5.2
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? On the server i mentioned earlier, I also kept the peace in the server, making sure no griefers, exploiters, hackers, and anything against the server rules.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Not a lot, i have been able to create mods, edit save files and install mods and addons.
Where would you like to see the server go? I would like to see the server grow, bringing me along with it.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? Tree assist, claiming blocks/items and Chest shops.
What type of players do you like? Ones who do not talk rudely, inapropriately, or imaturely, i also like those who obey the rules and respect their higher ranks.
What type of players do you dislike? I dislike ones who behave rudely, inapropriately, or imaturely I also dislike the disobeyers, and ones who do not obey server rules also those who use bad LANGUAGE and rude gestures.
Is there anything you are forgetting? No, I read through all of the instructions and filled in the answers with complete thoughts.
Am I forgetting anything? Not that i can see, your server seems to be a good one.
What is your in-game Name? Michael (Or Ray, whichever you prefer)
What is your age?: 17 (18 next month)
How much time do you play?: Almost all day. So probably 8-19 hours, Depending on the day. During the week its 8 hours cause of school.
How much time can you dedicate to the server?:All but about 8-10 hours. I'm at school all day until the weekend and then on the weekend 20 hours.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?: School, dishes, trash, dog watching,
What position are you interested in?: Co-Owner.
How long have you been playing MC?: Since December 11th 2010
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes I have, on Spark 6 Gaming, VoidFrost Gaming, And Legend Gaming. I own Spark 6 Gaming on Garry's Mod. And Legend Gaming is a 'paused' project for the time being. And VFG was my old Minecraft server from like a year or two ago. I never left spark or LGND They are just both on hold.
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?: Back on Spark I helped keep the players happy, but I also enforced the rules. I was kind of like a very laid back Enforcer. I also know how to manage plugins and even manage the server due to me owning VoidFrost Gaming. I had to manage my owner server, along with it's plugins. Same as spark the way it is now.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?: I can use Photoshop, Notepad++, Filezilla(for FTP sv managing, moving files editing them etc.), Sony Vegas Pro, I can write lets say a story or something, create games(Depending on the game), and I am still working on coding(Lua, C++ etc.)
Where would you like to see the server go?: I would like to see it expand to a vast community like we did with Spark 6 Gaming. We got up to 70 member on our little RP server, it was great!
What plugins if any do you have experience with?: Bukkit/ PEX, Groupmanager, (too many to list really) Custom Enchantments, PlotMe, Factions, Multiverse, Any NPC creating plugin I figure out how to use within minutes, Mobdisguise, Towns, MCMMO, there are literally too many to list.
What type of players do you like?: Ones that enjoy the game for what it is, buildings, rp'ers, explorers, miners, any type!
What type of players do you dislike?: Griefers, Hackers, people than genuinly ruin the game for everyone else. OR think of themselves as a higher entity above other players.
Is there anything you are forgetting? Not but if you need to ask me any more questions my skype is: BurningSnoMan
How much time can you dedicate to the server? i could spend most of my computer time so about 2 hours a day
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? i usually just do school and help out with my family
What position are you interested in? anything that you would need me to
How long have you been playing MC? about 3 or four years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?i have never been on staff on another server
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? i have never worked on any other servers
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? i have no expirence with programming
Where would you like to see the server go? i would love to see the server go a long way have have plenty of people to make the server grow
What plugins if any do you have experience with? i have never worked with plugins
What type of players do you like? i like players with a good attitude and use good language
What type of players do you dislike? i dislike players who are direspectful and lie
Is there anything you are forgetting? no i read through all the instructions and answered all the questions
Am I forgetting anything? no
I don't have much for someone with your xp level, but you had a complete application. Not bad for a ten year old. I will send you an early invite so you can help beta test.
How much time do you play? 3-4 hours on weekdays, alot on weekends
How much time can you dedicate to the server? 99% of my minecraft time
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? average chores
What position are you interested in? Admin
How long have you been playing MC? 3 years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? yes, about 9 months, user got hacked
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I have experience with players that do not like to follow rules and others that do very well.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Sims 3 World Creator
Where would you like to see the server go? Excel to maximum players
What plugins if any do you have experience with? WorldEdit and disguising plugins
What type of players do you like? Almost all players
What is your in-game Name: My in game name is brendenbarlow
What is your age: I am 16 years old
How much time do you play: it depends most of the time, on what i need to get done,but, if i have something to do i will stay on much longer.
How much time can you dedicate to the server: I can dedicate as much time to the server that you need me to between 2 and 6 hours, maybe even more.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities: In real life, responsibilities that i have include vaccuming, dusting, dishwashing, changing beds and much more, most of the time i will take things upon myself to do at my house without being asked to do it.
What position are you interested in: I am interested in the admin position because i want to make the server a better place, by ending feuds between players and helping with server problems as well, i don't really like when there is a ton of drama on the server and that is why i would like to put a stop it. I know that there will always be drama on servers at the beginning and even sometimes occasionally later on, but, my goal would be to help achieve a better server where there is little to no drama and everything runs smoothly, although i know no server can ever be perfect, i will still do my best to help you make your server as perfect as possible.
How long have you been playing MC: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year or more.
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving: I have been staff on multiple servers, and i still am on one, but, that server that i am still staff on runs very smoothly all the time, it doesn't require much attention and it has been running about over half a year i believe, on the other servers i have been staff on they have just really closed down and some of them i left very soon because the owner hadn't come on yet and the owner on one of those servers was very immature so i quit. My hope for this server is that it has a good environment and mature set of staff for me to work with.
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire: As i have said before, I have been staff on multiple servers and i have a good amount of plugin experience as well, I have been an owner twice, a co-owner 3 times, an admin around 6 times, a moderator around 2 times and a helper quite a few times as well, in the next question i will talk about which plugins i have experience with.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have: For technical and or programming skills, i have experience with some plugins, including world edit, towny, groupmanager which i can set up manually in the game, core protect/core inspect to find which player's did any griefing, citizens, factions and a few more i believe. but i have done nothing through the files.
Where would you like to see the server go: I would like to see the server go very far and i would like to contribute to this endeavor and help with your server.
What plugins if any do you have experience with: I have explained this up in programming and technical skills. I apologize for not looking ahead at this question before i answered the previous one about the programming.
What type of players do you like: The type of player's that i like are player's who are dedicated, who follow the rules, help other players and respect everyone around them.
What type of players do you dislike: Players i dislike include player's who spam, grief, hack, cheat, steal, kill others without consent, disrespect staff and others, do not follow the rules and players who cuss constantly.
Is there anything you are forgetting: I hope that you choose me to be one of your staff members, i would love to be a dedicated player to your server oh and if you look at my posts and see that i have applied for other server's recently those aren't going anywhere because they just looked right over my app without reading it or commenting on it as far as i know, but, this is the type of opportunity i am looking fro because i have more free time right now.
Am I forgetting anything: not anything that i know of, but, thank you for your time and i hope you give me a chance to work as a staff member for you. thank you:)
Here are the positions I am wanting to fill.
Co-Owner(s) - Responsible for upkeep and development of the server and it's plugins.
Admins - Responsible for helping keep peace, order, and fairness on the server.
Builders - responsible for assisting other staff in peace keeping and leading on the build efforts.
Application process and requirements:
The application needs to be filled out completely and accurately, and it needs to convince me you are interested in the same types of things I am for the server. I'm not telling you what I want to see because I want to know who you are.
Short and/or incomplete applications will be ignored, unless I feel it was an oversight; in which case I may at my discretion follow up with you.
The application must include the word "Language" so I know you read instruction completely and are not too lazy to follow through.
copy and paste the following application to your post and fill out completely.
What is your in-game Name?
What is your age?
How much time do you play?
How much time can you dedicate to the server?
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?
What position are you interested in?
How long have you been playing MC?
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?
Where would you like to see the server go?
What plugins if any do you have experience with?
What type of players do you like?
What type of players do you dislike?
Is there anything you are forgetting?
Am I forgetting anything?
What is your age?: 13
How much time do you play?: 3-6 hours at least every day
How much time can you dedicate to the server?: well between 3-6 hours every day (might change in the future we will see)
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?: well keep my room as clean as possible, do laundry, help with dishes, take dog for walk, take out trash, and homework
What position are you interested in?: Co-owner cause I'm great at being a leader and helping others with questions or problems
How long have you been playing MC?: 11 months
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?: I'm a staff member on one currently active server, but I have been a Co-owner on a friend of mines server which I'm still not sure whats happen to it :/
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?: Well I'm a great leader and I'm a very mature trustworthy responsible person and player ((says my teacher)) and I take action at any problem and I try my best to fix it, big or small, I can probably over come it.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?: I'm not a tech kind of guy at all so pretty horrible I'm afraid :/
Where would you like to see the server go?: Well I always try to meet above and beyond expectations, and if I'm going to do that I need to do my best, hire the right people (if more staff is needed) and deal with any problem thats in my way
What plugins if any do you have experience with?: bad but learning how to use world edit
What type of players do you like?: I like players who are fun, energetic, kind, respects the rules all the time or most of the time, but can get mad at things (I feel like I am a bit like this player
What type of players do you dislike?: well hackers and people that would say mean things to players that I think would leave a mark, the one that you can't control and freak out at everything (( I have once seen somebody like this and they said I like to suck on my moms tits... the things is that my mom is dead and I live with my aunt *I have no idea where my father is* so it was very hurtful
Is there anything you are forgetting? I dont mind when players swear a bit, I do myself when I'm mad... but if they spam YOU ALL then I'd temp ban him for an hour
Am I forgetting anything?: nope I dont think so, but thank you for taking the time by reading this application I hope I get to join your staff team!!!!
Play CS:GO?? Add Me @ Steam! `IHeartWifi #EzSkins.com`
Sorry, you don't have what I am looking for, but I will let you know when we start testing. We will see where things go then.
It looks like you have some good experience, but you started working for another server very recently. We can talk more outside of the forum.
What is your in-game Name?
What is your age?
How much time do you play?
Anywhere from 1-5 hours a day
How much time can you dedicate to the server?
The whole time I am on Minecraft
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?
School, homework chores, lol
What position are you interested in?
How long have you been playing MC?
2 years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?
I have been staff on MCOPVP (server closed) Universal Rush (Cruel Owner) and Nexus PVP (Left because Owner wasn't dedicated and left the Admin in charge and I hated the Admin)
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?
I am very good in keeping a server under controls and I lot of plugins
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?
I can learn coding if you need I know some. I know a lot about plugins and permissions
Where would you like to see the server go?
Bigger than the biggest!
What plugins if any do you have experience with?
factions, many mini games ones and I know everything about World Guard and World Edit
What type of players do you like?
The ones that listen and don't do stupid things
What type of players do you dislike?
Opposite of what I just said
Is there anything you are forgetting?
I hope not
SKYPE : logan.brinks
Am I forgetting anything?
What is your age? 13
How much time do you play? Minecraft is my main PC game, 3-5 hours a day on most days.
How much time can you dedicate to the server? I would spend most of my time on minecraft on the server, instead of my survival worlds, 2-4 hours a day at least.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? Homework, chores, and babysitting, but i will make sure to let you know when i am free.
What position are you interested in? I would take any of the positions, Preferably Admin or builder, for i have experience with both.
How long have you been playing MC? Since before 1.4.7, not sure exactly when.
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes, i was admin on a survival world, the owner saw i was a decent builder and I helped him with building things on the server, i left because of a new update, he changed the IP in 1.5.2
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? On the server i mentioned earlier, I also kept the peace in the server, making sure no griefers, exploiters, hackers, and anything against the server rules.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Not a lot, i have been able to create mods, edit save files and install mods and addons.
Where would you like to see the server go? I would like to see the server grow, bringing me along with it.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? Tree assist, claiming blocks/items and Chest shops.
What type of players do you like? Ones who do not talk rudely, inapropriately, or imaturely, i also like those who obey the rules and respect their higher ranks.
What type of players do you dislike? I dislike ones who behave rudely, inapropriately, or imaturely I also dislike the disobeyers, and ones who do not obey server rules also those who use bad LANGUAGE and rude gestures.
Is there anything you are forgetting? No, I read through all of the instructions and filled in the answers with complete thoughts.
Am I forgetting anything? Not that i can see, your server seems to be a good one.
What is your age? 10
How much time do you play? 1-3 hours a day
How much time can you dedicate to the server? i could spend most of my computer time so about 2 hours a day
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? i usually just do school and help out with my family
What position are you interested in? anything that you would need me to
How long have you been playing MC? about 3 or four years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving?i have never been on staff on another server
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? i have never worked on any other servers
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? i have no expirence with programming
Where would you like to see the server go? i would love to see the server go a long way have have plenty of people to make the server grow
What plugins if any do you have experience with? i have never worked with plugins
What type of players do you like? i like players with a good attitude and use good language
What type of players do you dislike? i dislike players who are direspectful and lie
Is there anything you are forgetting? no i read through all the instructions and answered
all the questions
Am I forgetting anything? no
You didn't say the name in your post, but you posted the IP in an update:
What is your age?: 17 (18 next month)
How much time do you play?: Almost all day. So probably 8-19 hours, Depending on the day. During the week its 8 hours cause of school.
How much time can you dedicate to the server?:All but about 8-10 hours. I'm at school all day until the weekend and then on the weekend 20 hours.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?: School, dishes, trash, dog watching,
What position are you interested in?: Co-Owner.
How long have you been playing MC?: Since December 11th 2010
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes I have, on Spark 6 Gaming, VoidFrost Gaming, And Legend Gaming. I own Spark 6 Gaming on Garry's Mod. And Legend Gaming is a 'paused' project for the time being. And VFG was my old Minecraft server from like a year or two ago. I never left spark or LGND They are just both on hold.
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire?: Back on Spark I helped keep the players happy, but I also enforced the rules. I was kind of like a very laid back Enforcer. I also know how to manage plugins and even manage the server due to me owning VoidFrost Gaming. I had to manage my owner server, along with it's plugins. Same as spark the way it is now.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have?: I can use Photoshop, Notepad++, Filezilla(for FTP sv managing, moving files editing them etc.), Sony Vegas Pro, I can write lets say a story or something, create games(Depending on the game), and I am still working on coding(Lua, C++ etc.)
Where would you like to see the server go?: I would like to see it expand to a vast community like we did with Spark 6 Gaming. We got up to 70 member on our little RP server, it was great!
What plugins if any do you have experience with?: Bukkit/ PEX, Groupmanager, (too many to list really) Custom Enchantments, PlotMe, Factions, Multiverse, Any NPC creating plugin I figure out how to use within minutes, Mobdisguise, Towns, MCMMO, there are literally too many to list.
What type of players do you like?: Ones that enjoy the game for what it is, buildings, rp'ers, explorers, miners, any type!
What type of players do you dislike?: Griefers, Hackers, people than genuinly ruin the game for everyone else. OR think of themselves as a higher entity above other players.
Is there anything you are forgetting? Not but if you need to ask me any more questions my skype is: BurningSnoMan
Am I forgetting anything? Nope.
What is your age? 13
How much time do you play? About 24 hours a week
How much time can you dedicate to the server? I will play everyday, about 1 hour to 3 a day
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities?Im in honor school so studying, and playing sports everyday
What position are you interested in? Being a high member, because i always see abusive owners, and i wish that i could be that one nice owner that doesnt get mad.
How long have you been playing MC? 2 years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? Yes; I was very low staff, only a op, so all day i just built for the server and never talked.(i left because i got in a argument saying i was the most caring of the server and the other owner said he does all plug-ins and muted me)
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I feel like im a great building when it comes to towns and citys and buildings(i never done pixel art)
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? I can hack any ps3 game
Where would you like to see the server go? Id get people posting reviews and get it to be a donation server so that we can pay for top internet, without lag.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? i know how to use a lot , almost all famouse plug-ins(but i dont know how to program it)
What type of players do you like? I respect a new player that doesnt bug anyone
What type of players do you dislike? The richest players that think there the best because they been on the server sense the begining
Is there anything you are forgetting? I know a lot about factions, pvp, and survival, also creative
Am I forgetting anything? Nope
I am also a bit disappointed in the failure of some applicants to read the instructions completely.
What is your in-game Name? cnrman
What is your age? 11
How much time do you play? 30min To 2h
How much time can you dedicate to the server?I Would Spend All My Computer Time On It
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? School, Waking Up In The Morning.
What position are you interested in? Admin
How long have you been playing MC? Two Years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason forleaving? None
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I Can Make Peace In Servers, Stop Fights STOP PEOPLE BEING IDIOTS AND HACKING!!
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Plugin Managing, Websites
Where would you like to see the server go? I Would Love The Server To Be Quite Famous With Hundreds Of People On Each Day.
What plugins if any do you have experience with? Pex, Essentials, Worldedit, Multiworld, Multiverse Main, Multiverse Portals, Factions, Survival Games, Chestshop
What type of players do you like?Respectful, Friendly Players That Vote A Lot And Contribute To The Server.
What type of players do you dislike? Hackers, Disrepectful, Immature, Idiots In General And Spammers
Is there anything you are forgetting? Yes, But Nothing To Do With This
Am I forgetting anything? No!
Thank you For Reading, Please Accept (: From CNRMAN!!!
Denied; your post sounds too immature, and you didn't follow instructions.
I have a position for you, check you messages.
Sent you a message.
I don't have much for someone with your xp level, but you had a complete application. Not bad for a ten year old. I will send you an early invite so you can help beta test.
What is your age? 16
How much time do you play? 3-4 hours on weekdays, alot on weekends
How much time can you dedicate to the server? 99% of my minecraft time
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities? average chores
What position are you interested in? Admin
How long have you been playing MC? 3 years
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving? yes, about 9 months, user got hacked
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire? I have experience with players that do not like to follow rules and others that do very well.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have? Sims 3 World Creator
Where would you like to see the server go? Excel to maximum players
What plugins if any do you have experience with? WorldEdit and disguising plugins
What type of players do you like? Almost all players
What type of players do you dislike? hackers
Is there anything you are forgetting? No
Am I forgetting anything? No
Plz do not get made at me for using a premade one.
What is your age: I am 16 years old
How much time do you play: it depends most of the time, on what i need to get done,but, if i have something to do i will stay on much longer.
How much time can you dedicate to the server: I can dedicate as much time to the server that you need me to between 2 and 6 hours, maybe even more.
In real life, what are some of your day to day responsibilities: In real life, responsibilities that i have include vaccuming, dusting, dishwashing, changing beds and much more, most of the time i will take things upon myself to do at my house without being asked to do it.
What position are you interested in: I am interested in the admin position because i want to make the server a better place, by ending feuds between players and helping with server problems as well, i don't really like when there is a ton of drama on the server and that is why i would like to put a stop it. I know that there will always be drama on servers at the beginning and even sometimes occasionally later on, but, my goal would be to help achieve a better server where there is little to no drama and everything runs smoothly, although i know no server can ever be perfect, i will still do my best to help you make your server as perfect as possible.
How long have you been playing MC: I have been playing Minecraft for about a year or more.
Have you been on staff with another server; If so, provide details on length of time on staff and reason for leaving: I have been staff on multiple servers, and i still am on one, but, that server that i am still staff on runs very smoothly all the time, it doesn't require much attention and it has been running about over half a year i believe, on the other servers i have been staff on they have just really closed down and some of them i left very soon because the owner hadn't come on yet and the owner on one of those servers was very immature so i quit. My hope for this server is that it has a good environment and mature set of staff for me to work with.
What experience do you have that will help you excel in the roll you desire: As i have said before, I have been staff on multiple servers and i have a good amount of plugin experience as well, I have been an owner twice, a co-owner 3 times, an admin around 6 times, a moderator around 2 times and a helper quite a few times as well, in the next question i will talk about which plugins i have experience with.
What technical, and or programming skills do you have: For technical and or programming skills, i have experience with some plugins, including world edit, towny, groupmanager which i can set up manually in the game, core protect/core inspect to find which player's did any griefing, citizens, factions and a few more i believe. but i have done nothing through the files.
Where would you like to see the server go: I would like to see the server go very far and i would like to contribute to this endeavor and help with your server.
What plugins if any do you have experience with: I have explained this up in programming and technical skills. I apologize for not looking ahead at this question before i answered the previous one about the programming.
What type of players do you like: The type of player's that i like are player's who are dedicated, who follow the rules, help other players and respect everyone around them.
What type of players do you dislike: Players i dislike include player's who spam, grief, hack, cheat, steal, kill others without consent, disrespect staff and others, do not follow the rules and players who cuss constantly.
Is there anything you are forgetting: I hope that you choose me to be one of your staff members, i would love to be a dedicated player to your server oh and if you look at my posts and see that i have applied for other server's recently those aren't going anywhere because they just looked right over my app without reading it or commenting on it as far as i know, but, this is the type of opportunity i am looking fro because i have more free time right now.
Am I forgetting anything: not anything that i know of, but, thank you for your time and i hope you give me a chance to work as a staff member for you. thank you:)