Hello im wanting to apply to help out the Multiplayer Adventure map this genre sound really cool and i would LOVE to help out.
i had a go at making my own adventure map so i know how to do command blocks if there will be any. there are better builder out there than me but i can be really commited. im pretty good at redstone but im no sethbling
if needed i can utube redstone turtorials. i can build some things like towers ect and im pretty good with decorating things
i coud help out with the terrain im not to good with world edit and prefer to do things the hard way.
i could really help out here and i am normally on the computer alot. im on laptop so i cant always get all the things pc can have to help out like mon customizers but can be usefull other ways.
here are some deeds
IGN: Thecreepyraider
Skill: mmm 6.5 - 10 with everything combined
trust: been staff on alot of server and can be trusted alot never had server because every time i try my laptop fails me but i have been co owner and just about ever other staff position execpt dev
i am willing to do anything i am asked and have good persiverence like i said im not the best builder but can do some good looking things i also am good a some secrets like fishing in lava opens secret base u prob wont pick me because im not the best but i can be really helpful and will work on it even when no 1 is on. Please pick me sorry for no screenshot cant get 1 to upload hope u pick me TCR
Do you have any pictures of anything you have built? Any kind of example of your skill level?
Um.. I can try and help?
I didn't see an' application thing, or maybe I just missed it. But To be honest I'm not the best builder.. but I wouldn't mind do something little to kill time.. Here's a Abandoned Jungle Outpost I made..
Tahdah... When the maps finished I can create a trailer for it?.. XD
Um.. I can try and help?
I didn't see an' application thing, or maybe I just missed it. But To be honest I'm not the best builder.. but I wouldn't mind do something little to kill time.. Here's a Abandoned Jungle Outpost I made..
Tahdah... When the maps finished I can create a trailer for it?.. XD
We'd love a trailer for it. I can't see your picture though...?
Head-Mod/Admin APP:
Name: Avery Stiver
Minecraft IGN: avery_stiver14
Age (must be 15+ to apply, DO NOT LIE): 17
Any server experience from the past? I have been staff on servers in the past including Mineworld (Currently down for some unknown reason) and Supernova (mc10.fadehost.com:25590, also down for some reason...Maybe waiting for 1.7.2 Bukkit Update)
Why do you wish to apply for my server? I want to apply my knowledge with plugins and help run the server successfully..Eventually in the future I will be able to put forth money into it. I am always ready to help players who need it and give fair punishments for the abusers. I came here looking for a job, a job to help someone achieve the goal of running a very successful server. I think I can do that. I am taking coding classes with my friend Alex and know a little bit about CSS/HTML. Im extremely dedicated and you would see me online a lot.
Any plugin knowledge you have, write it here: Good with Bukkit, Console, Factions, Economy, ServerMessages, and other plugins..Including Mini-Games. I'm good with Worldedit and Worldguard as well.
How much hours do you spend playing minecraft? 8 hours roughly on the weekdays/No specific time limit on the weekends (Almost all day most weekends)
Skype ID avery.stiver14
Email me at: [email protected] if you have any other questions about me!
Head-Mod/Admin APP:
Name: Avery Stiver
Minecraft IGN: avery_stiver14
Age (must be 15+ to apply, DO NOT LIE): 17
Any server experience from the past? I have been staff on servers in the past including Mineworld (Currently down for some unknown reason) and Supernova (mc10.fadehost.com:25590, also down for some reason...Maybe waiting for 1.7.2 Bukkit Update)
Why do you wish to apply for my server? I want to apply my knowledge with plugins and help run the server successfully..Eventually in the future I will be able to put forth money into it. I am always ready to help players who need it and give fair punishments for the abusers. I came here looking for a job, a job to help someone achieve the goal of running a very successful server. I think I can do that. I am taking coding classes with my friend Alex and know a little bit about CSS/HTML. Im extremely dedicated and you would see me online a lot.
Any plugin knowledge you have, write it here: Good with Bukkit, Console, Factions, Economy, ServerMessages, and other plugins..Including Mini-Games. I'm good with Worldedit and Worldguard as well.
How much hours do you spend playing minecraft? 8 hours roughly on the weekdays/No specific time limit on the weekends (Almost all day most weekends)
Skype ID avery.stiver14
Email me at: [email protected] if you have any other questions about me!
You have any pictures of anything you have built in the past? Were looking for examples of skill level so we would have an idea of what you would be able to contribute to when building.
Sorry I posted it twice...I dont have any pics persay, its more of an on-the-spot type of thing. Im an alright builder, you just have to not rush me. lol
Do you have any pictures of anything you have built? Any kind of example of your skill level?
Alright just reply with a picture when you have one available.
Hopefully you'll be able to get it working!
Sorry dude, but we haven't seen any pictures. You might want to try another group and project. :/
Your welcome to come on the server and help test it out once we are at that point
I didn't see an' application thing, or maybe I just missed it. But To be honest I'm not the best builder.. but I wouldn't mind do something little to kill time.. Here's a Abandoned Jungle Outpost I made..
Tahdah... When the maps finished I can create a trailer for it?.. XD
We'd love a trailer for it. I can't see your picture though...?
EDIT Nvm, I can see it now. Weird...
I fixed picture. I think.. If not I have the direct link..
EDIT : XD Yeah. I didn't upload it at first, then realized I had to.. And yeah.
I'll send you a PM with info for the Minecraft server and TeamSpeak server and we can talk!
The Defendant of Heaven. Truth - Justice - Denial. SYN will find you out.
Treat her well and the chances are you'll get off with a fine.
Name: Avery Stiver
Minecraft IGN: avery_stiver14
Age (must be 15+ to apply, DO NOT LIE): 17
Any server experience from the past? I have been staff on servers in the past including Mineworld (Currently down for some unknown reason) and Supernova (mc10.fadehost.com:25590, also down for some reason...Maybe waiting for 1.7.2 Bukkit Update)
Why do you wish to apply for my server? I want to apply my knowledge with plugins and help run the server successfully..Eventually in the future I will be able to put forth money into it. I am always ready to help players who need it and give fair punishments for the abusers. I came here looking for a job, a job to help someone achieve the goal of running a very successful server. I think I can do that. I am taking coding classes with my friend Alex and know a little bit about CSS/HTML. Im extremely dedicated and you would see me online a lot.
Any plugin knowledge you have, write it here: Good with Bukkit, Console, Factions, Economy, ServerMessages, and other plugins..Including Mini-Games. I'm good with Worldedit and Worldguard as well.
How much hours do you spend playing minecraft? 8 hours roughly on the weekdays/No specific time limit on the weekends (Almost all day most weekends)
Skype ID avery.stiver14
Email me at: [email protected] if you have any other questions about me!
You have any pictures of anything you have built in the past? Were looking for examples of skill level so we would have an idea of what you would be able to contribute to when building.
Could you send an example that is not pixel art? Not exactly a good way to show off skill level
Yep we got room still, Debaubau updates the first post as we get new members. Send a picture our way and I will check it out.
Cool be sure to post here when you have a picture of it