Rank applying for:I am applying for admin/head admin
Occupation: I have school until 4pm,but I don't do any sports as of right now.
Education: I am homeschooled and am going into High School.
Preferred way of communication: I prefer email,but I can get Skype if you want me to.
Time you will dedicate to this project: I will dedicate 2-5 hrs a day to the server but I also need to spend time with my family and friends. Family comes first you know.
When did you start playing? A long time I cant recall but I think its been 5 years.
Location and timezone: I live in USA and my time zone is central time.
Spoken languages: Im learning French,but I already know Spanish and English of course lol!
Any previous bans and reasons: I have been banned once because I played on a gun server and once u reach an amount of deaths u get banned for 48 hrs.
Plugin Experience: I have experience with World Edit, World Guard and McMMO.
Server experience: I was a developer on a roleplay server and I used to co-own a server with my buddy.
Why should we pick you: Becuase I am Realistic and good builder, researching on things, making own texturepacks, maps and videos, online nearly each day.
Best Minecraft memory: The best minecraft memory is of minercaft on the XBOX and I was helping my friend build a mansion next to his lava mountain. That was a lot of fun!!!
Tell us a little about yourself: I am responsible and I am fun to be around. I do not cuss and (not to brag but)have very good grades. I have 4 sisters and it gets a little loud around the house sometimes. LOL. I am the only boy in the family and my 2 favorite hobbies are racing my RC car in tournaments and playing minecraft of course!! Thankyou for reading my application and I hope you have a great day God Bless jiiggy7
Staff App:
Skype:pm if requested
Real life name:Anthony
Experience:5 servers(closed due to lack of funding)/part owner
Maturity:I can have fun but when the situation is serious ill be the first to start fixing it
Why?-I believe that i would be a beneficial staff member to the server because i enforce and give fair judgement. Everyone gets a second chance with me and until you break my trust we are cool. I'm helpful and can provide assistance. Griefing should be the least of you worries while i am apart of the staff. I can also familiarize myself with plugins if requested and will do my best to make sure everyone on the server is having a good time. Thanks for your consideration and time for reading this
Hey I'd like to be staff on the server. I'm an admin on another server thats still in beta. I have a small YouTube channel and I hope it will get bigger soon.
I just can't accept the fact this server is just so epic. Like this is one of the most Prodigious Servers out there so far. This server has everything you ever want and need!
I just can't accept the fact this server is just so epic. Like this is one of the most Prodigious Servers out there so far. This server has everything you ever want and need!
Occupation: I have school until 4pm,but I don't do any sports as of right now.
Education: I am homeschooled and am going into High School.
Preferred way of communication: I prefer email,but I can get Skype if you want me to.
Time you will dedicate to this project: I will dedicate 2-5 hrs a day to the server but I also need to spend time with my family and friends. Family comes first you know.
When did you start playing? A long time I cant recall but I think its been 5 years.
Location and timezone: I live in USA and my time zone is central time.
Spoken languages: Im learning French,but I already know Spanish and English of course lol!
Any previous bans and reasons: I have been banned once because I played on a gun server and once u reach an amount of deaths u get banned for 48 hrs.
Plugin Experience: I have experience with World Edit, World Guard and McMMO.
Server experience: I was a developer on a roleplay server and I used to co-own a server with my buddy.
Why should we pick you: Becuase I am Realistic and good builder, researching on things, making own texturepacks, maps and videos, online nearly each day.
Best Minecraft memory: The best minecraft memory is of minercaft on the XBOX and I was helping my friend build a mansion next to his lava mountain. That was a lot of fun!!!
Tell us a little about yourself: I am responsible and I am fun to be around. I do not cuss and (not to brag but)have very good grades. I have 4 sisters and it gets a little loud around the house sometimes. LOL. I am the only boy in the family and my 2 favorite hobbies are racing my RC car in tournaments and playing minecraft of course!!
Thankyou for reading my application and I hope you have a great day
God Bless
random Op Choosen in 3MIN!
Skype:pm if requested
Real life name:Anthony
Experience:5 servers(closed due to lack of funding)/part owner
Maturity:I can have fun but when the situation is serious ill be the first to start fixing it
Why?-I believe that i would be a beneficial staff member to the server because i enforce and give fair judgement. Everyone gets a second chance with me and until you break my trust we are cool. I'm helpful and can provide assistance. Griefing should be the least of you worries while i am apart of the staff. I can also familiarize myself with plugins if requested and will do my best to make sure everyone on the server is having a good time. Thanks for your consideration and time for reading this