QuantumPhoenix-Games is looking for help! We need Spawn Builders and Future Mods and Admins to staff our three servers. Our three servers are create (creative), Factions, and Survival. Spawn themes: Create = Modern City. Survival = Steampunk. Once we go public, rewards for helping could included Builder rank ups, Mod/Admin positions, and Donator perks for free. Please fill out this quick app and if we accept, I will message you with the IP and more information.
Time Zone:
How long have you played MC:
Why you want to help:
Time a week you can spend on server:
Briefly desrcibe your best builds:
These do not affect your apps acceptence but please do answer:
When we go public would you rather be a Player or a Mod/Admin:
Favorite Mode (Create,Factions or Survival?):
Best way to communicate with you(we use skype):
IGN: ShimigamiReaper2
Age: 16
Time Zone: Eastern Coast USA New York Time
How long have you played MC: Aprox. 1 year and 7 months
Why you want to help: To just help your server and have fun doing so
Time a week you can spend on server: I can be on everyday. Weekdays i can be on for as much as 1 hour to 3 hours straight. On weekends i can be on for 6 hours
Briefly desrcibe your best builds: I have built mainly small underground bases. [Easier to mine] And I have made an excelent base. I dont have any pictures or proof of that. Sorry.
IGN: Fire_Pheonix12 Age: 12 Time Zone: Pacific How long have you played MC: About 1 year and a half Why you want to help: I love building and I am very responsible and mature. Time a week you can spend on server: About every weekend, and about 3 - 5 hours on weekdays. Briefly describe your best builds: 2 hunger games arenas, which have many redstone traps, and one spawn.
Admin or Mob
I am good with any mode, but probably survival.
Email: [email protected]
IGN:Zunafix Age:16 Time Zone:EST How long have you played MC:1.5 Years Why you want to help:I love helping communities grow since apparently it is impossible to grow my own... :/ Time a week you can spend on server:Anywhere from 1 hour to 20 hours, it fluctuates, but i promise you I will be on. Briefly desrcibe your best builds: Mountain top City and Very Popular PvP server spawns
IGN:Zunafix Age:16 Time Zone:EST How long have you played MC:1.5 Years Why you want to help:I love helping communities grow since apparently it is impossible to grow my own... :/ Time a week you can spend on server:Anywhere from 1 hour to 20 hours, it fluctuates, but i promise you I will be on. Briefly desrcibe your best builds: Mountain top City and Very Popular PvP server spawns
I would like to be a mod/admin
my skype is omc_optic
Time Zone:EST How long have you played MC:2 years
Why you want to help:I always wanted to help people and tthey like the things I did for them.I help anyone basically. Time a week you can spend on server: 1 frome to 2 hours depending when.I can play on the weekdays sometimes and sometimes on saturdays and sundays. Briefly desrcibe your best builds: The best built ever built was a giant house and a volcanoe.
I would like to be admin Survival/Pvp My skype is amalfire123
QuantumPhoenix-Games is looking for help! We need Spawn Builders and Future Mods and Admins to staff our three servers. Our three servers are create (creative), Factions, and Survival. Spawn themes: Create = Modern City. Survival = Steampunk. Once we go public, rewards for helping could included Builder rank ups, Mod/Admin positions, and Donator perks for free. Please fill out this quick app and if we accept, I will message you with the IP and more information.
Time Zone:
How long have you played MC:
Why you want to help:
Time a week you can spend on server:
Briefly desrcibe your best builds:
These do not affect your apps acceptence but please do answer:
When we go public would you rather be a Player or a Mod/Admin:
Favorite Mode (Create,Factions or Survival?):
Best way to communicate with you(we use skype):
Time zone Mountain
I love staffing
2-5 hours
Redstone dance hall
Pvp arena
Masive spawn
Block art
E-mail msg
Age: 16
Time Zone: Eastern Coast USA New York Time
How long have you played MC: Aprox. 1 year and 7 months
Why you want to help: To just help your server and have fun doing so
Time a week you can spend on server: I can be on everyday. Weekdays i can be on for as much as 1 hour to 3 hours straight. On weekends i can be on for 6 hours
Briefly desrcibe your best builds: I have built mainly small underground bases. [Easier to mine] And I have made an excelent base. I dont have any pictures or proof of that. Sorry.
Age: 12
Time Zone: Pacific
How long have you played MC: About 1 year and a half
Why you want to help: I love building and I am very responsible and mature.
Time a week you can spend on server: About every weekend, and about 3 - 5 hours on weekdays.
Briefly describe your best builds: 2 hunger games arenas, which have many redstone traps, and one spawn.
Admin or Mob
I am good with any mode, but probably survival.
Email: [email protected]
Time Zone:EST
How long have you played MC:1.5 Years
Why you want to help:I love helping communities grow since apparently it is impossible to grow my own... :/
Time a week you can spend on server:Anywhere from 1 hour to 20 hours, it fluctuates, but i promise you I will be on.
Briefly desrcibe your best builds:
Mountain top City
Very Popular PvP server spawns
I would like to be a mod/admin
my skype is omc_optic
Time Zone:EST
How long have you played MC:2 years
Why you want to help:I always wanted to help people and tthey like the things I did for them.I help anyone basically.
Time a week you can spend on server: 1 frome to 2 hours depending when.I can play on the weekdays sometimes and sometimes on saturdays and sundays.
Briefly desrcibe your best builds: The best built ever built was a giant house and a volcanoe.
I would like to be admin
My skype is amalfire123