Sorry Prince, but you are Denied. You were denied because of the length, and quality of your application. You may reapply after you have lengthened and proofread your application. I suggest putting it through Microsoft Word if you have it first.
Minecraft Name: Fogt
Timezone: +2 GMT
Age: 17
What do you wish to apply for: Terraformer
What is your experience with what you are applying for: I'm a pretty skilled terraformer.
Why do you want this position: I have to build, build, build no matter what (c)
Amount of time you will come on during the weekend: Probably 8-9h on Sunday
Contact Info: PM me
Proof of work (for position):
I am interested in joining although I fall short of being 17.
I'd like to invest months into a server from the get-go and know that all my work won't go to waste after an update or owner giving up.
I've been a mod for about months already. I started playing last year, and have been training my Dev/LAT skills. Unfortunately, the longest lasting are less than a month, and it's very disappointing to lose all of your hard work.
I'm not the best builder. Typically, I just make an underground home and spend my time mining and making redstone creations. I love living close to others so we can visit each other and see what each other is doing. I would love to have a fun, mature group of people living and working side by side as we progress in the game.
I believe I can be a great asset and contributor to the server. Hopefully, you'll accept me, and we can play together!
We are still here, and what we need the most are builders. However, we also are looking for terraformers on the side. This does not mean that we don't want you other positions to apply, but builders are of the highest need at the moment. If you apply, we will start a semi large town project in the following weeks.
We were not ready for the release therefore we need a bit more time to iron out some bugs. However, We are still looking for more Staff! Apply below and best of luck!
If any of you are like me and check inactive peoples' profiles, you may have noticed I "applied" for another server as a different position. NOTICE: I am NOT leaving this server, nor decreasing my time spent working. I am helping out during the period of time on the weekends where I have mental blocks, and thus couldn't get work done on Ithacia anyways. This weekend will be a big weekend for the server, and I hope for our new banner to be made by Sunday! The website has been updated, with more to come in the following days.
What is your experience with what you are applying for: Well, no full experience but I do love writing. I write a ton, and medieval is my style, modern just doesn't fit me. Magic and wizardy, gods, that sort. If you don't need that sort, then I shouldn't be a lore writer xD.
Why do you want this position: I wish to aid servers and be able to write a lore for a good roleplay server. Roleplay is my fashion and I want to try to get more servers of it started.
Amount of time you will come on during the weekend: Quite a bit from what I believe. Maybe three hours a day at least, not sure. Estimated time.
What do you wish to apply for: Lore writer (also i have been taking advanced HTML and CSS classes so i could help you with anything website related as well.
What is your experience with what you are applying for: As for my lore experience, i have written lore for four separate RolePlaying servers in mine craft. all have sadly closed down but i remember one of them being called Battle of Elderan. I am also at the top of my class for Honors English and have never gotten anything lower then an A in that subject. As for my website making experience i have taking multiple HTML and CSS coding classes and have made multiple websites with fairly good results. (just for practice though, i have not been able to actually make a website for SOMEONE yet.)
Why do you want this position: I love writing lore, it is a great hobby to have and i get a chance to go into my mind open a world of fantasy for all others to enjoy at the low price of nothing. I also like to participate in activities like this. its fun to do.
Amount of time you will come on during the weekend: most likely 6-7 hours, possibly less during the weekdays but that i think is against the subject.(Then again summer break is coming up in about 4 weeks for me so I will be available much more.)
John Ayleth was always under wealthy descent. from the day he was born he already had what you would call "a silver spoon in his mouth". when he was younger he always wanted to do different things, "i want to be a goat herder, i want to be an alchemist, i want to be a blacksmith, i want to be a KNIGHT!" and thats when his father had enough of it and sent little john to be a squire for a knight. twenty years of his life he spent cleaning and polishing the knights armor, as well as sharpening the knights blade with a grindstone and in return the knight would reward him with 5 hours a day of brutal training in sword fighting, running with a pack full of rocks, lifting boulders while standing in the rushing waist high waters of the nearby creek. all of this and more made John's life absolute hell but it also heightened all his senses in the field of battle and strengthened him to the point where his muscles were as strong and tightly knit as iron chords. finally on a sunday afternoon he thought he was ready to complete the tradition of beating your master in a sword fight to become a knight. he was given his choice of weapon, a thick heavy blade that a normal man could barely hold with one hand yet John could grip it as though it were a mere twig. his master sent the first attack. a devastating overhead with a side cut following . most men would've died from that blow, it had so much speed and precision that if the overhand dint slice the mans head open the side cut would gut him like a pig. yet John blocked both with ease. the old knight had taught him well and now it was his turn. With relentless speed john hacked and slashed in deadly combinations, overhand backhand side cut jab! side cut parry overhand jab sidecut! the old knight could barely keep up with his apprentice's speed and eventually after two hours was taken out when he stumbled over a rock that had gone unnoticed because of the fighting. with the old knight having a sword to his neck and no possible way to escape, accepted defeat and John earned his knighthood as well as his armor and sword. he then moved to a place were he could lend his service, Olivin. (mind the organization, punctuation, and conventions. this is some of my work from the past and i made it up on the fly so i did not really take time to fully look over my work. I promise to produce more professional material if i get accepted as one of your lore writers.)
(GFX ONLY) What medium do you use, and what format (video or image):
What we are in dire need of are builders (medieval) and ship builders. All others are perfectly fine, but if you think you might have even a slight chance, please apply! Release is in the next two weeks.
!Big Update!
• We now have a website (or .com.) It's not much but is being worked on each day.
• GFX Artist Maldorian4 removed from team
• Here is our build progress:
Timezone: +2 GMT
Age: 17
What do you wish to apply for: Terraformer
What is your experience with what you are applying for: I'm a pretty skilled terraformer.
Why do you want this position: I have to build, build, build no matter what (c)
Amount of time you will come on during the weekend: Probably 8-9h on Sunday
Contact Info: PM me
Proof of work (for position):
I'd like to invest months into a server from the get-go and know that all my work won't go to waste after an update or owner giving up.
I've been a mod for about months already. I started playing last year, and have been training my Dev/LAT skills. Unfortunately, the longest lasting are less than a month, and it's very disappointing to lose all of your hard work.
I'm not the best builder. Typically, I just make an underground home and spend my time mining and making redstone creations. I love living close to others so we can visit each other and see what each other is doing. I would love to have a fun, mature group of people living and working side by side as we progress in the game.
I believe I can be a great asset and contributor to the server. Hopefully, you'll accept me, and we can play together!
My IGN is iball
* I'd rather not use Enjin as I find it too mainstream.
* I will fix the forums so you can join without approval.
Dignatio I will contact you on skype, but you are most likely accepted. And to all: Beta will be release after April break.
We were not ready for the release therefore we need a bit more time to iron out some bugs. However, We are still looking for more Staff! Apply below and best of luck!
Sorry for the quad/triple post, I do not condone double+ posts.