Ive recently opened a new server and am in need of some staff to help out improve the Sparkle server. I have very little experience running a server and would like to make it better, easier and safer for my members. Sparkle is a small Feed the Beast 20 slot server. I am looking for someone mature and helpful with experience as a staff member or server operator.
Please fill out the below application to be reviewed for the position.
Age -
How much experience do you have with multiplayer servers ? -
Have you ever been a staff member for another server ? -
Are you familiar with Feed the Beast servers and gameplay ? -
Why should you be considered for this position ? -
Multiplayer servers: i always play on multiplayer servers and find it really fun
Ever been staff: no but will be soon on another server
Ever played FTB: no but i would definitely like to
How can i help: i am mature and would help all players that need it. i will be on very often and probably 6 days a week. i know plenty of commands for staff and will not abuse the position
How can i make it better: I will build things if u need me to and will try to bring more players to the server if i can.
How much experience do you have with multiplayer servers ? - A lot; i play on FTB servers almost everyday and just try to have fun with it
Have you ever been a staff member for another server ? - i was builder (with some basic permissions) on the last server i played on... but it got closed and i am looking for a new one
Are you familiar with Feed the Beast servers and gameplay ? - yeah i'm good
Why should you be considered for this position ? - i just want to help manage the server and help other players
What can you do to better the Sparkle server ? - help keep the server running smoothly and nice for the users
please read: ! ! ! ! \/ \/ \/ \/ can you contact me with the server info ( is it pvp?, ftb ultimate?, is there mods?(what mods?) it would just help me run the server if i get picked
Please fill out the below application to be reviewed for the position.
Age -
How much experience do you have with multiplayer servers ? -
Have you ever been a staff member for another server ? -
Are you familiar with Feed the Beast servers and gameplay ? -
Why should you be considered for this position ? -
What can you do to better the Sparkle server ? -
Age -12(I am mature I promise)
How much experience do you have with multiplayer servers ? - I paly o nthem everyday and am staff on a lot of them!
Have you ever been a staff member for another server ? - Yes a lot of ones!
Are you familiar with Feed the Beast servers and gameplay ? - yep! I love FTB:D
Why should you be considered for this position ? -I love to help people everyday and help people who dont know what to do!
What can you do to better the Sparkle server ? - I can make it so more people come on and it is a happy friendlier playing enviorment!
age: 14
Multiplayer servers: i always play on multiplayer servers and find it really fun
Ever been staff: no but will be soon on another server
Ever played FTB: no
How can i help: i am mature and would help all players that need it. i will be on very often and probably 6 days a week. i know plenty of commands for staff and will not abuse the position
How can i make it better: I will build things if u need me to and will try to bring more players to the server if i can.
Age - 13
How much experience do you have with multiplayer servers ? - A lot; i play on FTB servers almost everyday and just try to have fun with it
Have you ever been a staff member for another server ? - i was builder (with some basic permissions) on the last server i played on... but it got closed and i am looking for a new one
Are you familiar with Feed the Beast servers and gameplay ? - yeah i'm good
Why should you be considered for this position ? - i just want to help manage the server and help other players
What can you do to better the Sparkle server ? - help keep the server running smoothly and nice for the users
please read: ! ! ! !
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can you contact me with the server info ( is it pvp?, ftb ultimate?, is there mods?(what mods?) it would just help me run the server if i get picked