Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server.
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have oly had an application denied once
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application
I added an edited edition if you would like to reread my definitions as I added more specifics instead of the general topics, thank you.
Moderator Application:
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server.
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world which they usually obtain by either kissing up, cheating, or altering other characters. It can also be RPing with another character in the story who is not willingly agreeing with the powergamer such as one character says that they fought and wounded another player when said player does not agree with this and it did not happen in game. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game along with including all players in on the RP and not making other player's characters bend to your will.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. It can also be making your character do something out of their personality or hving them do something that does not fit with the rest of the game such as making a gun in a medieval server. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have oly had an application denied once
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Builder Application:
First Name:Coby
Timezone: EST
Skype (Needed): J4SNTE
Experience In Fallout: I have played, and beaten all of the Fallout games, except Tactics. Played through all of the DLC. Read the script of the movie, and read the wiki extensively.
Building Experience: I have very little experience building, unfortunately, but am capable of (extremely) simple structures. I will willingly be used as an indentured servant, only to be payed by the completion of the server.
Previous Servers: Fallout: The Lost Days
Any Bans: One temporary.
Proof of Builds (Pictures): As I have said; I have applied for a work-horse job, and have no builds to show off.
Your definitions are still a bit off to what we are referring to.
Meta gaming is the act of using OOC information to the betterment of your character IC.
Such as hearing OOC talk about a possible raid on some treasure trove near you, and then you IC wise find it and raid it before the others get there.
Power gaming would be more so about being an unkillable behemoth of a person. Like saying you're a 7 foot robot that can fly, has Gatling lasers, and hyper blades that cut through anything. Then, shooting 20 people in the head before any of them can even pull there guns. Just forcing your RP onto others, and not allowing them to fight back.
You also forgot to fill out a section of the application, but your app seems to have enough work put into it to seem worth while to looking for your next app. I'll be waiting for these fixes to be put into place, and i hope you reapply again.
Moderator Application:
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): If I was mod, I would first ask the person to stop and report to an admin or owner. If the person persists I would kick the as a warning but not ban as that is not my resposability. Mainly it is your choice as I would report to you of course this all depends on the serverity of the hack. If it was a hack that was endangering the server and or its current members I would temp. ban until an admin was in.
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have only had an application denied once and resubmited only to be accepted, ironicly I became co-owner because I made the plugins and permissions.
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application. If you get to reading this new section I wish to add you onto skype to talk about the possability of some of my clan applying for the server as builders. Also if I did not post part of the application I would be pleased to know which part
Builder Application:
IGN: stringboyz
First Name:mitch
Gender: male
Timezone: mountain
Skype (Needed): stringboyz
Experience In Fallout: no
Building Experience: im a good builder for some things (im good with red stone, and can build nice homes
Previous Servers: team9000, skyblock.in are main ones
Any Bans: none
Proof of Builds (Pictures):its a video
That was an odd, and poorly done application. I'll only accept you on the grounds of Squid's referral. Meaning, if you don't build well, or get banned for any reason, he will be held responsible. Don't make me regret accepting this.
i will reright the app because i know i can do better
Builder Application:
IGN: my minecraft user name is based on my battlefield 2 username stringboy2010 stringboyz
First Name:my birth name is mitch but really i am mitchel but i perfer being called mitch
Gender: from birth to now male xD
Age: i am 15 years of age
Timezone: The Mountain Time Zone of North America. In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generically called Mountain Time (MT). Specifically, it is Mountain Standard Time (MST) when observing Standard Time (winter), and Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) when observing daylight saving time (spring, summer, fall). The term refers to the fact that the Rocky Mountians, which range from northwestern Canada to the US state ofNew Mexico, are located almost entirely in the time zone
Skype (Needed): stringboyz i made a new account dedecated for minecraft
Experience In Fallout: i currently have now experience with fall out yet but look into it more. Squid4680 has acknowledged me lots about fallout.
Building Experience: I am very experienced and very good at building. I am patient and i am very good at being patient and solving
situations. I am honest and willing to do just about anything. I am very good at making traps. I am very friendly and know most of the commands.
Previous Servers: Team9000, Skyblock in are main ones Some smaller servers are squids a clan members servers, and some i cant remember
i will reright the app because i know i can do better
Builder Application:
IGN: my minecraft user name is based on my battlefield 2 username stringboy2010 stringboyz
First Name:my birth name is mitch but really i am mitchel but i perfer being called mitch
Gender: from birth to now male xD
Age: i am 15 years of age
Timezone: The Mountain Time Zone of North America. In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generically called Mountain Time (MT). Specifically, it is Mountain Standard Time (MST) when observing Standard Time (winter), and Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) when observing daylight saving time (spring, summer, fall). The term refers to the fact that the Rocky Mountians, which range from northwestern Canada to the US state ofNew Mexico, are located almost entirely in the time zone
Skype (Needed): stringboyz i made a new account dedecated for minecraft
Experience In Fallout: i currently have now experience with fall out yet but look into it more. Squid4680 has acknowledged me lots about fallout.
Building Experience: I am very experienced and very good at building. I am patient and i am very good at being patient and solving
situations. I am honest and willing to do just about anything. I am very good at making traps. I am very friendly and know most of the commands.
Previous Servers: Team9000, Skyblock in are main ones Some smaller servers are squids a clan members servers, and some i cant remember
Data Log 1: I am on a vertibird along with the rest of my squad after fleeing from D.C.; the war had already been lost. What is left of the Enclave to the north relayed a message reading that their forces are held strongly in the Long Island area. There has been little local resistance and there are currently no signs of the Brotherhood, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 2: We reached the Long Island outpost which seems to have a foothold in the area. Further scouting of the area is commencing currently but I think that we should be safe here. With the weapons stockpile and resources, we should be able to make a better start, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 3: With the general dead, we currently have no leader and things are starting to get rough with no clear sense of command. Morals are staying high but I predict a drop if we don’t get this settled and fast. In other news we have discovered a local presence calling themselves “Pitt Raiders”. I expect little to no resistance from savages, I’m more worried about the Brotherhood finding us, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 3: Error-Data Log damaged-fragments recovered- Emergency! The brotherhood has been spotted and recognized as a visible threat! Counting two Enclave members missing, one confirmed dead. Wait? The recon soldiers! They followed the patrol back! Everyone, statio… Data Log Ended
Data Log 4: The base is defended, but we lost nine soldiers in the end. Four were also wounded, including myself. It is obvious that the Brotherhood will be our greatest bump in the road to achieving control over Long Island. (long pause). I am just getting news that the Common Wealth is in the immediate area. I don’t suspect they will be any threat at all, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 5: 2 years have passed since my last recording and I am quite thankful for that. Nothing has happened of significance besides the fact that within the last year or so we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of “wanderers” moving to the wastes. This will need to be investigated further but we have bigger problems. We have a need to expand and there are too many settlements for us to not be noticed. It is coming to a decision of whether or not to invade the wastes and eliminate the hostile presence. If we are successful then the Enclave will stand a chance against the imperialistic Brotherhood, Private Wolfe out.
The words “It’s not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” are written on a pamphlet placed on top of the holodisks.
RP Expierence:I have run an RP server before and joined two different independant RP servers which include a Star Wars server and a fallout server.
Fallout Expierence:I have played and beaten all games
Define Meta Gaming: Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion. (quoted from my mod app)
Define Power Gaming: Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game. (quoted from my mod app)
IC -
Name: John T. Krample
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Race: Pure Human
Appearence: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 9 inches, not too strong but could hold up in a fight.
Signifying Traits: strategicly experienced but raised away from the violence in the world. Good with a gun but could easily hit self with a melee weapon
Signifying Skills: Genious, four eyes, pack mule (likes to carry more items than needed)
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 5 Perception- 4 Endurance- 6 Charisma- 9 Intelligence- 10 Agility-2 Luck-4
RP example: Born with an irregular IQ and an appeal for chess, he has always valued intelligence and technology over strength and manueverability
Biography: He grew up fathered under two soldiers of the Enclave, he was tought that everyone not in the Enclave was a mutant and must be treated as an animal. He was not always top of the class growing up as he knew what that meant, being put into the science department. He knew that if we scored just below the standard he would be put into service as a pilot or officer. All he thought about as a kid was school and never family. He never grew attached to his father or mother and never married. By the age of 18 he was given the job as a pilot. He was transfered to the D.C. area where vertibird pilots were rare and quite usefull. He was never off duty and started to suffer from sleep disorder, but still he flew. When the Enclave came to fleeing the D.C. area, he lead the retreat and piloted a bird with a squad heading towards the Long Island area. He planned to return and make a life in D.C. when it was cleansed by the recovering Enclave but until then his main priority was to converse with the Enclave about his future. Whether or not he stayed in the faction, he would still hope to find leadership and seek peace.
Its not long enough, and i'd rather it being a longer.
Less in "Logs" so much as a general initial reports of being in Long Island, or current sitrep after noticing all the factions.
Please try again, it was very good quality however!
Due to the restarting of the map, we have closed the old beta thread, and reopened our formal server thread. Please apply at the link location for all the beta and faction application in question.
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server.
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have oly had an application denied once
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application
Definitions of power gaming and meta gaming weren't exactly spot on.
Moderator Application:
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server.
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world which they usually obtain by either kissing up, cheating, or altering other characters. It can also be RPing with another character in the story who is not willingly agreeing with the powergamer such as one character says that they fought and wounded another player when said player does not agree with this and it did not happen in game. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game along with including all players in on the RP and not making other player's characters bend to your will.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. It can also be making your character do something out of their personality or hving them do something that does not fit with the rest of the game such as making a gun in a medieval server. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have oly had an application denied once
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application
First Name:Coby
Timezone: EST
Skype (Needed): J4SNTE
Experience In Fallout: I have played, and beaten all of the Fallout games, except Tactics. Played through all of the DLC. Read the script of the movie, and read the wiki extensively.
Building Experience: I have very little experience building, unfortunately, but am capable of (extremely) simple structures. I will willingly be used as an indentured servant, only to be payed by the completion of the server.
Previous Servers: Fallout: The Lost Days
Any Bans: One temporary.
Proof of Builds (Pictures): As I have said; I have applied for a work-horse job, and have no builds to show off.
Your definitions are still a bit off to what we are referring to.
Meta gaming is the act of using OOC information to the betterment of your character IC.
Such as hearing OOC talk about a possible raid on some treasure trove near you, and then you IC wise find it and raid it before the others get there.
Power gaming would be more so about being an unkillable behemoth of a person. Like saying you're a 7 foot robot that can fly, has Gatling lasers, and hyper blades that cut through anything. Then, shooting 20 people in the head before any of them can even pull there guns. Just forcing your RP onto others, and not allowing them to fight back.
You also forgot to fill out a section of the application, but your app seems to have enough work put into it to seem worth while to looking for your next app. I'll be waiting for these fixes to be put into place, and i hope you reapply again.
I swear you were already a builder XD
Why did you apply again?
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): If I was mod, I would first ask the person to stop and report to an admin or owner. If the person persists I would kick the as a warning but not ban as that is not my resposability. Mainly it is your choice as I would report to you of course this all depends on the serverity of the hack. If it was a hack that was endangering the server and or its current members I would temp. ban until an admin was in.
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have only had an application denied once and resubmited only to be accepted, ironicly I became co-owner because I made the plugins and permissions.
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application. If you get to reading this new section I wish to add you onto skype to talk about the possability of some of my clan applying for the server as builders. Also if I did not post part of the application I would be pleased to know which part
Good application! I'll talk to you more over skype.
IGN: stringboyz
First Name:mitch
Gender: male
Timezone: mountain
Skype (Needed): stringboyz
Experience In Fallout: no
Building Experience: im a good builder for some things (im good with red stone, and can build nice homes
Previous Servers: team9000, skyblock.in are main ones
Any Bans: none
Proof of Builds (Pictures):its a video
That was an odd, and poorly done application. I'll only accept you on the grounds of Squid's referral. Meaning, if you don't build well, or get banned for any reason, he will be held responsible. Don't make me regret accepting this.
Builder Application:
IGN: my minecraft user name is based on my battlefield 2 username stringboy2010 stringboyz
First Name:my birth name is mitch but really i am mitchel but i perfer being called mitch
Gender: from birth to now male xD
Age: i am 15 years of age
Timezone: The Mountain Time Zone of North America. In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generically called Mountain Time (MT). Specifically, it is Mountain Standard Time (MST) when observing Standard Time (winter), and Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) when observing daylight saving time (spring, summer, fall). The term refers to the fact that the Rocky Mountians, which range from northwestern Canada to the US state ofNew Mexico, are located almost entirely in the time zone
Skype (Needed): stringboyz i made a new account dedecated for minecraft
Experience In Fallout: i currently have now experience with fall out yet but look into it more. Squid4680 has acknowledged me lots about fallout.
Building Experience: I am very experienced and very good at building. I am patient and i am very good at being patient and solving
situations. I am honest and willing to do just about anything. I am very good at making traps. I am very friendly and know most of the commands.
Previous Servers: Team9000, Skyblock in are main ones Some smaller servers are squids a clan members servers, and some i cant remember
Any Bans: none and its going to say that way
Proof of Builds (Pictures):its a video http://www.youtube.c...s?v=SKLRwWc0BPQ
I dont have pictures i can post but i have a site that i posted pictures on from when i first started minecraft https://www.team9000...-builder.16414/ And https://www.team9000...-in-game.16192/ And https://www.team9000...-builder.16810/ Finally https://www.team9000...-builder.16852/ P.S. This was in the classic version of minecraft
Builder Application:
IGN: my minecraft user name is based on my battlefield 2 username stringboy2010 stringboyz
First Name:my birth name is mitch but really i am mitchel but i perfer being called mitch
Gender: from birth to now male xD
Age: i am 15 years of age
Timezone: The Mountain Time Zone of North America. In the United States and Canada, this time zone is generically called Mountain Time (MT). Specifically, it is Mountain Standard Time (MST) when observing Standard Time (winter), and Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) when observing daylight saving time (spring, summer, fall). The term refers to the fact that the Rocky Mountians, which range from northwestern Canada to the US state ofNew Mexico, are located almost entirely in the time zone
Skype (Needed): stringboyz i made a new account dedecated for minecraft
Experience In Fallout: i currently have now experience with fall out yet but look into it more. Squid4680 has acknowledged me lots about fallout.
Building Experience: I am very experienced and very good at building. I am patient and i am very good at being patient and solving
situations. I am honest and willing to do just about anything. I am very good at making traps. I am very friendly and know most of the commands.
Previous Servers: Team9000, Skyblock in are main ones Some smaller servers are squids a clan members servers, and some i cant remember
Any Bans: none and its going to say that way
Proof of Builds (Pictures):its a video http://www.youtube.c...s?v=SKLRwWc0BPQ
I dont have pictures i can post but i have a site that i posted pictures on from when i first started minecraft https://www.team9000...-builder.16414/ And https://www.team9000...-in-game.16192/ And https://www.team9000...-builder.16810/ Finally https://www.team9000...-builder.16852/ P.S. This was in the classic version of minecraft
Data Log 2: We reached the Long Island outpost which seems to have a foothold in the area. Further scouting of the area is commencing currently but I think that we should be safe here. With the weapons stockpile and resources, we should be able to make a better start, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 3: With the general dead, we currently have no leader and things are starting to get rough with no clear sense of command. Morals are staying high but I predict a drop if we don’t get this settled and fast. In other news we have discovered a local presence calling themselves “Pitt Raiders”. I expect little to no resistance from savages, I’m more worried about the Brotherhood finding us, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 3: Error-Data Log damaged-fragments recovered- Emergency! The brotherhood has been spotted and recognized as a visible threat! Counting two Enclave members missing, one confirmed dead. Wait? The recon soldiers! They followed the patrol back! Everyone, statio… Data Log Ended
Data Log 4: The base is defended, but we lost nine soldiers in the end. Four were also wounded, including myself. It is obvious that the Brotherhood will be our greatest bump in the road to achieving control over Long Island. (long pause). I am just getting news that the Common Wealth is in the immediate area. I don’t suspect they will be any threat at all, Private Wolfe out.
Data Log 5: 2 years have passed since my last recording and I am quite thankful for that. Nothing has happened of significance besides the fact that within the last year or so we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of “wanderers” moving to the wastes. This will need to be investigated further but we have bigger problems. We have a need to expand and there are too many settlements for us to not be noticed. It is coming to a decision of whether or not to invade the wastes and eliminate the hostile presence. If we are successful then the Enclave will stand a chance against the imperialistic Brotherhood, Private Wolfe out.
The words “It’s not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” are written on a pamphlet placed on top of the holodisks.
Have you read the rules:yes
Have you read the lore:yes, i helped write it
RP Expierence:I have run an RP server before and joined two different independant RP servers which include a Star Wars server and a fallout server.
Fallout Expierence:I have played and beaten all games
Define Meta Gaming: Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion. (quoted from my mod app)
Define Power Gaming: Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game. (quoted from my mod app)
IC -
Name: John T. Krample
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Race: Pure Human
Appearence: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 9 inches, not too strong but could hold up in a fight.
Signifying Traits: strategicly experienced but raised away from the violence in the world. Good with a gun but could easily hit self with a melee weapon
Signifying Skills: Genious, four eyes, pack mule (likes to carry more items than needed)
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 5
Perception- 4
Endurance- 6
Charisma- 9
Intelligence- 10
RP example: Born with an irregular IQ and an appeal for chess, he has always valued intelligence and technology over strength and manueverability
Biography: He grew up fathered under two soldiers of the Enclave, he was tought that everyone not in the Enclave was a mutant and must be treated as an animal. He was not always top of the class growing up as he knew what that meant, being put into the science department. He knew that if we scored just below the standard he would be put into service as a pilot or officer. All he thought about as a kid was school and never family. He never grew attached to his father or mother and never married. By the age of 18 he was given the job as a pilot. He was transfered to the D.C. area where vertibird pilots were rare and quite usefull. He was never off duty and started to suffer from sleep disorder, but still he flew. When the Enclave came to fleeing the D.C. area, he lead the retreat and piloted a bird with a squad heading towards the Long Island area. He planned to return and make a life in D.C. when it was cleansed by the recovering Enclave but until then his main priority was to converse with the Enclave about his future. Whether or not he stayed in the faction, he would still hope to find leadership and seek peace.
I didn't bother reading the whole thing X3
Its not long enough, and i'd rather it being a longer.
Less in "Logs" so much as a general initial reports of being in Long Island, or current sitrep after noticing all the factions.
Please try again, it was very good quality however!
Post his in the beta section.
We intend it to come up about summer time with the new map! Thanks for the support, and can't wait to see your application!
Due to the restarting of the map, we have closed the old beta thread, and reopened our formal server thread. Please apply at the link location for all the beta and faction application in question.