In game name: _TheSettler_
Real first name: Sindre
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Timezone: +1 CET
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs):
I generally like staffing on servers, manly because i like to help people.
And it gives me something extra to do.
What experience in Fallout do you have?:
I have completed both Fallout 3 and New Vegas 2-3 times.
one of my favorite games.
What RP experience do you have?:
I have played on a couple RP servers, but people where not taking it as seriously as i was hopping.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph):
Powergaming is a style of interacting with games with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as roleplaying games. storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie. Due to its focus on the letter of the rules over the spirit of the rules, it is often seen as unsporting, un-fun, or unsociable.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph):
Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one's in-game decisions.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
I would calmly send them a private message stating that they are playing on a role play server.
And that we expect our members to role play, not mate game. It's a role play server, if people don't like that, they are welcome to find another server.
Plugin Experience:
I know alot from my days as a server owner, administrator and moderator on way to many servers.
I have been taking a break from it tho for 6 months or so, playing on a small vanilla server white friends.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I'm not that good, played some creative before, but i mostly made mini games. not good looking buildings. I can my way around redstone and worldedit. and i can copy what others do, but not design a ruined skyscraper. unless i have some good pictures to copy or something.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying):
Not much experience, but i can do the job. (if your unsure give me a test:P)
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: To some degree in role play i would joke around with it. But ever as a staff member.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):
You should accept me because i am mature, experienced player who has played this game since alpha, with plugin experience and focus on service.
I am a student with lots of free time, that i am willing to dedicate to the server.
At the moment i have noting i am fully dedicated to. My Race for Wool team (EuroPP) is slowly
becoming inactive. and whit them, our vanilla and Feed the beast survival server.
and my "online" job as a CotMReferee is not so demanding anymore after we recruited a bunch of new Referees.
if you have any questions or anything search for on Skype: TheSettler [EuroPP] [CotM referee]
just make sure to state who you are, since i get spammed whit requests every week.
Edit: Btw i had to make a new user to connect to the forum, since i was unable to log onto my old one.
(Just wanted to point out that this is not my first post ever to the minecraft forum)
IGN: cianann1212 First Name: Cianan Gender: Male Age: 14 RP Experience: I play on rp servers when I can and I love Half-life RP Any bans: None. Beta Experience: None. Have you read the rules: Yes. Fallout Experience: I play Fallout 3 for an entire year. And 6 months on NV and lots of time on the lore of Fallout. Define Powergaming: Putting yourself high in power with out taking note of any other parts of the game. Define Metagaming: When you use OOC info.
IC Name: Cyan Rubble Gender: Male Age: 18 Vault Profession: Mechanic/Repair Man/Technician (Not sure yet) Appearance:Brow thick hair,with dark blue eyes, with sight dirt on face,scar on right side of face and normal hight. RP Example: *Walks along the road finding a small roof less cabin* "This is strange" *their is just a camp fire in it* Stranger "BLOOD MEAT" Me "What?!" Stranger "DIE" *He comes at me with a sharp knife,I pull out my Base BallBat and strike him down with a hit* Stranger "YOU HURT ME KITTY NOW YOU ARE FOOD!" *I hit Him again and again* *Hes still alive* *Then I beat him to death with the Bat* Character Bio: He has always lived in a vault and and it is their he will die,Well their was a raider who got in and then when knew their was an outside they just left.
IGN: cianann1212 First Name: Cianan Gender: Male Age: 14 RP Experience: I play on rp servers when I can and I love Half-life RP Any bans: None. Beta Experience: None. Have you read the rules: Yes. Fallout Experience: I play Fallout 3 for an entire year. And 6 months on NV and lots of time on the lore of Fallout. Define Powergaming: Putting yourself high in power with out taking note of any other parts of the game. Define Metagaming: When you use OOC info.
IC Name: Cyan Rubble Gender: Male Age: 18 Vault Profession: Mechanic/Repair Man/Technician (Not sure yet) Appearance:Brow thick hair,with dark blue eyes, with sight dirt on face,scar on right side of face and normal hight. RP Example: *Walks along the road finding a small roof less cabin* "This is strange" *their is just a camp fire in it* Stranger "BLOOD MEAT" Me "What?!" Stranger "DIE" *He comes at me with a sharp knife,I pull out my Base BallBat and strike him down with a hit* Stranger "YOU HURT ME KITTY NOW YOU ARE FOOD!" *I hit Him again and again* *Hes still alive* *Then I beat him to death with the Bat* Character Bio: He has always lived in a vault and and it is their he will die,Well their was a raider who got in and then when knew their was an outside they just left.
Oh sorry this was off the last one But can I just be a player?
just wondering whats going on, but when i applied for the beta my post is not showing up on the thread. just asking because i'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem.
In game name: xHaguex Real first name: Mike Gender:Male. Age:15. Timezone: GMT. Why do you want to be staff here?:Well let me explain my love for fallout first, My favourite game of all time is currently split between fallout 3 and OoT. I have played fallout 2, 3 and new vegas and completed all their DLC's as well as redoing fallout 3 about 3 times. I have also loved playing minecraft (mainly on online servers with themes) and have actively played both these games. So when I decided to search up fallout minecraft servers and found this wonderful project, I could not help but want to be apart of this, as I feel it will be beyond epic.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played a bit of fallout 2, and all of fallout 3 and New Vegas including all DLC's. I can basically remember all of the main storyline of fallout 3 and what to do off by heart. This seem to be based off ideas of fallout 3 as I can see as it has the pitt raiders, which I think are only in DLC #2 of fallout 3, although the commonwealth factor is not, although hinted about and seen in NV + 3.
What RP experience do you have?:Played a few RP minecraft servers and things. Honestly I always like getting into the RP feeling but I have found very few places which thoroughly encourge it.
What staff experience do you have?:Been a moderator on a Medieval RP server. quite a while ago. Never really thought of becoming staff on servers, and more so enjoying what experiences the server has to offer.
Define Power Gaming:Focusing on one aspect of the game to put oneself in a position of power without taking notice of other important aspects of the game, including flying etc. Honestly I could just copy and paste a better explanation, it's quite hard to explain.
Define Meta-Gaming:Using information from other sources not in the game or the manual etc. to give players more knowledge on what to do so they have an advantage over others, (Such as just googling how to get past a certain object in a game, or how to defeat a certain boss using a specific tactic).
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do?: I would kindly ask them to stop and tell them to respect the RP theme of the server. If they choose ignore me, I will institue a t-ban of a day. If they continue I may instate a full ban on the player depending on the advantage they are receiving.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do?:I would review the evidence first, and if it is clearly unsufficient, the claim will be dismissed. If the proof clearly shows the player hacking, I will ban the player hacking. If it is a hard decision to whether the evidence is solid enough, I will discuss it with other staff members and then come to a final verdict.
Plugin Experience: I'm familiar with a lot of plugins such as factions and WE. I can't code.
Building Experience: Honestly I can build alright things if you want to try me out. Although I'm sure you have plenty of builders to do the 'hardcore' stuff.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying):I know what makes a good application and can easily accept one. I think that answers this question haha.
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Short answer: No. You should kick or temporarily ban them if they are really disrespectful. Disrespecting back just causes unnecessary arguments and puts a bad impression on the server as a whole. If it's light and it is in the theme of RP, it is OK too a limit.
Why should we accept you as staff?:I am very mature for my age, and I am able to loosen up a bit. I am very active on minecraft and will be able to moderate for a long time, in the EU in which they'll be less staff. I am a very quick learner and able to know all commands within a few days, even the most hard, which I will not forget. I am also able to make quick judgements, which will not be lenient but at the same time not over the top as though it will not be unfair.
I am also not bias, even if I am good friends with someone I will make the right judgement. I also have a lot of experience in minecrat such as brewing recipes as well as fallout and all the things to do in it. Overall I am an allround nice person (I think ) and willing to help any and all in need.
Denied. Don't get me wrong, great app. Just felt you weren't experienced enough.
ahh guys, I'm still not whitlelisted, and I still do not know the server Ip... I WAS accepted as a my knowledge
So, i a admin could do anything, I feel like I am kinda' giving up on the server, which I don't want to do
just wondering whats going on, but when i applied for the beta my post is not showing up on the thread. just asking because i'm not sure if anyone else has had this problem.
I'm not sure. It might be an issue on your end, or the forum site's end. Either way, we can't help you here.
ahh guys, I'm still not whitlelisted, and I still do not know the server Ip... I WAS accepted as a my knowledge
So, i a admin could do anything, I feel like I am kinda' giving up on the server, which I don't want to do
Once we get an actual server up and running, i will make sure to white list you. Until then, i can not.
Still, stay active and check the forums for us as much as possible, in case we do get an IP set up!
A third thing, add/message me on Skype so i can get you in the chat for the server.
Thanks for responding, however Mallachie you will need to get on Skype. Until further notice, you are removed from staff for inactivity.
Right-o, boss man. I think I'm going to stay off the list for now, just until I can motivate myself into actually participating in this server's production. I'm truly sorry about the whole not being active thing and will work on it, but not at the expense of you fabulous peoples here. Fret not, I shall keep on creepin' the page, but I doubt I'll return till the server is released. Farewell for now.
Right-o, boss man. I think I'm going to stay off the list for now, just until I can motivate myself into actually participating in this server's production. I'm truly sorry about the whole not being active thing and will work on it, but not at the expense of you fabulous peoples here. Fret not, I shall keep on creepin' the page, but I doubt I'll return till the server is released. Farewell for now.
Right-o, boss man. I think I'm going to stay off the list for now, just until I can motivate myself into actually participating in this server's production. I'm truly sorry about the whole not being active thing and will work on it, but not at the expense of you fabulous peoples here. Fret not, I shall keep on creepin' the page, but I doubt I'll return till the server is released. Farewell for now.
Then thank you for the formal release of duty. I'll await you to come back at the release of the server. Thanks for you're time given, and all the work you put into the server while you were active.
Feel free to come back anytime you want. <3
IGN: cianann1212 First Name: Cianan Gender: Male Age: 14 RP Experience: I play on rp servers when I can and I love Half-life RP Any bans: None. Beta Experience: None. Have you read the rules: Yes. Fallout Experience: I play Fallout 3 for an entire year. And 6 months on NV and lots of time on the lore of Fallout. Define Powergaming: Putting yourself high in power with out taking note of any other parts of the game. Define Metagaming: When you use OOC info.
IC Name: Cyan Rubble Gender: Male Age: 18 Vault Profession: Mechanic/Repair Man/Technician (Not sure yet) Appearance:Brow thick hair,with dark blue eyes, with sight dirt on face,scar on right side of face and normal hight. RP Example: *Walks along the road finding a small roof less cabin* "This is strange" *their is just a camp fire in it* Stranger "BLOOD MEAT" Me "What?!" Stranger "DIE" *He comes at me with a sharp knife,I pull out my Base BallBat and strike him down with a hit* Stranger "YOU HURT ME KITTY NOW YOU ARE FOOD!" *I hit Him again and again* *Hes still alive* *Then I beat him to death with the Bat* Character Bio: He has always lived in a vault and and it is their he will die,Well their was a raider who got in and then when knew their was an outside they just left.
Oh sorry this was off the last one But can I just be a player?
After heavy discussion, the staff of The Manhattan Project has decided to scrap the map. We have been using the same map for several months, through griefs, host changes and the likes. There was no drive to build, and what was done, was half-assed and could be done much better given more time. A custom landscape has been prepared via World Painter and soon we shall be building again. Once we are up and functional again, there will be a 0 tolerance policy instituted. No 3 strikes and your out, just one. With that said, we plan on making every bigger, better and hopefully with less mess ups and changes.
With the map being redone, and us looking for a dedicated server to put it on to, we will start putting a building map up on the OP. Not to mention, we'll also be posting screenshots of early builds. I'd recommend that any people thinking about being a builder apply, as we need as much help as possible.
Moderator Application:
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have oly had an application denied once
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application
Real first name: Sindre
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Timezone: +1 CET
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs):
I generally like staffing on servers, manly because i like to help people.
And it gives me something extra to do.
What experience in Fallout do you have?:
I have completed both Fallout 3 and New Vegas 2-3 times.
one of my favorite games.
What RP experience do you have?:
I have played on a couple RP servers, but people where not taking it as seriously as i was hopping.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph):
Powergaming is a style of interacting with games with the aim of maximising progress towards a specific goal, to the exclusion of other considerations such as roleplaying games. storytelling, atmosphere and camaraderie. Due to its focus on the letter of the rules over the spirit of the rules, it is often seen as unsporting, un-fun, or unsociable.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph):
Metagaming is a broad term usually used to define any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself.
In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one's in-game decisions.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
I would calmly send them a private message stating that they are playing on a role play server.
And that we expect our members to role play, not mate game. It's a role play server, if people don't like that, they are welcome to find another server.
Plugin Experience:
I know alot from my days as a server owner, administrator and moderator on way to many servers.
I have been taking a break from it tho for 6 months or so, playing on a small vanilla server white friends.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I'm not that good, played some creative before, but i mostly made mini games. not good looking buildings. I can my way around redstone and worldedit. and i can copy what others do, but not design a ruined skyscraper. unless i have some good pictures to copy or something.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying):
Not much experience, but i can do the job. (if your unsure give me a test:P)
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: To some degree in role play i would joke around with it. But ever as a staff member.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):
You should accept me because i am mature, experienced player who has played this game since alpha, with plugin experience and focus on service.
I am a student with lots of free time, that i am willing to dedicate to the server.
At the moment i have noting i am fully dedicated to. My Race for Wool team (EuroPP) is slowly
becoming inactive. and whit them, our vanilla and Feed the beast survival server.
and my "online" job as a CotMReferee is not so demanding anymore after we recruited a bunch of new Referees.
if you have any questions or anything search for on Skype: TheSettler [EuroPP] [CotM referee]
just make sure to state who you are, since i get spammed whit requests every week.
Edit: Btw i had to make a new user to connect to the forum, since i was unable to log onto my old one.
(Just wanted to point out that this is not my first post ever to the minecraft forum)
First Name: Cianan
Gender: Male
Age: 14
RP Experience: I play on rp servers when I can and I love Half-life RP
Any bans: None.
Beta Experience: None.
Have you read the rules: Yes.
Fallout Experience: I play Fallout 3 for an entire year. And 6 months on NV and lots of time on the lore of Fallout.
Define Powergaming: Putting yourself high in power with out taking note of any other parts of the game.
Define Metagaming: When you use OOC info.
Name: Cyan Rubble
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Vault Profession: Mechanic/Repair Man/Technician (Not sure yet)
Appearance:Brow thick hair,with dark blue eyes, with sight dirt on face,scar on right side of face and normal hight.
RP Example: *Walks along the road finding a small roof less cabin* "This is strange" *their is just a camp fire in it* Stranger "BLOOD MEAT" Me "What?!" Stranger "DIE" *He comes at me with a sharp knife,I pull out my Base BallBat and strike him down with a hit* Stranger "YOU HURT ME KITTY NOW YOU ARE FOOD!" *I hit Him again and again* *Hes still alive* *Then I beat him to death with the Bat*
Character Bio: He has always lived in a vault and and it is their he will die,Well their was a raider who got in and then when knew their was an outside they just left.
Oh sorry this was off the last one
(I don't really get to talk to you on Skype much so thought I'd ask here).
I believe that Dual is dealing with some IRL things right now, not really sure though.
Denied. Don't get me wrong, great app. Just felt you weren't experienced enough.
So, i a admin could do anything, I feel like I am kinda' giving up on the server, which I don't want to do
It wasn't dropped, i'll post an update here soon.
Thanks for responding, however Mallachie you will need to get on Skype. Until further notice, you are removed from staff for inactivity.
I'm not sure. It might be an issue on your end, or the forum site's end. Either way, we can't help you here.
Thanks for the support!
Once we get an actual server up and running, i will make sure to white list you. Until then, i can not.
Still, stay active and check the forums for us as much as possible, in case we do get an IP set up!
A third thing, add/message me on Skype so i can get you in the chat for the server.
Right-o, boss man. I think I'm going to stay off the list for now, just until I can motivate myself into actually participating in this server's production. I'm truly sorry about the whole not being active thing and will work on it, but not at the expense of you fabulous peoples here. Fret not, I shall keep on creepin' the page, but I doubt I'll return till the server is released. Farewell for now.
Then thank you for the formal release of duty. I'll await you to come back at the release of the server. Thanks for you're time given, and all the work you put into the server while you were active.
Feel free to come back anytime you want. <3
Denied. Wrong thread. Please post that in the Beta Testing Thread located here:
Thanks for the support!
Remember to snip applications, as to not cause spam on the forum thread.
After heavy discussion, the staff of The Manhattan Project has decided to scrap the map. We have been using the same map for several months, through griefs, host changes and the likes. There was no drive to build, and what was done, was half-assed and could be done much better given more time. A custom landscape has been prepared via World Painter and soon we shall be building again. Once we are up and functional again, there will be a 0 tolerance policy instituted. No 3 strikes and your out, just one. With that said, we plan on making every bigger, better and hopefully with less mess ups and changes.
In game name: squid4680
Real first name: Paolo
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Timezone: Central
Why do you want to be staff here? (At least 1-2 good paragraphs): I wish to be staff on this server because I have a passion for fallout and its community. I wish to better everyone's experience and provide the ideal roleplaying experience for all members. I am also a member of Spec-Ops gaming community where I am the head of the minecraft department so I love making other people's gaming experiences ideal.
Also, if you read all of my application, you will see that I am a passionate Fallout fan and have always wanted to participate in a fully long term RP server that thrives on community.
What experience in Fallout do you have?: I have played all fallout games, constructed a Fallout RP server, and built the Enclave/BoS on that same server
What RP experience do you have?: I have played in a long lasting Star Wars RP server which I only quit due to the server closing, I have played in a Fallout RP server, and I have run a skyrim RP server.
What staff experience do you have?: I have run 3 successful servers, been Head Admin on a Fallout RP server due to setting up their plugins and permissions, been Mod on many servers including a 50+ pop server, and been builder on countless others.
Define Power Gaming (1 Paragraph): Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game.
Define Meta-Gaming (1 Paragraph): Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion.
Say someone is Meta-Gaming, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation): I have delt with this situation before and it is one of the rather tricky ones to cure. I would first either PM the palyer or tell them through an outside media center such as skype as to not interfere with chat that they should cease their actions and return to character. If this does not work then I would either mute the character or report to a higher authority. It should not come to banning as I hope all who sign up for this server realize how serious RP is.
Say someone is hacking, and someone has proof of it, What would you do? (1 Paragraph explanation):
Plugin Experience: I know how to set up any plugin, and permissions. If givin access to the console because you need my assistance, I am fully capable of setting up all plugins.
Building Experience (Preferably Pictures): I have built a castle with a town most recently but do not plan to build anything similar to this except the wall in this server.
Experience with Application (Accepting/Denying): I have oly had an application denied once
Should you disrespect players if they are disrespecting you?: Depending on whether they are in RP or not, if not then warn them at first and if they persist, warn my superior.
Why should we accept you as staff? (At least 1-3 good paragraphs):I believe my experience as a server owner and admin put me ahead of the game and my strive to make the experience great to all players defines the perfect staff member. I can set up permissions and plugins, along with my building skills. I am fully aware of what the Fallout Universe is and its appearence. My clan counts on me to bring them the best gaming experience possible and I have great faith in this server. I have never hacked or used a hacking client as I see no use for it especially in an RP server.
I also make a great staff member as I am active as much as needed and will communicate with all other staff in any way possible/needed. Simply inform me of the communication method and I will have it at the ready. Thank you for reading my application
Could you please format this better and repost it? It seemed like it was a quality app but I got lost quickly due to the formatting.