Our Current IP address is ELPrison.theminecrafthost.com and we will notify you if there are any changes
Welcome To Empathyless Prison. You Have Done The Crime So You'll be doing the time in this prison. earn your way through ranks until you reach the ultimate FREE. Each Rank Has a job and more responsabilities to come with it once you reach the Free rank you can rome around outside and do whatever you want like build a castle or maybe you still feel like some PvP Thats Fine Too! through these ranks if you get caught trying to kill someone a gaurd will either kill you or ask for your sword. he will give you 5 seconds to hand it over then your jailed for ten minutes
1. No hacks at all!
2. Respect the staff.
3. No CAPS!
4. No swearing
5. Replant Saplings At The Tree Farm.
7. No spamming.
8. No advertising
Prisoner Rules
1. You may have contraband items, but must give it to a guard when asked to avoid jail time.
Contraband items include: Swords, bows, flint and steel, potions, lava.
2. If you are fighting another prisoner and a guard sees it, they will kill you in a PVP area, if you run to a NON-PVP area you will be asked to get out and be counted down. If the guard hits 0(zero), you will be jailed.
3. Hitting from NON-PVP will NOT be tolerated and will result in jail time.
4. If a guard begins to count down, you have 5 seconds to listen to them before they hit 0(zero), once they hit 0(zero), you will be jailed.
Guard Rules
1. If a guard sees someone being attacked, they are only to attack the aggressive force. So if only one person is attacking and the other is running, they only attack the attacker. If both are fighting, both can be attacked.
2. When a guard is asking for contraband, or to get back into PVP they must always count down from 5 to 0(zero).
3. You are not to hold ANY grudges.
4. You are NOT to accept any bribes.
5. Always listen to higher ranks.
6. Staff abuse will NEVER be tolerated, and will result in you being removed from staff and probably banned.
You must apply for guard, if you feel you are ready, here is the application to copy and paste to a reply.
Guard Application
How long have you been on the server?:
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph):
Experience (details):
Skype username:
What stands out about you?:
Ban Appeal
Why were you banned?:
Who banned you?:
Why should you be unbanned?:
Anything extra?:
Ranks Info.
D-Prisoner: The Default Rank Of A Prisoner Just Thrown in jail
Cost: 0 Its The Default Rank
C-Prisoner: Starting To Learn Tactics To Avoid Gaurds
Cost: 15000
B-Prisoner: Getting Up Ranks Fast And Now The Middle Of The Prison
Cost: 35000
A-Prisoner: Your Almost There Just A Bit More Cash
Cost: 65000
Free: Wooh Your Out And Free To Do Whatever Your Heart Desires
VIP RANKS: - Access to VIP MINE (Diamonds, Redstone and lapis lazuli)
How long have you been on the server?:havnt yet but have lots of experience as a guard for prisons
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph):I have been on many prison servers but there is always some reason why they never work, when i saw this server i jumped for it and love the power of authority and the ability to uphold the rules please consider me i respect and honour the rules.
Experience (details):I have been on may prison servers and have experience as admin so i always follow the rules
Skype username:Hardcoregamer214
What stands out about you?:I am very social and easy to get along with, i am creative and fun but also strict and by the book.
How long have you been on the server?: Just started today.
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph): I am a very good guy to cooperate with and i love to help. I have been on many serves and helped build many servers. I love to help and i abide by the rules and obey.
Experience (details): I have worked on prison servers but all of them have been shut down and i want to find one that wont get shut down.
Skype username: psycostogdell
What stands out about you?: I love prison serves and i love to help in anyway possible.
This is actually against the rules, as this belongs in the Survival Server section. I am just warning you about that. I would like to join your server I will work my rank up rather than submitting an application.
For all the people making guard applications we wont accept any apps if you have not played on the server for at least a week. It is to see if you are wanting to play on this server because you like it or because you just want the guard position.
Love your co-co-owner gama_biscuts!
This is actually against the rules, as this belongs in the Survival Server section. I am just warning you about that. I would like to join your server I will work my rank up rather than submitting an application.
If you submit a app it means you want to be a guard if you dont send in a app it just means you want to be a normal player that is fine so you don't need to tell us
Love your co-co-owner gama_biscuts!
Server IP and Port:
Our Current IP address is ELPrison.theminecrafthost.com and we will notify you if there are any changes
Welcome To Empathyless Prison. You Have Done The Crime So You'll be doing the time in this prison. earn your way through ranks until you reach the ultimate FREE. Each Rank Has a job and more responsabilities to come with it once you reach the Free rank you can rome around outside and do whatever you want like build a castle or maybe you still feel like some PvP Thats Fine Too! through these ranks if you get caught trying to kill someone a gaurd will either kill you or ask for your sword. he will give you 5 seconds to hand it over then your jailed for ten minutes
1. No hacks at all!
2. Respect the staff.
3. No CAPS!
4. No swearing
5. Replant Saplings At The Tree Farm.
7. No spamming.
8. No advertising
Prisoner Rules
1. You may have contraband items, but must give it to a guard when asked to avoid jail time.
Contraband items include: Swords, bows, flint and steel, potions, lava.
2. If you are fighting another prisoner and a guard sees it, they will kill you in a PVP area, if you run to a NON-PVP area you will be asked to get out and be counted down. If the guard hits 0(zero), you will be jailed.
3. Hitting from NON-PVP will NOT be tolerated and will result in jail time.
4. If a guard begins to count down, you have 5 seconds to listen to them before they hit 0(zero), once they hit 0(zero), you will be jailed.
Guard Rules
1. If a guard sees someone being attacked, they are only to attack the aggressive force. So if only one person is attacking and the other is running, they only attack the attacker. If both are fighting, both can be attacked.
2. When a guard is asking for contraband, or to get back into PVP they must always count down from 5 to 0(zero).
3. You are not to hold ANY grudges.
4. You are NOT to accept any bribes.
5. Always listen to higher ranks.
6. Staff abuse will NEVER be tolerated, and will result in you being removed from staff and probably banned.
You must apply for guard, if you feel you are ready, here is the application to copy and paste to a reply.
Guard Application
How long have you been on the server?:
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph):
Experience (details):
Skype username:
What stands out about you?:
Ban Appeal
Why were you banned?:
Who banned you?:
Why should you be unbanned?:
Anything extra?:
Ranks Info.
D-Prisoner: The Default Rank Of A Prisoner Just Thrown in jail
Cost: 0 Its The Default Rank
C-Prisoner: Starting To Learn Tactics To Avoid Gaurds
Cost: 15000
B-Prisoner: Getting Up Ranks Fast And Now The Middle Of The Prison
Cost: 35000
A-Prisoner: Your Almost There Just A Bit More Cash
Cost: 65000
Free: Wooh Your Out And Free To Do Whatever Your Heart Desires
- Access to VIP MINE (Diamonds, Redstone and lapis lazuli)
- 15K
- Colored Name Of Your Choice
- VIP Plots (coming Soon)
Please ask in game for details
How long have you been on the server?:havnt yet but have lots of experience as a guard for prisons
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph):I have been on many prison servers but there is always some reason why they never work, when i saw this server i jumped for it and love the power of authority and the ability to uphold the rules please consider me i respect and honour the rules.
Experience (details):I have been on may prison servers and have experience as admin so i always follow the rules
Skype username:Hardcoregamer214
What stands out about you?:I am very social and easy to get along with, i am creative and fun but also strict and by the book.
How long have you been on the server?: Just started today.
Reason for wanting this position (requires paragraph): I am a very good guy to cooperate with and i love to help. I have been on many serves and helped build many servers. I love to help and i abide by the rules and obey.
Experience (details): I have worked on prison servers but all of them have been shut down and i want to find one that wont get shut down.
Skype username: psycostogdell
What stands out about you?: I love prison serves and i love to help in anyway possible.
Love your co-co-owner gama_biscuts! If you submit a app it means you want to be a guard if you dont send in a app it just means you want to be a normal player that is fine so you don't need to tell us
Love your co-co-owner gama_biscuts!