(Rift is a registered trademark of Trion Worlds, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. "RiftBlock" and "Rift: Blocks of Telara" are not nor do they claim to be affiliated with Trion Worlds, Inc. "RiftBlock" and "Rift: Blocks of Telara" is a legal fan-project according to provision 14 of the Trion Worlds Terms of Use Agreement as of January 1, 2011.)
(Note: The name of this server has changed to "Rift: Blocks of Telara")
Our spawn city and quest hub!
Fully-working quest NPCs, with skins!
The End has been converted into a massive dungeon, "The Plane of Death!"
The Nether has also been transformed into a major dungeon, "The Plane of Fire!"
Rifts like these corrupt the world, unleashing minions of the Plane of Death!
In the Temple of Legends, players can make custom enchantments for their weapons, such as healing them whenever they kill something or applying poison on contact!
"Rift: Blocks of Telara" (or "RiftBlock") is a totally new server aimed to provide players with an engaging story and dungeon system present in RPGs combined with the creative and fun mechanics present in Minecraft. The server has entered a development cycle which will last only a few more weeks before opening up to the public. The development cycle consists of building the major city, programming quests, building and programming dungeons, setting up a website, designing graphics, and designing NPC skins. The server is being hosted by Bastion Services with over 4 GB of RAM.
A long time ago, six powerful and fearsome planar dragons roamed the cosmos, searching for planets to conquer. These dragons were collectively known as the Blood Storm, and their apetite for destruction was insatiable.
Eventually, they came upon the planet of Telara, a world created at the nexus of the six elemental planes. The amount of elemental power contained in the planet was immense, and each of the dragons wanted the planet for themself.
The dragons of the Blood Storm began to fight against each other. In their wake, villages were destroyed, fields were scorched, and entire continents were flooded.
Finally, a group of six valiant warriors formed together to defeat the dragons. Blessed by the gods with Legendary Weapons, the warriors culled the dragons during their chaotic wars, one by one, until only Maelforge, the Dragon of Fire and Regulos, the Dragon of Death remained. The six valiant warriors then founded Cambria, a city of power and wealth that to this day stands as a shining reminder of the Telarans' victory against the dragons.
...but there are rumors that Regulos has been plotting to enact his revenge. Death Rifts, one-way portals from the Plane of Death, have begun funnelling hordes of the undead onto Telara, murdering anyone they come into contact with.
Regulos has only two goals. First, to destroy Cambria. Second, to destroy the world.
The six valiant warriors have long since passed away, and the gods seem to have abandoned Telara in its time of need. Will you have what it takes to bring peace to the world and the end of Death incarnate?
Server Features
Destroy the ranks of Regulos. Over 10 different exciting, challenging, and unique dungeons to conquer, with more being added with every content update!
Uncover the plot to obliterate Cambria. More than 15 adventure-filled quests that explore a thrilling and engaging storyline, and additional quests are added every so often!
Unleash the incredible powers inside Legendary Weapons. Obtain special weapons that you can customize with powerful spells and traits!
Reign over your peers. Form a town and compete to become the strongest in open-world PvP and war zones! (Coming in Update #1)
Join the community! Post on our own server forums and look up anything related to our server in our online database!
Interested in becoming a part of RiftBlock? Join the RiftBlock team! There are a number of positions that need to be filled in order to make this server a success. If you feel you are qualified, even in the least sense, I strongly encourage you to apply.
To apply, just copy the following application and fill out the required information in a reply to this thread. Be prepared for a live interview over Skype or Mumble.Yes, this means you will either need a mic or have great typing skills.
Minecraft Username:
Position(s) Applying for:
Preferred Name:
Time Zone:
Primary Language:
Related Experience:
Examples of Work (if applicable):
Builder (Positions Open: Limited)
At the core of this server are the Builders. RiftBlock is looking for skilled builders who are interested in building in all styles. You will be required to work well with others and be open to compromise. Although you will have a plethora of creative freedom there are some codicils that must be adhered to (certain buildings must be built a certain way with a certain amount of space, etc.) The main city is fully done, so we will mostly be needing your help with building dungeons.
Content Designer (Positions Open: Limited)
While almost all of the plugins for RiftBlock have already been configured, the content itself has not been. As a Content Designer, you will be responsible for creating NPCs, creating quests, configuring plugins, researching plugins, programming dungeons, and a heckuvalot of testing. Availibility is a must for this position, and you probably will not have access to the server backend or FTP server. Experience with plugins is a must. Experience with Javascript is not required by any means, but extremely useful for creating advanced dungeons.
Skin Artist(Positions Open: Two)
Urgently looking for Skin Artists! Please apply if you're interested!
We are currently running a plugin called CitizenSkins which gives all of our NPCs custom skins, but we need Skin Artists to make these skins! As a Skin Artist, you will have the responsiblity of creating original skins for all of our NPC characters. All of our main characters have already been created, but we still need lots of touch-ups as well as generic NPC skins.
Graphic Designer(Position Closed!)
The Graphic Designer will be responsible for creating a variety of graphics to use for the RiftBlock server, ranging from website banners to forum signatures. You will be working closely with our Webmaster to design images that he can use as templates for our website. You should be open-minded when applying to this position, and may have to redo a graphic multiple times based on my or the Webmaster's request.
Webmaster(Position Closed!)
With Beastnode hosting, we get a free sub-domain for a website. In charge of this website will be the Webmaster, who will create a friendly, professional-looking website featuring a place for news and announcements, a wiki, and forums. You will be able to appoint as many "Web Assistants" as you deem necessary (and they must be approved by me) to help you build and maintain the website.
Resources(Positions Open: One!)
Want to play a role in the staff, but you lack "artistic" skills? This role may be for you!
Resources is a purely administrative job designed to help me manage RiftBlock resources, which everything from the staff to advertising. In the Resources position, you will have the responsibility of creating and organizing documents, interviewing staff candidates, tracking plugin updates, generating publicity, and various other tasks aimed at keeping RiftBlock organized. This position requires you to have knowledge of how to use office software (such as Microsoft Office or Open Office), be easy to reach, have good people skills, and be easy to reach.
If you have any questions about the server, application process, or anything else pertaining to RiftBlock, feel free to leave a post on this thread or e-mail me at [email protected].
Minecraft Username: Nxegex
Position(s) Applying for: Builder (Both City and Dungeon possible), And probable Playtester
Preferred Name: Nxegex or Xeg
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (US)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: 50+ Hours of off-line Minecraft Building, an Avid Imagination, and a Fantasy Obsession
Age: 18 (By Tomorrow, at least)
Examples of Work (if applicable): Unfortunately not. I don't keep most of my worlds after I'm finished with them
References: None!
Minecraft Username: Killer2237
Position(s) Applying for: Content designer
Preferred Name: Killer2237
Time Zone: Eastern standard time. (-5)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I'm working on my own server right now, I have plugin knowledge and I'm frequently looking at the plugin section of bukkit.org so I spend a lot of time reading and researching. I'm messing around DungenBuilder so it's another thing I can help with.
Age: 15
Examples of Work (if applicable): I've worked on many servers... But their all down right now. So no solid example.
I'll be glad to do the voice interview.
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For an amazing free game... (No download needed)... Click here!
Minecraft Username: tylerhorton
Position(s) Applying for: Webmaster, Builder
Preferred Name: Ty
Time Zone: Central
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I have developed three professional websites. I know how to design and develop websites.
Age: Sorry, can't tell to strangers
Examples of Work (if applicable): All of the domains have shut down.
[REQUIRED] Minecraft Username: Giants745 Position(s) Applying for: Builder, Webmaster Preferred Name: Giants Time Zone: Est -5 Primary Language: English Related Experience: I have been builder on many other servers, I can send pictures if needed. And I have created a website before
Minecraft Username:The_shade_killa
Position(s) Applying for:Builder and skin artist
Preferred Name: Shade or killa(because sometimes there are a lot of shades)
Time Zone: Eastern
Primary Language:English, with a little french
Related Experience:Well for a builder i am very good as well as creative. I have just helped in building a harry potter server. I find building to be very fun work and enjoy to build any thing especially dungions which by the way are not that easy if it is complex. As for a skin artist i am very good i have been making custom skins for 3 months now but that may not seem like a lot but it is hard and time comsumeing.
Age:I am 14(but dont let the age fool you i am very hard working
Minecraft Username: st0rmast3r
Position(s) Applying for: Builder (city or dungeon)
Preferred name: storm
Time zone: Houston Texas (CDT)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: Been playing MC since the beta and have built multiple castles.
Position Applying for: Builder
Preffered name:150
Time Zone: USA EST
Primary Launguage:English
Related Experience: I have been a mod on another server though it got shut down.
Examples of works: None because I usually destroy my buildings so nobody copies them(But I will not do that on your server)
References:Most people that I have been playing with quit a long time ago so no references.Also if you want to know my Skype username its:icewizard36
(Rift is a registered trademark of Trion Worlds, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. "RiftCraft" is not nor does it claim to be affiliated with Trion Worlds, Inc. "RiftCraft" is a legal fan-project according to provision 14 of the Trion Worlds Terms of Use Agreement as of January 1, 2011.)
"RiftCraft" is a totally new server aimed to provide players with an engaging story and dungeon system present in RPGs combined with the creative and fun mechanics present in Minecraft. The server will enter a development cycle of approximately one month before opening up to the public. The development cycle will consist of building the major city, programming quests, building and programming dungeons, setting up a website, designing graphics, and designing NPC skins. The server will be hosted by BeastNode, in either Dallas, TX or San Jose, CA. During the development cycle, the server will host 512 MB of RAM. Upon leaving the development cycle, the server will be upgraded to 1 GB of RAM. Upgrades will be purchased as needed. The server will be payed for by me, Kriptini, though an option for players to Donate is looking like a high possibility in the future.
Basic Overview
Engaging storyline, utilizing four "chapters" as well as Citizens NPCs to tell a story based on the MMORPG by Trion Worlds, "Rift: Planes of Telara."
Multiple playable dungeons created by the DungeonBuilder plugin to offer unique co-op PvE content not found on other servers.
Massive PvE "server events" that rally players together to defeat hordes of mobs.
Town-based open-world PvP outside of the main city.
Custom enchanting using the revolutionary LegendaryItems plugin.
Current Staff
Owner: Kriptini Assistant to the Owner: Moser Builders: Nxegex, KubaToast, st0rmast3r, Giants745 Content Designers: Killer2237 Skin Artists: Graphic Designer: Webmaster:
Staff Positions
Interested in becoming a part of RiftCraft? Join the RiftCraft team! There are a number of positions that need to be filled in order to make this server a success. If you feel you are qualified, even in the least sense, I strongly encourage you to apply.
To apply, just copy the following application and fill out the required information in a reply to this thread. Be prepared for a live interview over Skype or Ventrilo.Yes, this means you will either need a mic or have great typing skills.
Minecraft Username:
Position(s) Applying for:
Preferred Name:
Time Zone:
Primary Language:
Related Experience:
Examples of Work (if applicable):
Builder (Positions Open: Many!)
At the core of this server are the Builders. At the time of this post, the server is made up of four large walls designating the edges of the main city and a single dungeon; that's it! RiftCraft is looking for skilled builders who are interested in building in a new-age fantasy style. (Castles and such but not neccessarily traditional-looking.) You will be required to work well with others and be open to compromise. Although you will have a plethora of creative freedom there are some codicils that must be adhered to (certain buildings must be built a certain way with a certain amount of space, etc.) You may elect to be a city builder, dungeon builder, or both.
Content Designer (Positions Open: Limited)
While almost all of the plugins for RiftCraft have already been configured, the content itself has not been. As a Content Designer, you will be responsible for creating NPCs, creating quests, configuring plugins, researching plugins, programming dungeons, and a heckuvalot of testing. Availibility is a must for this position, and you probably will not have access to the server backend or FTP server. Experience with plugins is a must. Experience with Javascript is not required by any means, but extremely useful for creating advanced dungeons.
Skin Artist (Positions Open: Many!)
Once we get Spout working on RiftCraft, we will need custom skins for all of our NPCs. As a Skin Artist, you will have the responsiblity of creating original skins for all of our NPC characters. As this is a time-consuming job, you must either be very productive or have lots of time on your hands. While you will have lots of creative freedom, there will be certain codicils that you must adhere to (certain characters must look a certain way, etc.)
Graphic Designer (Positions Open: One)
As you can see, the logo at the top of this page is complete and utter garbage; it's something I threw together in two seconds so that this post didn't look terribad. The Graphic Designer will be responsible for creating a variety of graphics to use for the RiftCraft server, ranging from website banners to forum signatures. You must be sure to adhere to trademark laws when using the word "Rift" in any graphic. You should be open-minded when applying to this position, and may have to redo a graphic multiple times based on my request.
Webmaster (Positions Open: One)
With Beastnode hosting, we get a free sub-domain for a website. In charge of this website will be the Webmaster, who will create a friendly, professional-looking website featuring a place for news and announcements, a wiki, and forums. You will be able to appoint as many "Web Assistants" as you deem necessary (and they must be approved by me) to help you build and maintain the website.
If you have any questions about the server, application process, or anything else pertaining to RiftCraft, feel free to leave a post on this thread or e-mail me at [email protected].
Minecraft Username: mutster
Position(s) Applying for: Skin artist
Preferred Name: Alex
Time Zone: EST
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: Making my own skins and requests from friends
Minecraft Username:TheDewottNetwork
Position(s) Applying for:Skin Maker or what ever it is called
Preferred Name:Dewott
Time Zone:US central
Primary Language:english
Related Experience: I make tons of skin
Minecraft Username: Zaertix (Don't play often, just use it for ideas)
Position(s) Applying for: Webmaster
Preferred Name: Bastion or Z
Time Zone: EST (-05:00 GMT)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I quite literally build websites for fun. I have over 32 of them, utilizing different CMS/Board types/scripts. I will offer samples of my work to whoever needs it.
Age:Old enough
Examples of Work (if applicable): Will be shown upon request in private.
References: Again, given in private
Thanks all for your interest! We appreciate all the applications you are sending in!
EDIT: Please keep in mind that the Minecraft Forums are very large and we have only so many spots! If you do know some people who would be interested in this sort of serverm let them know about it!
Hours Spent Online Daily:7-13
Applying For:builder
Expertise In This Field:i am builder on 10 other servers and i am a trusted cristian man.
Why You Are Best For This Job:because i am trust worthy and loyal.
Anything Else I Should Know: i will tell someone off if they curse,grief,and harass people.
(Rift is a registered trademark of Trion Worlds, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. "RiftCraft" is not nor does it claim to be affiliated with Trion Worlds, Inc. "RiftCraft" is a legal fan-project according to provision 14 of the Trion Worlds Terms of Use Agreement as of January 1, 2011.)
"RiftCraft" is a totally new server aimed to provide players with an engaging story and dungeon system present in RPGs combined with the creative and fun mechanics present in Minecraft. The server will enter a development cycle of approximately one month before opening up to the public. The development cycle will consist of building the major city, programming quests, building and programming dungeons, setting up a website, designing graphics, and designing NPC skins. The server will be hosted by BeastNode, in either Dallas, TX or San Jose, CA. During the development cycle, the server will host 512 MB of RAM. Upon leaving the development cycle, the server will be upgraded to 1 GB of RAM. Upgrades will be purchased as needed. The server will be payed for by me, Kriptini, though an option for players to Donate is looking like a high possibility in the future.
Basic Overview
Engaging storyline, utilizing four "chapters" as well as Citizens NPCs to tell a story based on the MMORPG by Trion Worlds, "Rift: Planes of Telara."
Multiple playable dungeons created by the DungeonBuilder plugin to offer unique co-op PvE content not found on other servers.
Massive PvE "server events" that rally players together to defeat hordes of mobs.
Town-based open-world PvP outside of the main city.
Custom enchanting using the revolutionary LegendaryItems plugin.
Interested in becoming a part of RiftCraft? Join the RiftCraft team! There are a number of positions that need to be filled in order to make this server a success. If you feel you are qualified, even in the least sense, I strongly encourage you to apply.
To apply, just copy the following application and fill out the required information in a reply to this thread. Be prepared for a live interview over Skype or Ventrilo.Yes, this means you will either need a mic or have great typing skills.
Minecraft Username:
Position(s) Applying for:
Preferred Name:
Time Zone:
Primary Language:
Related Experience:
Examples of Work (if applicable):
Builder (Positions Open: Many!)
At the core of this server are the Builders. At the time of this post, the server is made up of four large walls designating the edges of the main city and a single dungeon; that's it! RiftCraft is looking for skilled builders who are interested in building in a new-age fantasy style. (Castles and such but not neccessarily traditional-looking.) You will be required to work well with others and be open to compromise. Although you will have a plethora of creative freedom there are some codicils that must be adhered to (certain buildings must be built a certain way with a certain amount of space, etc.) You may elect to be a city builder, dungeon builder, or both.
Content Designer (Positions Open: Limited)
While almost all of the plugins for RiftCraft have already been configured, the content itself has not been. As a Content Designer, you will be responsible for creating NPCs, creating quests, configuring plugins, researching plugins, programming dungeons, and a heckuvalot of testing. Availibility is a must for this position, and you probably will not have access to the server backend or FTP server. Experience with plugins is a must. Experience with Javascript is not required by any means, but extremely useful for creating advanced dungeons.
Skin Artist (Positions Open: Many!)
Once we get Spout working on RiftCraft, we will need custom skins for all of our NPCs. As a Skin Artist, you will have the responsiblity of creating original skins for all of our NPC characters. As this is a time-consuming job, you must either be very productive or have lots of time on your hands. While you will have lots of creative freedom, there will be certain codicils that you must adhere to (certain characters must look a certain way, etc.)
Graphic Designer (Positions Open: One)
As you can see, the logo at the top of this page is complete and utter garbage; it's something I threw together in two seconds so that this post didn't look terribad. The Graphic Designer will be responsible for creating a variety of graphics to use for the RiftCraft server, ranging from website banners to forum signatures. You must be sure to adhere to trademark laws when using the word "Rift" in any graphic. You should be open-minded when applying to this position, and may have to redo a graphic multiple times based on my request.
Webmaster (Positions Open: One)
With Beastnode hosting, we get a free sub-domain for a website. In charge of this website will be the Webmaster, who will create a friendly, professional-looking website featuring a place for news and announcements, a wiki, and forums. You will be able to appoint as many "Web Assistants" as you deem necessary (and they must be approved by me) to help you build and maintain the website.
If you have any questions about the server, application process, or anything else pertaining to RiftCraft, feel free to leave a post on this thread or e-mail me at [email protected].
prefered name:Cade
time zone:Central time zone
primary language:English
related experience:i have been staff on many rpg servers as well as hunger game servers and jail servers
Our spawn city and quest hub!
Fully-working quest NPCs, with skins!
The End has been converted into a massive dungeon, "The Plane of Death!"
The Nether has also been transformed into a major dungeon, "The Plane of Fire!"
Rifts like these corrupt the world, unleashing minions of the Plane of Death!
In the Temple of Legends, players can make custom enchantments for their weapons, such as healing them whenever they kill something or applying poison on contact!
"Rift: Blocks of Telara" (or "RiftBlock") is a totally new server aimed to provide players with an engaging story and dungeon system present in RPGs combined with the creative and fun mechanics present in Minecraft. The server has entered a development cycle which will last only a few more weeks before opening up to the public. The development cycle consists of building the major city, programming quests, building and programming dungeons, setting up a website, designing graphics, and designing NPC skins. The server is being hosted by Bastion Services with over 4 GB of RAM.
A long time ago, six powerful and fearsome planar dragons roamed the cosmos, searching for planets to conquer. These dragons were collectively known as the Blood Storm, and their apetite for destruction was insatiable.
Eventually, they came upon the planet of Telara, a world created at the nexus of the six elemental planes. The amount of elemental power contained in the planet was immense, and each of the dragons wanted the planet for themself.
The dragons of the Blood Storm began to fight against each other. In their wake, villages were destroyed, fields were scorched, and entire continents were flooded.
Finally, a group of six valiant warriors formed together to defeat the dragons. Blessed by the gods with Legendary Weapons, the warriors culled the dragons during their chaotic wars, one by one, until only Maelforge, the Dragon of Fire and Regulos, the Dragon of Death remained. The six valiant warriors then founded Cambria, a city of power and wealth that to this day stands as a shining reminder of the Telarans' victory against the dragons.
...but there are rumors that Regulos has been plotting to enact his revenge. Death Rifts, one-way portals from the Plane of Death, have begun funnelling hordes of the undead onto Telara, murdering anyone they come into contact with.
Regulos has only two goals. First, to destroy Cambria. Second, to destroy the world.
The six valiant warriors have long since passed away, and the gods seem to have abandoned Telara in its time of need. Will you have what it takes to bring peace to the world and the end of Death incarnate?
Server Features
Owner: Kriptini
Builders: Nxegex, MegaMonkeyz, Jimmehy3, Blutup868 (Trainee)
Content Designers: Killer2237, Lildirt
Skin Artists: bandman122
Graphic Designer: Murasna
Webmaster: Zaertix
Resources: Moser
Staff Positions
Interested in becoming a part of RiftBlock? Join the RiftBlock team! There are a number of positions that need to be filled in order to make this server a success. If you feel you are qualified, even in the least sense, I strongly encourage you to apply.
To apply, just copy the following application and fill out the required information in a reply to this thread. Be prepared for a live interview over Skype or Mumble. Yes, this means you will either need a mic or have great typing skills.
Builder (Positions Open: Limited)
At the core of this server are the Builders. RiftBlock is looking for skilled builders who are interested in building in all styles. You will be required to work well with others and be open to compromise. Although you will have a plethora of creative freedom there are some codicils that must be adhered to (certain buildings must be built a certain way with a certain amount of space, etc.) The main city is fully done, so we will mostly be needing your help with building dungeons.
Content Designer (Positions Open: Limited)
While almost all of the plugins for RiftBlock have already been configured, the content itself has not been. As a Content Designer, you will be responsible for creating NPCs, creating quests, configuring plugins, researching plugins, programming dungeons, and a heckuvalot of testing. Availibility is a must for this position, and you probably will not have access to the server backend or FTP server. Experience with plugins is a must. Experience with Javascript is not required by any means, but extremely useful for creating advanced dungeons.
Skin Artist (Positions Open: Two)
Urgently looking for Skin Artists! Please apply if you're interested!
We are currently running a plugin called CitizenSkins which gives all of our NPCs custom skins, but we need Skin Artists to make these skins! As a Skin Artist, you will have the responsiblity of creating original skins for all of our NPC characters. All of our main characters have already been created, but we still need lots of touch-ups as well as generic NPC skins.
Graphic Designer (Position Closed!)
The Graphic Designer will be responsible for creating a variety of graphics to use for the RiftBlock server, ranging from website banners to forum signatures. You will be working closely with our Webmaster to design images that he can use as templates for our website. You should be open-minded when applying to this position, and may have to redo a graphic multiple times based on my or the Webmaster's request.
Webmaster (Position Closed!)
With Beastnode hosting, we get a free sub-domain for a website. In charge of this website will be the Webmaster, who will create a friendly, professional-looking website featuring a place for news and announcements, a wiki, and forums. You will be able to appoint as many "Web Assistants" as you deem necessary (and they must be approved by me) to help you build and maintain the website.
Resources (Positions Open: One!)
Want to play a role in the staff, but you lack "artistic" skills? This role may be for you!
Resources is a purely administrative job designed to help me manage RiftBlock resources, which everything from the staff to advertising. In the Resources position, you will have the responsibility of creating and organizing documents, interviewing staff candidates, tracking plugin updates, generating publicity, and various other tasks aimed at keeping RiftBlock organized. This position requires you to have knowledge of how to use office software (such as Microsoft Office or Open Office), be easy to reach, have good people skills, and be easy to reach.
If you have any questions about the server, application process, or anything else pertaining to RiftBlock, feel free to leave a post on this thread or e-mail me at [email protected].
Position(s) Applying for: Builder (Both City and Dungeon possible), And probable Playtester
Preferred Name: Nxegex or Xeg
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (US)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: 50+ Hours of off-line Minecraft Building, an Avid Imagination, and a Fantasy Obsession
Age: 18 (By Tomorrow, at least)
Examples of Work (if applicable): Unfortunately not. I don't keep most of my worlds after I'm finished with them
References: None!
Minecraft Username: Killer2237
Position(s) Applying for: Content designer
Preferred Name: Killer2237
Time Zone: Eastern standard time. (-5)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I'm working on my own server right now, I have plugin knowledge and I'm frequently looking at the plugin section of bukkit.org so I spend a lot of time reading and researching. I'm messing around DungenBuilder so it's another thing I can help with.
Age: 15
Examples of Work (if applicable): I've worked on many servers... But their all down right now. So no solid example.
I'll be glad to do the voice interview.
Position(s) Applying for: Builder
Preferred Name: Kuba, Fresh Start
Time Zone: PST
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: Watermelon Castles, Many Hours of Building.
Minecraft Username: tylerhorton
Position(s) Applying for: Webmaster, Builder
Preferred Name: Ty
Time Zone: Central
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I have developed three professional websites. I know how to design and develop websites.
Age: Sorry, can't tell to strangers
Examples of Work (if applicable): All of the domains have shut down.
Minecraft Username: Giants745
Position(s) Applying for: Builder, Webmaster
Preferred Name: Giants
Time Zone: Est -5
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I have been builder on many other servers, I can send pictures if needed. And I have created a website before
Age: 16
Minecraft Username:The_shade_killa
Position(s) Applying for:Builder and skin artist
Preferred Name: Shade or killa(because sometimes there are a lot of shades)
Time Zone: Eastern
Primary Language:English, with a little french
Related Experience:Well for a builder i am very good as well as creative. I have just helped in building a harry potter server. I find building to be very fun work and enjoy to build any thing especially dungions which by the way are not that easy if it is complex. As for a skin artist i am very good i have been making custom skins for 3 months now but that may not seem like a lot but it is hard and time comsumeing.
Age:I am 14(but dont let the age fool you i am very hard working
Minecraft Username: st0rmast3r
Position(s) Applying for: Builder (city or dungeon)
Preferred name: storm
Time zone: Houston Texas (CDT)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: Been playing MC since the beta and have built multiple castles.
Position Applying for: Builder
Preffered name:150
Time Zone: USA EST
Primary Launguage:English
Related Experience: I have been a mod on another server though it got shut down.
Examples of works: None because I usually destroy my buildings so nobody copies them(But I will not do that on your server)
References:Most people that I have been playing with quit a long time ago so no references.Also if you want to know my Skype username its:icewizard36
Minecraft Username: mutster
Position(s) Applying for: Skin artist
Preferred Name: Alex
Time Zone: EST
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: Making my own skins and requests from friends
Position(s) Applying for:Skin Maker or what ever it is called
Preferred Name:Dewott
Time Zone:US central
Primary Language:english
Related Experience: I make tons of skin
contact me by youtube only, skype isnt an option because my room is so close to my family, www.youtube.com/TheDewottNetwork
Position(s) Applying for: Content Designer
Preferred Name: Austin
Time Zone: EST (-05:00 GMT)
Primary Language: English (US)
Related Experience: Owner of servers, tested the plugins and configured all of the permissions on PermissionsEx for about 30 plugins.
Age: 14; 15 next month
Examples of Work (if applicable): Can send you a permissions node(?)
References: None
Minecraft Username: Zaertix (Don't play often, just use it for ideas)
Position(s) Applying for: Webmaster
Preferred Name: Bastion or Z
Time Zone: EST (-05:00 GMT)
Primary Language: English
Related Experience: I quite literally build websites for fun. I have over 32 of them, utilizing different CMS/Board types/scripts. I will offer samples of my work to whoever needs it.
Age:Old enough
Examples of Work (if applicable): Will be shown upon request in private.
References: Again, given in private
Skype name: bastion_services
EDIT: Please keep in mind that the Minecraft Forums are very large and we have only so many spots! If you do know some people who would be interested in this sort of serverm let them know about it!
Hours Spent Online Daily:7-13
Applying For:builder
Expertise In This Field:i am builder on 10 other servers and i am a trusted cristian man.
Why You Are Best For This Job:because i am trust worthy and loyal.
Anything Else I Should Know: i will tell someone off if they curse,grief,and harass people.
prefered name:Cade
time zone:Central time zone
primary language:English
related experience:i have been staff on many rpg servers as well as hunger game servers and jail servers
Thanks for the laugh, I really needed one today. =)