The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Im looking for 3-5 plugins to be made for my server all custom, mostly simple i had them made once but the developer kinda disappeared with a half finished job! so im looking for someone who can make them and will still be around incase they break or i have issues.
Plugins i need:
Structure / Creative Control
Travel Points
Join & Leave
if you can do this please comment your discord below!
Im looking for 3-5 plugins to be made for my server all custom, mostly simple i had them made once but the developer kinda disappeared with a half finished job! so im looking for someone who can make them and will still be around incase they break or i have issues.
Plugins i need:
Structure / Creative Control
Travel Points
Join & Leave
if you can do this please comment your discord below!
Hey! my discord is "zivush__"
Hello, sounds like you found someone already, but if not i could assist DC groupxyz
If your still looking for a developer, my discord is "thelpro"
I can do Java aswell as discord bots and websites.