Hello Everyone! (Scroll to the bottom if you don't want to read the Information Thanks)
Hidden Legacy is looking for some talented staff to help out.
We are currently looking for the following staff positions:
@Developers 4/10 Developers
@Builders 5/10 Builders
@Modelers 5/10 modelers ( Brief summary of a Modeler) a modeler is someone who will be working on our custom modelers for the server most are complete as of now, just a few are left.
@Mods- 4/10 Mods
@Helpers- 0/10
We are very close to releasing the server to the public in beta stage, this means the first few weeks will be gathering suggestions and bugs that occur, and then we will fully release it to the public!
Building Stage:
As for building we are almost finished, we need help with one last project that will require a decent amount of activity of course if you have school/or University, work or other commitments we 100% understand, we don't have an "hour" policy obviously, just log on and help out to the best of your ability!
Developer Stage:
As for Developing on our server we have a few shop configuration to work on, and some other secret things that I will not reveal on this forum thread.
First of all in order to apply you will have to join our discord server, and then head to #staffapplicationyou will be redirected to our website. You will then need to fill in a application forum which will be reviewed by the admins, manager and of course Owner.
Hello Everyone! (Scroll to the bottom if you don't want to read the Information Thanks)
Hidden Legacy is looking for some talented staff to help out.
We are currently looking for the following staff positions:
@Developers 4/10 Developers
@Builders 5/10 Builders
@Modelers 5/10 modelers ( Brief summary of a Modeler) a modeler is someone who will be working on our custom modelers for the server most are complete as of now, just a few are left.
@Mods- 4/10 Mods
@Helpers- 0/10
We are very close to releasing the server to the public in beta stage, this means the first few weeks will be gathering suggestions and bugs that occur, and then we will fully release it to the public!
Building Stage:
As for building we are almost finished, we need help with one last project that will require a decent amount of activity of course if you have school/or University, work or other commitments we 100% understand, we don't have an "hour" policy obviously, just log on and help out to the best of your ability!
Developer Stage:
As for Developing on our server we have a few shop configuration to work on, and some other secret things that I will not reveal on this forum thread.
First of all in order to apply you will have to join our discord server, and then head to #staffapplication you will be redirected to our website. You will then need to fill in a application forum which will be reviewed by the admins, manager and of course Owner.
In order to apply please be either 16 or over 16!
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/ezfH4HKj
Website: https://www.hiddenlegacy.org/
We are aware about Prevails forum thread (we will be making this one our main forum thread)