SkyLineMC is a new factions server building it's way up to the top. Although, it's not going to be easy so we will need some help. The requirements are in the application which is where you can apply. You must be able to talk and be on our discord server with the age of 13 or over due to Discord T.O.S, If you would like to read it please click here.
How to apply?
It's quite simple just click the link below and you shall be redirected to an application. This applies to all roles apart from Graphic Designers, builders and Developers. To apply contact me here: Fabby#7235
Hello Everyone!
SkyLineMC is a new factions server building it's way up to the top. Although, it's not going to be easy so we will need some help. The requirements are in the application which is where you can apply. You must be able to talk and be on our discord server with the age of 13 or over due to Discord T.O.S, If you would like to read it please click here.
How to apply?
It's quite simple just click the link below and you shall be redirected to an application. This applies to all roles apart from Graphic Designers, builders and Developers. To apply contact me here: Fabby#7235
Application Form:
Youtube: Coming Soon..
Twitter: Coming Soon..
Website: Coming Soon..