Hi, Im currently looking to work as a builder on a server, I've recently left my position as a manager and builder of a different server, due to the staff team kind of just falling apart as well as some issues via staff team. I'm looking for some new servers, I'm currently almost 19yrs old, I have plenty of time to work on the daily, I'm hardworking usually, I do have some proof of my builds, as well as a working mic. I do have a work in progress website that I can share for build's. I have experience with worldedit and voxelsniper, if you'd have some free time at some point and would like to talk, I'd love to. Just gimme a call, or shoot me a message on discord at TeoGaming22#0999, Thanks.
I'll check on your applications today. I haven't been checking the forums for a bit so my apologies for a little bit of a late reply! I'll maintain better vigilance from now on though
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It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.
Hey checking out your applications lads, excited to give them a read! For those still applying if you're interested in the player engagement opportunity please feel free to message me directly on discord @ NomzHD#0013 !!!
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It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.
I'll check on your applications today. I haven't been checking the forums for a bit so my apologies for a little bit of a late reply! I'll maintain better vigilance from now on though
It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.
i applied
I'll take a look immediately
It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.
Applied for builder, mate.
I just applied! (:
Hey checking out your applications lads, excited to give them a read! For those still applying if you're interested in the player engagement opportunity please feel free to message me directly on discord @ NomzHD#0013 !!!
It is an undeniable and may I say fundamental quality of man that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable.