The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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⚔Shioncraft ⚔
Hello players, I am the creator of Shioncraft aka the Owner of the server. I am here to announce that my server is looking for many players who are willing to help start the server up and run together as a team. Shioncraft is a Roleplay, Creative, and Survival Server where people can have fun and create there own small stories in our three worlds. Our three worlds are called Kagaminers City the world of Medieval times, Endercraft city the present day that we all live in, and finally undead city the world where the dead people live. Come stop by and see the main characters of the story roleplaying at sometimes, its pretty interesting stories because I'm the main writer of the stories of how they act. Join the discord link below if you want to join the fun and be hired as staff too.
⚔Shioncraft ⚔ Looking for staff