Hello, i am Brian and the Lycanthrocraft has been around for about a year now, we started off as a small Factions Server that eventually opened up a Skyblock then a Factions server, The new goal is to get our Towny servers up and running over the next few weeks! I have a passion for success, and I can promise you when I am working I give 110% everytime. (We Intend To keep it as Towny For a While)
We have a extremely friendly group of staff who most of the time sit in discord and joke around with each other, We are a family at Lycanthrocraft more than we are a work group!
So what are you looking for LycanthrocraftMc?
Currently we are in need of some builders and possibly plugin creators who want to become a part of Lycanthrocraft's future, I am looking for a permanent team here! Most of the time I don't ask for help I let the builders offer or put my my skills in action (As a builder), I am not strict, I usually don't require work done in a set amount of time. With that said I am trying to push a fast release on the server. If you are looking to start a name for yourself or you are looking to join a small community this is destined to grow Lycanthrocraft is the place for you!
You must have Discord or skype (A WORKING MIC)
Must speak english
Able to handle joking around o-o
Must be able to finish a project!
Be friendly and accept Criticism on your work! (We are a team after all, it will be constructive but criticism nonetheless)
Application Format: {{FORMAT 1}}
If you feel you would fit in at Lycanthrocraft please use this format in the reply section below!
Name: (Can be ingame name but we NEED your real or internet alias name)
Age: (Just to get an idea, your age will not affect the application)
Building Experience(only if you are applying to builder): (Are you a new builder without a name trying to get it out there, or a Veteran Builder? Do you work better on exterior work interior or both?)
Programing experience(If you are applying to be Programmer):
Hours you can commit:(Per day, and Per Week)
Timezone: (Don't worry I am on mostly every timezone working anyways ;-;)
{{FORMAT 2}}
Moderation / Administration Format
Name :
Skype / Discord:(Please specify)
Do you have any previous experience? -
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? -
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? -
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? -
Developer Format -
Name -
What language do you prefer?(PHP,Javascript...):
Skype / Discord (Please specify)
Age :
Do you have any previous experience as a Developer? -
What can you offer Lycanthrocraft? -
Can you code, If so what can you code? -
Builder Format -
Name -
Skype / Discord (Please specify):
Age -
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? -
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? -
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? -
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? -
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Name: (Can be ingame name but we NEED your real or internet alias name) Loganoot
Age: (Just to get an idea, your age will not affect the application) 15
Building Experience(only if you are applying to builder): (Are you a new builder without a name trying to get it out there, or a Veteran Builder? Do you work better on exterior work interior or both?) If time is given to me I can build ok things on discord I can post screen shots
Programing experience(If you are applying to be Programmer): I can program
Hours you can commit:(Per day, and Per Week) manly Friday-Sunday night
Timezone: (Don't worry I am on mostly every timezone working anyways ;-;) EST (Canada)
ame: (Can be ingame name but we NEED your real or internet alias name) IGN:BunchOFWeed irl:jacob
Age: (Just to get an idea, your age will not affect the application)12
Building Experience(only if you are applying to builder): Are you a new builder without a name trying to get it out there, or a Veteran Builder? Do you work better on exterior work interior or both?)i have been building since i started minecraft i have been builder on 2 servers and in the Necter team. And i am a veteran builder and u can take my build test.
Hours you can commit:(Per day, and Per Week): all week i can be on for 5 hours
Timezone:i can be on anytime he server need me pacific tme
IGN - AlmostHappy
Name - Max
Skype - maximizedoes
Age - 12 (don't judge)
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? - To be completely honest, not much at all, i beleive i am alright at building and that everyone has to start somewhere, so i came to a smaller more gentle server that is LYCANTHROCRAFT. I can guarantee potential, so please keep that in mind.
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? - Again i am semi-new to the involvement with staff so i will try my absolute best to improve the community and general wellness of the server while maintaining and becoming involved in projects.
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? - 4 / 10
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? - 0 / 10
IGN : HopelessRope
Name : You can find that out if i'm accepted
Skype / Discord: Both are HopelessRope
Age: 21
Do you have any previous experience? - yes. I have previous experience being owner of my own server for several months. I have also been Co-Owner, Head Admin, Admin, Moderator, Helper, and builder.
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I keep things real when it comes to breaking rules and being engaged with players of the community.
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - By warning and dealing out said punishments for whatever rule was broken.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - By putting the fear of god into rule breakers
IGN - AlmostHappy
Name - Max
Skype - maximizedoes
Age - 12 (don't judge)
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? - To be completely honest, not much at all, i beleive i am alright at building and that everyone has to start somewhere, so i came to a smaller more gentle server that is LYCANTHROCRAFT. I can guarantee potential, so please keep that in mind.
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? - Again i am semi-new to the involvement with staff so i will try my absolute best to improve the community and general wellness of the server while maintaining and becoming involved in projects.
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? - 4 / 10
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? - 0 / 10
Im So sorry But
Your application is pending!!! please submit build picks (we dont care how (min of 2) regardless of your preface on building)
Do you have any previous experience? - Yes, I actually have a server.
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I can help find any hackers and I can help with any problems..
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - I will try to listen and behave to it as possible as can.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - I will try to grow the Community aswell as catching mysterious hacks from griefers/hackers
IGN : Rocketbeck
Name : Beckett Andrew
Skype / Discord: skype: Rocketbeck discord: gdplayr#9159
Age: 13
Do you have any previous experience? - yes i was a head mod on a server but it eventually shut down.
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - i am a helpful and friendly person but i can be strict when i need to be, i can follow directions quickly and enforce rules even faster. i respect anyone above me and will understand the responsibility being a mod/admin has.
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - i will enforce the rules strongly and quickly, and whenever a problem comes up, if i can help, i will be there to fix it.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - i will make sure that whenever someone breaks the rules and is potentially harming the community, i will take action instantly. i am also going to be up to date on hacking tricks and clients to make sure i can watch out for them.
Application For Admin Such as reason I would love some new experience in helping servers and bringing a kind personality. My age is 13 I need the experience for more servers I'd like to start on a cool little server like this I'm As mature as a 7/10 I am serious most of the time the other 3 I mess around sometimes Why should I be a staff member? I would be sure to follow the server rules as strictly as they are stated. I would enforce this throughout the community as well. I would ensure that I was as active as possible to further improve the community. As to that, I will also do anything asked of me and deal with any hackers, IP sharers, or anyone else violating LYCANTHROCRAFT rules. To smaller things such as keyspam or caps, I would kindly ask the player to stop, after the first few times asked, I will then do what is needed to stop the issue. If this issue results in many alts I would make the punishment harder on them. I know many commands and would love to be apart of this great server. I do have experience Just recently I became staff on a smaller server. On there, I maintain peace within chat and help to keep a fun community. I would be willing to drop my staff position on that server in order to become an Admin on this server. My skype is Coopertiger62. Things to know about me as I said Im 13 and My hobbie is to do youtube and be a good singer Im active about every day I update on skype my brother likes to troll me on skype saying im gay ignore that thank you for reading this application have a good day!
IGN : ThatOneMexican
Name : Francisco
Skype: francisco.112233/ Discord: SirFrancisco#9315
Age: 14 (Next Month 15)
Do you have any previous experience? - Yes, I have had prior experience before when I was the age of 12 but unfortunately the server has shut down. All I can say is that the server was called CraftyWonderLand, Ex-Owner: Harvey(Last Name Unknown) and I have lost all contact sadly as I was a staff member 2-3 years ago, but I suppose you do not have to believe me since a person may or may assume this is made up(But I Beg To Differ)
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I am a mature person for my age and I have a well knowledge of basic plugins most servers use such as: Essentials, Factions, Towny, Group Manager, Pex, World-Edit(Basics), and ect. . I see my self as a responsible and mature person as I have attended a poor Chicago South Side School and made it to one of the top ten highschools in the city.
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - Checking the chats and looking on the server website for reports of trouble makers, spectating suspicious player within /vanish
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - I will make the Community safe in the ways I have listed before this question, and so I would be very active and so forth as I will be buying a laptop soon so I would be able to check on the server within school time
Extra Info: As you can see on my profile I have been apart of the Minecraft community for a very long time
My name is Milan, I am the lead developer at Ubunifu Games LLC. Ubunifu Games is a game development company branching out into server configuration and plugin development. If you are in need of our services, please feel free to contact me at the following:
IGN - AlmostHappy
Name - Max
Skype - maximizedoes
Age - 12 (don't judge)
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? - To be completely honest, not much at all, i beleive i am alright at building and that everyone has to start somewhere, so i came to a smaller more gentle server that is LYCANTHROCRAFT. I can guarantee potential, so please keep that in mind.
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? - Again i am semi-new to the involvement with staff so i will try my absolute best to improve the community and general wellness of the server while maintaining and becoming involved in projects.
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? - 4 / 10
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? - 0 / 10
Skype / Discord:(Please specify)Skype and discord TheUnexpected//discord skype//goodspencer445
Do you have any previous experience? - Yes i was helping Jhalt on the minehq network for a while then was banned because i was talking crap about him
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I think i could have the admin rank because i 1. Have past experience 2. I have been admin before 3. I Will help with tech issues
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - By giving out mutes tempbans and perm bans to whom ever breaks the rules
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer?- I would ban people for ddos threats and mute for racism and i will tempban people for griefing and such.
Skype / Discord:(Please specify) : I can PM my skype/discord to you.
Age: 15
Do you have any previous experience? - I have a lot of experience as being a staff member.
What makes you think that you are responsiblefor having a [Mod/Admin] rank? - As pointed above I have a lot of experience as being a staff member, I think I can help this community and make friends while doing it. Helping people gives
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - By punishing people who break it. I don't like being overly strict but I can get really strict when it is needed.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - I can't do it alone, I'll need the help of other staff members together we could make the community a better and safer place for everyone.
This is the current Hub and Home for the madness!
About Lycanthrocraft:
Hello, i am Brian and the Lycanthrocraft has been around for about a year now, we started off as a small Factions Server that eventually opened up a Skyblock then a Factions server, The new goal is to get our Towny servers up and running over the next few weeks! I have a passion for success, and I can promise you when I am working I give 110% everytime. (We Intend To keep it as Towny For a While)
We have a extremely friendly group of staff who most of the time sit in discord and joke around with each other, We are a family at Lycanthrocraft more than we are a work group!
So what are you looking for LycanthrocraftMc?
Currently we are in need of some builders and possibly plugin creators who want to become a part of Lycanthrocraft's future, I am looking for a permanent team here! Most of the time I don't ask for help I let the builders offer or put my my skills in action (As a builder), I am not strict, I usually don't require work done in a set amount of time. With that said I am trying to push a fast release on the server. If you are looking to start a name for yourself or you are looking to join a small community this is destined to grow Lycanthrocraft is the place for you!
Application Format: {{FORMAT 1}}
If you feel you would fit in at Lycanthrocraft please use this format in the reply section below!
Name: (Can be ingame name but we NEED your real or internet alias name)
Age: (Just to get an idea, your age will not affect the application)
Building Experience(only if you are applying to builder): (Are you a new builder without a name trying to get it out there, or a Veteran Builder? Do you work better on exterior work interior or both?)
Programing experience(If you are applying to be Programmer):
Hours you can commit:(Per day, and Per Week)
Timezone: (Don't worry I am on mostly every timezone working anyways ;-;)
{{FORMAT 2}}
Moderation / Administration Format
Name :
Skype / Discord:(Please specify)
Do you have any previous experience? -
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? -
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? -
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? -
Developer Format -
Name -
What language do you prefer?(PHP,Javascript...):
Skype / Discord (Please specify)
Age :
Do you have any previous experience as a Developer? -
What can you offer Lycanthrocraft? -
Can you code, If so what can you code? -
Builder Format -
Name -
Skype / Discord (Please specify):
Age -
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? -
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? -
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? -
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? -
Please Complete the app here and the add us on Discord or skype (we use discord more but both are available!)
(Skype): Psychopath_Nextdoor
(Discord) : NextdoorPsycho#5045
(LIVE Discord Staff application Confirmation) (Only if you are done if im not there Pm me (Psychopath_Nextdoor)) :
[[[Any friends wanting to be a part of this community too? tell them to apply too and they will be given attention]]]
{{Extra points}} How many Credits do you have??
Name: (Can be ingame name but we NEED your real or internet alias name) Loganoot
Age: (Just to get an idea, your age will not affect the application) 15
Building Experience(only if you are applying to builder): (Are you a new builder without a name trying to get it out there, or a Veteran Builder? Do you work better on exterior work interior or both?) If time is given to me I can build ok things on discord I can post screen shots
Programing experience(If you are applying to be Programmer): I can program
Hours you can commit:(Per day, and Per Week) manly Friday-Sunday night
Timezone: (Don't worry I am on mostly every timezone working anyways ;-;) EST (Canada)
ame: (Can be ingame name but we NEED your real or internet alias name) IGN:BunchOFWeed irl:jacob
Age: (Just to get an idea, your age will not affect the application)12
Building Experience(only if you are applying to builder): Are you a new builder without a name trying to get it out there, or a Veteran Builder? Do you work better on exterior work interior or both?)i have been building since i started minecraft i have been builder on 2 servers and in the Necter team. And i am a veteran builder and u can take my build test.
Hours you can commit:(Per day, and Per Week): all week i can be on for 5 hours
Timezone:i can be on anytime he server need me pacific tme
Bumpity Mc Bumpelstein (Bump)
IGN - AlmostHappy
Name - Max
Skype - maximizedoes
Age - 12 (don't judge)
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? - To be completely honest, not much at all, i beleive i am alright at building and that everyone has to start somewhere, so i came to a smaller more gentle server that is LYCANTHROCRAFT. I can guarantee potential, so please keep that in mind.
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? - Again i am semi-new to the involvement with staff so i will try my absolute best to improve the community and general wellness of the server while maintaining and becoming involved in projects.
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? - 4 / 10
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? - 0 / 10
IGN : HopelessRope
Name : You can find that out if i'm accepted
Skype / Discord: Both are HopelessRope
Age: 21
Do you have any previous experience? - yes. I have previous experience being owner of my own server for several months. I have also been Co-Owner, Head Admin, Admin, Moderator, Helper, and builder.
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I keep things real when it comes to breaking rules and being engaged with players of the community.
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - By warning and dealing out said punishments for whatever rule was broken.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - By putting the fear of god into rule breakers
Peace & hope to hear back shortly
They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same. - Kurt Cobain
Being smart is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, being wise is not putting it into a fruit salad- Unknown
Im So sorry But
WELCOME TO THE FAMILY HOPELESSRPOE! haza (sorry a bit anti climactic) you will be Chat manager and climb the ladder to moderator and beyond.
Im So sorry But
Your application is pending!!! please submit build picks (we dont care how (min of 2) regardless of your preface on building)
Ok cool clad to have you becoming part of out team https://discord.gg/7yFZQ
IGN : Rocketbeck
Name : Beckett Andrew
Skype / Discord: skype: Rocketbeck discord: gdplayr#9159
Age: 13
Do you have any previous experience? - yes i was a head mod on a server but it eventually shut down.
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - i am a helpful and friendly person but i can be strict when i need to be, i can follow directions quickly and enforce rules even faster. i respect anyone above me and will understand the responsibility being a mod/admin has.
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - i will enforce the rules strongly and quickly, and whenever a problem comes up, if i can help, i will be there to fix it.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - i will make sure that whenever someone breaks the rules and is potentially harming the community, i will take action instantly. i am also going to be up to date on hacking tricks and clients to make sure i can watch out for them.
nvm ignore this msg!
could i do a few little builds on the server? if not then thats okay.
Application For Admin Such as reason I would love some new experience in helping servers and bringing a kind personality. My age is 13 I need the experience for more servers I'd like to start on a cool little server like this I'm As mature as a 7/10 I am serious most of the time the other 3 I mess around sometimes Why should I be a staff member? I would be sure to follow the server rules as strictly as they are stated. I would enforce this throughout the community as well. I would ensure that I was as active as possible to further improve the community. As to that, I will also do anything asked of me and deal with any hackers, IP sharers, or anyone else violating LYCANTHROCRAFT rules. To smaller things such as keyspam or caps, I would kindly ask the player to stop, after the first few times asked, I will then do what is needed to stop the issue. If this issue results in many alts I would make the punishment harder on them. I know many commands and would love to be apart of this great server. I do have experience Just recently I became staff on a smaller server. On there, I maintain peace within chat and help to keep a fun community. I would be willing to drop my staff position on that server in order to become an Admin on this server. My skype is Coopertiger62. Things to know about me as I said Im 13 and My hobbie is to do youtube and be a good singer Im active about every day I update on skype my brother likes to troll me on skype saying im gay ignore that thank you for reading this application have a good day!
IGN : ThatOneMexican
Name : Francisco
Skype: francisco.112233/ Discord: SirFrancisco#9315
Age: 14 (Next Month 15)
Do you have any previous experience? - Yes, I have had prior experience before when I was the age of 12 but unfortunately the server has shut down. All I can say is that the server was called CraftyWonderLand, Ex-Owner: Harvey(Last Name Unknown) and I have lost all contact sadly as I was a staff member 2-3 years ago, but I suppose you do not have to believe me since a person may or may assume this is made up(But I Beg To Differ)
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I am a mature person for my age and I have a well knowledge of basic plugins most servers use such as: Essentials, Factions, Towny, Group Manager, Pex, World-Edit(Basics), and ect. . I see my self as a responsible and mature person as I have attended a poor Chicago South Side School and made it to one of the top ten highschools in the city.
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - Checking the chats and looking on the server website for reports of trouble makers, spectating suspicious player within /vanish
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - I will make the Community safe in the ways I have listed before this question, and so I would be very active and so forth as I will be buying a laptop soon so I would be able to check on the server within school time
Extra Info: As you can see on my profile I have been apart of the Minecraft community for a very long time
My name is Milan, I am the lead developer at Ubunifu Games LLC. Ubunifu Games is a game development company branching out into server configuration and plugin development. If you are in need of our services, please feel free to contact me at the following:
Skype: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
IGN - AlmostHappy
Name - Max
Skype - maximizedoes
Age - 12 (don't judge)
Do you have any previous experience as a Builder? - To be completely honest, not much at all, i beleive i am alright at building and that everyone has to start somewhere, so i came to a smaller more gentle server that is LYCANTHROCRAFT. I can guarantee potential, so please keep that in mind.
-Show pics (Min = 2)
What can you offer to out community here at Lycanthrocraft? - Again i am semi-new to the involvement with staff so i will try my absolute best to improve the community and general wellness of the server while maintaining and becoming involved in projects.
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use WorldEdit? - 4 / 10
Rate yourself, How well do you know how to use VoxelSniper? - 0 / 10
Moderation / Administration Format
IGN : YourDroppin
Name :Spencer
Skype / Discord:(Please specify)Skype and discord TheUnexpected//discord skype//goodspencer445
Do you have any previous experience? - Yes i was helping Jhalt on the minehq network for a while then was banned because i was talking crap about him
What makes you think that you are responsible to have a [Mod/Admin] rank? - I think i could have the admin rank because i 1. Have past experience 2. I have been admin before 3. I Will help with tech issues
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - By giving out mutes tempbans and perm bans to whom ever breaks the rules
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer?- I would ban people for ddos threats and mute for racism and i will tempban people for griefing and such.
IGN : danielkr
Name : Daniel
Skype / Discord:(Please specify) : I can PM my skype/discord to you.
Age: 15
Do you have any previous experience? - I have a lot of experience as being a staff member.
What makes you think that you are responsible for having a [Mod/Admin] rank? - As pointed above I have a lot of experience as being a staff member, I think I can help this community and make friends while doing it. Helping people gives
How are you going to enforce the rules of Lycanthrocraft? - By punishing people who break it. I don't like being overly strict but I can get really strict when it is needed.
How are you going to make Lycanthrocraft's Community safer? - I can't do it alone, I'll need the help of other staff members together we could make the community a better and safer place for everyone.