Hey everyone! I'm Wrekless, from the Minecraft server Beast-craft. I'm the Head-builder for this server. It is my job to recruit builders and tell them what to do. So, at first I was like: How am I going to recruit builders? My first thought was enjin. My second thought was PMC. My third thought was Minecraft Forum. SO, I came here. Now I need to ask. Our server is looking for a group of fine, hard-working builders to recruit to the servers Build-team. We basically need them. As of now, I have built everything on the server except for the mines and spawn. We really need builders.
So, to top this off, we would like to invite you to Apply for Builder under this thread in the comments section. Please include your best builds, and please be detailed with your application.
Why you want to be Builder (Please include your building skills and your Building history):
Pictures of your builds (Use Gyazo, Imgur, and so forth):
Skype: (If you do not have skype it is okay, if you do please write your name in this box)
And please feel free to include anything else that you would like to tell us about yourself.
Please give your application, using this exact format in the comments section below. If you succeed to obtain Builder, we will send you the IP and a note that proves to you that you are accepted.
In-game Name:
Why you want to be Builder (Please include your building skills and your Building history):
Pictures of your builds (Use Gyazo, Imgur, and so forth):
Skype: (If you do not have skype it is okay, if you do please write your name in this box)
And please feel free to include anything else that you would like to tell us about yourself.
Still no replies? Okay, here. Builders get gmc and Multiverse Access.
And alot more.