Will get back to these applications once we are done evaluating them. Please bear with us while we are still coming up with a decision. The DSO team would like to thank you for your patience. Expect to hear from us soon!
Name?: James
Age?: 18
Skype?: kingregius1
The position you're applying for?: Administrator
Timezone?: EST
Talk about your past experiences as an Administrator; Tell us about yourself and your capabilities as an Administrator:
Server owner, administrator, developer, you name it. I've been through countless positions, but I'm sure were not here to discuss my life story. Although still very egotistic I have been humbled through my years of server management. The more I learn the less I know. I've never worked on big, roleplaying projects or servers so I believe DSO could be my catalyst. I learn fast and I especially like to micromanage. This may seem unfavorable but I intend to fully respect and communicate with the other staff members for I would really prefer to explore each field and learn a little from each role. You can say I'm a veteran in the Minecraft community, I've been here since Alpha and I've had times where I dedicate 20 hours a day to my servers and times where I stop playing for months. I am a power-hungry monarch and expect to able to control every little aspect of the server but I most certainly adhere to professionalism and morality and vanquish all that do not. Essentially, my capabilities are ever growing and my potential--limitless, as is DSO. That is why I would like to hone both.
Anyways, on a less serious note, I enjoy playing (by that I mean managing) Minecraft and I am looking for a new community to grow and have a good time with. I am a computer science major that specializes in information systems, network security, programming, and AI development. I also play League and Overwatch competitively so if you guys are involved in those communities it's a ++! I look forward to hearing more from you guys. The best way to contact me would be through my email - [email protected]
Name: Derek Age: 25 Skype: icupeverynite The position you're applying for: Administrator or Administrator of Building Timezone: CT Past experiences: Have Admin/built on very large servers in early days of minecraft. Battlecraft is an example. Myself MyTalents: Well versed in plugin adjustment and server care. Worked for a Vps company that ran game servers. Adept at building very large and intricate structures. Very efficient at guiding others into exactly what is needed.
Name?: Michael (ign Blaze_Ghast2) Age?: 17 Skype?: DangerBread The position you're applying for?: Administration Timezone?: Eastern Standard Time Talk about your past experiences as a (Role you're applying for): I have many experiances in the field of administration. I have worked as an administrator on Minecraft, and I also am studying Computer Administration in school. I have worked as Administrator on 4 servers before and I can get proof if required. I have been administrator on DangerBread, a small factions based server, Shutteddown, a prison based server, EMPfactions, a factions based server, and pixelcraft, a PvP based server. Tell us about yourself and your capabilities as a (Role you're applying for):
I view myself as a social and outgoing person. I have many capabilites as a administrator. I have many examples but these are the main five.
If someone is ever sad or confused I will inform them right away! I never want to see someone like that, it breaks my heart. Also I never talk back to anyone unless they are the ones being rude I will say "Please do not be rude to other players, we like to have a nice community here." Another thing I wanted to add above is that I will never abuse. Most people don't think that this is a problem but it might be sometimes. Either way I hope you see what I hope to accomplish by being caring and making sure no one is confused. A very nice community was there are no rule breakers or haters! I love seeing people happy as it puts a smile on my face. Thank you all for giving me the chance to play on an awesome server like this! However there are the occasional times where if someone is annoying me, I will make sure they know it. I don't shout in caps: YOU ARE SOOO ANNOYING URGH… I'd probably say something like; Please be quite about (subject he/she is being annoying about).Getting the chance to help others would be a thing that I could do the best.
I'm a fast learner, I pick up things very quickly. On each server that I was staff on, they use a multitude of different plugins. Of course, when you move on to a new community, you expect new things, and that's exactly what I do. From experience, I am able to quickly and fully understand punishment guidelines, punishment commands and the system overall. I am confident that I will have no trouble in this department and I would be a huge contribution to the team.
I'm mature. This may be implied with my age, but I regard myself as a mature person. I believe that when I dived into Minecraft moderation, I was extremely immature. I look back on myself, and I'm able to laugh about it, which is a sign of realization, to be able to recognise your past faults and admit them takes a certain level of maturity. Each of my past staff positions were stepping stones to who I am now, and I'm grateful for every one of those opportunities.
I'm a social or a people person. I try my best to get along with everyone, every type of person. On a Minecraft server, it's important to make the players feel comfortable and happy as a staff member. People can't just feel unwelcome when they first join the server because they are beginners and so on. I understand that, and I try my best to make people feel welcome. As a staff member, you have to talk to people you normally would not even consider talking to, they don't deserve poor treatment and I've come to realize that. My goal as a staff member would be that too.
When I have been given the privilege to serve on a staff team I take it very seriously. I will joke around with others but I have learned to respect the rank. Being staff will not make me cool or give me respect but it is my goal to help and server the players of this server. I understand that under no circumstances should I abuse and that I have been given a chance to be a part of the staff team, a chance I should be very grateful for. I hope that I can qualify above mediocre and be exceptional. My experience in the past has taught me how to deal with people, how to inspect and analyze a situation, and how to respect everyone. Lastly I do not have anger issues and I don’t rage. I have learned how to keep my cool even in the most frustrating situations. It will be very rare that you see me genuinely pissed off at someone. I have handled many situations in the past and I believe that the challenges I will face on your server will be within by ability.I am that guy you see online on a server that has 200 slots available and only one person online, that being me.
best regards,
Hey Michael, Derek and James! Thanks for giving the time to apply for DSO! We have sent you all a Skype request, we can take it further from there as we would like to talk more about what you can contribute to DSO and other things you may be able to assist with if we were ever to officially accept you into the team.
I am pretty good at building in my opinion and I am mature. I'm not selfish and I will have building on the server a priority but not higher then homework.
I will be able to be on alot because I'm not 15,16,17 etc Because I will not have huge assiments or exams.
Life Achievements? I'm top 7 in the state for 12/U boys tennis and have made the 10/U and 12/U state teams
If you are interested or want to know me just reply
I am pretty good at building in my opinion and I am mature. I'm not selfish and I will have building on the server a priority but not higher then homework.
I will be able to be on alot because I'm not 15,16,17 etc Because I will not have huge assiments or exams.
Life Achievements? I'm top 7 in the state for 12/U boys tennis and have made the 10/U and 12/U state teams
If you are interested or want to know me just reply
Hello Henry! Sorry, we cannot accept you into the staff team. Your application lacks detail and you're quite young to be able to work in a professional and adult work atmosphere. I would have to Decline your application.
Hey Kamal! Thanks for applying! Sorry, but we cannot accept you into the project. We believe that you don't have the sufficient amount of experience to partake in a project such as this. We don't need a moderator for a server, we are still in-development with gameplay designs and story concepts. You may use your skills someplace else.
Name:John but you can call me Jack
IGN: ChristmasGuy
Skype:CG MineCraft Gaming Co.
The position you're applying for?:I am applying for Builder.
Timezone:East coast standard time.
Talk about your past experiences as a (Role you're applying for): Well I've been a builder almost a year, and I just love doing it, and always finding out new techniques, and I also hope to find more or learn small but useful techniques from others to improve my builds! I also love to watch Grians builds on YT. So I would say I have a lot of experience.
Tell us about yourself and your capabilities as a (Role you're applying for):Well I'm a friendly person who always tries to cheer people up when their down, or sometimes I can be a little silly when I build. And I like to build big and wide buildings with tons of detailing and color schemes, and sometimes it might take me a day or two to figure out/ find the different patterns I would use on a huge or large building.And I do admit I love to have fun but I would be very dedicated to building a structure (unless I was distracted) which rarely happens. Also, IDK how to use world edit, but it takes barely anytime for my builds to be built! and I always try to type fast sometimes so I might spell some words wrong from time to time.
Types of structure you are well-versed in: I am Well-Versed in Building: Mansions,Gardens,Large Buildings,Factories,and a little on lettering.
Oh, and, if you contact me by Skype, I can show you old and recent pics of my best builds! And I would Love To help come up with story lines and plot out the key details in the stories.And Since I would usually be on the server I would be working and not Horsing Around, on the weekdays usually be on by 2:00pm till 8:00pm, and On the Weekends I would be on usually by 12:00 in the afternoon till Midnight!
Here is an example of a build I've been working on for two days now! and I can show you more of the build later, If you want.
Past experience: I've been a mod, admin, and builder for many small servers, I have good ideas but never like to work them myself. I also sadly retired from building because of the lack of completion in my work though i can help if ever needed. I also must admit that i used to hack myself though I've stopped about a year ago and made up with the servers I got banned from (: I try and do the best to my abilities. and if I do get this I guess I can use this knowledge of such a seemingly great server to help others.
About Myself and capabilities: I used to LOVE hacking on Minecraft I was almost never caught but as time went on I seemed to mature out of it, and since then I used my knowledge of hacking to give tips here and there to mods about suspected hackers, I have also used my experience to help protect servers from hackers that abuse the lack of anti-cheat on servers. I also usually play Minecraft most of the time depending on my homework and what activities I have, but on average I play 2-4 hours on weekdays but on weekends... I spend most free time on the computer :D.
Btw its like 4 am here so please skype me in 4 hours or so. and if I do get in I promise I'll bring the best of what I got, thank you for reading this
I believe I'd be a good fit for DSO because I'm a mature and friendly individual. I love working with and meeting new people. I have previous experience working with Minecraft communities. However, I know that the most important part in creating a great community is by keeping the players happy. For example on one server that I was staff on, I strived to make sure the players were enjoying their time on the server. I did this by welcoming them, listening to their ideas and forwarding it to the higher staff so they know what the community wants. However, if the community really enjoys the idea I will push my hardest for it to be added to the server. I know there's a time to be enjoying yourself and a time to be mature. For example someone's doing something harmful to the server or community (griefing,inappropriate words,etc) that's definitely not a time to joke around or even join them. A time to joke around is when there's no trouble on the server. However, there's a difference between joking around and saying words that can hurt people.
About myself:
Hello, my name is iMurderU4Fun but people like to call me murder. I enjoy helping other people, playing Minecraft and having a good laugh. I'm an easy person to get along with so you shouldn't have to worry about me not getting along with others. One of the things absolutely dislike is when people bully others. My dream job is to be a marine biologist because of my love for animals especially animals of the ocean
P.S: If you add me on Skype please tell me who you are as I get a lot of Skype requests.
Will get back to these applications once we are done evaluating them. Please bear with us while we are still coming up with a decision. The DSO team would like to thank you for your patience. Expect to hear from us soon!
Hey Michael, Derek and James! Thanks for giving the time to apply for DSO! We have sent you all a Skype request, we can take it further from there as we would like to talk more about what you can contribute to DSO and other things you may be able to assist with if we were ever to officially accept you into the team.
Age? 12 Years old
IGN? 10dollardude
Name? Henry
Position? Builder
Timezone? UTC +930
Skype: HenryPilkington
I am pretty good at building in my opinion and I am mature. I'm not selfish and I will have building on the server a priority but not higher then homework.
I will be able to be on alot because I'm not 15,16,17 etc Because I will not have huge assiments or exams.
Life Achievements? I'm top 7 in the state for 12/U boys tennis and have made the 10/U and 12/U state teams
If you are interested or want to know me just reply
Hello Henry! Sorry, we cannot accept you into the staff team. Your application lacks detail and you're quite young to be able to work in a professional and adult work atmosphere. I would have to Decline your application.
Head-Recruiter of DSO.
Hey Kamal! Thanks for applying! Sorry, but we cannot accept you into the project. We believe that you don't have the sufficient amount of experience to partake in a project such as this. We don't need a moderator for a server, we are still in-development with gameplay designs and story concepts. You may use your skills someplace else.

Application Status: Denied
Head-Recruiter of DSO.
Name:John but you can call me Jack
IGN: ChristmasGuy
Skype:CG MineCraft Gaming Co.
The position you're applying for?:I am applying for Builder.
Timezone:East coast standard time.
Talk about your past experiences as a (Role you're applying for): Well I've been a builder almost a year, and I just love doing it, and always finding out new techniques, and I also hope to find more or learn small but useful techniques from others to improve my builds! I also love to watch Grians builds on YT. So I would say I have a lot of experience.
Tell us about yourself and your capabilities as a (Role you're applying for):Well I'm a friendly person who always tries to cheer people up when their down, or sometimes I can be a little silly when I build. And I like to build big and wide buildings with tons of detailing and color schemes, and sometimes it might take me a day or two to figure out/ find the different patterns I would use on a huge or large building.And I do admit I love to have fun but I would be very dedicated to building a structure (unless I was distracted) which rarely happens. Also, IDK how to use world edit, but it takes barely anytime for my builds to be built! and I always try to type fast sometimes so I might spell some words wrong from time to time.
Types of structure you are well-versed in: I am Well-Versed in Building: Mansions,Gardens,Large Buildings,Factories,and a little on lettering.
Oh, and, if you contact me by Skype, I can show you old and recent pics of my best builds! And I would Love To help come up with story lines and plot out the key details in the stories.And Since I would usually be on the server I would be working and not Horsing Around, on the weekdays usually be on by 2:00pm till 8:00pm, and On the Weekends I would be on usually by 12:00 in the afternoon till Midnight!
Here is an example of a build I've been working on for two days now! and I can show you more of the build later, If you want.
Name: Vincent
Skype: SM1L3_F0R_M3
Position applying for: Administrator/Helper
Past experience: I've been a mod, admin, and builder for many small servers, I have good ideas but never like to work them myself. I also sadly retired from building because of the lack of completion in my work though i can help if ever needed. I also must admit that i used to hack myself though I've stopped about a year ago and made up with the servers I got banned from (: I try and do the best to my abilities. and if I do get this I guess I can use this knowledge of such a seemingly great server to help others.
About Myself and capabilities: I used to LOVE hacking on Minecraft I was almost never caught but as time went on I seemed to mature out of it, and since then I used my knowledge of hacking to give tips here and there to mods about suspected hackers, I have also used my experience to help protect servers from hackers that abuse the lack of anti-cheat on servers. I also usually play Minecraft most of the time depending on my homework and what activities I have, but on average I play 2-4 hours on weekdays but on weekends... I spend most free time on the computer :D.
Btw its like 4 am here so please skype me in 4 hours or so. and if I do get in I promise I'll bring the best of what I got, thank you for reading this
Have a nice day/night
IGN: iMurderU4Fun
Age: 17
Skype: omodtcat
Position applying for: Helper
Timezone: Central Standard Time
I believe I'd be a good fit for DSO because I'm a mature and friendly individual. I love working with and meeting new people. I have previous experience working with Minecraft communities. However, I know that the most important part in creating a great community is by keeping the players happy. For example on one server that I was staff on, I strived to make sure the players were enjoying their time on the server. I did this by welcoming them, listening to their ideas and forwarding it to the higher staff so they know what the community wants. However, if the community really enjoys the idea I will push my hardest for it to be added to the server. I know there's a time to be enjoying yourself and a time to be mature. For example someone's doing something harmful to the server or community (griefing,inappropriate words,etc) that's definitely not a time to joke around or even join them. A time to joke around is when there's no trouble on the server. However, there's a difference between joking around and saying words that can hurt people.
About myself:
Hello, my name is iMurderU4Fun but people like to call me murder. I enjoy helping other people, playing Minecraft and having a good laugh. I'm an easy person to get along with so you shouldn't have to worry about me not getting along with others. One of the things absolutely dislike is when people bully others. My dream job is to be a marine biologist because of my love for animals especially animals of the ocean
P.S: If you add me on Skype please tell me who you are as I get a lot of Skype requests.