- IGN: Ashkitt3h
- Age: 15 (almost 16)
- Timezone: I have no idea what time zone I in.... I live in the southern states so its 5:32pm right now.
- Skype username: Ashkiteh
- If you were approved, what would you do for the community: I would love to show people around and get to know everyone. I'm not really good with babies but older kids that are more interested in MMORPG games like Minecraft I can handle. My boyfriend and I play a lot of Minecraft, I play at least an hour a day but usually more than that! I love helping people, I wake up every day thinking of a way to help someone and no one ever appreciates it. I think if people looked at me and said thank you for once it would make me a way happier person and I want a chance to show everyone I can be friendly to anyone.
- Why do you want to be Moderator: I have not found a purpose in my life till I met my boyfriend. Since then I've spent every second I could making him happy. My whole life I've been bullied by kids and my father and It hurt cause no one wants to be nice to me back. I'm friendly and can be funny if in the right mood and I want to make sure that everyone on Minecraft is having a fun and safe experience.
- Why should you be a Moderator: I want to help people have fun on Minecraft and have a safe and funny experience. I want to be a fun moderater that people will want to come back onto the server because I'm so nice.
- What inspired you to apply for Moderator: I play on another server and I hate every single person on there with a rank. Every sing one of them. Except, my friend. She is funny and kind and when I was upset came to me and helped me even though I was mad at her. She is now a moderater and her husband too and I want to be good like her. I want to start (or join) a server with good people so I can be part of a good community that doesn't make fun of their donors.... (Me.... I donated yesterday and today got screamed at and told I'm a b*tch etc.... cause I asked them to stop harassing me.)
- What can you do for us that others can't provide:
- Do you work well with others: I don't work well with babies and extream people but if I was a moderater and someone was freaking out I would mute them and talk to them in /msg and figure out what is going on.
- How many hours could you moderate in a week: I get on Minecraft at least 1-2 hours a day. If I get online a lot, I could be online 3-6 hours. On the weekend if I'm home I get online for 4+ hours.
I've never been a staff member other than Helper (and that was years ago) and I would love to get the chance with your server.It sounds like a lot of fun and i would love to be a great addition to it.
- IGN: Ashkitt3h
- Age: 15 (almost 16)
- Timezone: I have no idea what time zone I in.... I live in the southern states so its 5:32pm right now.
- Skype username: Ashkiteh
- If you were approved, what would you do for the community: I would love to show people around and get to know everyone. I'm not really good with babies but older kids that are more interested in MMORPG games like Minecraft I can handle. My boyfriend and I play a lot of Minecraft, I play at least an hour a day but usually more than that! I love helping people, I wake up every day thinking of a way to help someone and no one ever appreciates it. I think if people looked at me and said thank you for once it would make me a way happier person and I want a chance to show everyone I can be friendly to anyone.
- Why do you want to be Moderator: I have not found a purpose in my life till I met my boyfriend. Since then I've spent every second I could making him happy. My whole life I've been bullied by kids and my father and It hurt cause no one wants to be nice to me back. I'm friendly and can be funny if in the right mood and I want to make sure that everyone on Minecraft is having a fun and safe experience.
- Why should you be a Moderator: I want to help people have fun on Minecraft and have a safe and funny experience. I want to be a fun moderater that people will want to come back onto the server because I'm so nice.
- What inspired you to apply for Moderator: I play on another server and I hate every single person on there with a rank. Every sing one of them. Except, my friend. She is funny and kind and when I was upset came to me and helped me even though I was mad at her. She is now a moderater and her husband too and I want to be good like her. I want to start (or join) a server with good people so I can be part of a good community that doesn't make fun of their donors.... (Me.... I donated yesterday and today got screamed at and told I'm a b*tch etc.... cause I asked them to stop harassing me.)
- What can you do for us that others can't provide:
- Do you work well with others: I don't work well with babies and extream people but if I was a moderater and someone was freaking out I would mute them and talk to them in /msg and figure out what is going on.
- How many hours could you moderate in a week: I get on Minecraft at least 1-2 hours a day. If I get online a lot, I could be online 3-6 hours. On the weekend if I'm home I get online for 4+ hours.
I've never been a staff member other than Helper (and that was years ago) and I would love to get the chance with your server.It sounds like a lot of fun and i would love to be a great addition to it.
Wow! Nice App! But Sadly I am not the Staff Manager im just the owner. I let my Staff Manager take care of apps. So, I would love if you took the time and posted this on our forums! Be sure to be active around and help, and try to get the community active. Thanks Again and Good Luck!
BUMP! We are a base of HCF, but you can do Duels (To Practice PVP)! Gonna be HYPE! We have a sick little tournament that we will do weekly that will be sick! BE PREPARED TO BE AMAZED!
Yes, but be sure to follow the Application Guideline!
Good Luck all applicants! Do make sure to apply if you havent already.
@Fuhrz will you be applying? Also, bump
Moderator Application!
- IGN: Ashkitt3h
- Age: 15 (almost 16)
- Timezone: I have no idea what time zone I in.... I live in the southern states so its 5:32pm right now.
- Skype username: Ashkiteh
- If you were approved, what would you do for the community: I would love to show people around and get to know everyone. I'm not really good with babies but older kids that are more interested in MMORPG games like Minecraft I can handle. My boyfriend and I play a lot of Minecraft, I play at least an hour a day but usually more than that! I love helping people, I wake up every day thinking of a way to help someone and no one ever appreciates it. I think if people looked at me and said thank you for once it would make me a way happier person and I want a chance to show everyone I can be friendly to anyone.
- Why do you want to be Moderator: I have not found a purpose in my life till I met my boyfriend. Since then I've spent every second I could making him happy. My whole life I've been bullied by kids and my father and It hurt cause no one wants to be nice to me back. I'm friendly and can be funny if in the right mood and I want to make sure that everyone on Minecraft is having a fun and safe experience.
- Why should you be a Moderator: I want to help people have fun on Minecraft and have a safe and funny experience. I want to be a fun moderater that people will want to come back onto the server because I'm so nice.
- What inspired you to apply for Moderator: I play on another server and I hate every single person on there with a rank. Every sing one of them. Except, my friend. She is funny and kind and when I was upset came to me and helped me even though I was mad at her. She is now a moderater and her husband too and I want to be good like her. I want to start (or join) a server with good people so I can be part of a good community that doesn't make fun of their donors.... (Me.... I donated yesterday and today got screamed at and told I'm a b*tch etc.... cause I asked them to stop harassing me.)
- What can you do for us that others can't provide:
- Do you work well with others: I don't work well with babies and extream people but if I was a moderater and someone was freaking out I would mute them and talk to them in /msg and figure out what is going on.
- How many hours could you moderate in a week: I get on Minecraft at least 1-2 hours a day. If I get online a lot, I could be online 3-6 hours. On the weekend if I'm home I get online for 4+ hours.
I've never been a staff member other than Helper (and that was years ago) and I would love to get the chance with your server.It sounds like a lot of fun and i would love to be a great addition to it.
Raiydan 2/24/16
I can do Server Graphics for free, just msg my Skype - rkhaira500. We can talk on there and I can provide all info needed. Thanks =)
Still Need Staff!
Hey! Thanks, I would love to chat! Can you join the forums and PM me? Thanks Again!
If you want we need staff, but be sure to talk and help get the community active.
Wow! Nice App! But Sadly I am not the Staff Manager im just the owner.
BUMP! We are a base of HCF, but you can do Duels (To Practice PVP)! Gonna be HYPE! We have a sick little tournament that we will do weekly that will be sick! BE PREPARED TO BE AMAZED!
common boys/girls, apply!
Need staff
Copied App ^
: https://rebootmc.com/threads/obviously_kenzies-application.3989/
Applied Via Forums Btw.
" Don't Mess with an idiot because they will bring you down to there level and beat you with experience "
- Jackson Webster
Good luck!
De bump