We are an epic MMORPG server with a single goal: to create the premier RPG experience in Minecraft. We have an undying ambition to outshine all other fantasy servers with hard work and dedication. And we need you!
Why recruit an outside admin?
As I'm sure many of you are aware, founding and maintaining a Minecraft server is hard work. Building a world players will love and respect in a large enough task in and of itself, but reaching enough players to develop a community is impossible for any one person. While the content creators will keep pushing through, the server needs a face. Someone to reach out to others and help grow the project.
What does the jobentail?
The administrator will essentially co-run the server with myself, its founder. As an experienced developer, I will continue to push out new and exciting content. As administrator, you will be the official owner of the server and help to manage the community. I will call on you to meet with builders, video creators, and other potential recruits for the server. This is a hefty job. Once the server is able to flourish and has some breathing room budget-wise, we can discuss compensation. Until then, I hope that you find genuine intrigue in the project are would be as willing as myself to see it soar.
List of Server Features:
*We are committed to providing a Minecraft experience like no other. As such, we will continue to create content that is not available on any other Minecraft server.
✪ Custom coded combat classes and professions
✪ Unique skills and abilities
✪ Rated Arena 2v2, 3v3 system
✪ Extensive lore and backstory
✪ Multi-level Dungeons
✪ Custom-built 5k x 5k Fantasy Terrain
This is not another average Minecraft server. We are a team of hardworking individuals dedicated to providing the premier RPG experience available in Minecraft. By joining our team, you agree to dedicate your time and effort to the cause because you believein it.
How to Apply:
*Respond to this forum with the following
Minecraft Username: [IGN]
Age: [Minimum age requirement - 17]
Skype: [Username]
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Marketing, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.]
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, positions of leadership, etc.]
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on]
Extra Information: [If Any]
- Remember, the more information you provide, the higher your chances of being contacted.
- If we are interested in your application, you will be contacted on Skype to discuss your potential role.
Preferred Position: [Builder, Dev, YouTuber, etc.] Admin, Helper, or Mod
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.] People person
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, have you ever been in a position of leadership before, etc.] Small servers that didnt make it, and im currently working on another mmo server called TwinDragons.
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on] TwinDragons
Extra Information: I am determined to make a server a better and more fun place for players and staff
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.]people person, Builder
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, have you ever been in a position of leadership before, etc.] Yes i have Admin on two and mod on three
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on]i cannot link the the server becuse were wroking on them and i have no scren shots of my work i wish i could though.
Preferred Position: Builder or Moderator, whichever is needed more :-)
Your Skills: I have been building on a couple of servers now and have tons of experience
Previous Experience: I have been a helper on my friends server. Once he shut his server down I got a new position as a builder but had the same permissions as a mod on an up and coming sever. So i've pretty much been every single staff position except an admin xD
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Madison, WI
Join Date:
Madison, WI
Member Details
Frank Bolivar’s Staff Application
Hello, my name is Frank Bolivar, better known as FIMS23 in-game. I am applying for a staff position that isn’t listed as my skills are very infrequent and scarce. I was hoping to become a Data Analyst or better known as a Analytics Marketer for your Minecraft server. I am advanced in Excel which can help in many things such as managing staff, sales, and statistics. A few more programs and skills I am advanced in include internal and external SEO, Google Analytics, Google Adwords and AdSense, social media marketing (Facebook and Twitter) and marketing in general. If you are interested, please continue to read my application and add me on Skype at Bolivar.Frank. I am sorry if this is not the general format for your applications, however, there is no application for this specific job position.
Thank you,
Frank Bolivar
Name: Frank Bolivar
Age: 15
Skype: Bolivar.Frank
Experience: I use to own a retail cosmetic site that was very successful in my opinion and have marketed for individual clients such as developers and server hosts.
Why we should hire you: Because I am an organized individual, that is a strong advertiser. Rather than just doing marketing, I will also help the server in other ways such as giving my opinions and always staying in contact.
Plan for advertisement: I would not prefer to speak so openly about this. If you add me to Skype we can talk more privately about this subject.
What rank are you applying for: Data Analyst/Analytical Marketer
I am not shy of using voice chat as long as you are not shy.
Essential Duties of the Position:
Marketing Responsibilities:
Manage and coordinate all marketing, advertising and public relations activities
Create quarterly and annual strategic and tactical marketing plans
Assist in the creation and dissemination of visual & written materials including various sales presentations, presentation sheets, press releases, pitches, recaps, award entries and product copy
Manage social media calendar and generate and upload social media content for the server’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts on a daily/weekly basis
Conduct analysis of customer research and current market conditions
Carry out market research and monitor and report on competitor activity
Manage all aspects of print production, receipt and distribution
Continually improve brand continuity/consistency
Make presentations to the executives on marketing strategies and activities
Develop and maintain a strong and productive relationship with both print and electronic media. Ensure the organization is understood by the media and the media are interested in presenting information to the target market in a manner that informs and educates them on the organization
Ensure the development of advertising and promotional plans; manages the annual advertising and promotional budget
Skype: I would like to only transfer this information through private message.
Preferred Position: [Builder, Dev, YouTuber, etc.] Administrator, Staff Manager, or Moderator
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.] http://imgur.com/a/exY9B (resume)
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, have you ever been in a position of leadership before, etc.] http://imgur.com/a/exY9B (This is my resume, it has all the information you need on it).
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on] don't want to give this out publicly, but you can check out my teamspeak server. (You can PM me for the IP). I also have a few skype contacts that will be able to give feedback on my performance as well when I was a staff manager.
Extra Information: I am a very outgoing person, and I absolutely love interacting with others! I can give some more details if needed.
Out of the positions that you have put there, I would say my best position part would be as the head administrator.
Your Skills:
I believe that I am well spoken, able to write quite well, am able to manage any sort of environment, and currently I am the owner of my own business (Landscape Construction), a lot of which deals with back-end work.
Previous Experience:
Without putting names on the board (Will happily discuss things over Skype), I've been an Administrator in several different servers, three of which have all been very successful in their areas.
Link to Your Past Work:
As above, I would much rather discuss most things through Skype as I feel it's a much more fluent, and personal, conversation.
Extra Information:
Albeit, a short application, I believe I can come through in a much more better light once contacted through Skype.
Hello future head of the EternumRPG staff team!
We are an epic MMORPG server with a single goal: to create the premier RPG experience in Minecraft. We have an undying ambition to outshine all other fantasy servers with hard work and dedication. And we need you!
Why recruit an outside admin?
As I'm sure many of you are aware, founding and maintaining a Minecraft server is hard work. Building a world players will love and respect in a large enough task in and of itself, but reaching enough players to develop a community is impossible for any one person. While the content creators will keep pushing through, the server needs a face. Someone to reach out to others and help grow the project.
What does the job entail?
The administrator will essentially co-run the server with myself, its founder. As an experienced developer, I will continue to push out new and exciting content. As administrator, you will be the official owner of the server and help to manage the community. I will call on you to meet with builders, video creators, and other potential recruits for the server. This is a hefty job. Once the server is able to flourish and has some breathing room budget-wise, we can discuss compensation. Until then, I hope that you find genuine intrigue in the project are would be as willing as myself to see it soar.
✪ Custom coded combat classes and professions
✪ Unique skills and abilities
✪ Rated Arena 2v2, 3v3 system
✪ Extensive lore and backstory
✪ Multi-level Dungeons
✪ Custom-built 5k x 5k Fantasy Terrain
Minecraft Username: [IGN]
Age: [Minimum age requirement - 17]
Skype: [Username]
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Marketing, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.]
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, positions of leadership, etc.]
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on]
Extra Information: [If Any]
- Remember, the more information you provide, the higher your chances of being contacted.
- If we are interested in your application, you will be contacted on Skype to discuss your potential role.
- Thank you all for reading!
Minecraft Username: Kazoyota
Age: 13
Skype: Kazoyota
Preferred Position: [Builder, Dev, YouTuber, etc.] Admin, Helper, or Mod
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.] People person
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, have you ever been in a position of leadership before, etc.] Small servers that didnt make it, and im currently working on another mmo server called TwinDragons.
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on] TwinDragons
Extra Information: I am determined to make a server a better and more fun place for players and staff
Applicants have been contacted!
The team is still recruiting! Applicants wanted.
Minecraft Username: JoshuaCarr63
Age: 19
Skype: JoshuaCarr63
Preferred Position: Moderating
Your Skills: Web Design, Building, Command Coding, Plugin coding, Modering servers
Previous Experience: 4 years of high ranking staff experience, Ingame command coding, out of game plugin coding, Building
Extra Information: Bacon is awesome
Where would we be contacted.
Applicants have been contacted on Skype
I was not contacted
Check again @Kayzoyota
Still recruiting applicants! YouTubers especially wanted.
Minecraft Username:XxNoahPlayzYTxX
Preferred Position: [Builder, Dev, YouTuber, etc.]Admin
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.]people person, Builder
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, have you ever been in a position of leadership before, etc.] Yes i have Admin on two and mod on three
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on]i cannot link the the server becuse were wroking on them and i have no scren shots of my work i wish i could though.
Extra Information:Im good at helping people and make sure they have a good time on server so you can count on me to be good and help people also im on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC69az1xw2yuxJlWu9CJOpKA
Minecraft Username: JarOJello
Age: 15
Skype: rkhaira500
Preferred Position: Youtuber!
Your Skills: Love editing videos and posting new content for others to see
Extra Information: Channel just hit 60 subs, looking to grow further!
Applicants contacted!
ign: hoebo
Age: 13
Skype: charmur__ (with two underscores)
Preferred Position: Builder or Moderator, whichever is needed more :-)
Your Skills: I have been building on a couple of servers now and have tons of experience
Previous Experience: I have been a helper on my friends server. Once he shut his server down I got a new position as a builder but had the same permissions as a mod on an up and coming sever. So i've pretty much been every single staff position except an admin xD
Link to Your Past Work: My friends old server name was mc.rymaster.com, but that has since been shut down. Here are some links to builds that i've made on my favorite creative server
1. http://imgur.com/a/Usbv4 2. http://imgur.com/a/kRAWq 3. http://imgur.com/a/ZXxSj
Extra Information: Well I pretty much play Minecraft all day so I could dedicate a lot of time to the server and help out a lot.
Frank Bolivar’s Staff Application
Hello, my name is Frank Bolivar, better known as FIMS23 in-game. I am applying for a staff position that isn’t listed as my skills are very infrequent and scarce. I was hoping to become a Data Analyst or better known as a Analytics Marketer for your Minecraft server. I am advanced in Excel which can help in many things such as managing staff, sales, and statistics. A few more programs and skills I am advanced in include internal and external SEO, Google Analytics, Google Adwords and AdSense, social media marketing (Facebook and Twitter) and marketing in general. If you are interested, please continue to read my application and add me on Skype at Bolivar.Frank. I am sorry if this is not the general format for your applications, however, there is no application for this specific job position.
Thank you,
Frank Bolivar
Name: Frank Bolivar
Age: 15
Skype: Bolivar.Frank
Experience: I use to own a retail cosmetic site that was very successful in my opinion and have marketed for individual clients such as developers and server hosts.
Why we should hire you: Because I am an organized individual, that is a strong advertiser. Rather than just doing marketing, I will also help the server in other ways such as giving my opinions and always staying in contact.
Plan for advertisement: I would not prefer to speak so openly about this. If you add me to Skype we can talk more privately about this subject.
What rank are you applying for: Data Analyst/Analytical Marketer
I am not shy of using voice chat as long as you are not shy.
Essential Duties of the Position:
Marketing Responsibilities:
Minecraft Username: Jlogaming
Age: 15 years of age
Skype: I would like to only transfer this information through private message.
Preferred Position: [Builder, Dev, YouTuber, etc.] Administrator, Staff Manager, or Moderator
Your Skills: [Java, Web Design, Plugin Knowledge, Builder, People Person, etc.] http://imgur.com/a/exY9B (resume)
Previous Experience: [Were you a staff member of an old server, have you ever been in a position of leadership before, etc.] http://imgur.com/a/exY9B (This is my resume, it has all the information you need on it).
Link to Your Past Work: [Builds you've made, website you designed, server you were a staff member on] don't want to give this out publicly, but you can check out my teamspeak server. (You can PM me for the IP). I also have a few skype contacts that will be able to give feedback on my performance as well when I was a staff manager.
Extra Information: I am a very outgoing person, and I absolutely love interacting with others! I can give some more details if needed.
Should post some information on this post to get people you really want joining your community. Anyways good luck with it then.
"Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done."
Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Team Leader for an Unnamed Company.
Minimum applicant age has been raised to 16.
Minecraft Username:
My main account is 'twoserine'.
I am twenty-two years old.
My Skype account is also my E-Mail address '[email protected]'.
Preferred Position:
Out of the positions that you have put there, I would say my best position part would be as the head administrator.
Your Skills:
I believe that I am well spoken, able to write quite well, am able to manage any sort of environment, and currently I am the owner of my own business (Landscape Construction), a lot of which deals with back-end work.
Previous Experience:
Without putting names on the board (Will happily discuss things over Skype), I've been an Administrator in several different servers, three of which have all been very successful in their areas.
Link to Your Past Work:
As above, I would much rather discuss most things through Skype as I feel it's a much more fluent, and personal, conversation.
Extra Information:
Albeit, a short application, I believe I can come through in a much more better light once contacted through Skype.
Thanks, and I look forward to speaking with you.