3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*
Yes I can use both
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.
I have been staff on many different servers. The main server I was staff on was DragonBornCraft. Wasnt very popular but I slowly worked my way up to Head-Admin, hell I was even offered to become Co-Owner, but I sadly declined it, because I decided that it is time for me to go and help another server out.
5. Why we should accept you.
1) My Leadership skills, I have learned from many people on how to be a good leader. And for each of these people I learned that leadership can be tough, but it is also rewarding in the end. Leading is not something you just know overnight, its something you learn, and practice. Now there are some born leaders out there, I would like to tell you I am not one of those sadly. But I have done the things I have to become a great leader. I am still working my way up and hopefully it will have a great outcome.
2) Me doing my Duty - In many situation I have failed to fulfill my duty, but after learning from my mentor, I have been able to fulfill my obligations, accept responsibility for my own action and those I trusted to my care. I also look for ways to find opportunities to improve myself for the good of the group.
3) Respect for others - When I signed up for JROTC I pledge to treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same. Respect is what allows us to appreciate the best in other people. Self Respect is a vital ingredient for Respect, which results from knowing you have put forth your best effort.
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*WillMurrayTV
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.Hexarious,CubeCraft and Shadowcraft
5. Why we should accept you.
I think i should be accepted because being staff involves a lot more than simply 'helping'. Despite helping players being a huge role in this rank it has a deeper meaning which branches out too other things. For example, being staff would mean answering questions that players may ask you or help them understand why things are what they are (Rules). This also means you would need to be respectful to players as some may not understand as Minecraft. Being staff would also involve tackling problems or tough situations with-in the game, whether this being an argument between players or simply a build that is challenging showing that not only do you need to be respectful, you have to be patient. Furthermore, by being staff, you are representing your server which means showing maturity and dedication along with helping players with questions/situations they are struggling with. Likewise, a vital area of being staff would be too enforce the rules! As staff, I feel you are looked upon to be in control and enforce rules/punishments, I also feel that your choices must not be clouded by whether they are your friends or not. If you show sympathy towards one player and not another, not only are you being unfair and biased, you are not doing your job! Finally, although you are staff which gives you a somewhat authority over other players, we are all on the same level, staff and players, donors and non-donors, we should all be treated the same with the same amount of respect as anyone else would. When it comes to enforcing the rules and punishments I am immaculate at doing so. I would always check before I go through with a punishment as I do not want to punish someone unfairly. Further more, I would be monitoring the chat frequently so if anyone advertises or posts links that are not related too Arkham or it's sister servers, I can screenshot, mute and clear the chat. Also, if I were staff I would get more respect from newer players as they may not think an average player is 'suitable' to enforce the rules, I know this as in a few occasions where I have told someone to remove red bold from their nickname for example, they refuse too until a staff member logs in. Personally, I feel I am a serious and mature player when it comes to many situations, however I still know the importance to have fun and play alongside the seriousness of staff. Furthermore, I feel I respect players too an extremely high extent and I don't let my personal opinions on them affect how I treat them. Likewise, I appreciate that not every player likes every other player so if someone has any negativity towards me, rather than kick off in chat I simply ask them too settle any inconveniences they have with me in a Personal Message (Pm)
William, we have decided to deny you because you application was copied from another source.
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*
Yes I can use both
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.
I have been staff on many different servers. The main server I was staff on was DragonBornCraft. Wasnt very popular but I slowly worked my way up to Head-Admin, hell I was even offered to become Co-Owner, but I sadly declined it, because I decided that it is time for me to go and help another server out.
5. Why we should accept you.
1) My Leadership skills, I have learned from many people on how to be a good leader. And for each of these people I learned that leadership can be tough, but it is also rewarding in the end. Leading is not something you just know overnight, its something you learn, and practice. Now there are some born leaders out there, I would like to tell you I am not one of those sadly. But I have done the things I have to become a great leader. I am still working my way up and hopefully it will have a great outcome.
2) Me doing my Duty - In many situation I have failed to fulfill my duty, but after learning from my mentor, I have been able to fulfill my obligations, accept responsibility for my own action and those I trusted to my care. I also look for ways to find opportunities to improve myself for the good of the group.
3) Respect for others - When I signed up for JROTC I pledge to treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same. Respect is what allows us to appreciate the best in other people. Self Respect is a vital ingredient for Respect, which results from knowing you have put forth your best effort.
Chase, your application is still under review and approval from staff, we will get back to you!
4. Servers you were on staff in the past: still am staff on one very small server that is mainly for friends
5. Why we should accept you. I think you should accept me because I have good team work skills, I have full moderating experience because I am an unofficial helper on another server, I know lots about dealing with situations and I am good with technology. (Not Plugins)
1. Real Name (First name only is okay)* josh
2. IGN*HypxrYT
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* I have to and Skype and discord
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. 8 servers I was previously staff on with many different ranges
5. Why we should accept you.i know all the commands to do things and I also have great experience I know there's not much info but I really don't know what to add
Both Under review of our staff! Thanks for the apps!
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* Flickme32[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. Potterworld ex co owner long time ago tagcraft was an admin[/b]
5. Why we should accept you. Well I cant sit here and tell you why u should accept me because I could lie my whole way thorugh but what I can do is tell you what I would do if u accepted me and that is help out the community and hopefully get Admin postion. Loving playing and helping my moto is first time is a warning second is a ban there is no room for third offenses becusase if I did that then he would be on his firth chance so I hope you accept me if not that is alright with me and have a good day.[/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* Flickme32
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. Potterworld ex co owner long time ago tagcraft was an admin
5. Why we should accept you. Well I cant sit here and tell you why u should accept me because I could lie my whole way thorugh but what I can do is tell you what I would do if u accepted me and that is help out the community and hopefully get Admin postion. Loving playing and helping my moto is first time is a warning second is a ban there is no room for third offenses becusase if I did that then he would be on his firth chance so I hope you accept me if not that is alright with me and have a good day.
Please join the server on 7/29/2016 2:00PM EST so we can talk
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* mcvortex1
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. I was helper on the Pokeballers Region 1 server for 6 months
5. Why we should accept you. You should accept me because I can bring a lot of experience to this server, I love to help people so you can be assured that when needed I will always try my best to help people out. On the other hand when someone has been caught breaking the rules I will punish them correctly which is an important trait of a staff member as many may forget the correct punishments or forget that what they did was even against the rules.
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*: PhantomPotato (Skype)[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.: I was a admin on a factions/minigames server but got shut down due to funds.[/b]
5. Why we should accept you.: I am on minecraft a lot because I have no life. (jk) I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever I have good communication skills and friendship. And I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I am not a quitter I will do what it takes to make people happy by not doing to much to OP people. I am also Admin on another server so I know many rules. [/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* mcvortex1
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. I was helper on the Pokeballers Region 1 server for 6 months
5. Why we should accept you. You should accept me because I can bring a lot of experience to this server, I love to help people so you can be assured that when needed I will always try my best to help people out. On the other hand when someone has been caught breaking the rules I will punish them correctly which is an important trait of a staff member as many may forget the correct punishments or forget that what they did was even against the rules.
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*: PhantomPotato (Skype)
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.: I was a admin on a factions/minigames server but got shut down due to funds.
5. Why we should accept you.: I am on minecraft a lot because I have no life. (jk) I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever I have good communication skills and friendship. And I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I am not a quitter I will do what it takes to make people happy by not doing to much to OP people. I am also Admin on another server so I know many rules.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Portland, Oregon United States.
Join Date:
Portland Oregon US
Member Details
Real name: Miles
Username: MilesPlayz
Skype: Miles Mcteague or MilesPlayz
I have been staff on 4 other servers. 2 of them were my firends servers and the other two i was moderator on one and head admin on the other.
i think you should accept me because i own 2 other servers and i am active about 2 - 4 hours each day and i can clean the server from hackers and griefers.
I have been staff on 4 other servers. 2 of them were my firends servers and the other two i was moderator on one and head admin on the other.
i think you should accept me because i own 2 other servers and i am active about 2 - 4 hours each day and i can clean the server from hackers and griefers.
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* Skype: rkhaira500[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. Ex-Helper(+) from theArchon - Factions Black [/b]
5. Why we should accept you. I have knowledge of how to control the community, i know how to balance between having fun and using discipline. Hope you consider me! Thanks! [/b]
1. Real Name (First name only is okay) - Kalen[/b]
2. IGN - kyokoloko[/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak) My Skype name is kyokoloko[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past - I have been a helper on OGPvP an old server that closed down a year or two ago but was very successful until an owner change. Haven't gone looking for another server since.[/b]
5. Why we should accept you - I should be accepted because I have come to realize while I was previously staffing that it isn't about having power, or looking good. I've come to see that Staffing is about the community and what you can do to help it.[/b]
Please consider my application, I'd like to become an Admin if possible, but I am more than willing to be a Mod if its necessary
Hello there!
I have a small Minecraft Hub Server called the Vexa Squad and we have staff slots available to be filled!
We have Moderator and Admin slots open!
If you want to apply, follow the instructions below:
1. Real Name (First name only is okay)*
2. IGN*
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.
5. Why we should accept you.
Server IP: vexa.nitrous.it
I am applying for Moderator.
1. Real Name: Sam
2. IGN: Coltwp1211
3. Skype: c0ltthegamer
4. Servers you were on staff in the past: None
5. Why we should accept you: You should accept me because I have great leadership personalities and I am a very kind person.
1. Real Name (First name only is okay)*
Chase Thornton
2. IGN*
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*
Yes I can use both
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.
I have been staff on many different servers. The main server I was staff on was DragonBornCraft. Wasnt very popular but I slowly worked my way up to Head-Admin, hell I was even offered to become Co-Owner, but I sadly declined it, because I decided that it is time for me to go and help another server out.
5. Why we should accept you.
1) My Leadership skills, I have learned from many people on how to be a good leader. And for each of these people I learned that leadership can be tough, but it is also rewarding in the end. Leading is not something you just know overnight, its something you learn, and practice. Now there are some born leaders out there, I would like to tell you I am not one of those sadly. But I have done the things I have to become a great leader. I am still working my way up and hopefully it will have a great outcome.
2) Me doing my Duty - In many situation I have failed to fulfill my duty, but after learning from my mentor, I have been able to fulfill my obligations, accept responsibility for my own action and those I trusted to my care. I also look for ways to find opportunities to improve myself for the good of the group.
3) Respect for others - When I signed up for JROTC I pledge to treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same. Respect is what allows us to appreciate the best in other people. Self Respect is a vital ingredient for Respect, which results from knowing you have put forth your best effort.
Sam, sorry we have decided to deny your app.
William, we have decided to deny you because you application was copied from another source.
Chase, your application is still under review and approval from staff, we will get back to you!
Okay ChocolateThief sounds good! Cant wait to hear back.
Both Under review of our staff! Thanks for the apps!
1. Real Name (First name only is okay)* Alex[/b]
2. IGN* JTW255[/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* Flickme32[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. Potterworld ex co owner long time ago tagcraft was an admin[/b]
5. Why we should accept you. Well I cant sit here and tell you why u should accept me because I could lie my whole way thorugh but what I can do is tell you what I would do if u accepted me and that is help out the community and hopefully get Admin postion. Loving playing and helping my moto is first time is a warning second is a ban there is no room for third offenses becusase if I did that then he would be on his firth chance so I hope you accept me if not that is alright with me and have a good day.[/b]
Please join the server on 7/29/2016 2:00PM EST so we can talk
1. Real Name (First name only is okay)* Nathan
2. IGN* jellibelli5
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* mcvortex1
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. I was helper on the Pokeballers Region 1 server for 6 months
5. Why we should accept you. You should accept me because I can bring a lot of experience to this server, I love to help people so you can be assured that when needed I will always try my best to help people out. On the other hand when someone has been caught breaking the rules I will punish them correctly which is an important trait of a staff member as many may forget the correct punishments or forget that what they did was even against the rules.
Real Name (First name only is okay)*: Kaiden[/b]
2. IGN*: xPhantomPotatox[/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)*: PhantomPotato (Skype)[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past.: I was a admin on a factions/minigames server but got shut down due to funds.[/b]
5. Why we should accept you.: I am on minecraft a lot because I have no life. (jk) I am fully dedicated 24/7 to helping this server to grow even bigger and be the positively best server ever I have good communication skills and friendship. And I do not disband a job which I have been assigned to or dedicated to be done. I am not a quitter I will do what it takes to make people happy by not doing to much to OP people. I am also Admin on another server so I know many rules. [/b]
Both of you join the server so we can talk
Real name: Miles
Username: MilesPlayz
Skype: Miles Mcteague or MilesPlayz
I have been staff on 4 other servers. 2 of them were my firends servers and the other two i was moderator on one and head admin on the other.
i think you should accept me because i own 2 other servers and i am active about 2 - 4 hours each day and i can clean the server from hackers and griefers.
Miles Adam McTeague
Please join the server so we can talk
1. Real Name (First name only is okay)* Raj[/b]
2. IGN* JarOJello[/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak)* Skype: rkhaira500[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past. Ex-Helper(+) from theArchon - Factions Black
5. Why we should accept you. I have knowledge of how to control the community, i know how to balance between having fun and using discipline. Hope you consider me! Thanks!
1. Real Name (First name only is okay) - Kalen[/b]
2. IGN - kyokoloko[/b]
3. Skype (If you do not have one then you can use Teamspeak) My Skype name is kyokoloko[/b]
4. Servers you were on staff in the past - I have been a helper on OGPvP an old server that closed down a year or two ago but was very successful until an owner change. Haven't gone looking for another server since.[/b]
5. Why we should accept you - I should be accepted because I have come to realize while I was previously staffing that it isn't about having power, or looking good. I've come to see that Staffing is about the community and what you can do to help it.[/b]
Please consider my application, I'd like to become an Admin if possible, but I am more than willing to be a Mod if its necessary