The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
What rank are you applying for * Moderator
Minecraft Name * DemonicSlayer56
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why? Yes, Cant remember.
Do you speak another language? * No
If yes, what is it?
Age * 15
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer. 9-10 11-13 14-16
How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7+ hours
Other: Times May Vary
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7+ hours
Other: Times May Vary
Skype CalebClement10
Or a way we can contact you
What server are you most active on ?
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them * QueerCraft Mod for about 6months, Several of my own servers.
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? *I love helping people and making people's lives easier and I also like to watch communities grow. I am able to help build and sort out plugins and permissions.
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy. I have enough experience to know what i'm doing and also i will probably help 10x more than anyone else :3
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? * Tell them to stop, if they continue then kick.
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? * Not too sure :/
Who are the server owners? * Consiring, XDoomsDanX, Gregkicks, Netsick.
Any other comments? I Love helping people <3 and I could make a website for you.
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why? Yes, Cant remember.
Do you speak another language? * No
If yes, what is it?
Age * 15
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer. 9-10 11-13 14-16
How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7+ hours
Other: Times May Vary
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours 5-6 hours 7+ hours
Other: Times May Vary
Skype CalebClement10
Or a way we can contact you
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them * QueerCraft Mod for about 6months, Several of my own servers.
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? *I love helping people and making people's lives easier and I also like to watch communities grow.
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? * Tell them to stop, if they continue then kick.
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? * Not too sure :/
Who are the server owners? * Consiring, XDoomsDanX, Gregkicks, Netsick.
Any other comments? I Love helping people <3 and I could make a website
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
What rank are you applying for:I am applying for admin
Minecraft Name:chuck1thegame
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why? No I havent
Do you speak another language?
If yes, what is it?: I dont speak any other languages other than english
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
I am 15 years old
How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays): If you are including school holidays, then 2-4-6 hours but if not 2-4 hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends):2-4-6 hours
Or a way we can contact you:contact me through my email. I will pm you it if I get accepted
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them:Yes I have on a server for 1 month but was never released
Why do you think you should be staff?:I think I should be staff because I am very kind and helpful and I ban people who dare to break the rules of the server
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do?: I will give them a warning. If the still do it I will kick them and if they still do it I will ban them
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action?;I will tell one of the owners. If the owners are not on I will ipban the ip that they bots are coming from
Who are the server owners?:Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick and Consiring
What rank are you applying for:I am applying for admin
Minecraft Name:chuck1thegame
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why? No I havent
Do you speak another language?
If yes, what is it?: I dont speak any other languages other than english
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
I am 15 years old
How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays): If you are including school holidays, then 2-4-6 hours but if not 2-4 hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends):2-4-6 hours
Or a way we can contact you:contact me through my email. I will pm you it if I get accepted
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them:Yes I have on a server for 1 month but was never released
Why do you think you should be staff?:I think I should be staff because I am very kind and helpful and I ban people who dare to break the rules of the server
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do?: I will give them a warning. If the still do it I will kick them and if they still do it I will ban them
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action?;I will tell one of the owners. If the owners are not on I will ipban the ip that they bots are coming from
Who are the server owners?:Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick and Consiring
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? Yes
If so, why? False accusation of hacking (i did appeal and was unbanned)
Do you speak another language? Yes (Roughly)
If yes, what is it? Spanish
Age *
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer. 9-10 11-13
14-16 17+
How long are you able to be on for (Week days) * 1-2 hours 3-4 hours
5-6 hours 7+ hours Other:
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) * 1-2 hours 3-4 hours 5-6 hours
7+ hours Other:
Or a way we can contact you. Skype is Jose Garcia or Email: [email protected] (yes its rls not ruls.)
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them Yes ive had previous experience for moderator on 2 other servers
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? I am very trustworthy and will try to perform any task you ask of me.
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? Ask politely for them to stop if they continue i will give 1 more warning then (if i have permissions) i will notify Head Mod/Admin for temp ban.
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? Contact as Head Mod/Admin and Owners then attempt to stop it best i can.
Who are the server owner? Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick, and Consiring.
Any other comments? I do hope you think of me as one of your Moderators it would be greatly appreciated... And if you do i wont let you down.
Hello Everybody,
We Are Phoenix Network!
Who Owns It: Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick, Consiring.
Why We Need Staff: We need staff because we don't have that many i think we only have around 7 At the moment and we need a few more.
What You Can Apply For: Developer, Moderator, Admin, Helper, Builder.
What Games Do We Have: Creative 1, Creative 2, Factions. Still Setting Up Portals
IP: We Can Not Exactly give you the IP because we are in beta.
Website: Oh I Forgot We Need A Website Designer!
What rank are you applying for *
Minecraft Name *
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why?
Do you speak another language? *
If yes, what is it?
Age *
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7+ hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7+ hours
Or a way we can contact you
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them *
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? *
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? *
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? *
Who are the server owners? *
Any other comments?
Staff Application Above ^
IGN: (Minecraft Name)
Link to channel:
Subscribers: (Must have at least 200)
Will you do daily uploads or weekly:
Youtuber Application Above ^
We Will MSG you the ip if accepted
What rank are you applying for *
Minecraft Name * DemonicSlayer56
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why? Yes, Cant remember.
Do you speak another language? * No
If yes, what is it?
Age * 15
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours7+ hoursOther: Times May Vary
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours7+ hoursOther: Times May Vary
Skype CalebClement10
Or a way we can contact you
What server are you most active on ?
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them * QueerCraft Mod for about 6months, Several of my own servers.
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? *I love helping people and making people's lives easier and I also like to watch communities grow. I am able to help build and sort out plugins and permissions.
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy. I have enough experience to know what i'm doing and also i will probably help 10x more than anyone else :3
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? * Tell them to stop, if they continue then kick.
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? * Not too sure :/
Who are the server owners? * Consiring, XDoomsDanX, Gregkicks, Netsick.
Any other comments? I Love helping people <3 and I could make a website for you.
Rank- moderator
Minecraft name-I_Amyourdad
Age-11, doesn't seem like much but i am mature
hours online (weekdays) around 1-3 hours
Hours online (Weekends) 2-4hours
Skype: Josh Donner
Server most active on: can you explain that more? I don't understand the question
I have been moderator on one other server, it went down
I should be part of staff because if i see anyone who is hacking or spamming in chat i would do something about it.
if someone was spamming, i would chat ban them for 30 mins
If the server was attacked by spambots, I would contact and admin or owner.
the owners are Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick, and Consiring.
No other comments
Denied Sorry Add More Info
Need mores info sorry
I made a slight change.
What rank are you applying for:I am applying for admin
Minecraft Name:chuck1thegame
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why? No I havent
Do you speak another language?
If yes, what is it?: I dont speak any other languages other than english
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
I am 15 years old
How long are you able to be on for (Weekdays): If you are including school holidays, then 2-4-6 hours but if not 2-4 hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends):2-4-6 hours
Or a way we can contact you:contact me through my email. I will pm you it if I get accepted
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them:Yes I have on a server for 1 month but was never released
Why do you think you should be staff?:I think I should be staff because I am very kind and helpful and I ban people who dare to break the rules of the server
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do?: I will give them a warning. If the still do it I will kick them and if they still do it I will ban them
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action?;I will tell one of the owners. If the owners are not on I will ipban the ip that they bots are coming from
Who are the server owners?:Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick and Consiring
Add More Info Please
Still Looking For Staff!
Review my application i changed some stuff.
What rank are you applying for Moderator
Minecraft Name Insideblock4691
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? Yes
If so, why? False accusation of hacking (i did appeal and was unbanned)
Do you speak another language? Yes (Roughly)
If yes, what is it? Spanish
Age *
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
17+How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
1-2 hours3-4 hours5-6 hours
7+ hoursOther:How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours3-4 hours5-6 hours7+ hours
Or a way we can contact you. Skype is Jose Garcia or Email: [email protected] (yes its rls not ruls.)
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them Yes ive had previous experience for moderator on 2 other servers
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? I am very trustworthy and will try to perform any task you ask of me.
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? Ask politely for them to stop if they continue i will give 1 more warning then (if i have permissions) i will notify Head Mod/Admin for temp ban.
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? Contact as Head Mod/Admin and Owners then attempt to stop it best i can.
Who are the server owner? Gregkicks, XDoomsDanX, Netsick, and Consiring.
Any other comments? I do hope you think of me as one of your Moderators it would be greatly appreciated... And if you do i wont let you down.
Good day