Hey I'm looking for builders that can help me with the server I'm developing. I need help creating a prison map and other things. If you stay long enough after the build if done, you will get staff and be loved by me the owner
Experience:I have been builder and Developer for a bunch of servers and I still am.
why do you want to apply?: I want to apply because I think that I can help out the server a lot and make sure that the server is well made and I can monitor the server when ever you need me to on the week ends unless I'm going some where or I can build for the server when ever you need me to unless I'm at school. My timezone: Central Time
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: No, I will not grief because I really like this server and I would like to staff on this server.
Experience:I have had many staff positions: from helper to co-owner. I am a great builder, I am currently working on a spawn and 1v1 arena for a server.
why do you want to apply?: I am kind of getting bored of playing factions and pvping so I think i just need to relax on a different server.
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: Never have, never will.
why do you want to apply?:I enjoy building and sharing my new ideas and creativeness especially with a group of people (team work), and I just Love playing minecraft!
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: I would never grief, defeats the purpose of playing atleast that is my opinion and im 21 not a
child so I have better things to do like BUILD
Also, do I have to be a bruh? beacause im definatly a female Thanks again Hope to hear back .
Experience: I have built spawns and prison maps for a few servers including svensons.us and dragon vault mc! I have also been a super admin, an admin and a mod on a couple other servers!
Why do you want to apply: because love helping people in need and I also love building its pretty much the
only reason I joined minecraft I also want to be able to build better and become more experienced I have built
3 prison maps in the past!
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: no I do not grief and I know how to deal with a griefer either tell a higher rank or if i have permission ban them myself!
Hey I'm looking for builders that can help me with the server I'm developing. I need help creating a prison map and other things. If you stay long enough after the build if done, you will get staff and be loved by me the owner
please enter for like this:
Minecraft Username:
why do you want to apply?:
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately:
Thanks! - BruhSmash
Minecraft Username:epickid69
Experience: I've done a lot of positions in the past basically everything haven't played minecraft in a while just want to have a little fun.
why do you want to apply?: To enjoy myself and help somebody out in the process
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: Nope im chill
Join the server IP: play.bruhsmash.com
Name: Jess/Jessica
Minecraft User: LeDerpSquid
Experience: I build all the time and do build battle on my spare time.
Why: I just love helping people out!
Will you grief?: Nope, Never griefed in my life and I'm not going to anyways.
Name: Jake
Minecraft Username: Prodigy_W2K19
Experience: I have had multiple building positions in the past.
why do you want to apply?: To have fun and do what im good at.
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: Nope, never have and never will.
Join the server play.bruhsmash.com
Minecraft Username:iProtocal
Experience:I have been builder and Developer for a bunch of servers and I still am.
why do you want to apply?: I want to apply because I think that I can help out the server a lot and make sure that the server is well made and I can monitor the server when ever you need me to on the week ends unless I'm going some where or I can build for the server when ever you need me to unless I'm at school. My timezone: Central Time
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: No, I will not grief because I really like this server and I would like to staff on this server.
Minecraft Username:DevHari
Experience:I have had many staff positions: from helper to co-owner. I am a great builder, I am currently working on a spawn and 1v1 arena for a server.
why do you want to apply?: I am kind of getting bored of playing factions and pvping so I think i just need to relax on a different server.
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: Never have, never will.
Name: Ruby
Minecraft Username:RubyJoanna
Experience:4 years xbox live and 2 months PC
why do you want to apply?:I enjoy building and sharing my new ideas and creativeness especially with a group of people (team work), and I just Love playing minecraft!
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: I would never grief, defeats the purpose of playing atleast that is my opinion and im 21 not a
child so I have better things to do like BUILD
Also, do I have to be a bruh? beacause im definatly a female Thanks again Hope to hear back .
Name: Emma
Minecraft Username: ProofeTurms
Experience: I've done some single player buildings that are okay.
why do you want to apply?: I want to learn to build better.
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: No
Name: Liam
Minecraft Username DaFieryGamer (Previously TheFireyAssassin)
Experience: I have built spawns and prison maps for a few servers including svensons.us and dragon vault mc! I have also been a super admin, an admin and a mod on a couple other servers!
Why do you want to apply: because love helping people in need and I also love building its pretty much the
only reason I joined minecraft I also want to be able to build better and become more experienced I have built
3 prison maps in the past!
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: no I do not grief and I know how to deal with a griefer either tell a higher rank or if i have permission ban them myself!
Minecraft Username: Creeper776
Experience: None, but good at building
why do you want to apply?: Because I like building, and building a server would be fun
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: No! Why would I do that?
Thanks Bruh
Minecraft Username: 33Tanman33
Experience: Ive been other server admins before and I love it. Prison, Survival, etc..
why do you want to apply?: To have a fun time and enjoy the server. Also I love helping out servers along the way.
Will you grief? If you do you shall be banned immediately: Nope, never will.
Join the server play.bruhsmash.com
Join the server play.bruhsmash.com