Hello everybody, my name is Cyborg_W0lf, and I have been head admin and builder on over thirty different servers. Through this experience, I have practiced a lot with custom NPC's, in one world even replacing tutorial books with a single, always accessible NPC. If you would like help, or just want to see what I can do, or even test me, post a reply here with a server name or mod pack and whatever other information I would need. Any questions? Feel free to ask!
The issue may be a world guard thing. You need to have mob-spawning turned on but disable hostile mobs. Also, another issue may be that running the /buccher command or /kill all command will not allow them to respawn. Try those and let me know if anything changes. Also, just a tip to make your NPC's in a single player world first, save them client side with the cloner, then copy them to your server and save them server side with the cloner. Should keep everything all nice and neat
Hello everybody, my name is Cyborg_W0lf, and I have been head admin and builder on over thirty different servers. Through this experience, I have practiced a lot with custom NPC's, in one world even replacing tutorial books with a single, always accessible NPC. If you would like help, or just want to see what I can do, or even test me, post a reply here with a server name or mod pack and whatever other information I would need. Any questions? Feel free to ask!
The issue may be a world guard thing. You need to have mob-spawning turned on but disable hostile mobs. Also, another issue may be that running the /buccher command or /kill all command will not allow them to respawn. Try those and let me know if anything changes. Also, just a tip to make your NPC's in a single player world first, save them client side with the cloner, then copy them to your server and save them server side with the cloner. Should keep everything all nice and neat
Whats the code for Bedrock to get the NPC to talk....testfor doesn't work anymore. Any ideas..???..or the new code that you've seen?