The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Hello Everybody,
We Are looking for some staff on our fresh new server dumbsurvival.
We Are Looking For-
Developer(If Trustworthy)
Oh And Btw The Owner Are Netsick And Gregoryg
Apply Here
What rank are you applying for *
Minecraft Name *
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why?
Do you speak another language? *
If yes, what is it?
Age *
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7+ hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7+ hours
Or a way we can contact you
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them *
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? *
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? *
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? *
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server
Yes.For A server that i accidently used a fast clock cannon
Do you speak another language? *
Other:Yes Chinese
Age 14
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer
How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
3-4 hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
7+ hours
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience?Nope
Why do you think you should be staff? *
I feel that i am a very responsible person and i will be able to obey your rules that is set by either the head admin or the server owner and i can do very well as i played for a very long time for minecraft usually survival or minecraft and i will 100% not abuse anything that is given to me
If somebody is spamming you,i will first give them a warning and if they continue i will mute for abit
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots,i will warn all the spam bots and if they dont take the warning seriously i will mute them for 15-30min
Who are the server owners:Netsick And Gregoryg
Hello Everybody,
We Are looking for some staff on our fresh new server dumbsurvival.
We Are Looking For-
Developer(If Trustworthy)
Oh And Btw The Owner Are Netsick And Gregoryg
Apply Here
What rank are you applying for *
Minecraft Name *
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server? *
If so, why?
Do you speak another language? *
If yes, what is it?
Age *
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer.
How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7+ hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
5-6 hours
7+ hours
Or a way we can contact you
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience? If yes please mention them *
If you don't have any past experience, you still have a chance of getting staff
Why do you think you should be staff? *
Out of everyone else, what makes you staff worthy.
If somebody is spamming you, what will you do? *
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots, what will be your first action? *
Who are the server owners? *
Any other comments?
OMG forgot ip
Press Spoiler
Copy And Post To
And Apply
I might go on and try the server out :).The server IP wont work.
What rank are you applying for *
Minecraft Name:Tempestlords
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server
Yes.For A server that i accidently used a fast clock cannon
Do you speak another language? *
Other:Yes Chinese
Age 14
Do not lie in this, age won't change your chance of getting the rank. Maturity is the answer
How long are you able to be on for (Week days) *
3-4 hours
How long are you able to be on for (Weekends) *
7+ hours
What server are you most active on
Do you have any past experience?Nope
Why do you think you should be staff? *
I feel that i am a very responsible person and i will be able to obey your rules that is set by either the head admin or the server owner and i can do very well as i played for a very long time for minecraft usually survival or minecraft and i will 100% not abuse anything that is given to me
If somebody is spamming you,i will first give them a warning and if they continue i will mute for abit
If the server was getting attacked by spam bots,i will warn all the spam bots and if they dont take the warning seriously i will mute them for 15-30min
Who are the server owners:Netsick And Gregoryg