I am currently looking for builders and all staff ranks
Before you apply, I am sure you would like to read about the server
Note: Mass applying is not allowed. If you have applied for at least 2 more servers
with-in a 1 week span of applying to this server, you will be
About The Network
The network will have four servers. OP Factions, Survival, Prison, Skyblock and Non-op Factions. Each server will have a different owner but of course there is the owner of the network. Staff positions will not be carried over, but you may be able to apply for two of the servers. We plan on releasing to the public around August 31st, but that may change
About The Server
The server will most likely be an op server. There will be ranks A-Z and 5 Prestiges. The first Prestige will be very easy to drag people in. As you continue it gets harder and harder. There will be plots, a black-market, pvp and much more. The map will be custom made by our builders. Currently the server has 100 player slots and 5 gb of ram. If we do good we will get more player spots and more ram so we can expand our server.
I am sure you all are wondering about payment. Yes, staff will be paid. Helpers will not, as they are trial staff. I am mostly going to base your payment off of your rank, but I will also take in play time and how much I see you work in this. But of course payment all depends on donations. All of the donations are used to pay the bills, and I am guessing the network owner will take a bit too. The reset is then divided into the four owners. I have decided not to take any and give it to my staff. So the better you do as staff, the better the player feels, the more likely they will donate, and more money for you.
Staff Guidelines and Rules
I will be using a strike system. If you are a help and get a strike, you are demoted. If you are a mod and you get one strike you are demoted to helper, and if you get another strike you are cut. If you are an admin and get a strike you are warned. Next time you are demoted to helper, then are cut. Head-Admin+ get 2 warnings then cut. If you are demoted to helper and make your way back up to mod, then good, you have learned. But if you get 3 strikes you are demoted. Strikes can be gained from inactivity, abusing, spawning in items, etc.
There will also be 2 google docs. One for Head-Admin+ and one for Mod+. The Mod+ has a list of every banned player, why they were banned, and if there was evidence. We will also try to keep track of warnings people get and kicks, but that may be really hard. The Head-Admin+ is for staff, and it will keep the strikes and tell us why you got the strikes.
I really need builders. Basically you will need to build the entire map. Because of course I will not have any donations in the beginning, you will not be payed until later, but for building the map you will be payed the most. But after that your payment stops. If you build more useful things you will be payed for them.
Helper - 5 - This will be a trial rank. You are either accepted to this rank or demoted to this rank. When the server opens and people apply they will be put to this rank. You will not be allowed on the server until it opens but will be kept updated and told when it does. Also just a hint, it will be easier to apply here and work your way up then to risk trying to get admin and failing.
Moderator - 4 - The moderator is a very important rank. They have to deal with the players. Yes, admins+ also have to deal with players, but they have a lot to do and can be busy
Admin - 3 - This rank is very important. For this one you can't just know how to be staff. You must know other things like how to set up mines, how to world edit, etc. You have a lot of power but a lot of responsibility
Ranks past here can not be applied for but will be chosen within the next month
Head-Admin - 1 - You watch over the entire server. You are in charge of staff, of players, of the builds, everything. That is a lot of things to do and you must be very active
Developer - 1-2 -We have a very experienced developer that works very well. The plugin he makes are amazing. If you feel you could be better, send over a custom application
Co-Owner - 1 - You are the owner's right hand man. You have to assist the owner in owning the server. Currently I have not decided if there will be a Co-Owner or not.
I prefer 13+, but 11+ will be looked at.
Must have past experience
Must be a good english speaker
I will not hire everyone from one timezone
Must have skype!
Must not have mass applied
Do notlie
These applications can be added to, or you can use a completely other application, as long as it has all of these questions
How long have you been playing minecraft:
Past experience as builder:
Photos of builds:
What rank are you applying for:
How long have you been playing minecraft:
Past experience:
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
Why do you feel you deserve Helper:
What rank are you applying for:
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:
How long have you been playing minecraft:
Past experience:
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
If someone was hacking what would you do:
Why do you feel you deserve Moderator:
What rank are you applying for:
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:
How long have you been playing minecraft:
Past experience:
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
If someone was hacking what would you do:
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:
Why do you deserve admin:
Goodluck on the application, and I hope to see ya soon.
Ign: Mench
Age: 14
Skype: swaggybird101
What rank are you applying for: Admin
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 9
How long have you been playing minecraft: 5 Years
Past experience: I have been staff on many servers. I feel really comfortable with admin and I have been this rank before. I have also been all the ranks you listed above. I use to own a server but it went down due to lack of players and lag because the server host was horrible. Now I recommend McProHosting.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: Nope sorry, I don't have their Skype anymore.
If someone was cussing, what would you do: Give them 3 warnings then mute, and if continuos tempban.
If someone was hacking what would you do: Immedialty ban the player due to hacking.
Strengths: I am awesome at catching hackers and working with PEX and GroupManager.
Weaknesses: I'm not good at raging or being selfish or unkind in anyway.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: Set position 1 and 2 with //wand and then //copy what ever you want then //paste it wherever you want to.
Why do you deserve admin: I believe I should become an Admin… I would like the community of the server to be a safer place. I also love helping people in real life! And of course, on this server! I know that being part of the staff team is a very big responsibility and I’m willing to take that challenge, I will be sure not to disappoint any of the staff or players. I will try my best at all times to keep spammers, DDoSers, hackers, advertisers, player issues and other problems under control. There are also many sections of the server I would like to help with! I wish to become staff solely because I want to help the players and extend my ability to help further. I’ll show my efforts to know what to do and what I’m supposed to do. I possess many qualities. For example, I follow other staff's orders. I would use my responsibility by kicking for any verbal warning, tempban see for any DDoSers and hackers, muting for any spammers, abusing in chat, etc. I’ll be friendly and happy to the server as always. I am forwarding to make the server grow and grow so it’ll be the best server.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Ign: I have 3 main is Micahy[/b]
Age: 14 turning 15 after 4 days[/b]
Skype: Nope got none[/b]
What rank are you applying for: Admin[/b]
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 8.7 at work tho 0.5 at free time[/b]
How long have you been playing minecraft: I got my account in 2013, but i knew about minecraft since 2010[/b]
Past experience: Admin on upcoming server and admin on another[/b]
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: the owners username is NotchyNoodles ask him (on these forums)[/b]
If someone was cussing, what would you do[/b]: Mute them for a day if they do it again For a fortnight again and then a YEAR[/b]
If someone was hacking what would you do:I would go invisible and follow them (won't work if you don't have the /vanish command) and then if I see any tracing of hacks, id ban them for a hour, and talk to the owner for what to do to them next. If i get permission to ban anyone for as long as they deserve i'll ban them tem for a hour if their using simple fullbright or x ray BUT if they use big hacks like Fly, Force Op, or even kill aura it's be a year.but if they were accused of hacking by a player and it turned out they didn't really hack i'll mute the accuser of wasting a admin's (or anyone's time).[/b]
Strengths: I am Online for 9 hours.. at work i am 0.5% mature, and as you see my grammar is really good[/b]
Weaknesses: In my free time, i am 0.7% mature, and laugh at jokes that aren't even funny[/b]
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: /give wand click a block, then right click and then /paste in a good location[/b]
Why do you deserve admin:then you will decide, but if you still want me to give you details then you should choose me because I used to hack so I can test hacks on your server so you can find out how to block them, and also I can detect hackers like a boss.[/b]
My current IGN is aphasics. I have also used the usernames gblx and ThePixelMaster1.
I am 14 years old.
My skype is dapixelmc.
What rank are you applying for:
I'm applying for the role of Admin.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:
I'd say about 8. I like to joke around, however I can also assume the role of "stereotypical strict staff member" (for lack of better wording) if needed.
How long have you been playing minecraft:
I've been playing since June of 2013, so that's about two years that I've been playing Minecraft.
Past experience:
I was staff on Minetime Cloud, a server with a few hundred players on at once; I resigned for personal reasons. (check out my profile @Pixel_ on their forums if you need proof).
I've also staffed on numerous small servers with about 10-20 players, like VividMC and KingCraft.
From these servers, I've gained a lot of experience and knowledge about commands and how to efficiently moderate/administrate a server.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
Nope, sorry... I don't have them as contacts on Skype right now.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
I would warn the player, and if they continue the offense I would mute/tempban them based on the severity of the cussing.
If someone was hacking what would you do:
Ban them! Hackers completely ruin gameplay and PvP.
I consider myself good at monitoring chat and I am very active in-game.
Also, I know how to effectively talk to players and reason with them (and punish them if needed). I am experienced in terms of staff ranks.
I can also sort of build well and if you need a logo done I do GFX art as well
I'm not the best with some plugins, and if a player is being really annoying I'm sometimes not the most patient..
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:
Do //wand, and set pos1 and pos2 around the house. Then do //copy and //paste wherever you'd like.
Why do you deserve admin:
I love to help others, whether it's with something tiny like how to open your inventory or huge issues like massive griefs. As cheesy as that sounded, I'm just looking for more opportunities to assist people. I feel that this server has potential to be a great one, and by me applying for Admin I hope you understand that I'm aspiring to help this server grow and become ever better than it'll be already.
I might not be the most patient, or friendly to the point where it's awkward, but I do have a way with players that allows me to get along with most of them and help establish a friendly and helpful community. I'm responsible and very dedicated, and I consider myself to be mature and have decent grammar, spelling and English skills. I'm very respectful to all players and it will stay that way regardless of age, gender or anything like that.
With great power comes great responsibility: I would not, under any circumstances, violate any rules or abuse my powers/permissions. I promise that I would use commands and authority effectively- to maintain an amazing community and prosecute hackers, griefers, spammers appropriately and to deal with threats, profanity and bullying according to severity.
I acknowledge what an Admin needs to do and I'm up for the huge amount of responsibility and effort that it will take...
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day!
My current IGN is aphasics. I have also used the usernames gblx and ThePixelMaster1.
I am 14 years old.
My skype is dapixelmc.
What rank are you applying for:
I'm applying for the role of Admin.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:
I'd say about 8. I like to joke around, however I can also assume the role of "stereotypical strict staff member" (for lack of better wording) if needed.
How long have you been playing minecraft:
I've been playing since June of 2013, so that's about two years that I've been playing Minecraft.
Past experience:
I was staff on Minetime Cloud, a server with a few hundred players on at once; I resigned for personal reasons. (check out my profile @Pixel_ on their forums if you need proof).
I've also staffed on numerous small servers with about 10-20 players, like VividMC and KingCraft.
From these servers, I've gained a lot of experience and knowledge about commands and how to efficiently moderate/administrate a server.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
Nope, sorry... I don't have them as contacts on Skype right now.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
I would warn the player, and if they continue the offense I would mute/tempban them based on the severity of the cussing.
If someone was hacking what would you do:
Ban them! Hackers completely ruin gameplay and PvP.
I consider myself good at monitoring chat and I am very active in-game.
Also, I know how to effectively talk to players and reason with them (and punish them if needed). I am experienced in terms of staff ranks.
I can also sort of build well and if you need a logo done I do GFX art as well
I'm not the best with some plugins, and if a player is being really annoying I'm sometimes not the most patient..
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:
Do //wand, and set pos1 and pos2 around the house. Then do //copy and //paste wherever you'd like.
Why do you deserve admin:
I love to help others, whether it's with something tiny like how to open your inventory or huge issues like massive griefs. As cheesy as that sounded, I'm just looking for more opportunities to assist people. I feel that this server has potential to be a great one, and by me applying for Admin I hope you understand that I'm aspiring to help this server grow and become ever better than it'll be already.
I might not be the most patient, or friendly to the point where it's awkward, but I do have a way with players that allows me to get along with most of them and help establish a friendly and helpful community. I'm responsible and very dedicated, and I consider myself to be mature and have decent grammar, spelling and English skills. I'm very respectful to all players and it will stay that way regardless of age, gender or anything like that.
With great power comes great responsibility: I would not, under any circumstances, violate any rules or abuse my powers/permissions. I promise that I would use commands and authority effectively- to maintain an amazing community and prosecute hackers, griefers, spammers appropriately and to deal with threats, profanity and bullying according to severity.
I acknowledge what an Admin needs to do and I'm up for the huge amount of responsibility and effort that it will take...
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day!
What rank are you applying for: Admin
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:On a scale 1/10 I would say 8 because I am mature but also I like to have fun
and and hangout with the rest of the staff and players
How long have you been playing minecraft:I have been playing minecraft when it was in alpha testing ever sense I been playing minecraft till now.
If someone was cussing, what would you do: If someone was cussing I would ask them to stop, but if they where still cussing I would give them a mute for 10 min, but if they kept on cussing I will kick them, if they carried on I would temp ban for 30mins, and if they carried on I would give them a 24 hour ban, if they kept on straight ban.
If someone was hacking what would you do: I would ask around first to see if he was hacking for real if he/she was I will question them then ban them.
Strengths: Im good with helping people and im good with helping out the server
Weaknesses:Im not the best with plugins but if you need me to do plugins I will try my best to learn and do it.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: I would do //copy then ill find the place you want it then I would do //paste
Why do you deserve admin:Well I have been a Admin on a server before so I know the responsibility I
need to make sure I am the best of the best of Admins to make sure that the
server is fun and everyone is happy!
I believe I am around 9 (maybe?). (I'm not really the type to troll players or ruin peoples' experience.)
How long have you been playing Minecraft:
I have been playing Minecraft for about 2.5-3 years (just PE for the first half a year). I realized that Minecraft had servers almost immediately, so I have much more experience on multiplayer than singleplayer.
Past experience:
I have been helper/moderator on a couple of small servers, so I have some limited staff experience (although definitely not as much as some of the other applicants). These servers have since been shut down.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
I was a bit of a shy little squeaker way back then, so I never contacted the owners through Skype.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
I would ask them nicely to stop (explain that it is against the rules, assuming it will be), and then either mute them temporarily or contact a higher ranking staff. If the behavior continued after a temp mute, I would attempt to pursue a kick or temp ban. OR, I would just let antiswear do its job. (The punishment would most likely be based off of quantity or rudeness of swearing.)
If someone was hacking what would you do:
They would be kicked or banned immediately (or I would contact staff that has power to do so). I am extremely anti hacking, and I have no tolerance for those who do so.
Why do you feel you deserve Moderator:
I would really love to help this server get started, and I really enjoy helping people in any way that I can. Possibly my favorite part about server is just the interactions with the other players online (well, unless those interactions involve obscenities), so I feel that I would really be able to help any new players and give people an understanding of the server and its features. I do my best to be very patient with everyone on the server, however, I will do whatever is necessary to improve the community and overall server experience. Enforcing rules is one of my favorite things to do, and the server would definitely benefit from that.
As for my technical/serversided skills, I have very limited experience with plugins, however, I would learn how to effectively use them if I need to. Basically, if you need something done, I will learn how to do it.
On weekdays, I am almost completely free, so there should be nearly no limitations to when I can play. On weekends, there is a larger probability of being gone, but I will still most likely be able to play.
Might as well add strengths and weaknesses...
I enjoy helping people, and I have plenty of experience doing so, I completely understand the amount of time and work that would have to go into this position, and I am very used to doing work and/or learning stuff on short notice. Plus, I am very responsible (as gcenac will gladly prove).
Building, being a grammar Nazi, etc.
Thank you very much for your consideration, and I'll see you around on the server even if I don't get this position!
While it may seem like there are a lot of replies there are still 2 admin spots left and all mod, helper, and builder spots are open. Also, if you have not been replied to, you have been denied. Feel free to re-apply
Experience: I have a good amount of Java knowledge to be a developer. Knowing that you have said your developer right now is better then I. He can be the Head-Dev. Again that is your decsion.I also have minimal experience with website creation but always try my best in all aspects! I also do have a very vast plugin knowledge and know most of your advanced and regular use plugins. I also do have the ability to configure plugins and look them over. Lastly I have 3 years of staff management experience.
maturity- 8
fun level- Depends on situation but around 7-8
Thank you so much for reviewing this application! I hope you did enjoy. If I do get accepted please contact me Via Skype!
What rank are you applying for:admin.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9 when I need to be if not I'm fun.
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years.
Past experience:I have been admin4 times and mod 2 but stepped down from all of the servers due to the inactivity and lack of funds and rude owners.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:no not really all of then have kind of quit the whole minecraft skype thing.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:I would give them one warning and if they still continue I will mute them from chat.
If someone was hacking what would you do: if someone was hacking on the server I would identify that they were indeed hacking and temp ban them and report the situation to you or co-owner
Strengths:i say that my biggest streights are probably taking control of a stuiation and I am very good with people and know how to react if they do something wrong and I can work in a group very well.
Weaknesses: I say that my weaknesses are I can get kind of mad when someone isn't listening to any of the staff members.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:I would do //copy and then find a place to put it then I would do //paste
Why do you deserve admin:I think I deserve admin because I am a hard work loyal and will try to keep your server safe as posible from hackers and if there was anything to happen when I was incarge I would take full blame and I am open to learn anything that you want to tech me and if you need anything I will be there for you and make sure the server is in good shape for all of the player
What rank are you applying for:Admin but if im not good enough for that mod
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9[/b]
How long have you been playing minecraft:4 years
Past experience:I have been a head mod on a network called Void and i had started as a helper and worked up the ladder of ranks and had reached the head mod position as i was going for head admin was kicked from staff as the owner thought that i was staff on another server as i wasnt.I also had a friend that was banned and i talked to him over skype and the owner thought that was un fit for a head mod and demoted me.I have been a admin on a server called alsesto i have left due tho lack of players and the server and the other staff disrespected me as my name was grassman and every time i came back i was called ass man as i was frustrated and left as i was abused.I owned my own server which has gone down due to the lack of donurs and i was on a low budget so i had decided to take the server down.I was a co owner of a server called shy craft which hasshut down due to the owner didnt want to run a server any more and decided to shut the server down.I was a helper on this other server which i was kicked as i was going on vacation and forgot to tell owner and so i was in active for a period of a month and was kicked from the staff position.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:Yes i do have 2 owners on my skype and if you would like to speak to them i will give u there skypes so u can have a talk to them about me.
If someone was cussing, what would you do[/b]:If someone was hardcore cussing i would mute them as its a very bad intention for the server and has a possibility of people leaving.
If someone was hacking what would you do:I will quickly ban them as most owners do not allow hacking and all hackers deserver to be banned,
Strengths:I am great with building and im also great with plugins and looking after servers.I am also good with players as im a very nice player to others and am a very fun person.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:U use this command //paste to paste the house.
Why do you deserve admin:Im a loyal player and a very loyal staff member who will do anything to get any job done as if it was to look after server when owners are gone i can do it and if they want something done i will get it done at the highest standard possible
If you would like to disgust more stuff contatct me over Skype [/b]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Skype : Derekmalachidixon1121 add me for business inquiry.
What rank are you applying for:
Admin preferably but I am fine with Moderator.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 8.5
How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 years. I have been playing since I was 13
Past Experience?: Yes I have been Mod/Admin 3 times each. cause I worked my way up
to admin both times.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: No... All of the servers went down and the owners got new skypes...
If someone was cussing, what would you do: I would ask them to stop and if they did not I would have to punish them. (Strike)
If someone was hacking what would you do: first I would need very strong proof (video or very good picture) then I would temporarily ban them to consult with other staff and then decide from there how long the ban should be. ( most likely a permanent ban)
Strengths:I am smart I have lots of history with being a admin I have been a owner/admin of servers since I
joined minecraft 3 years ago and I love minecraft I can teach the other admin a bit to I will use this chance as a teaching, learning, and
fun chance not a dreadful job it will be fun if it gets boring I will resign but I love to help so I wont give up and I love helping people
if they need questions that they need answered I will answer them if they someone to talk to a friend I will be there for them. thanks for
reading my app. I'm decent with are plugins. I know all about Essentials, World Guard, World Edit, Group Manager, and a bunch of others, (I also know PermissionsEX). I can edit configs
Weaknesses: I can get distracted and I also have dyslexia so I have trouble reading certain wordings but I am getting better cause of practices I am doing. And I also love socializing with the players and getting to know them.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: first you would select the house. If under ground select the ground in the corner of your basement ( make sure that whole side of the House is alerted). Then go to the opposite corner of the house and then fly above the house ( and also build a pillar) make sure that the top block is selected. After you've done that type "//copy" and then after that go to your preferred area for pasting the house. (Make sure you are at the same height level as when you typed "//copy" for easier pasting) then simple type "//paste" and it's all done!
Why do you deserve admin?: cause I feel like I can help causeI am a really active person. I'm not saying I don't have a life, I'm pretty sure I
do, but I just have a lot of free time in my schedule to play minecraft and help out. On weekdays, I can get on for approximately 3-4 hours and
on weekends, I can get on for about 5-6 hours. Some days I will be able to stay on longer and shorter on others. It really depends about my
schoolwork and that stuff. When it comes to being responsible, I have my times where it helps out and then times I completely forget. At times
I will forget things, however, Minecraft is an online game which people play on laptops/ computers. That gives me an advantage, all I have to
do is write down my tasks on notepad and there is a really low chance of me forgetting. I hope this also helps me become more responsible. As
soon as the website gets released, I will be able to check the forums/ website from time to time, almost every few hours or minutes
(obviously not during school). I'm not that great of a builder, but sometimes I play around with my builds and they become something that looks
decent. When it comes to players, I normally get onto the good sides of players, however when I'm playing competitively, things aren't going
to be too pretty. But I don't play competitively in Minecraft, so nothing to worry about.
What rank are you applying for:
Admin preferably but I am fine with Moderator.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 8.5
How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 years. I have been playing since I was 13
Past Experience?: Yes I have been Mod/Admin 3 times each. cause I worked my way up
to admin both times.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: No... All of the servers went down and the owners got new skypes...
If someone was cussing, what would you do: I would ask them to stop and if they did not I would have to punish them. (Strike)
If someone was hacking what would you do: first I would need very strong proof (video or very good picture) then I would temporarily ban them to consult with other staff and then decide from there how long the ban should be. ( most likely a permanent ban)
Strengths:I am smart I have lots of history with being a admin I have been a owner/admin of servers since I
joined minecraft 3 years ago and I love minecraft I can teach the other admin a bit to I will use this chance as a teaching, learning, and
fun chance not a dreadful job it will be fun if it gets boring I will resign but I love to help so I wont give up and I love helping people
if they need questions that they need answered I will answer them if they someone to talk to a friend I will be there for them. thanks for
reading my app. I'm decent with are plugins. I know all about Essentials, World Guard, World Edit, Group Manager, and a bunch of others, (I also know PermissionsEX). I can edit configs
Weaknesses: I can get distracted and I also have dyslexia so I have trouble reading certain wordings but I am getting better cause of practices I am doing. And I also love socializing with the players and getting to know them.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: first you would select the house. If under ground select the ground in the corner of your basement ( make sure that whole side of the House is alerted). Then go to the opposite corner of the house and then fly above the house ( and also build a pillar) make sure that the top block is selected. After you've done that type "//copy" and then after that go to your preferred area for pasting the house. (Make sure you are at the same height level as when you typed "//copy" for easier pasting) then simple type "//paste" and it's all done!
Why do you deserve admin?: cause I feel like I can help causeI am a really active person. I'm not saying I don't have a life, I'm pretty sure I
do, but I just have a lot of free time in my schedule to play minecraft and help out. On weekdays, I can get on for approximately 3-4 hours and
on weekends, I can get on for about 5-6 hours. Some days I will be able to stay on longer and shorter on others. It really depends about my
schoolwork and that stuff. When it comes to being responsible, I have my times where it helps out and then times I completely forget. At times
I will forget things, however, Minecraft is an online game which people play on laptops/ computers. That gives me an advantage, all I have to
do is write down my tasks on notepad and there is a really low chance of me forgetting. I hope this also helps me become more responsible. As
soon as the website gets released, I will be able to check the forums/ website from time to time, almost every few hours or minutes
(obviously not during school). I'm not that great of a builder, but sometimes I play around with my builds and they become something that looks
decent. When it comes to players, I normally get onto the good sides of players, however when I'm playing competitively, things aren't going
to be too pretty. But I don't play competitively in Minecraft, so nothing to worry about.
What rank are you applying for:Admin but if im not good enough for that mod
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9
How long have you been playing minecraft:4 years
Past experience:I have been a head mod on a network called Void and i had started as a helper and worked up the ladder of ranks and had reached the head mod position as i was going for head admin was kicked from staff as the owner thought that i was staff on another server as i wasnt.I also had a friend that was banned and i talked to him over skype and the owner thought that was un fit for a head mod and demoted me.I have been a admin on a server called alsesto i have left due tho lack of players and the server and the other staff disrespected me as my name was grassman and every time i came back i was called ass man as i was frustrated and left as i was abused.I owned my own server which has gone down due to the lack of donurs and i was on a low budget so i had decided to take the server down.I was a co owner of a server called shy craft which hasshut down due to the owner didnt want to run a server any more and decided to shut the server down.I was a helper on this other server which i was kicked as i was going on vacation and forgot to tell owner and so i was in active for a period of a month and was kicked from the staff position.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:Yes i do have 2 owners on my skype and if you would like to speak to them i will give u there skypes so u can have a talk to them about me.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:If someone was hardcore cussing i would mute them as its a very bad intention for the server and has a possibility of people leaving.
If someone was hacking what would you do:I will quickly ban them as most owners do not allow hacking and all hackers deserver to be banned,
Strengths:I am great with building and im also great with plugins and looking after servers.I am also good with players as im a very nice player to others and am a very fun person.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:U use this command //paste to paste the house.
Why do you deserve admin:Im a loyal player and a very loyal staff member who will do anything to get any job done as if it was to look after server when owners are gone i can do it and if they want something done i will get it done at the highest standard possible
If you would like to disgust more stuff contatct me over Skype
Both of you will be added on skype and interviewed
What rank are you applying for: mod.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9 when I need to be if not I'm fun.
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years.
Past experience:I have been admin4 times and mod 2 but stepped down from all of the servers due to the inactivity and lack of funds and rude owners.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:no not really all of then have kind of quit the whole minecraft skype thing.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:I would give them one warning and if they still continue I will mute them from chat.
If someone was hacking what would you do: if someone was hacking on the server I would identify that they were indeed hacking and temp ban them and report the situation to you or co-owner
Strengths:i say that my biggest streights are probably taking control of a stuiation and I am very good with people and know how to react if they do something wrong and I can work in a group very well.
Weaknesses: I say that my weaknesses are I can get kind of mad when someone isn't listening to any of the staff members.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:I would do //copy and then find a place to put it then I would do //paste
Why do you deserve admin:I think I deserve admin because I am a hard work loyal and will try to keep your server safe as posible from hackers and if there was anything to happen when I was incarge I would take full blame and I am open to learn anything that you want to tech me and if you need anything I will be there for you and make sure the server is in good shape for all of the player
What rank are you applying for: mod.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9 when I need to be if not I'm fun.
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years.
Past experience:I have been admin4 times and mod 2 but stepped down from all of the servers due to the inactivity and lack of funds and rude owners.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:no not really all of then have kind of quit the whole minecraft skype thing.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:I would give them one warning and if they still continue I will mute them from chat.
If someone was hacking what would you do: if someone was hacking on the server I would identify that they were indeed hacking and temp ban them and report the situation to you or co-owner
Strengths:i say that my biggest streights are probably taking control of a stuiation and I am very good with people and know how to react if they do something wrong and I can work in a group very well.
Weaknesses: I say that my weaknesses are I can get kind of mad when someone isn't listening to any of the staff members.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:I would do //copy and then find a place to put it then I would do //paste
Why do you deserve admin:I think I deserve admin because I am a hard work loyal and will try to keep your server safe as posible from hackers and if there was anything to happen when I was incarge I would take full blame and I am open to learn anything that you want to tech me and if you need anything I will be there for you and make sure the server is in good shape for all of the player
Ign: Mench
Age: 14
Skype: swaggybird101
What rank are you applying for: Admin
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 9
How long have you been playing minecraft: 5 Years
Past experience: I have been staff on many servers. I feel really comfortable with admin and I have been this rank before. I have also been all the ranks you listed above. I use to own a server but it went down due to lack of players and lag because the server host was horrible. Now I recommend McProHosting.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: Nope sorry, I don't have their Skype anymore.
If someone was cussing, what would you do: Give them 3 warnings then mute, and if continuos tempban.
If someone was hacking what would you do: Immedialty ban the player due to hacking.
Strengths: I am awesome at catching hackers and working with PEX and GroupManager.
Weaknesses: I'm not good at raging or being selfish or unkind in anyway.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: Set position 1 and 2 with //wand and then //copy what ever you want then //paste it wherever you want to.
Why do you deserve admin: I believe I should become an Admin… I would like the community of the server to be a safer place. I also love helping people in real life! And of course, on this server! I know that being part of the staff team is a very big responsibility and I’m willing to take that challenge, I will be sure not to disappoint any of the staff or players. I will try my best at all times to keep spammers, DDoSers, hackers, advertisers, player issues and other problems under control. There are also many sections of the server I would like to help with! I wish to become staff solely because I want to help the players and extend my ability to help further. I’ll show my efforts to know what to do and what I’m supposed to do. I possess many qualities. For example, I follow other staff's orders. I would use my responsibility by kicking for any verbal warning, tempban see for any DDoSers and hackers, muting for any spammers, abusing in chat, etc. I’ll be friendly and happy to the server as always. I am forwarding to make the server grow and grow so it’ll be the best server.
Thank you!
Don't judge.
Age: 14 turning 15 after 4 days[/b]
Skype: Nope got none[/b]
What rank are you applying for: Admin[/b]
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 8.7 at work tho 0.5 at free time[/b]
How long have you been playing minecraft: I got my account in 2013, but i knew about minecraft since 2010[/b]
Past experience: Admin on upcoming server and admin on another[/b]
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: the owners username is NotchyNoodles ask him (on these forums)[/b]
If someone was cussing, what would you do[/b]: Mute them for a day if they do it again For a fortnight again and then a YEAR[/b]
If someone was hacking what would you do:I would go invisible and follow them (won't work if you don't have the /vanish command) and then if I see any tracing of hacks, id ban them for a hour, and talk to the owner for what to do to them next. If i get permission to ban anyone for as long as they deserve i'll ban them tem for a hour if their using simple fullbright or x ray BUT if they use big hacks like Fly, Force Op, or even kill aura it's be a year.but if they were accused of hacking by a player and it turned out they didn't really hack i'll mute the accuser of wasting a admin's (or anyone's time).[/b]
Strengths: I am Online for 9 hours.. at work i am 0.5% mature, and as you see my grammar is really good[/b]
Weaknesses: In my free time, i am 0.7% mature, and laugh at jokes that aren't even funny[/b]
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: /give wand click a block, then right click and then /paste in a good location[/b]
Why do you deserve admin:then you will decide, but if you still want me to give you details then you should choose me because I used to hack so I can test hacks on your server so you can find out how to block them, and also I can detect hackers like a boss.[/b]
My current IGN is aphasics. I have also used the usernames gblx and ThePixelMaster1.
I am 14 years old.
My skype is dapixelmc.
What rank are you applying for:
I'm applying for the role of Admin.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:
I'd say about 8. I like to joke around, however I can also assume the role of "stereotypical strict staff member" (for lack of better wording) if needed.
How long have you been playing minecraft:
I've been playing since June of 2013, so that's about two years that I've been playing Minecraft.
Past experience:
I was staff on Minetime Cloud, a server with a few hundred players on at once; I resigned for personal reasons. (check out my profile @Pixel_ on their forums if you need proof).
I've also staffed on numerous small servers with about 10-20 players, like VividMC and KingCraft.
From these servers, I've gained a lot of experience and knowledge about commands and how to efficiently moderate/administrate a server.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:
Nope, sorry... I don't have them as contacts on Skype right now.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:
I would warn the player, and if they continue the offense I would mute/tempban them based on the severity of the cussing.
If someone was hacking what would you do:
Ban them! Hackers completely ruin gameplay and PvP.
I consider myself good at monitoring chat and I am very active in-game.
Also, I know how to effectively talk to players and reason with them (and punish them if needed). I am experienced in terms of staff ranks.
I can also sort of build well and if you need a logo done I do GFX art as well
I'm not the best with some plugins, and if a player is being really annoying I'm sometimes not the most patient..
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:
Do //wand, and set pos1 and pos2 around the house. Then do //copy and //paste wherever you'd like.
Why do you deserve admin:
I love to help others, whether it's with something tiny like how to open your inventory or huge issues like massive griefs. As cheesy as that sounded, I'm just looking for more opportunities to assist people. I feel that this server has potential to be a great one, and by me applying for Admin I hope you understand that I'm aspiring to help this server grow and become ever better than it'll be already.
I might not be the most patient, or friendly to the point where it's awkward, but I do have a way with players that allows me to get along with most of them and help establish a friendly and helpful community. I'm responsible and very dedicated, and I consider myself to be mature and have decent grammar, spelling and English skills. I'm very respectful to all players and it will stay that way regardless of age, gender or anything like that.
With great power comes great responsibility: I would not, under any circumstances, violate any rules or abuse my powers/permissions. I promise that I would use commands and authority effectively- to maintain an amazing community and prosecute hackers, griefers, spammers appropriately and to deal with threats, profanity and bullying according to severity.
I acknowledge what an Admin needs to do and I'm up for the huge amount of responsibility and effort that it will take...
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day!
by the way il do it all for FREE
I will interview you on skype
Denied due to not all of the application was used
While it may seem like there are a lot of replies there are still 2 admin spots left and all mod, helper, and builder spots are open. Also, if you have not been replied to, you have been denied. Feel free to re-apply
Developer Application.
Name: Ali (Pronouced Ollie)
Age: 17
IGN: AlliedCore
Skype: AlliedCore786
Experience: I have a good amount of Java knowledge to be a developer. Knowing that you have said your developer right now is better then I. He can be the Head-Dev. Again that is your decsion.I also have minimal experience with website creation but always try my best in all aspects! I also do have a very vast plugin knowledge and know most of your advanced and regular use plugins. I also do have the ability to configure plugins and look them over. Lastly I have 3 years of staff management experience.
maturity- 8
fun level- Depends on situation but around 7-8
Thank you so much for reviewing this application! I hope you did enjoy. If I do get accepted please contact me Via Skype!
What rank are you applying for:admin.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9 when I need to be if not I'm fun.
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years.
Past experience:I have been admin4 times and mod 2 but stepped down from all of the servers due to the inactivity and lack of funds and rude owners.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:no not really all of then have kind of quit the whole minecraft skype thing.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:I would give them one warning and if they still continue I will mute them from chat.
If someone was hacking what would you do: if someone was hacking on the server I would identify that they were indeed hacking and temp ban them and report the situation to you or co-owner
Strengths:i say that my biggest streights are probably taking control of a stuiation and I am very good with people and know how to react if they do something wrong and I can work in a group very well.
Weaknesses: I say that my weaknesses are I can get kind of mad when someone isn't listening to any of the staff members.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:I would do //copy and then find a place to put it then I would do //paste
Why do you deserve admin:I think I deserve admin because I am a hard work loyal and will try to keep your server safe as posible from hackers and if there was anything to happen when I was incarge I would take full blame and I am open to learn anything that you want to tech me and if you need anything I will be there for you and make sure the server is in good shape for all of the player
Skype : Derekmalachidixon1121 add me for business inquiry.
Ign: Major_Dork
Age: 16
Skype: major_dork
What rank are you applying for:
Admin preferably but I am fine with Moderator.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 8.5
How long have you been playing minecraft: 3 years. I have been playing since I was 13
Past Experience?: Yes I have been Mod/Admin 3 times each. cause I worked my way up
to admin both times.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference: No... All of the servers went down and the owners got new skypes...
If someone was cussing, what would you do: I would ask them to stop and if they did not I would have to punish them. (Strike)
If someone was hacking what would you do: first I would need very strong proof (video or very good picture) then I would temporarily ban them to consult with other staff and then decide from there how long the ban should be. ( most likely a permanent ban)
Strengths:I am smart I have lots of history with being a admin I have been a owner/admin of servers since I
joined minecraft 3 years ago and I love minecraft I can teach the other admin a bit to I will use this chance as a teaching, learning, and
fun chance not a dreadful job it will be fun if it gets boring I will resign but I love to help so I wont give up and I love helping people
if they need questions that they need answered I will answer them if they someone to talk to a friend I will be there for them. thanks for
reading my app. I'm decent with are plugins. I know all about Essentials, World Guard, World Edit, Group Manager, and a bunch of others, (I also know PermissionsEX). I can edit configs
Weaknesses: I can get distracted and I also have dyslexia so I have trouble reading certain wordings but I am getting better cause of practices I am doing. And I also love socializing with the players and getting to know them.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit: first you would select the house. If under ground select the ground in the corner of your basement ( make sure that whole side of the House is alerted). Then go to the opposite corner of the house and then fly above the house ( and also build a pillar) make sure that the top block is selected. After you've done that type "//copy" and then after that go to your preferred area for pasting the house. (Make sure you are at the same height level as when you typed "//copy" for easier pasting) then simple type "//paste" and it's all done!
Why do you deserve admin?: cause I feel like I can help causeI am a really active person. I'm not saying I don't have a life, I'm pretty sure I
do, but I just have a lot of free time in my schedule to play minecraft and help out. On weekdays, I can get on for approximately 3-4 hours and
on weekends, I can get on for about 5-6 hours. Some days I will be able to stay on longer and shorter on others. It really depends about my
schoolwork and that stuff. When it comes to being responsible, I have my times where it helps out and then times I completely forget. At times
I will forget things, however, Minecraft is an online game which people play on laptops/ computers. That gives me an advantage, all I have to
do is write down my tasks on notepad and there is a really low chance of me forgetting. I hope this also helps me become more responsible. As
soon as the website gets released, I will be able to check the forums/ website from time to time, almost every few hours or minutes
(obviously not during school). I'm not that great of a builder, but sometimes I play around with my builds and they become something that looks
decent. When it comes to players, I normally get onto the good sides of players, however when I'm playing competitively, things aren't going
to be too pretty. But I don't play competitively in Minecraft, so nothing to worry about.
Both of you will be added on skype and interviewed
I am still desperate for builders!
Ign: ajkraus003[/b]
Age: 16[/b]
Skype: live:giannie999[/b]
What rank are you applying for: Admin[/b]
How mature are you on a scale 1-10: 10[/b]
How long have you been playing minecraft: since 1.2.5[/b]
Past experience: I have been staff on many servers and oner on a few too[/b]
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:[/b]
If someone was cussing, what would you do[/b]:[/b]
I would either mute for a short amount of time or kick them.
If someone was hacking what would you do: i would kick them and then give them some jail time[/b]Strengths: working with plugins and other people as well as building[/b]
Weaknesses: Coding[/b]
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:[/b]
set pos1 and pos 2 then do //copy, then move where u want it and then do //paste
Why do you deserve admin: I deserver admin because i think I'm the most qualified for the job. I can do everything u would want a admin to do.[/b]
Okay! Thank you so much! And I also can build a little bit not amazing but I can build.
What rank are you applying for: mod.
How mature are you on a scale 1-10:9 when I need to be if not I'm fun.
How long have you been playing Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 2-3 years.
Past experience:I have been admin4 times and mod 2 but stepped down from all of the servers due to the inactivity and lack of funds and rude owners.
Any old owners I can contact on skype as reference:no not really all of then have kind of quit the whole minecraft skype thing.
If someone was cussing, what would you do:I would give them one warning and if they still continue I will mute them from chat.
If someone was hacking what would you do: if someone was hacking on the server I would identify that they were indeed hacking and temp ban them and report the situation to you or co-owner
Strengths:i say that my biggest streights are probably taking control of a stuiation and I am very good with people and know how to react if they do something wrong and I can work in a group very well.
Weaknesses: I say that my weaknesses are I can get kind of mad when someone isn't listening to any of the staff members.
How to I copy and paste my house with world edit:I would do //copy and then find a place to put it then I would do //paste
Why do you deserve admin:I think I deserve admin because I am a hard work loyal and will try to keep your server safe as posible from hackers and if there was anything to happen when I was incarge I would take full blame and I am open to learn anything that you want to tech me and if you need anything I will be there for you and make sure the server is in good shape for all of the player
Denied due to length