They left us here. Abandoned by our own kind. Left to die. We can't let that happen. We need to survive. Create our own nation. Build our world. Defend each other from the world around us. Welcome the good, shun the bad. Do what we must. Build houses. Build cars. Elect a mayor. Its up to you to decide what we must do.
Welcome to my server! We are a roleplaying server with many different aspects to it. We will do what ever we want to and create our civilization together! Build towns, go to war, build houses, you name it! We are looking for some staff to run the server and this is the place to apply! We will be grey listed, and have an application process to make sure we are a tight-nit community!
Staff rules
If you abuse your powers you WILL be demoted and banned!
Be fair
Put potatoes at the end of your application! (this is to see if you actually read the rules)
Do not cheat
Only distribute fair punishments
Always act mature
All about staff
Warning: ALL staff must have Skype!
Always act mature and never abuse your powers.
Listen to the administrators! You are the people staff. You cannot abuse your powers, and you must always ask for an administrators approval before giving a punishment!
You are not considered staff, you are here to build things! When we are ready to release the server, if worthy you will be given helper and move your way up in the staff world!
After finally having read this whole post you are interested in a staff position then go ahead! Apply, but make sure you fill these questions out carefully and don't lie! We can tell if your lying or telling the truth
Sorry No more admins needed!
What position are you applying for?
Did you read the rules?:
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?:
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?:
Experience(Lots of details):
The designer will design art work for the server such as an icon, a banner and some other things.
Proof of work:
Have you ever done this type of work before?:
Why do you want to design for the server?:
Pictures of your builds (We know if you take pictures off the internet):
Why do you want to be a builder(Details)?
On a rate of 1-10 how do you rate your building skills?:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?:yea i have been mod many times!
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: i want this spot so i can help people that need help. I also want to report the bad and be a big part of this servers comunity.
Experience(Lots of details): I have been mod about 4 times and admin 3 so i know what im doing. i will not abuse powers. i like to help people in need. I hope i get this position so thx!
(cant find the emoji)
We're sorry but you've been declined because of lack of detail, and you seem to have applied to another server. We want dedicated staff. Sorry for the inconvenience!
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise: Yes i am.
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph): We already know each other and personally i think we work well as a team and my "Building expertise" will come in handy. I love helping people and making them enjoy their Minecraft experience as staff f my first few servers I played on were helping and supportive towards me, I think that's why I am able to be playing today.
Experience(Lots of details): I have been staff on a few of my friends server and I had anadmin position on many servers, a 30 slot public server hosted by McPro in the UK. It was successful and had alot of players per day, but I didn't like the way the owners were treating the problems (letting the the staff members do all the work and then having them take all the credit) and I didn't like the fact that the chose the worst staff members possible, almost of all of them corrupt. I was also a Mod on ExampleCraft, a small 15 slot which usually had 9 users on avg. and 1-2 staff on at one time. It was a fun community but was shut down do to lake of time and lack of good staff (most of them were leaving because they wanted to become staff on a bigger server and they couldn't picture the server growing)
Age: 16
Skype: BlxuMc
I hope you accept my application and take it into consideration.
Accepted! I did not accept you just because we know each other but because you gave some good reasons on why we should accept you!
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: very
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: Well, i've been playing minecraft for a VERY long time now and it's become boring to me. i figured well why not start to help other people with their servers. so thats mainly why im here.
Experience(Lots of details): i've helped other people build servers from scratch, plugin configuration and installation is easy to me lol, i can set up groups with their permissions, if you ever fell like getting a website or a teamspeak i can also set those up for you, i can do a lot of things but putting them all into words is a lot to do lol, it would be better if i could just show you
What position are you applying for? Mod (Moderator)
IGN: javanava2
Did you read the rules?: yes
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: Yes I have had a server and I was owner there and worked by a few servers as mod.
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I want to have this spot because I really, and I do really, enjoy to help people on their way to have some fun, but on their way fun there can be people that spoil this for them so I will try to stop them If I need.
Experience(Lots of details): I have been Mods on factions servers several times and if they would hack I would inform the Administrator about this and will permanent ban him. I have work as a Mod for a survival server as well trying to get the naughty people out and helping new people with the rules.
Age: 14
Skype: noah.imamkhan POTATOES
Accepted! I see you have not applied to a server in quite a while, and you have read the rules! Adding you on skype!
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: Yes, very much so.
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I feel like I'm fit for admin because I've gotten the job done otherwise. I'm sorry if this sounds like a cop-out answer, but it's the truth. On other servers, they have made the choice to promote me to Admin, and not one of those servers regret that decision. I'm very creative and love to have fun, yet am serious when I need to be. One server even went so far as to promote me to Head-Admin! I take my position seriously and would love to help your server.
Experience(Lots of details): With all staff positions? I have had Helper on 1 server, Moderator on 1 server, Admin on 2 servers, and Head-Admin on 1 server.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: Yes, very much so.
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I feel like I'm fit for admin because I've gotten the job done otherwise. I'm sorry if this sounds like a cop-out answer, but it's the truth. On other servers, they have made the choice to promote me to Admin, and not one of those servers regret that decision. I'm very creative and love to have fun, yet am serious when I need to be. One server even went so far as to promote me to Head-Admin! I take my position seriously and would love to help your server.
Experience(Lots of details): With all staff positions? I have had Helper on 1 server, Moderator on 1 server, Admin on 2 servers, and Head-Admin on 1 server.
Age: Does it matter? If it does, IM me.
Skype: Only for personal use, sorry.
Oh, and POTATO.
You need to have skype! we need to keep track of our staff and we need to interview our staff! Sorry but your Declined
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: No but I have been moderator before but never admin. This may be a new experience for me
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I want to be admin because this would be something new I can try. I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I also like that you aren't to laid back but your not to strict either. I also want this position because I have to much time on my hands. I also want to help the server reach to its best potential. I think this server could be very popular as long as you have the right type of staff for it. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I was in charge of accepting and rejecting applications on a server when I was still a part of it. This was really hard because you don't know if you made the right decisions for the server or if you made the wrong decision. I had a situation with one application I accepted turned bad. The moderator who I accepted went and banned people randomly and somehow everyone else didn't have the commands to ban him. I am also very loyal to my friends and i'm pretty sure I can make some friends on this server like I did the last. I don't really want to say this but on one of my servers the owner was corrupted because I stuck up for my friend when he was being bullied by him. He banned me and 5 others for sticking up for our friend.
Experience(Lots of details):
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults. Owner isn't just a title you have to do things right or the whole server's reputation can be brought down with you.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: No but I have been moderator before but never admin. This may be a new experience for me
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I want to be admin because this would be something new I can try. I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I also like that you aren't to laid back but your not to strict either. I also want this position because I have to much time on my hands. I also want to help the server reach to its best potential. I think this server could be very popular as long as you have the right type of staff for it. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I was in charge of accepting and rejecting applications on a server when I was still a part of it. This was really hard because you don't know if you made the right decisions for the server or if you made the wrong decision. I had a situation with one application I accepted turned bad. The moderator who I accepted went and banned people randomly and somehow everyone else didn't have the commands to ban him. I am also very loyal to my friends and i'm pretty sure I can make some friends on this server like I did the last. I don't really want to say this but on one of my servers the owner was corrupted because I stuck up for my friend when he was being bullied by him. He banned me and 5 others for sticking up for our friend.
Experience(Lots of details):
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults. Owner isn't just a title you have to do things right or the whole server's reputation can be brought down with you.
I really like your application, but you just applied to another server... Adding you on skype
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: very
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: Well, i've been playing minecraft for a VERY long time now and it's become boring to me. i figured well why not start to help other people with their servers. so thats mainly why im here.
Experience(Lots of details): i've helped other people build servers from scratch, plugin configuration and installation is easy to me lol, i can set up groups with their permissions, if you ever fell like getting a website or a teamspeak i can also set those up for you, i can do a lot of things but putting them all into words is a lot to do lol, it would be better if i could just show you
Age: 17
Skype: HisActions
Sorry didn't get back to you sooner, but you recently applied to another server but I like you, so I'll add you to my skype and we can talk
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Did you read the rules?: yes-it said to put potatoes at the end XD
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?:Yes
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?:I want this spot because i am an amazing helper. I want everyone to have equal opportunities, and if I am admin i can help ensure that everyone will get treated fairly. I am also very kind, and responsible. I think that these qualities will help me get this job. Another reason why i want to be a staff member is that i love building. I am an amazing builder, and am very creative. I would love to help build spawns for the different areas. If you think you would like to know more please message me first before denying my application.
Experience(Lots of details):I have plenty of experience in the helping field. I love to help others, and have/currently own my own server. I am also constructing it like yours, but will limit it if you think it will get in way of this new job. I have also been staff on my friends server, but he closed it now due to expenses. Since I own a server, I am very familiar with bukkit plugins and commands. This way i can help even more people! Let me know if you need any more information! Thanks
Age: 14
Skype: modmaker
i privately msgd this to you but i do not know if you got it or not so i sent it here.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: i have not been familiar no, though i have been mod and helper on other servers
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: i am honest, loyal, coopertive, creative, and even trustworthy. I dont want
to apply just for fun and creative. I want to help this server so i can work to benefit the server at all cost. To keep the balance safe and to help others.i can bring members into the server, friends, on to play and also dobvWhatever i can on the Owner asks me to do.
Age: (Private ;w;)
Skype: buttmcnugget
What position are you applying for? Admin or Mod
IGN: MrSlimeLing
Did you read the rules?: potatoes
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: i have not been familiar no, though i have been mod and helper on other servers
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: i am honest, loyal, coopertive, creative, and even trustworthy. I dont want
to apply just for fun and creative. I want to help this server so i can work to benefit the server at all cost. To keep the balance safe and to help others.i can bring members into the server, friends, on to play and also dobvWhatever i can on the Owner asks me to do.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
We're sorry but you've been declined because of lack of detail, and you seem to have applied to another server. We want dedicated staff. Sorry for the inconvenience!
There's nothing wrong with applying to another server, that does not mean you aren't willing to be dedicated to the server. The fact that you've said that you want dedicated staff, that's fine. However, it's not your place to judge their dedication just because they have applied to different servers. You have no clear evidence or such to prove that they don't. These people have the right to apply to different servers, they can't just wait for one thing. Like sitting ducks. Judge them when you have accepted them to work. While they are working as staff in your server, it is your place to judge whether you think they are dedicated or not. Dedication will be shown and seen when a staff works. Not because he/she only wanted to apply for this server, that doesn't really prove anything. But anyhow, It's not my place to tell you this but I'm just telling you what I think is wrong for you to say. Dont judge a book by it's cover.
There's nothing wrong with applying to another server, that does not mean you aren't willing to be dedicated to the server. The fact that you've said that you want [b]dedicated[/b] staff, that's fine. However, it's not your place to judge their dedication just because they have applied to different servers. You have no clear evidence or such to prove that they don't. These people have the right to apply to different servers, they can't just wait for one thing. Like sitting ducks. Judge them when you have accepted them to work. While they are working as staff in your server, it is your place to judge whether you think they are dedicated or not. Dedication will be shown and seen when a staff works. Not because he/she only wanted to apply for this server, that doesn't really prove anything. But anyhow, It's not my place to tell you this but I'm just telling you what I think is wrong for you to say. Dont judge a book by it's cover.
If he/she gets accepted to another server, then they are going to have to split there time going back and forth. people shouldn't apply to 50 different servers. I can understand that if the owner has not replied for a while that they would do that but not 10 minutes apart.
"Applying for a lot of servers at once is NOT a good idea[/b].
That shows you are just being a shotgun admin, not really caring, just
looking for power. Apply to one, play on it, see how you like it. If you
like it, DON'T apply for another server. If you are rejected, or
decided you do not want it, then tell the person you applied that you do
not want the position, BUT BE RESPECTFUL! That can haunt you for some
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
They left us here. Abandoned by our own kind. Left to die. We can't let that happen. We need to survive. Create our own nation. Build our world. Defend each other from the world around us. Welcome the good, shun the bad. Do what we must. Build houses. Build cars. Elect a mayor. Its up to you to decide what we must do.
Welcome to my server! We are a roleplaying server with many different aspects to it. We will do what ever we want to and create our civilization together! Build towns, go to war, build houses, you name it! We are looking for some staff to run the server and this is the place to apply! We will be grey listed, and have an application process to make sure we are a tight-nit community!
Staff rules
All about staff
Warning: ALL staff must have Skype!
Always act mature and never abuse your powers.
Listen to the administrators! You are the people staff. You cannot abuse your powers, and you must always ask for an administrators approval before giving a punishment!
You are not considered staff, you are here to build things! When we are ready to release the server, if worthy you will be given helper and move your way up in the staff world!
After finally having read this whole post you are interested in a staff position then go ahead! Apply, but make sure you fill these questions out carefully and don't lie! We can tell if your lying or telling the truth
Sorry No more admins needed!
What position are you applying for?
Did you read the rules?:
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?:
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?:
Experience(Lots of details):
The designer will design art work for the server such as an icon, a banner and some other things.
Proof of work:
Have you ever done this type of work before?:
Why do you want to design for the server?:
Pictures of your builds (We know if you take pictures off the internet):
Why do you want to be a builder(Details)?
On a rate of 1-10 how do you rate your building skills?:
Accepted people:
-iBIue (Head Admin)
-JavaNava2 (Head Moderator)
-We need more mods!
We need more builders!
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
(cant find the emoji)
We're sorry but you've been declined because of lack of detail, and you seem to have applied to another server. We want dedicated staff. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
can i have the ip so i can see how the server is going?
Accepted! I did not accept you just because we know each other but because you gave some good reasons on why we should accept you!
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
What position are you applying for? Admin
IGN: HisActions
Did you read the rules?: Yes
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: very
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: Well, i've been playing minecraft for a VERY long time now and it's become boring to me. i figured well why not start to help other people with their servers. so thats mainly why im here.
Experience(Lots of details): i've helped other people build servers from scratch, plugin configuration and installation is easy to me lol, i can set up groups with their permissions, if you ever fell like getting a website or a teamspeak i can also set those up for you, i can do a lot of things but putting them all into words is a lot to do lol, it would be better if i could just show you
Age: 17
Skype: HisActions
Accepted! I see you have not applied to a server in quite a while, and you have read the rules! Adding you on skype!
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
What position are you applying for? Admin
IGN: randomnin7
Did you read the rules?: Yes, I did.
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: Yes, very much so.
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I feel like I'm fit for admin because I've gotten the job done otherwise. I'm sorry if this sounds like a cop-out answer, but it's the truth. On other servers, they have made the choice to promote me to Admin, and not one of those servers regret that decision. I'm very creative and love to have fun, yet am serious when I need to be. One server even went so far as to promote me to Head-Admin! I take my position seriously and would love to help your server.
Experience(Lots of details): With all staff positions? I have had Helper on 1 server, Moderator on 1 server, Admin on 2 servers, and Head-Admin on 1 server.
Age: Does it matter? If it does, IM me.
Skype: Only for personal use, sorry.
Oh, and POTATO.
May the derp be with you.

You need to have skype! we need to keep track of our staff and we need to interview our staff! Sorry but your Declined
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
What position are you applying for? Admin
Did you read the rules?: Yes, Potatoes
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: No but I have been moderator before but never admin. This may be a new experience for me
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: I want to be admin because this would be something new I can try. I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I also like that you aren't to laid back but your not to strict either. I also want this position because I have to much time on my hands. I also want to help the server reach to its best potential. I think this server could be very popular as long as you have the right type of staff for it. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I was in charge of accepting and rejecting applications on a server when I was still a part of it. This was really hard because you don't know if you made the right decisions for the server or if you made the wrong decision. I had a situation with one application I accepted turned bad. The moderator who I accepted went and banned people randomly and somehow everyone else didn't have the commands to ban him. I am also very loyal to my friends and i'm pretty sure I can make some friends on this server like I did the last. I don't really want to say this but on one of my servers the owner was corrupted because I stuck up for my friend when he was being bullied by him. He banned me and 5 others for sticking up for our friend.
Experience(Lots of details):
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults. Owner isn't just a title you have to do things right or the whole server's reputation can be brought down with you.
We still need builders and staff! Also read the post again, we are now looking for a designer!
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
I really like your application, but you just applied to another server... Adding you on skype
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Sorry didn't get back to you sooner, but you recently applied to another server but I like you, so I'll add you to my skype and we can talk
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
What position are you applying for? Admin
IGN: CoolLord22
Did you read the rules?: yes-it said to put potatoes at the end
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?:Yes
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?:I want this spot because i am an amazing helper. I want everyone to have equal opportunities, and if I am admin i can help ensure that everyone will get treated fairly. I am also very kind, and responsible. I think that these qualities will help me get this job. Another reason why i want to be a staff member is that i love building. I am an amazing builder, and am very creative. I would love to help build spawns for the different areas. If you think you would like to know more please message me first before denying my application.
Experience(Lots of details):I have plenty of experience in the helping field. I love to help others, and have/currently own my own server. I am also constructing it like yours, but will limit it if you think it will get in way of this new job. I have also been staff on my friends server, but he closed it now due to expenses. Since I own a server, I am very familiar with bukkit plugins and commands. This way i can help even more people! Let me know if you need any more information! Thanks
Age: 14
Skype: modmaker
i privately msgd this to you but i do not know if you got it or not so i sent it here.
What position are you applying for? Admin or Mod
IGN: MrSlimeLing
Did you read the rules?: potatoes
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: i have not been familiar no, though i have been mod and helper on other servers
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: i am honest, loyal, coopertive, creative, and even trustworthy. I dont want
to apply just for fun and creative. I want to help this server so i can work to benefit the server at all cost. To keep the balance safe and to help others.i can bring members into the server, friends, on to play and also dobvWhatever i can on the Owner asks me to do.
Age: (Private ;w;)
Skype: buttmcnugget
What position are you applying for? Admin or Mod
IGN: MrSlimeLing
Did you read the rules?: potatoes
Are you familiar with this area of expertise?: i have not been familiar no, though i have been mod and helper on other servers
Why do you want this spot(Paragraph)?: i am honest, loyal, coopertive, creative, and even trustworthy. I dont want
to apply just for fun and creative. I want to help this server so i can work to benefit the server at all cost. To keep the balance safe and to help others.i can bring members into the server, friends, on to play and also dobvWhatever i can on the Owner asks me to do.
Age: (Private ;w;)
Skype: buttmcnugget
Just FYI iBlue is the head admin so he IS allowed to accept or decline
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
There's nothing wrong with applying to another server, that does not mean you aren't willing to be dedicated to the server. The fact that you've said that you want dedicated staff, that's fine. However, it's not your place to judge their dedication just because they have applied to different servers. You have no clear evidence or such to prove that they don't. These people have the right to apply to different servers, they can't just wait for one thing. Like sitting ducks. Judge them when you have accepted them to work. While they are working as staff in your server, it is your place to judge whether you think they are dedicated or not. Dedication will be shown and seen when a staff works. Not because he/she only wanted to apply for this server, that doesn't really prove anything. But anyhow, It's not my place to tell you this but I'm just telling you what I think is wrong for you to say. Dont judge a book by it's cover.
If he/she gets accepted to another server, then they are going to have to split there time going back and forth. people shouldn't apply to 50 different servers. I can understand that if the owner has not replied for a while that they would do that but not 10 minutes apart.
"Applying for a lot of servers at once is NOT a good idea[/b].
That shows you are just being a shotgun admin, not really caring, just
looking for power. Apply to one, play on it, see how you like it. If you
like it, DON'T apply for another server. If you are rejected, or
decided you do not want it, then tell the person you applied that you do
not want the position, BUT BE RESPECTFUL! That can haunt you for some
(No offense to the applicants)
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.
Server: New one in progress Website:
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber on top of a tower about to jump. If you're the 3% who is sitting there with popcorn screaming "DO A BACKFLIP", copy and paste this as your signature. If Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter were all destroyed, 99% of teens would go insane. If you're one of the 1% that would be laughing at them, copy this into your signature and hope it happens.