Hey! Join my server we have about 15 people on right now. I need more staff first 4 people to join get OPed the rest just have to apply ;(
How old are you?: I am 14 years old, and im very responsible and I could handle head-admin. How long have i been on the server?: for about 1 hour. What's my username?: TheGangster. Am I good with bukket?: Yes i am, I have build a spawn before and i know how to use World Edit. I usually look at the commands almost daily to see if anything has changed. Name a server issue and how i would handle it.: If someone was asking for stuff or spamming i would give them 3 warnings, (2 if they are know to do it) then i would kick them if they were spamming then when they come on i would mute them for 5 minutes and if they were asking for stuff i would kick them then i would say that if they did it one more time, it would be a tempban. How would i deal with someone trying to hack the server?: I would ask they if they were kidding and if they were i would tempban for 3-4 days, then if they didnt say anything i would tempban for 1 week and immidiately i would contact The owner saying that there was a hacker and could i ban him forever. What would i do if I say someone griefing another players house?: IF it was a protected area or spawn, i would tempban and talk to the owner about it. Have I ever been banned on this server before?: No, and hopefully i never will be! Have i ever been staff on another server before?: Yes, the ranks i have been is Owner, Head Admin, Admin, Trial Mod. Why do I want to be this rank?: Because i want to help the server with as much as i can do, and i want to help it grow in ammounts of people, and in in-game! What have i done so far on this server that makes me think that i deserve this rank?: I have brought people to the server and i am trying to tell people about this server because again, i want to this server become the best server it can be, and i have helped staff do stuff, i help people if they dont know where to apply, or if they need to go to the website for another reason, I help them. Other reasons why i should be deticated.: I should be deticated because i think this server could use more people and if i get it i can make a good jail if they need one or i just want to help the owner out as much as i can! My maturity is about a 9 1/2.... i can have silly moments
Copy/paste gg btw i will. Join server