Skype or Email: skype: [email protected] ( its an email but its my skype)
IGN: tomisanhues3
Age: 15
Are you very good with Plugins? im a plugin expert, i can setup any plugin for you very quickly and efficiently, i know a lot of plugins to make your server better
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: I will mostly likely be on all the time
Why should i chose and trust you?: The spot I would like is admin. You can trust because I really don't go over board with baning people. The only way that I will ban someone is if they are ruining other peoples fun. I would really like to get involved in a server, like I am invovled in my school. I am a freshman president. And people say I have really good Ideas. I hope I get admin thanks for reading. Best wishes MATRIKS_GUY
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: I have never been banned from a server
Experience?: I have had experience for being admin. I still would be admin if the server hadn't have closed down. Everyone loved me on the server. I don't favor other players over others. I am a fair guy.
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: Depends on when I see it I'll be on.
Why should i chose and trust you?: Because I have been admin on roughly 3 servers (1 has restarted, 1 is still up, and 1 is a bukkit). and I have a bukkit server of my own
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: Yes I have, For advertising
Experience?: Since the early ages of 1.4. I am also very good at redstone and roughly good at building.
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: I will mostly likely be on all the time
Why should i chose and trust you?: The spot I would like is admin. You can trust because I really don't go over board with baning people. The only way that I will ban someone is if they are ruining other peoples fun. I would really like to get involved in a server, like I am invovled in my school. I am a freshman president. And people say I have really good Ideas. I hope I get admin thanks for reading. Best wishes MATRIKS_GUY
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: I have never been banned from a server
Experience?: I have had experience for being admin. I still would be admin if the server hadn't have closed down. Everyone loved me on the server. I don't favor other players over others. I am a fair guy.
You seem good guy that i should trust. Ur in! Server Coming Soon...
Skype or Email: skype: [email protected] ( its an email but its my skype)
IGN: tomisanhues3
Age: 15
Are you very good with Plugins? im a plugin expert, i can setup any plugin for you very quickly and efficiently, i know a lot of plugins to make your server better
do you know how to start a bukkit server and add the plugins?
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: Depends on when I see it I'll be on.
Why should i chose and trust you?: Because I have been admin on roughly 3 servers (1 has restarted, 1 is still up, and 1 is a bukkit). and I have a bukkit server of my own
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: Yes I have, For advertising
Experience?: Since the early ages of 1.4. I am also very good at redstone and roughly good at building.
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: Depends on when I see it I'll be on.
Why should i chose and trust you?: Because I have been admin on roughly 3 servers (1 has restarted, 1 is still up, and 1 is a bukkit). and I have a bukkit server of my own
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: Yes I have, For advertising
Experience?: Since the early ages of 1.4. I am also very good at redstone and roughly good at building.
My name is Cedrick and im starting a brand new Server!
SwaggyCraft is a Server to have FUN! (SG, Skywars, and my favorite OP PRISON!)
Im trying to create a server but i dont know who to start one. and i need your Help!
Im Gonna Need :
Admin (5/6)
Builders (0/8)
Plugin Developer (0/1)
Admin and Moderator:
Skype or Email:
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?:
Why should i chose and trust you?:
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it:
Skype or Email:
How Good are you in Building (1-10)
Proof of Builds:
Plugin Developer
Skype or Email:
Are you very good with Plugins?
Thank you very much to apply. I dont know how to start a server with Plugins like SG, etc.
Thanks and good luck
P.S if youre a youtuber, It would be nice if you record on my server
Of course you can!
Skype or Email: skype: [email protected] ( its an email but its my skype)
IGN: tomisanhues3
Age: 15
Are you very good with Plugins? im a plugin expert, i can setup any plugin for you very quickly and efficiently, i know a lot of plugins to make your server better
My skype is dstapleton1103
And I am 14
I need more info
Skype or Email: my skype is MATRIKS_GUY
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: I will mostly likely be on all the time
Why should i chose and trust you?: The spot I would like is admin. You can trust because I really don't go over board with baning people. The only way that I will ban someone is if they are ruining other peoples fun. I would really like to get involved in a server, like I am invovled in my school. I am a freshman president. And people say I have really good Ideas. I hope I get admin thanks for reading. Best wishes MATRIKS_GUY
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: I have never been banned from a server
Experience?: I have had experience for being admin. I still would be admin if the server hadn't have closed down. Everyone loved me on the server. I don't favor other players over others. I am a fair guy.
IGN: redheadchamp
Age: 13
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?: Depends on when I see it I'll be on.
Why should i chose and trust you?: Because I have been admin on roughly 3 servers (1 has restarted, 1 is still up, and 1 is a bukkit). and I have a bukkit server of my own
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it: Yes I have, For advertising
Experience?: Since the early ages of 1.4. I am also very good at redstone and roughly good at building.
You seem good guy that i should trust. Ur in! Server Coming Soon...
do you know how to start a bukkit server and add the plugins?
Ill think about it
Skype or Email:
If i chose you, When you will be able to be on the server?:1-7h a day maybe longer.
Why should i chose and trust you?:I Have Owned Many Server Also i know all commands for most plugins like essentials and factions and many more.
Have you been banned on a server? If yes explain it:I have not been banned on any server ever.
Experience?:Owned Many Servers Have Benn Staff on Many Servers and have helped many server
so if i hire you, you will make the bukkit server?
Ok your in
Oh im sorry, Im new to this creating server thing
your in
ill talk to you in skype man. tell what should i do before you add plugins