what plugins are you most familiar with? Anyhting like OP plugins and faction plugins
how long have you been playing minecraft? 2 years
do you like Towny or Faction? Faction
What type of music do you listen to? I dotn know what this has to do but... Country
Do you have RaidCall? No i have teamspeak
Have you been an Admin or any other staff position before? Yes i have and i was verytrustwarthy
Have you ever been banned before? Yes 1 server VOID OP PRISON becasue i was admin n it and no one gave me a warning that i couldent have 6 plots so the owner banned me for that and many other staff to
what plugins are you most familiar with? group manager, essentials, world edit,multiverse etc...
how long have you been playing minecraft? I have playing for 1 year and have been around since 1.5
do you like Towny or Faction? I like factions. Factions raiding or being raided is fun as hell. Being raided is finding out your flaws, fixing them and making your base better. While raiding is such a rush!
What type of music do you listen to? Dupstep, why does it matter?
Do you have RaidCall? No I do not.
Have you been an Admin or any other staff position before? I have been getting admins on servers Since 1.5.2
Have you ever been banned before? Yes, I have been banned for false reason mostly other reason were stupid such as the owners were jealous.
and recently we've had some set backs
I am specifically looking for an admin
one who knows both how to configure program and has time to work on this server
here is the application
I mostly listen to metal. if you have that in common with me you have a great chance at getting the position
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