Hello everyone:) Me and my friend have opened a new server! And we are looking for 2 Mods, One Head Mod. And 2 Admin and One Head admin. Also looking for 2 Builders And one Head Builder. Ip:
Skype(Must Have):
Maturity rate 1-10:
How would you help the server:
Position you are applying for:
Builds: if you are applying for builder. (must have 2 screenshots or more)
Maturity rate 1-10: Most times 8.. When things are more loose around 5-6
How would you help the server: I would be able to be on for prolonged periods of time, and I would be able to stop/ban and griefers or hackers. And I would make sure any other Staff is not abusing. I would also be able to be the one guy everyone can call his friend
Experience: Owned my own server. Admin on 3, mod on 3, Guard on 2 prison servers, and Warden on one prison server
Position you are applying for: Head admin Or admin.. Or head Mod... or mod.. Really whatever you want.
Builds: if you are applying for builder. (must have 2 screenshots or more)
Yo, I heard you guys are needing staff I am deciding to try my luck. I am not sure I will get it but I will try.
Skype(Must Have.:Angelafromsky
Maturity rate 1-10: Most of the times it is 8.
How would you help the server: I can bring joy and many other things to the server. I can bring a helpful person and a cheerful person. I am willing to do anything to tell me to and I will put 110% effort. I can do PEX, Essentials and many more plugins. I know almost every single command an OP should know and I can tell a player anything they need to know. I LOVE helping people and playing with them too. I am very tech savvy and have owned a server with fully configured plugins. I have had many players tell me it was great and they loved it. I know what to do in any hacker or cheater situation and I know all of the punishment commands. I also can help you with aggresive players, server issues, website issues and plugin configuration. I will help those in need.
Experience: I had been a Co Owner on Redcraft and an Owner on Zonecraft and also an Admin on Apple Factions. Apple Factions and Redcraft are still running but Zonecraft is no longer on the server list.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
United States
Member Details
Skype(Must Have): [email protected] (Please contact me if you decide you like my application!)
Age: 13 years old
Maturity rate 1-10 8 or 9:
How would you help the server: I could help create a fun, loving, and safer environment for players to actually enjoy playing. I love helping people out, so I'd do everything within my power, and within reason to help a person out. I'm very trustworthy, and I would never abuse my powers/commands. I can get things done, I build decently, although I am not applying for the Builder rank. If you do need anything done, I'm the person! I know all the commands, so you don't need to worry on if I do something right or wrong. I don't know a lot about plugins, or things like that, but I am always willing to learn, and I'm a pretty quick learner! I'm very active ingame, so I can always answer a players question when they ask one. I'm mature, but I'm not so professional that I can't joke around or play with others. If something comes up, such as a spammer, hacker, or a rule-breaker, I can fix it immediantly, and it would be done. I don't make harsh punishments, but it's not like that if you break a rule I won't punish you accordingly. I'm a reasonable person, and I can handle people saying mean things, but if it gets out of hand, I'll deal with it. I don't get upset/mad easily. If I do, I wouldn't do anything bad. I could give this ip to my friends, and they'd come on! I could probably find a youtuber, so that we could advertise the server more!
Experience: I've Co-Owned two different servers. And I am currently Helper on a server. But that won't dilute my time on this server!
Position you are applying for:I am applying for Head-Admin/Admin
Thank you for reading my application, and I hope you take me into consideration!
How would you help the server:i will help the server by constructing structures and by helping players if they have any problems or queries, i will do my best to solve those problems if needed
Experience: ive been builder on 5 small servers, been mod on 2 servers and admin for 3 servers
Position you are applying for:i am applying for either builder/mod/admin
Builds: if you are applying for builder. (must have 2 screenshots or more) http://imgur.com/a/VGRES
Skype(Must Have):
Maturity rate 1-10:
How would you help the server:
Position you are applying for:
Builds: if you are applying for builder. (must have 2 screenshots or more)
Skype(Must Have.:Angelafromsky
Maturity rate 1-10: Most of the times it is 8.
How would you help the server: I can bring joy and many other things to the server. I can bring a helpful person and a cheerful person. I am willing to do anything to tell me to and I will put 110% effort. I can do PEX, Essentials and many more plugins. I know almost every single command an OP should know and I can tell a player anything they need to know. I LOVE helping people and playing with them too. I am very tech savvy and have owned a server with fully configured plugins. I have had many players tell me it was great and they loved it. I know what to do in any hacker or cheater situation and I know all of the punishment commands. I also can help you with aggresive players, server issues, website issues and plugin configuration. I will help those in need.
Experience: I had been a Co Owner on Redcraft and an Owner on Zonecraft and also an Admin on Apple Factions. Apple Factions and Redcraft are still running but Zonecraft is no longer on the server list.
Position you are applying for: Head-Admin
Thank you for your time!
P.S. Please contact me with skype.
Skype(Must Have): [email protected] (Please contact me if you decide you like my application!)
Age: 13 years old
Maturity rate 1-10 8 or 9:
How would you help the server: I could help create a fun, loving, and safer environment for players to actually enjoy playing. I love helping people out, so I'd do everything within my power, and within reason to help a person out. I'm very trustworthy, and I would never abuse my powers/commands. I can get things done, I build decently, although I am not applying for the Builder rank. If you do need anything done, I'm the person! I know all the commands, so you don't need to worry on if I do something right or wrong. I don't know a lot about plugins, or things like that, but I am always willing to learn, and I'm a pretty quick learner! I'm very active ingame, so I can always answer a players question when they ask one. I'm mature, but I'm not so professional that I can't joke around or play with others. If something comes up, such as a spammer, hacker, or a rule-breaker, I can fix it immediantly, and it would be done. I don't make harsh punishments, but it's not like that if you break a rule I won't punish you accordingly. I'm a reasonable person, and I can handle people saying mean things, but if it gets out of hand, I'll deal with it. I don't get upset/mad easily. If I do, I wouldn't do anything bad. I could give this ip to my friends, and they'd come on! I could probably find a youtuber, so that we could advertise the server more!
Experience: I've Co-Owned two different servers. And I am currently Helper on a server. But that won't dilute my time on this server!
Position you are applying for:I am applying for Head-Admin/Admin
Thank you for reading my application, and I hope you take me into consideration!
Skype(Must Have): dark.ninja46
Maturity rate 1-10:9
How would you help the server:i will help the server by constructing structures and by helping players if they have any problems or queries, i will do my best to solve those problems if needed
Experience: ive been builder on 5 small servers, been mod on 2 servers and admin for 3 servers
Position you are applying for:i am applying for either builder/mod/admin
Builds: if you are applying for builder. (must have 2 screenshots or more) http://imgur.com/a/VGRES
Skype(Must Have): swampboy_19 (my Skype wont connect to my WI-FI though. trying to fix it.)
Age: 14
Maturity rate 1-10: 8 1/5
How would you help the server: Attempt building, Create ideas
Experience: I have an alright experience. Im a mod/admin on a server, if that gives you a good idea?
Position you are applying for: Admin at most.