My name is basedsudo and I am the owner of the new BlazeRealms network.We're currently seeking competent and mature team members who are capable of working with a team in a professional environment for an extended period of time. Furthermore, we want our team members to be dedicated and prepared to stick with this project even after it's launch. After launch, we would also need plugin devs to keep the plugin updated as needed, and builders to build future things needed.
We're seeking one person to fulfill the role of a Server Administrator. You will be expected to have past experience of running Minecraft servers. Any links/IPs to servers you have been or currently are an administrator on would be greatly appreciated.
We're looking for talented Plugin Developers to assist in the creation of our plugins. You are expected to have knowledge of coding and Java for this position. With this position we would greatly appreciate you showing us some of your previous work. This will also improve your chance to join the team.
Our build team is expected to work together to craft the best possible world they can muster up. Our builders are also expected to have a strong understanding of both WorldEdit and Voxel Sniper. Terraforming will be a part of this job just as much as building cities, villages, and such. To apply for this position you absolutely must submit previous examples of your work. We're looking for applicants to submit multiple examples of their builds, especially builds fitting our theme.
Server Admin Application
Contact Information:
Past Positions [Links/IPs if applicable]:
Tell us about your experiences with similar positions:
Why are you interested in this project:
How will you benefit our team:
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Plugin Developer Application
Contact Information:
Have you developed any plugins in the past [Provide links if applicable]:
Tell us about your experiences with similar positions:
Why are you interested in developing plugins for this project:
How will you benefit our team:
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Builder Application
Contact Information:
Show us some examples of your builds [Required]:
Have you ever built for a server in the past? If so, what server:
Why are you interested in building for us:
How will you benefit our team:
Tell us a bit about yourself:
You are expected to follow one of the above templates. Thankyou for your time ~basedsudo
Name:PM me for details such as Skype and age/name.
IGN: GiraffeKnee
Age: PM me if you want to know
Contact Information:Once again, just PM me.
Location:That is kind of a personal question that many would not have as a requirement for a position... no offense.
Have you developed any plugins in the past [Provide links if applicable]: Yes I've developed many, mostly for private use/friends. So many of mine aren't available on the internet.
Tell us about your experiences with similar positions: Well I've been a developer for several servers and I made the plugins they asked for and followed through; however, the servers never really went anywhere (which has nothing to do with my programming skillz).
Why are you interested in developing plugins for this project: Well money is always a motivating factor, but I also just really enjoy programming and having new challenges thrown at me. It makes me a better programmer and is usually fun.
How will you benefit our team: I'll help out your server by making awesome plugins for your 'team'.
Tell us a bit about yourself: Haha, I don't really ever know what to do in this part of interviews... I really like helping servers out. I'm very good at setting up files (perms, configs, etc.). I've managed servers/owned my own server before. I've been developing plugins for a little over a year now. That's about it, hope you like the application.
Oh, if you'd like some previous work just PM me for my skype and I'll send you a jar :).
Past Positions: I was a co-owner on a server a while back (not sure of the link sorry) until they decided to shut the server down.
Other Experience's: None, sorry only that one
Why are you interested: I am interested because i remember all of the good times the mods/admins had on the server i used to play on and i want that to happen again
How will i benefit the team: I can benefit the team by keeping the server disciplined but also keeping it fun for everyone
Tell us a little about you: I am 15 currently in 3 sports, Rugby, Hockey, Golf. (don't worry i still have lots of time to play on the server.) I love interacting with other players on servers. I usually am on for about 3-4 hours on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends. I love to pvp on minecraft but i also love to explore.
Tell us about your experiences with similar positions:
I am really good with commands, i have built spawns and maps but i would call my self a average builder
Why are you interested in this project:
To be in a community that is good with server projects
How will you benefit our team:
Advertising, commands, and maybe building
Tell us a bit about yourself:
I would like to join this server,because i want to be a in good community and when i was younger i was bullied in a server even though i was a mod i got harassed,but i don't want that to happen to anyone else i want to try my best to keep the bullies away and i think this would be the place. i just want to be in a place were very everyone is why i want to join this server, is to stop all the harassment and to be in a good community
Hi there!
My name is basedsudo and I am the owner of the new BlazeRealms network.We're currently seeking competent and mature team members who are capable of working with a team in a professional environment for an extended period of time. Furthermore, we want our team members to be dedicated and prepared to stick with this project even after it's launch. After launch, we would also need plugin devs to keep the plugin updated as needed, and builders to build future things needed.
We're seeking one person to fulfill the role of a Server Administrator. You will be expected to have past experience of running Minecraft servers. Any links/IPs to servers you have been or currently are an administrator on would be greatly appreciated.
We're looking for talented Plugin Developers to assist in the creation of our plugins. You are expected to have knowledge of coding and Java for this position. With this position we would greatly appreciate you showing us some of your previous work. This will also improve your chance to join the team.
Our build team is expected to work together to craft the best possible world they can muster up. Our builders are also expected to have a strong understanding of both WorldEdit and Voxel Sniper. Terraforming will be a part of this job just as much as building cities, villages, and such. To apply for this position you absolutely must submit previous examples of your work. We're looking for applicants to submit multiple examples of their builds, especially builds fitting our theme.
Oh, if you'd like some previous work just PM me for my skype and I'll send you a jar :).
Contact Information:
Show us some examples of your builds [Required]:
Have you ever built for a Server in the past? If so, what server:
Why are you interested in building for us:
I have never before but am looking forward to it
How will you benefit our team:
I love building
Tell us a bit about yourself:
I like to help build spawn & like building shops
IGN: XDSuperkyleXD
Contact Information: -Skype (SUPER KYLE426)
Location: Canada
Past Positions: I was a co-owner on a server a while back (not sure of the link sorry) until they decided to shut the server down.
Other Experience's: None, sorry only that one
Why are you interested: I am interested because i remember all of the good times the mods/admins had on the server i used to play on and i want that to happen again
How will i benefit the team: I can benefit the team by keeping the server disciplined but also keeping it fun for everyone
Tell us a little about you: I am 15 currently in 3 sports, Rugby, Hockey, Golf. (don't worry i still have lots of time to play on the server.) I love interacting with other players on servers. I usually am on for about 3-4 hours on weekdays and 5-6 on weekends. I love to pvp on minecraft but i also love to explore.
IGN: ThatMonkeyMan
Age: 13 (but mature)
Contact Information: Skype: LiCkEzAiR
location: USA
Past Experience: Admin on THE L33T, players requested,me to be Mod on other servers.
I have helped many people even on servers I'm not ranked on!
Why I'm interested: I love helping servers and seeing them grow.
How I will benefit you guys: I can play almost everyday and if I can't I'll check in on MineChat, I'm also very friendly. And I can bring cupcakes
About me: I'm 13, enjoy video games, play baseball, and I enjoy writing stories.