I am opening a new server named NotACraft. This server has a twist, we will have a vote every two weeks on our website and the members will vote for a mod, we will have the options always in the vote for Bukkit and Pixelmon.
Investor Benifits
-Investors get a percent(depends on amount of donators) of the money a month and will continue to recieve that until half of their investment is returned.
-They will get Co-Owner on the server and will have a suffix saying Investor
-Investments of $30 or more will recieve Control Panel Access
Staff Ranks
-Co-Owner(Reserved for Investors)
-Game Related Staff(Such as gym leader for Pixelmon)
Non Staff Ranks
Descriptions of ranks
-Owner: As I am very busy and the fact I have a terrible computer I don't have ease of access of a minecraft client(I can move with). The owner rank will takeover for me in game, I will setup the server and maintain it. Must be 15 or older!
-Co-Owner: This is reserved for Investors.
-Manager: If I am unable to run the server for whatever reason(or need someone to configure a plugin in the files) this will be the person who does this. Must be 13 or older!
-Owner application: add me on skype at
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good manager need to be successful?:
Why you want to be Manager?:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
-Admin application:
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good admin need to be successful:
Why you want to be Admin:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
-Mod Application:
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good mod need to be successful:
Why you want to be Mod:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
Past Mods/Plugins:
Years/months as a coder:
Proof of Experience:
Past builds:
Proof of builds(Please post images or links to images):
IP: play.notacraft.us:22667
Investors if you are interested please add me on skype: odd.minecraft
-Manager: IGN: LuisM160919 Age:14 Past experience: i have been staff on more than 10 servers with ranks moderator, admin, co owner , owner, op and plugin manager Proof of experience: play.pikecraft.net imperialsociety.shservers.net s43.hosthorde.com:25878 slayers.serverminer.com mc.sydicatemc.com mcdiamondprison.hopto.org:43342 mc.enderalliance.net s33.hosthorde.com:25810 InfernumCraft.tk:25575
Skype: b4dassbob What makes you unique: i have been playing minecraft for 4 years or alpha and also i set up perms and know how to manage plugins What does a good manager need to be successful?: help out the owner and set up plugins, permissions, etc. Why you want to be Manager?: because i want to be ale to help you control plugins and manage them What can you bring to the server: fun, satisfaction and more Will you make fair judgments?: yes of course i will Can you donate to the server?: no sorry my parents say im too young Thank you for reading my app plz pm me on contact me on skype so i can know your decision
-Manager: IGN: LuisM160919 Age:14 Past experience: i have been staff on more than 10 servers with ranks moderator, admin, co owner , owner, op and plugin manager Proof of experience: play.pikecraft.net imperialsociety.shservers.net s43.hosthorde.com:25878 slayers.serverminer.com mc.sydicatemc.com mcdiamondprison.hopto.org:43342 mc.enderalliance.net s33.hosthorde.com:25810 InfernumCraft.tk:25575
Skype: b4dassbob What makes you unique: i have been playing minecraft for 4 years or alpha and also i set up perms and know how to manage plugins What does a good manager need to be successful?: help out the owner and set up plugins, permissions, etc. Why you want to be Manager?: because i want to be ale to help you control plugins and manage them What can you bring to the server: fun, satisfaction and more Will you make fair judgments?: yes of course i will Can you donate to the server?: no sorry my parents say im too young Thank you for reading my app plz pm me on contact me on skype so i can know your decision
Denied sorry, how long you've been playing doesn't make you unique. I know lots of people who have played that long.
-Admin application: IGN: Redcreeper60 Age: 14 Past experience: I have been Admin on numerous servers but no-one wants to hear about that. Proof of experience: I cannot prove this, but 1) I hope you can trust me and 2) I will tell you about it on a call/chat. Skype: redcreeper50 What makes you unique: I have a certain why in which I 1) type out messages; 2) I use a certain 'Golden Circle' which I can tell you about in a private chat as I don't want it to leak everywhere. What does a good admin need to be successful: A good Admin needs to have so many qualities to be 'good' but I have certain ones that I can show or tell you, but I don't like to 'give a show about them' so I prefer for people to see my qualities in action rather than people reading them in a list. Why you want to be Admin: I would like to be an Admin as I believe that players should be entitled to an amazing but also safe experience on a good server, where they can have all the fun they want, without being scrutinised all the time. I also believe that players should get a good experience with a good community coming first. What can you bring to the server: I can bring expert qualities in order to make sure that players get a fun and time-worthy experience in which players can enjoy themselves without corrupt staff members banning friends/random players for no reason. Will you make fair judgements?: Yes, if I didn't then I would probably not be applying Can you donate to the server?: No, but I might be able to in the near future.
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)]HI! I'd like to apply for admin or owner. I made my own app because i feel if i invest in the server up front it will be a better experience for everyone![/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]What is your Minecraft Username and Skype name?
My minecraft name is Bryceman101. My Skype name is Bryce.badger2[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]What is your real life name?
My real name is Michael Bryce Badger.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]What is your age?
I am 15 years old, born on October 26,1998.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]How much experience do you have with servers? I used to own a server, but I shut it down because I didn't wanna pay anymore. I know how to write plugins, install plugins and more! I have been co-owner and head admin on other server, but I left because the server just didn't have that spark anymore. I stick with a server until the staff becomes distant from the players.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)]What position are you applying for?[/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
I am applying for admin or Owner, BUT I can do anything you need me too.
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Why should we select you as one of our owners?
Every server I've ever been on has always had disconnected staff, who don't care about you or any problems you're having, I want to help make this server have the most hands on staff there is. I want to help in anyway possible.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Anything else we should know about you?
I can play on the server anytime necessary, I speak English, Spanish, and Japanese fluently! My internet is very good, I rarely lag. I never get grounded so I can always give my night life to the server.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]If a player were spamming, what would you do? Advertising?
If a player were spamming I'd tell him there was a rule of no spamming on the server, if he kept on doing it I would kick him, if he rejoined and continued to spam I would mute him for a few minutes and talk to a higher up about a permanent mute or ban. If a prisoner were advertising I would kick him, if he rejoined and continued I would give him a 1 day mute, if after one day he didn't stop I'd talk to an owner about a ban or permanent mute.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]I can put in 3-8 hours a day for the server.[/font]
HI! I'd like to apply for admin or owner. I made my own app because i feel if i invest in the server up front it will be a better experience for everyone!
What is your Minecraft Username and Skype name?
My minecraft name is Bryceman101. My Skype name is Bryce.badger2
What is your real life name?
My real name is Michael Bryce Badger.
What is your age?
I am 15 years old, born on October 26,1998.
How much experience do you have with servers? I used to own a server, but I shut it down because I didn't wanna pay anymore. I know how to write plugins, install plugins and more! I have been co-owner and head admin on other server, but I left because the server just didn't have that spark anymore. I stick with a server until the staff becomes distant from the players. What position are you applying for?
I am applying for admin or Owner, BUT I can do anything you need me too.
Why should we select you as one of our co-owners?
Every server I've ever been on has always had disconnected staff, who don't care about you or any problems you're having, I want to help make this server have the most hands on staff there is. I want to help in anyway possible.
Anything else we should know about you?
I can play on the server anytime necessary, I speak English, Spanish, and Japanese fluently! My internet is very good, I rarely lag. I never get grounded so I can always give my night life to the server.
If a player were spamming, what would you do? Advertising?
If a player were spamming I'd tell him there was a rule of no spamming on the server, if he kept on doing it I would kick him, if he rejoined and continued to spam I would mute him for a few minutes and talk to a higher up about a permanent mute or ban. If a prisoner were advertising I would kick him, if he rejoined and continued I would give him a 1 day mute, if after one day he didn't stop I'd talk to an owner about a ban or permanent mute.
I can invest 3-5 hours a day on weekdays and 5-8 hours on weekends.
Are you investing or applying for staff? If you are applying for staff this isn't the correct format so denied, if investing add me on Skype at
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
-Manager , admin or mod (I would like to be manager but I will have others:
IGN: the_death_pizza
Age: 13
Past experience: I have been admin , builder , vip+ and beta tester many times before
Proof of experience: one of the servers I have been vip+ on use to be admin until thay
restarted the staff is
Skype: michelle allen-scope
What makes you unique: I like helping player and im good at building , redstone , command blocks and world edit. I'm fear nice and
I will help get people on your server and I have played minecraft for 4 years.
What does a good manager need to be successful?:helping the host/owner , help him pick out some plugins or make some and be
good with people
Why you want to be Manager , admin or mod (manager would be better)?: because I can help you alone the way to make your server bigger and better and I like helping poeple
What can you bring to the server: good builds , redstone , more players , happiness and stop trolling
Will you make fair judgments?: yes I will give the player a warning to stop what thay are doing
Can you donate to the server?:no sorry
IGN:shak_3456Age:13Past experience:i have been admin and op on two serversProof of experience:1 of the servers closed but i can msg you the ip the other onSkype: nicholas_maroudasWhat makes you unique: i have been admin on two other serversWhat does a good admin need to be successful: being helpfull to players, having fun with staffs/players if a player does something wrong Admins tell them to do it rightWhy you want to be Admin: so i can make this server better, so i can help with builds, so i can help people in needWhat can you bring to the server: i can bring alot of things like builds, ideas for mini-games and moreWill you make fair judgments?: yes i will i will do abuse the power of being admin i will ask owner/co-owner before i do something big like ban or kick or mute Can you donate to the server?: maybe if i have a chance i will
IGN:shak_3456Age:13Past experience:i have been admin and op on two serversProof of experience:1 of the servers closed but i can msg you the ip the other onSkype: nicholas_maroudasWhat makes you unique: i have been admin on two other serversWhat does a good admin need to be successful: being helpfull to players, having fun with staffs/players if a player does something wrong Admins tell them to do it rightWhy you want to be Admin: so i can make this server better, so i can help with builds, so i can help people in needWhat can you bring to the server: i can bring alot of things like builds, ideas for mini-games and moreWill you make fair judgments?: yes i will i will do abuse the power of being admin i will ask owner/co-owner before i do something big like ban or kick or mute Can you donate to the server?: maybe if i have a chance i will
-Coder: IGN: GiraffeKnee Age: PM me for info Past Mods/Plugins: I could show you some over Skype; I've made quite a few. Years/months as a coder: A little over a year. Proof of Experience: Just PM me for my Skype and I can show you some, most of my work is private (not on bukkit/publicly available).
I haven't had a lot of work lately, so this would be really awesome if I got accepted :).
-Mod Application: IGN: ThatMonkeyMan Age: Past experience: Proof of experience: Skype: What makes you unique: What does a good mod need to be successful: Why you want to be Mod: What can you bring to the server: Will you make fair judgments?: Can you donate to the server?:
-Mod Application: IGN: ThatMonkeyMan Age: 13 Past experience: Admin on THE L33T, requested to be Mod on multiple servers, [not sure if this one counts] Assistant on the biggest town of a towny server/ Proof of experience: MC.THEL33T.COM Can't prove the second one and you can check TownyToday and look at town Rome. Skype: LiCkEzAiR What makes you unique: My friendly nature, and apparently I'm "funny" What does a good mod need to be successful: A good knowledge of the Rules and Minecraft, and also needs to be friendly and calm. Why you want to be Mod: I love to see servers grow and to help them. What can you bring to the server: A friendly and relaxed player who will be glad to help! Oh, also I can bring Cupcakes! Will you make fair judgments?: I'll see each side of an argument and determine which side I believe. Can you donate to the server?: With money? No. But With my time and effort, yes!
IGN: TheFancyWhale Age: I am 16 years of age. Past Mods/Plugins: My current plugin library has 97 plugins and counting. Here is my portfolio (Work in progress) Years/months as a coder: 9 months with the bukkit API Proof of Experience: Again I refer you to my portfolio as it has a few examples of my plugins.
Past Experience: None. Although I have learnt from other Moderators.
Proof Experience: I play on EDawg (not telling the IP) And I see Moderators Who are just like, AMAZING! They do great jobs to care and keep the server friendly for all ages.
didn't finish itwhat makes you unique: HELPING KEEP THE SERVER AWAY FROM SWEARING
what dos a good mod need to be sucsessful:good and being nice and djhgdyufhkcnerlwfrtgrfgtt
-Admin application: IGN:Minebender02 Age:15 Past experience:Splatoscraft(not that big) Proof of experience: Skype:N/A(will be minebot9000 soon (fall)) What makes you unique:i can spot the diffrence between bad and god and spot spawm really easly even if its on a big server What does a good admin need to be successful:good skills and a kind personalty because not all people realise there spaming or greifing Why you want to be Admin:to help ou the server because i could grow with the server and it would be lots of fun What can you bring to the server:happy people and friends! Will you make fair judgments?:Yes it is good to hav efair judjments if you don't every on ewill thing your crap! Can you donate to the server?:Not now but later i can
-Mod Application: IGN: ThatMonkeyMan Age: 13 Past experience: Admin on THE L33T, requested to be Mod on multiple servers, [not sure if this one counts] Assistant on the biggest town of a towny server/ Proof of experience: MC.THEL33T.COM Can't prove the second one and you can check TownyToday and look at town Rome. Skype: LiCkEzAiR What makes you unique: My friendly nature, and apparently I'm "funny" What does a good mod need to be successful: A good knowledge of the Rules and Minecraft, and also needs to be friendly and calm. Why you want to be Mod: I love to see servers grow and to help them. What can you bring to the server: A friendly and relaxed player who will be glad to help! Oh, also I can bring Cupcakes! Will you make fair judgments?: I'll see each side of an argument and determine which side I believe. Can you donate to the server?: With money? No. But With my time and effort, yes!
IGN: TheFancyWhale Age: I am 16 years of age. Past Mods/Plugins: My current plugin library has 97 plugins and counting. Here is my portfolio (Work in progress) Years/months as a coder: 9 months with the bukkit API Proof of Experience: Again I refer you to my portfolio as it has a few examples of my plugins.
Accepted I like your experience. Do you have a skype?
Past Experience: None. Although I have learnt from other Moderators.
Proof Experience: I play on EDawg (not telling the IP) And I see Moderators Who are just like, AMAZING! They do great jobs to care and keep the server friendly for all ages.
didn't finish it
what dos a good mod need to be sucsessful:good and being nice and djhgdyufhkcnerlwfrtgrfgtt
-Admin application: IGN:Minebender02 Age:15 Past experience:Splatoscraft(not that big) Proof of experience: Skype:N/A(will be minebot9000 soon (fall)) What makes you unique:i can spot the diffrence between bad and god and spot spawm really easly even if its on a big server What does a good admin need to be successful:good skills and a kind personalty because not all people realise there spaming or greifing Why you want to be Admin:to help ou the server because i could grow with the server and it would be lots of fun What can you bring to the server:happy people and friends! Will you make fair judgments?:Yes it is good to hav efair judjments if you don't every on ewill thing your crap! Can you donate to the server?:Not now but later i can
I am opening a new server named NotACraft. This server has a twist, we will have a vote every two weeks on our website and the members will vote for a mod, we will have the options always in the vote for Bukkit and Pixelmon.
Investor Benifits
-Investors get a percent(depends on amount of donators) of the money a month and will continue to recieve that until half of their investment is returned.
-They will get Co-Owner on the server and will have a suffix saying Investor
-Investments of $30 or more will recieve Control Panel Access
Staff Ranks
-Co-Owner(Reserved for Investors)
-Game Related Staff(Such as gym leader for Pixelmon)
Non Staff Ranks
Descriptions of ranks
-Owner: As I am very busy and the fact I have a terrible computer I don't have ease of access of a minecraft client(I can move with). The owner rank will takeover for me in game, I will setup the server and maintain it. Must be 15 or older!
-Co-Owner: This is reserved for Investors.
-Manager: If I am unable to run the server for whatever reason(or need someone to configure a plugin in the files) this will be the person who does this. Must be 13 or older!
-Owner application: add me on skype at
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good manager need to be successful?:
Why you want to be Manager?:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
-Admin application:
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good admin need to be successful:
Why you want to be Admin:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
-Mod Application:
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good mod need to be successful:
Why you want to be Mod:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
Past Mods/Plugins:
Years/months as a coder:
Proof of Experience:
Past builds:
Proof of builds(Please post images or links to images):
IP: play.notacraft.us:22667
Investors if you are interested please add me on skype: odd.minecraft
Thanks for your time,
IGN: LuisM160919
Past experience: i have been staff on more than 10 servers with ranks moderator, admin, co owner , owner, op and plugin manager
Proof of experience:
Skype: b4dassbob
What makes you unique: i have been playing minecraft for 4 years or alpha and also i set up perms and know how to manage plugins
What does a good manager need to be successful?: help out the owner and set up plugins, permissions, etc.
Why you want to be Manager?: because i want to be ale to help you control plugins and manage them
What can you bring to the server: fun, satisfaction and more
Will you make fair judgments?: yes of course i will
Can you donate to the server?: no sorry my parents say im too young
Thank you for reading my app plz pm me on contact me on skype so i can know your decision
I need some managers and owners ASAP!
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]What is your Minecraft Username and Skype name?
My minecraft name is Bryceman101. My Skype name is Bryce.badger2[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]What is your real life name?
My real name is Michael Bryce Badger.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]What is your age?
I am 15 years old, born on October 26,1998.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]How much experience do you have with servers?
I used to own a server, but I shut it down because I didn't wanna pay anymore. I know how to write plugins, install plugins and more! I have been co-owner and head admin on other server, but I left because the server just didn't have that spark anymore. I stick with a server until the staff becomes distant from the players.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)]What position are you applying for?[/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Why should we select you as one of our owners?
Every server I've ever been on has always had disconnected staff, who don't care about you or any problems you're having, I want to help make this server have the most hands on staff there is. I want to help in anyway possible.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Anything else we should know about you?
I can play on the server anytime necessary, I speak English, Spanish, and Japanese fluently! My internet is very good, I rarely lag. I never get grounded so I can always give my night life to the server.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][background=rgb(242, 246, 249)][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]If a player were spamming, what would you do? Advertising?
If a player were spamming I'd tell him there was a rule of no spamming on the server, if he kept on doing it I would kick him, if he rejoined and continued to spam I would mute him for a few minutes and talk to a higher up about a permanent mute or ban. If a prisoner were advertising I would kick him, if he rejoined and continued I would give him a 1 day mute, if after one day he didn't stop I'd talk to an owner about a ban or permanent mute.[/background][/font][/background][/background][/size][/background][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][size=small][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][size=small][font=Arial][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]I can put in 3-8 hours a day for the server.[/font]
Are you investing or applying for staff? If you are applying for staff this isn't the correct format so denied, if investing add me on Skype at
IGN: the_death_pizza
Age: 13
Past experience: I have been admin , builder , vip+ and beta tester many times before
Proof of experience: one of the servers I have been vip+ on use to be admin until thay
restarted the staff is
Skype: michelle allen-scope
What makes you unique: I like helping player and im good at building , redstone , command blocks and world edit. I'm fear nice and
I will help get people on your server and I have played minecraft for 4 years.
What does a good manager need to be successful?:helping the host/owner , help him pick out some plugins or make some and be
good with people
Why you want to be Manager , admin or mod (manager would be better)?: because I can help you alone the way to make your server bigger and better and I like helping poeple
What can you bring to the server: good builds , redstone , more players , happiness and stop trolling
Will you make fair judgments?: yes I will give the player a warning to stop what thay are doing
Can you donate to the server?:no sorry
so can I be manager
No. Lol jks I like your app I'll hire you as an admin. denied
IGN: GiraffeKnee
Age: PM me for info
Past Mods/Plugins: I could show you some over Skype; I've made quite a few.
Years/months as a coder: A little over a year.
Proof of Experience: Just PM me for my Skype and I can show you some, most of my work is private (not on bukkit/publicly available).
I haven't had a lot of work lately, so this would be really awesome if I got accepted :).
IGN: ThatMonkeyMan
Past experience:
Proof of experience:
What makes you unique:
What does a good mod need to be successful:
Why you want to be Mod:
What can you bring to the server:
Will you make fair judgments?:
Can you donate to the server?:
IGN: ThatMonkeyMan
Age: 13
Past experience: Admin on THE L33T, requested to be Mod on multiple servers, [not sure if this one counts] Assistant on the biggest town of a towny server/
Proof of experience: MC.THEL33T.COM Can't prove the second one and you can check TownyToday and look at town Rome.
Skype: LiCkEzAiR
What makes you unique: My friendly nature, and apparently I'm "funny"
What does a good mod need to be successful: A good knowledge of the Rules and Minecraft, and also needs to be friendly and calm.
Why you want to be Mod: I love to see servers grow and to help them.
What can you bring to the server: A friendly and relaxed player who will be glad to help! Oh, also I can bring Cupcakes!
Will you make fair judgments?: I'll see each side of an argument and determine which side I believe.
Can you donate to the server?: With money? No. But With my time and effort, yes!
Age: I am 16 years of age.
Past Mods/Plugins: My current plugin library has 97 plugins and counting. Here is my portfolio (Work in progress)
Years/months as a coder: 9 months with the bukkit API
Proof of Experience: Again I refer you to my portfolio as it has a few examples of my plugins.
IGN: Scar851
Age: 20
Past builds: http://www.minecraft...oking-for-work/
(The above link is to my application that I put out for anyone to look at)
Past Experience: None. Although I have learnt from other Moderators.
Proof Experience: I play on EDawg (not telling the IP) And I see Moderators Who are just like, AMAZING! They do great jobs to care and keep the server friendly for all ages.
didn't finish itwhat makes you unique: HELPING KEEP THE SERVER AWAY FROM SWEARING
what dos a good mod need to be sucsessful:good and being nice and djhgdyufhkcnerlwfrtgrfgtt
Past experience:Splatoscraft(not that big)
Proof of experience:
Skype:N/A(will be minebot9000 soon (fall))
What makes you unique:i can spot the diffrence between bad and god and spot spawm really easly even if its on a big server
What does a good admin need to be successful:good skills and a kind personalty because not all people realise there spaming or greifing
Why you want to be Admin:to help ou the server because i could grow with the server and it would be lots of fun
What can you bring to the server:happy people and friends!
Will you make fair judgments?:Yes it is good to hav efair judjments if you don't every on ewill thing your crap!
Can you donate to the server?:Not now but later i can
Accepted I like your experience. Do you have a skype?
accepted as well do you have Skype?
rejected no skype.