Server status: Open for 1.6.4, map changing for 1.7.2 launch.
Resident Pixelmon is here to bring you a new Pixelmon experience.
Keeping up to date with the newest version available, we are also happy
to share that we use Minecraft Comes Alive. This will allow our players
to enjoy the life as a husband, wife, father, or mother. Perhaps you
want to integrate your family with another player? Easy enough, just
marry into their family. You can marry their sister, brother,
grandparents, or even their children. Not only did we we include
Minecraft Comes Alive, but we have added in Custom NPCs to help spice up
the towns. This will allow for quests, unique trades, and possibly some
PVE experience against Boss npcs. With both NPC packs added in, what
would our houses be without adding in BiblioCraft? Biblio will allow you
to make custom chairs, item cases, armor racks, and more! This will
certainly help spice up a dull house in no time. The last mod we added
in is CraftManager. This may come to a surprise, but we do actually want
to keep the game fair. We do not want to see Monarch’s demanding free
gifts from everyone’s family or friends. We also do not want to see some
of the better pokemon balls simply crafted as easily as the rest. So we
have removed a few recipes to ensure game play remains fun and fair for
List of mods:
Minecraft Comes Alive
Custom Npcs
Map information:
The map will be completely made from scratch. Starting on day one of the server, staff will be building a spawn city starting with the Pixelmon Center. The city will include an Admin Shop to buy & sell various items. There will be a museum for badges and the 3 shrines. A post office will be included in the city so you can send/receive mail from other players. A decent size arena for pixelmon battles with some seating for viewers. Other various smaller buildings for decoration will also be added to make it feel more town/city like.
Server Information:
This server is going to be using a claims system to allow for players to claim their own property. You will achieve claim blocks by activity on the server. The longer you are online, the more claim blocks you can achieve. Maximum claim blocks has not yet been determined, neither has the maximum map size. These will be decided closer to release date.
Minecraft Comes Alive towns will not be disabled. If you find a town with villagers, feel free to marry them, or use relative documents to make them family. Spawn eggs for villagers will also be available in the Admin Shop so you and your friends can start your own town and fill it to the brim with families. (Note: Monarch will be disabled)
BiblioCraft is being added for aesthetic purposes. This will along you make your house feel a little more like home. Other mods may be considered to help make this a wider variety.
1) Do not disrespect other players
2) Do not kill villagers
3) Do not spam
4) No poke radar allowed
5) Do not advertise other servers
6) Do not attempt to grief
*Other rules will be added and available for the server launch.
Changed a lot of information around for the description and added more staff. We now have a full staff available to assist players with their needs. We are still seeking staff (counselors) which each admin will choose their owner to assist them with their daily tasks.
We added in a donation option to help keep us hosted at beastnode, which we are currently running a 30% special on most packages. Keep in mind that if you start during 1.6.4 you will not lose any pixelmon, inventory, or your npc bank items as they will all be carried over to the new map.
Resident Pixelmon is here to bring you a new Pixelmon experience.
Keeping up to date with the newest version available, we are also happy
to share that we use Minecraft Comes Alive. This will allow our players
to enjoy the life as a husband, wife, father, or mother. Perhaps you
want to integrate your family with another player? Easy enough, just
marry into their family. You can marry their sister, brother,
grandparents, or even their children. Not only did we we include
Minecraft Comes Alive, but we have added in Custom NPCs to help spice up
the towns. This will allow for quests, unique trades, and possibly some
PVE experience against Boss npcs. With both NPC packs added in, what
would our houses be without adding in BiblioCraft? Biblio will allow you
to make custom chairs, item cases, armor racks, and more! This will
certainly help spice up a dull house in no time. The last mod we added
in is CraftManager. This may come to a surprise, but we do actually want
to keep the game fair. We do not want to see Monarch’s demanding free
gifts from everyone’s family or friends. We also do not want to see some
of the better pokemon balls simply crafted as easily as the rest. So we
have removed a few recipes to ensure game play remains fun and fair for
List of mods:
Minecraft Comes Alive
Custom Npcs
Current Staff:
Fatal_Instinct (Owner/Web Dev)
Katonterranatu (Quest/Npc Admin)
Itz_Snivydragon (Gym Leader Admin)
Omegatiger17 (Gym Leader Admin)
Biscet1 (Chat/Rules Admin)
Burn_Green (Advertising Admin)
Gregory307 (Gym Leader Counselor)
Rissalovesit (Advertising Counselor)
Map information:
The map will be completely made from scratch. Starting on day one of the server, staff will be building a spawn city starting with the Pixelmon Center. The city will include an Admin Shop to buy & sell various items. There will be a museum for badges and the 3 shrines. A post office will be included in the city so you can send/receive mail from other players. A decent size arena for pixelmon battles with some seating for viewers. Other various smaller buildings for decoration will also be added to make it feel more town/city like.
Server Information:
This server is going to be using a claims system to allow for players to claim their own property. You will achieve claim blocks by activity on the server. The longer you are online, the more claim blocks you can achieve. Maximum claim blocks has not yet been determined, neither has the maximum map size. These will be decided closer to release date.
Minecraft Comes Alive towns will not be disabled. If you find a town with villagers, feel free to marry them, or use relative documents to make them family. Spawn eggs for villagers will also be available in the Admin Shop so you and your friends can start your own town and fill it to the brim with families. (Note: Monarch will be disabled)
BiblioCraft is being added for aesthetic purposes. This will along you make your house feel a little more like home. Other mods may be considered to help make this a wider variety.
1) Do not disrespect other players
2) Do not kill villagers
3) Do not spam
4) No poke radar allowed
5) Do not advertise other servers
6) Do not attempt to grief
*Other rules will be added and available for the server launch.
Go to our site for the modpack
You can also find other useful information here.
We added in a donation option to help keep us hosted at beastnode, which we are currently running a 30% special on most packages. Keep in mind that if you start during 1.6.4 you will not lose any pixelmon, inventory, or your npc bank items as they will all be carried over to the new map.