Max, I'm not sure if this is meant to be this way, but I don't have permission to use /setrank. If you could look into it, that would be much appreciated!
Max, I'm not sure if this is meant to be this way, but I don't have permission to use /setrank. If you could look into it, that would be much appreciated!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Some Far Away Galaxy
Join Date:
Member Details
In-game name: jak_anderson
Time zone:
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 2 hours
How long you have played Minecraft: 3 years i think
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: 2 days
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): vile
Explanation why you will be a good guard: i follow the rules
Explanation of what this position is: to make sure no contraband gets disturbuted
What ethics are required for this position: a strong law enforcer
Additional Notes:
In-game name: jak_anderson
Time zone:
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 2 hours
How long you have played Minecraft: 3 years i think
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: 2 days
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): vile
Explanation why you will be a good guard: i follow the rules
Explanation of what this position is: to make sure no contraband gets disturbuted
What ethics are required for this position: a strong law enforcer
Additional Notes:
Denied. What I look for in applications is good grammar and long replies, as if someone has actually put time and effort into their post. Try again sometime, make it longer, fill in all the blanks, and polish it up a bit!
In-game name: kuyrem121
Age: 16
Time zone: Mnt Standerd
How much time you can dedicate per-day: about an hour or more.
How long you have played Minecraft: 1.2_6.3 beta or something like that.
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: About 2 - 4 weeks
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): Vile
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I love stopping fights and eating porkchop
Explanation of what this position is: Helping other players while still helping them not break the rules. Also stop fights
What ethics are required for this position: Being helpful friendly and fair. Also being honest. Im very respectful. Im also a good leader.
Additional Notes: I love pugs. Although I dont have a pug I have a border collie.
Sorry man, I didn't know until yesterday that I was actually meant to look at guard applications. Accepted, I like your application, and it's great to know you love pugs!
In-game name: TehEpicGuy101
Age: 14
Time zone: Est
How much time you can dedicate per-day: Around 5-7 hours a day
How long you have played Minecraft: Since early 2012
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: For around a month at least.
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): Impure (I play a lot )
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I would keep players under control from breaking any of the prison rules, while also helping out players in need.
Explanation of what this position is: A guard is someone who enforces the rules and keeps the server under control. A guard also helps out players when they are in trouble or need to ask a question.
What ethics are required for this position: You must be mature, respectful, and helpful to become a guard.
Additional Notes: Quezo recommended that I apply for guard. (By the way Pugs are great dogs because they are so lovable and cute
Got to work on Perk Points and the Donor Market today, everything is turning out great! Spending perk points still won't be available for a while, but it's coming soon!
- My sheep in my faction base just disappeared.
- When I went from Resurrected (Free World) to Prison, I only had a sword and my armour. When I reached the prison, I got some stuff which I had previous time in the prison, though I also got my armour and sword. When I teled to Omega, my pickaxes (which I got from my personal chest) disappeared.
- Also, Heavenly's spawn is at the normal prisoners spawn which isn't correct I guess.
-Entities are removed every 10 minutes on the server to reduce lag, sorry about that.
-I'll sort out your inventory issues soon, don't worry about it, I made seperate inventories between worlds though.
-Still haven't finished Heavenly areas, they'll be done soon, be patient
In-game name: TehEpicGuy101
Age: 14
Time zone: Est
How much time you can dedicate per-day: Around 5-7 hours a day
How long you have played Minecraft: Since early 2012
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: For around a month at least.
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): Impure (I play a lot )
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I would keep players under control from breaking any of the prison rules, while also helping out players in need.
Explanation of what this position is: A guard is someone who enforces the rules and keeps the server under control. A guard also helps out players when they are in trouble or need to ask a question.
What ethics are required for this position: You must be mature, respectful, and helpful to become a guard.
Additional Notes: Quezo recommended that I apply for guard. (By the way Pugs are great dogs because they are so lovable and cute
Accepted, I like the fact that you are a "Guilty" prisoner. Shows that you have dedication to the server. Welcome aboard the team!
Server is back up and is running as usual, very sorry for those of you who had to stick around with all of the errors, restarts and other issues the server was having.
Fixed it.
Congrats to Jande588 on getting guard!
Time zone:
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 2 hours
How long you have played Minecraft: 3 years i think
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: 2 days
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): vile
Explanation why you will be a good guard: i follow the rules
Explanation of what this position is: to make sure no contraband gets disturbuted
What ethics are required for this position: a strong law enforcer
Additional Notes:
ring a ding ding baby.
I'm looking in the file and it looks fine o-o I don't know what the issue is.
Maybe the plugin is out of date...
I mean on the forums.
ring a ding ding baby.
I see it, thank you for the report.
Age: 14
Time zone: Est
How much time you can dedicate per-day: Around 5-7 hours a day
How long you have played Minecraft: Since early 2012
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: For around a month at least.
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile): Impure (I play a lot
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I would keep players under control from breaking any of the prison rules, while also helping out players in need.
Explanation of what this position is: A guard is someone who enforces the rules and keeps the server under control. A guard also helps out players when they are in trouble or need to ask a question.
What ethics are required for this position: You must be mature, respectful, and helpful to become a guard.
Additional Notes: Quezo recommended that I apply for guard. (By the way Pugs are great dogs because they are so lovable and cute
-Entities are removed every 10 minutes on the server to reduce lag, sorry about that.
-I'll sort out your inventory issues soon, don't worry about it, I made seperate inventories between worlds though.
-Still haven't finished Heavenly areas, they'll be done soon, be patient
Awww, well have fun on vacation!
Unsure why you can't use flint and steel, I'll look in to it.
You should probably remove that. ^^