Then I am sorry to say I would rather leave the server, I don't like the fact that you feel you've "Done more" than both me and Andrew. It's a huge team effort, and I have done so much for you and your server, but still you seem to have no appreciation for it. I don't really want to work for someone who doesn't have appreciation and says that I am not ready. And yes you will be busy next year, hopefully as your doing next year you will understand why I had a hard time becoming active during the end of the year, and the summer thing, hoping I would be able to dedicate so much time over the summer. I'm sorry to say Max, but I have friends, and family that I enjoy spending time with, that I love, and care for, I have a job, and I make money to support, and to get gifts for who I love. I have a very busy life, and you should be very happy that out of all my work, I was able to fit in some time, helping you build, and prepare your server, by helping you configure it, and build it.
If what you say is actually how you feel, I will be leaving permanently, I have no intentions of coming back, and if I do it will just be to say hi. I still respect you and your opinions, and hope that you take no offence to this, but goodbye. Thank you for all the great times, on both Unitycraft, and Hellbreak. Goodluck.
Dang tough. Sad to see you go Tucker, maybe I'll see you around.
In-game name:link5oo2
Time zone:PST
How you will help us in beta:by playing as a normal minecrafter seeing what you should or shouldn't do to the server.
How long you have played Minecraft:2 or more years.
Prison server experience:i've been on many prison servers this one seems better but i don't care if it is or isn't
Will you post on this forum page often?not untill i become a guard(if i become a guard).
Your definition of a beta tester:someone who test out all the things that might or are wrong with the "thing"(in this case the server)
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):E-mail is [email protected] or my more commonly used one is [email protected]
Additional Notes:i like dogs my favorite is a german sehpard, my least favorite is a pug.
Accepted, welcome to the server. How dare you insult pugs!!!
I honestly thought you'd take the strong way out of this, though the easy way out is always good too.
Sorry to see you go, and I never said I didn't appreciate your work, in fact I had said it was great to have it, I was merely stating that I was hoping to get more out of you since you were taking ownership of the server, and was it really necessary to bring up everything about your friends, family, job, etc.? Are you trying to say that I don't have the same? Because truly I find that thought fairly offensive and, seeming as you know nothing of my life other than I play Minecraft, shouldn't have been brought in to this equation at all.
Goodbye, hope you had fun.
Wasn't making any assumptions on your life, I was saying that I am often to busy to come online, you're never going to find someone who is able to be online all the time, unless they literally have no life. xD The only reason I brought MY life up was because you stated you wanted someone who would be able to put a lot of time into the server over the summer, and so I was just explaining that even over the summer I still have work, and things I am responsible for, please don't just assume I was comparing our lives, I was just making a point.
And on a happier note, I don't want to leave arguing so, I did have fun, great server, great staff, great community, I have high hopes for you and your server and wish you best of luck.
I came here though to suggest/ask some things:
- Courtyard, I still can't buy plots?
- As a faction, can you have unlimited land if you have the members for it?
We'll add plots in open beta
Yes factions can have unlimited land if you have the members for it.
In-game name: kuyrem121
Age: 16
Time zone: Mountain Central
How you will help us in beta: I will help to fix all bugs and glitches.
How long you have played Minecraft: Beta 1.6_1. somethin I don't remember.
Prison server experience: I love prison servers. Ive played on 3 - 4.
Will you post on this forum page often? I will when I find a big/glitch or if someone needs help on it.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who plays the server finding bugs glitches while still having fun!
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): E-mail, If you need it send me a PM im not posting it on these forums lol
Additional Notes: I love dogs. This looks like a good server so I want to help it in any way I can.
In-game name: kuyrem121
Age: 16
Time zone: Mountain Central
How you will help us in beta: I will help to fix all bugs and glitches.
How long you have played Minecraft: Beta 1.6_1. somethin I don't remember.
Prison server experience: I love prison servers. Ive played on 3 - 4.
Will you post on this forum page often? I will when I find a big/glitch or if someone needs help on it.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who plays the server finding bugs glitches while still having fun!
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): E-mail, If you need it send me a PM im not posting it on these forums lol
Additional Notes: I love dogs. This looks like a good server so I want to help it in any way I can.
In-game name:XyterisBul Age:14 Time zone: PST How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game. How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta) Prison server experience: I've been guard on 3 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 2 time on another one Will you post on this forum page often? Yup Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm me on steam for info please. Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs. I have my own blog that I can post this server on.
By the cafiteria there is an admin buttom if you rightclick it it sends 3 messages instantly to yourself saying you cannot use this command just like practicly all other commands. But if you right click it twice then you get kicked. Make that buttom have no effects for any ranks lower than admins. And in the caffateria the lever opening the freezer can be flicked. Dont know if that was intentional if not you can just make it so no one can flick it.
When you take mushrooms sometimes you get the affect "mining fatigue" but really it makes you mine faster. I mined the netherrack in like 0.01 seconds with a mushroom in hand and like 0.5 seconds mining nether quartz ore.
In-game name:XyterisBul Age:14 Time zone: PST How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game. How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta) Prison server experience: I've been guard on 3 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 2 time on another one Will you post on this forum page often? Yup Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm me on steam for info please. Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs. I have my own blog that I can post this server on.
In-game name:XyterisBul Age:14 Time zone: PST How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game. How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta) Prison server experience: I've been guard on 3 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 2 time on another one Will you post on this forum page often? Yup Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm me on steam for info please. Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs. I have my own blog that I can post this server on.
By the cafiteria there is an admin buttom if you rightclick it it sends 3 messages instantly to yourself saying you cannot use this command just like practicly all other commands. But if you right click it twice then you get kicked. Make that buttom have no effects for any ranks lower than admins. And in the caffateria the lever opening the freezer can be flicked. Dont know if that was intentional if not you can just make it so no one can flick it.
Yeah we've gotten this report, players under the Admin rank (I think) don't have access to use it, but for some reason it still runs the commands, I'll hide them in a control room or something, just make sure not to touch them in the time being
Yeah we've gotten this report, players under the Admin rank (I think) don't have access to use it, but for some reason it still runs the commands, I'll hide them in a control room or something, just make sure not to touch them in the time being
Dang tough. Sad to see you go Tucker, maybe I'll see you around.
Accepted, welcome to the server. How dare you insult pugs!!!
ring a ding ding baby.
Wasn't making any assumptions on your life, I was saying that I am often to busy to come online, you're never going to find someone who is able to be online all the time, unless they literally have no life. xD The only reason I brought MY life up was because you stated you wanted someone who would be able to put a lot of time into the server over the summer, and so I was just explaining that even over the summer I still have work, and things I am responsible for, please don't just assume I was comparing our lives, I was just making a point.
And on a happier note, I don't want to leave arguing so, I did have fun, great server, great staff, great community, I have high hopes for you and your server and wish you best of luck.
We'll add plots in open beta
Yes factions can have unlimited land if you have the members for it.
Should be fixed, thanks for the report.
Age: 16
Time zone: Mountain Central
How you will help us in beta: I will help to fix all bugs and glitches.
How long you have played Minecraft: Beta 1.6_1. somethin I don't remember.
Prison server experience: I love prison servers. Ive played on 3 - 4.
Will you post on this forum page often? I will when I find a big/glitch or if someone needs help on it.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who plays the server finding bugs glitches while still having fun!
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): E-mail, If you need it send me a PM im not posting it on these forums lol
Additional Notes: I love dogs. This looks like a good server so I want to help it in any way I can.
Accepted, welcome.
ring a ding ding baby.
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game.
How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta)
Prison server experience: I've been guard on 3 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 2 time on another one
Will you post on this forum page often? Yup
Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm me on steam for info please.
Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs. I have my own blog that I can post this server on.
Thanks! I will do my best to help.
Just a question when will the server be public?
Accepted, welcome.
ring a ding ding baby.
Accepted, I'll add you now.
Once I'm done finishing up the donator areas, should be fairly soon.
Yeah we've gotten this report, players under the Admin rank (I think) don't have access to use it, but for some reason it still runs the commands, I'll hide them in a control room or something, just make sure not to touch them in the time being
Server is experiencing MySQL issues and will be down for today, expect it to be up tomorrow.
I already accepted him? What up with dat yo.
There is a control room? What!!!!
Is that thanks to the wonderful host? xD
ring a ding ding baby.
False statement! False!
Nah I might make one though.
Maybe, unsure yet.