I can now go play (and work if you want to Max ) in the server a lot now
Do you want the fast things I made for the 2 event suggestion of mine? I think I still have them on my pc somewhere, I can send them to you if requested.
Great to know you'll be coming on Melle, can't wait to see you again!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Montréal, Québec
Join Date:
M3X Slevin
Member Details
In-game name: Slevin73, but call me Sir Peanut(I don't know why)
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: Well, I'll try to find as much bugs/glitches/errors/mistakes as possible and report them to you!
How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.8.3
Prison server experience: I've played on around 5 prison servers, and I think I know how it works, so yeah that's my experience.
Will you post on this forum page often? Suuuuuuuure
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone that tests the first version of the server and makes sure it is good enough to be completely released.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): That looks like a reversed sad face.... Skype: ikashy73/Email: [email protected]
Additional Notes: Well, I won't lie, I don't like pugs that much
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm the worst kind of frenchie, the Canadian kind.
In-game name: Slevin73, but call me Sir Peanut(I don't know why)
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: Well, I'll try to find as much bugs/glitches/errors/mistakes as possible and report them to you!
How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.8.3
Prison server experience: I've played on around 5 prison servers, and I think I know how it works, so yeah that's my experience.
Will you post on this forum page often? Suuuuuuuure
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone that tests the first version of the server and makes sure it is good enough to be completely released.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): That looks like a reversed sad face.... Skype: ikashy73/Email: [email protected]
Additional Notes: Well, I won't lie, I don't like pugs that much
In-game name: TehEpicGuy101
Age: 14
Time zone:
How you will help us in beta: I will find bugs and glitches and report them, while also having fun.
How long you have played Minecraft: Since minecraft 1.2.5
Prison server experience: On diffrent prison servers, i've had good experiences. I've had encounters with amazing staff that helped me out.
Will you post on this forum page often? As often as I have to to update on bugs and glitches I find.
Your definition of a beta tester: A player that finds and looks for bugs/glitched to make the server safe to play on.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): My email is [email protected]
Additional Notes: Pugs are cute and amazing dogs I used to have one.
In-game name: TehEpicGuy101
Age: 14
Time zone:
How you will help us in beta: I will find bugs and glitches and report them, while also having fun.
How long you have played Minecraft: Since minecraft 1.2.5
Prison server experience: On diffrent prison servers, i've had good experiences. I've had encounters with amazing staff that helped me out.
Will you post on this forum page often? As often as I have to to update on bugs and glitches I find.
Your definition of a beta tester: A player that finds and looks for bugs/glitched to make the server safe to play on.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): My email is [email protected]
Additional Notes: Pugs are cute and amazing dogs I used to have one.
In-game name: raymanxx
Age: 24
Time zone: GMT
How you will help us in beta: I will help you by reporting any bugs in the map and not tell other people about them so they don't get abused.
How long you have played Minecraft: Just over a year
Prison server experience: Free on 2 servers and Head-Guard on another
Will you post on this forum page often? I'll post as often as I can without it seeming like spam
Your definition of a beta tester: Somebody who tests something before it's released to everyone
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Steam: raymanxx742 E-mail: [email protected]
Additional Notes: I had to make another forum account to post this... I forgot the password to my old account
In-game name: Tippydaug Age: 13 Time zone: EST How you will help us in beta: I will report any and all bugs/glitches that I come acrossed without telling anyone except the owner. Howlong you have played Minecraft: 2-3 years Prison server experience: None Will you post on this forum page often? I will post as often as I can when I find bugs or anything. Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who helps test a product/game before it is released officially to the public. Forms of contact (Skype,Steam, E-mail): None that I will give out to everyone AdditionalNotes: This server looks amazing!
In-game name: Tippydaug Age: 13 Time zone: EST How you will help us in beta: I will report any and all bugs/glitches that I come acrossed without telling anyone except the owner. Howlong you have played Minecraft: 2-3 years Prison server experience: None Will you post on this forum page often? I will post as often as I can when I find bugs or anything. Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who helps test a product/game before it is released officially to the public. Forms of contact (Skype,Steam, E-mail): None that I will give out to everyone AdditionalNotes: This server looks amazing!
You report bugs to any staff members not just the Owner . Accepted, welcome.
Probably accidentally made you 'admin' not 'angel'
I'll fix the rank names later and change your rank now.
Considering I USE to be Saint, and now i'm admin, is that a demotion?
Cause you did say I was Co-owner, my intentions was to take a vacation from the server, not actually leave staff, that's why I asked if I could join back with my staff position again. xD Then I realized that I have literally no plan over summer, maybe going camping once or twice.
Considering I USE to be Saint, and now i'm admin, is that a demotion?
Cause you did say I was Co-owner, my intentions was to take a vacation from the server, not actually leave staff, that's why I asked if I could join back with my staff position again. xD Then I realized that I have literally no plan over summer, maybe going camping once or twice.
It is a demotion, yes, apologies but I took it more of a "leaving I'll be back once the server's all ready" more of a "taking a short vacation!" So yes, you have been demoted, sorry I guess I just took it differently than you expected, after you left I just noticed (now don't take offense in this) how little I feel you and Andrew actually do for the server. I feel like I set you more of a position known as "an owner" other than "co-owner" (meaning we were at the same level) but I did majority of the work which made my thoughts of you less than I originally had for you, though the reason why I had you stay that position was because I understood you were busy with school, I told Andrew that if you remained inactive throughout the summer though, that you'd be demoted, which is why you have the rank you have today.
It is a demotion, yes, apologies but I took it more of a "leaving I'll be back once the server's all ready" more of a "taking a short vacation!" So yes, you have been demoted, sorry I guess I just took it differently than you expected, after you left I just noticed (now don't take offense in this) how little I feel you and Andrew actually do for the server. I feel like I set you more of a position known as "an owner" other than "co-owner" (meaning we were at the same level) but I did majority of the work which made my thoughts of you less than I originally had for you, though the reason why I had you stay that position was because I understood you were busy with school, I told Andrew that if you remained inactive throughout the summer though, that you'd be demoted, which is why you have the rank you have today.
Sorry about how little work I've done for the server I realize with the rank admin you have to deserve it ill try my hardest to contribute more to the server and earn my rank when I'm back from vacation in 7 days.
It is a demotion, yes, apologies but I took it more of a "leaving I'll be back once the server's all ready" more of a "taking a short vacation!" So yes, you have been demoted, sorry I guess I just took it differently than you expected, after you left I just noticed (now don't take offense in this) how little I feel you and Andrew actually do for the server. I feel like I set you more of a position known as "an owner" other than "co-owner" (meaning we were at the same level) but I did majority of the work which made my thoughts of you less than I originally had for you, though the reason why I had you stay that position was because I understood you were busy with school, I told Andrew that if you remained inactive throughout the summer though, that you'd be demoted, which is why you have the rank you have today.
Don't worry about it, glad you care though.
Max, I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you, i've done a lot of work for this server, it just had decreased for my final exams and studies for my exams(Which I said multipul times on the forums is why I was inactive), I will name what I have done for this server. I did some work on the new C, and you and I built both the new B and A, I built E by myself, me and Eric built O, I did most of the shops, because you asked me to, and I have made all of the donor kits. I helped with a lot of the mines. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything, but I feel i've done far much more than you think I have. I feel like i've done to much to deserve a demotion. It kind of offends me when you say that you feel I haven’t done much for this server, because your only putting into thought the last couple of weeks, which I told you all I would be less active on because of all of my exams, projects, and finals.
Max, I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you, i've done a lot of work for this server, it just had decreased for my final exams and studies for my exams(Which I said multipul times on the forums is why I was inactive), I will name what I have done for this server. I did some work on the new C, and you and I built both the new B and A, I built E by myself, me and Eric built O, I did most of the shops, because you asked me to, and I have made all of the donor kits. I helped with a lot of the mines. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything, but I feel i've done far much more than you think I have. I feel like i've done to much to deserve a demotion. It kind of offends me when you say that you feel I haven’t done much for this server, because your only putting into thought the last couple of weeks, which I told you all I would be less active on because of all of my exams, projects, and finals.
I understand that you had school and I completely disregarded your inactivity during that time, but even when the server was first starting out, though you most of the things you said above, it still doesn't compare in my opinion. I'm not saying your hard work and dedication has amounted to nothing, I'm just saying when you were active you were fine, inactive was meh, but I was just expecting a lot of hardcore work coming along during the summer, and what you had told me before made me honestly think that you were going to remain inactive during the only time I was truly free of work, and since I am starting highschool next year and know I will be busy, I kind of needed you a lot during the summer. Then when I was reflecting on everything you and Andrew have contributed to the server, I honestly felt that I could do fine alone. In my opinion you deserve this demotion, and would not like to see you back to an owner rank until I feel you are truly ready for it.
Sorry about how little work I've done for the server I realize with the rank admin you have to deserve it ill try my hardest to contribute more to the server and earn my rank when I'm back from vacation in 7 days.
Glad you understand, can't wait to see you on the field again.
I understand that you had school and I completely disregarded your inactivity during that time, but even when the server was first starting out, though you most of the things you said above, it still doesn't compare in my opinion. I'm not saying your hard work and dedication has amounted to nothing, I'm just saying when you were active you were fine, inactive was meh, but I was just expecting a lot of hardcore work coming along during the summer, and what you had told me before made me honestly think that you were going to remain inactive during the only time I was truly free of work, and since I am starting highschool next year and know I will be busy, I kind of needed you a lot during the summer. Then when I was reflecting on everything you and Andrew have contributed to the server, I honestly felt that I could do fine alone. In my opinion you deserve this demotion, and would not like to see you back to an owner rank until I feel you are truly ready for it.
Glad you understand, can't wait to see you on the field again.
Then I am sorry to say I would rather leave the server, I don't like the fact that you feel you've "Done more" than both me and Andrew. It's a huge team effort, and I have done so much for you and your server, but still you seem to have no appreciation for it. I don't really want to work for someone who doesn't have appreciation and says that I am not ready. And yes you will be busy next year, hopefully as your doing next year you will understand why I had a hard time becoming active during the end of the year, and the summer thing, hoping I would be able to dedicate so much time over the summer. I'm sorry to say Max, but I have friends, and family that I enjoy spending time with, that I love, and care for, I have a job, and I make money to support, and to get gifts for who I love. I have a very busy life, and you should be very happy that out of all my work, I was able to fit in some time, helping you build, and prepare your server, by helping you configure it, and build it.
If what you say is actually how you feel, I will be leaving permanently, I have no intentions of coming back, and if I do it will just be to say hi. I still respect you and your opinions, and hope that you take no offence to this, but goodbye. Thank you for all the great times, on both Unitycraft, and Hellbreak. Goodluck.
In-game name:link5oo2
Time zone:PST
How you will help us in beta:by playing as a normal minecrafter seeing what you should or shouldn't do to the server.
How long you have played Minecraft:2 or more years.
Prison server experience:i've been on many prison servers this one seems better but i don't care if it is or isn't
Will you post on this forum page often?not untill i become a guard(if i become a guard).
Your definition of a beta tester:someone who test out all the things that might or are wrong with the "thing"(in this case the server)
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):E-mail is [email protected] or my more commonly used one is [email protected]
Additional Notes:i like dogs my favorite is a german sehpard, my least favorite is a pug.
Then I am sorry to say I would rather leave the server, I don't like the fact that you feel you've "Done more" than both me and Andrew. It's a huge team effort, and I have done so much for you and your server, but still you seem to have no appreciation for it. I don't really want to work for someone who doesn't have appreciation and says that I am not ready. And yes you will be busy next year, hopefully as your doing next year you will understand why I had a hard time becoming active during the end of the year, and the summer thing, hoping I would be able to dedicate so much time over the summer. I'm sorry to say Max, but I have friends, and family that I enjoy spending time with, that I love, and care for, I have a job, and I make money to support, and to get gifts for who I love. I have a very busy life, and you should be very happy that out of all my work, I was able to fit in some time, helping you build, and prepare your server, by helping you configure it, and build it.
If what you say is actually how you feel, I will be leaving permanently, I have no intentions of coming back, and if I do it will just be to say hi. I still respect you and your opinions, and hope that you take no offence to this, but goodbye. Thank you for all the great times, on both Unitycraft, and Hellbreak. Goodluck.
I honestly thought you'd take the strong way out of this, though the easy way out is always good too.
Sorry to see you go, and I never said I didn't appreciate your work, in fact I had said it was great to have it, I was merely stating that I was hoping to get more out of you since you were taking ownership of the server, and was it really necessary to bring up everything about your friends, family, job, etc.? Are you trying to say that I don't have the same? Because truly I find that thought fairly offensive and, seeming as you know nothing of my life other than I play Minecraft, shouldn't have been brought in to this equation at all.
I really love the prison
Hm, I'll just have to hide the button I guess.
Anyways, thanks for all of your support, it means a lot.
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: Well, I'll try to find as much bugs/glitches/errors/mistakes as possible and report them to you!
How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.8.3
Prison server experience: I've played on around 5 prison servers, and I think I know how it works, so yeah that's my experience.
Will you post on this forum page often? Suuuuuuuure
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone that tests the first version of the server and makes sure it is good enough to be completely released.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): That looks like a reversed sad face.... Skype: ikashy73/Email: [email protected]
Additional Notes: Well, I won't lie, I don't like pugs that much
I'm the worst kind of frenchie, the Canadian kind.
ring a ding ding baby.
Age: 14
Time zone:
How you will help us in beta: I will find bugs and glitches and report them, while also having fun.
How long you have played Minecraft: Since minecraft 1.2.5
Prison server experience: On diffrent prison servers, i've had good experiences. I've had encounters with amazing staff that helped me out.
Will you post on this forum page often? As often as I have to to update on bugs and glitches I find.
Your definition of a beta tester: A player that finds and looks for bugs/glitched to make the server safe to play on.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): My email is [email protected]
Additional Notes: Pugs are cute and amazing dogs
Yo. #Accepted
Sorry about your forum account D: . Accepted
I've been ranked worse xD
ring a ding ding baby.
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: I will report any and all bugs/glitches that I come acrossed without telling anyone except the owner.
How long you have played Minecraft: 2-3 years
Prison server experience: None
Will you post on this forum page often? I will post as often as I can when I find bugs or anything.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who helps test a product/game before it is released officially to the public.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): None that I will give out to everyone
Additional Notes: This server looks amazing!
You report bugs to any staff members not just the Owner
ring a ding ding baby.
Probably accidentally made you 'admin' not 'angel'
I'll fix the rank names later and change your rank now.
Considering I USE to be Saint, and now i'm admin, is that a demotion?
Cause you did say I was Co-owner, my intentions was to take a vacation from the server, not actually leave staff, that's why I asked if I could join back with my staff position again. xD Then I realized that I have literally no plan over summer, maybe going camping once or twice.
It is a demotion, yes, apologies but I took it more of a "leaving I'll be back once the server's all ready" more of a "taking a short vacation!" So yes, you have been demoted, sorry I guess I just took it differently than you expected, after you left I just noticed (now don't take offense in this) how little I feel you and Andrew actually do for the server. I feel like I set you more of a position known as "an owner" other than "co-owner" (meaning we were at the same level) but I did majority of the work which made my thoughts of you less than I originally had for you, though the reason why I had you stay that position was because I understood you were busy with school, I told Andrew that if you remained inactive throughout the summer though, that you'd be demoted, which is why you have the rank you have today.
Don't worry about it, glad you care though.
Sorry about how little work I've done for the server I realize with the rank admin you have to deserve it ill try my hardest to contribute more to the server and earn my rank when I'm back from vacation in 7 days.
ring a ding ding baby.
Max, I am sorry, but I have to disagree with you, i've done a lot of work for this server, it just had decreased for my final exams and studies for my exams(Which I said multipul times on the forums is why I was inactive), I will name what I have done for this server. I did some work on the new C, and you and I built both the new B and A, I built E by myself, me and Eric built O, I did most of the shops, because you asked me to, and I have made all of the donor kits. I helped with a lot of the mines. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything, but I feel i've done far much more than you think I have. I feel like i've done to much to deserve a demotion. It kind of offends me when you say that you feel I haven’t done much for this server, because your only putting into thought the last couple of weeks, which I told you all I would be less active on because of all of my exams, projects, and finals.
I understand that you had school and I completely disregarded your inactivity during that time, but even when the server was first starting out, though you most of the things you said above, it still doesn't compare in my opinion. I'm not saying your hard work and dedication has amounted to nothing, I'm just saying when you were active you were fine, inactive was meh, but I was just expecting a lot of hardcore work coming along during the summer, and what you had told me before made me honestly think that you were going to remain inactive during the only time I was truly free of work, and since I am starting highschool next year and know I will be busy, I kind of needed you a lot during the summer. Then when I was reflecting on everything you and Andrew have contributed to the server, I honestly felt that I could do fine alone. In my opinion you deserve this demotion, and would not like to see you back to an owner rank until I feel you are truly ready for it.
Glad you understand, can't wait to see you on the field again.
Then I am sorry to say I would rather leave the server, I don't like the fact that you feel you've "Done more" than both me and Andrew. It's a huge team effort, and I have done so much for you and your server, but still you seem to have no appreciation for it. I don't really want to work for someone who doesn't have appreciation and says that I am not ready. And yes you will be busy next year, hopefully as your doing next year you will understand why I had a hard time becoming active during the end of the year, and the summer thing, hoping I would be able to dedicate so much time over the summer. I'm sorry to say Max, but I have friends, and family that I enjoy spending time with, that I love, and care for, I have a job, and I make money to support, and to get gifts for who I love. I have a very busy life, and you should be very happy that out of all my work, I was able to fit in some time, helping you build, and prepare your server, by helping you configure it, and build it.
If what you say is actually how you feel, I will be leaving permanently, I have no intentions of coming back, and if I do it will just be to say hi. I still respect you and your opinions, and hope that you take no offence to this, but goodbye. Thank you for all the great times, on both Unitycraft, and Hellbreak. Goodluck.
Time zone:PST
How you will help us in beta:by playing as a normal minecrafter seeing what you should or shouldn't do to the server.
How long you have played Minecraft:2 or more years.
Prison server experience:i've been on many prison servers this one seems better but i don't care if it is or isn't
Will you post on this forum page often?not untill i become a guard(if i become a guard).
Your definition of a beta tester:someone who test out all the things that might or are wrong with the "thing"(in this case the server)
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):E-mail is [email protected] or my more commonly used one is [email protected]
Additional Notes:i like dogs my favorite is a german sehpard, my least favorite is a pug.
I honestly thought you'd take the strong way out of this, though the easy way out is always good too.
Sorry to see you go, and I never said I didn't appreciate your work, in fact I had said it was great to have it, I was merely stating that I was hoping to get more out of you since you were taking ownership of the server, and was it really necessary to bring up everything about your friends, family, job, etc.? Are you trying to say that I don't have the same? Because truly I find that thought fairly offensive and, seeming as you know nothing of my life other than I play Minecraft, shouldn't have been brought in to this equation at all.
Goodbye, hope you had fun.