What's up everyone? Any suggestions, concerns, questions? Reply to this post.
Also, make sure to tell your friends about this server, the more the merrier
[][][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ANNOUNCEMENT: Grimreaper240 has been hired as an Imp. Next time you see him, give him a congratulations. I have a list of people I am considering of hiring, so don't lose hope! Next time an open spot on the guards is revealed (probably when the server goes to open beta) I will be hiring again! I will keep the applicants updated.
In case anyone was wondering, bath salts have been removed as a drug, so you won't find them around the server or in the black market. They have been removed due to a major money glitch with them. In replace of bath salts, heroin has been added (Orange dye), which can be made farmed in the Obscene mushroom farm. This means orange dye is now contraband like any other drugs, so don't get caught using it!
thanks for backing me up i really thought it was a secret way to make money
In-game name: worm4994
Age: 14
Time zone: est
How you will help us in beta: find glitches and bugs
How long you have played Minecraft: early beta
Prison server experience: i ve played on killion and dont drop the soap
Will you post on this forum page often? yea i guess
Your definition of a beta tester: finding bugs and glitches
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): none exept mincraft and the forums
Additional Notes: none really
I play on your server, and noticed abit of lag. Recently, I found this company, HostBlaze. They're providing servers for half the price of other hosts. 5GB, 100 slot server for $35.00 a month? These guys are doing just that. It's insanely good, and I thought I would recommend it.
What's up everyone? Any suggestions, concerns, questions? Reply to this post.
Also, make sure to tell your friends about this server, the more the merrier
[][][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ANNOUNCEMENT: Grimreaper240 has been hired as an Imp. Next time you see him, give him a congratulations. I have a list of people I am considering of hiring, so don't lose hope! Next time an open spot on the guards is revealed (probably when the server goes to open beta) I will be hiring again! I will keep the applicants updated.
In case anyone was wondering, bath salts have been removed as a drug, so you won't find them around the server or in the black market. They have been removed due to a major money glitch with them. In replace of bath salts, heroin has been added (Orange dye), which can be made farmed in the Obscene mushroom farm. This means orange dye is now contraband like any other drugs, so don't get caught using it!
I see where jared is coming from, like the pot secret, (all I am going to say), it is a good way to make money and I myself thought it was a exploit until I talked to Max.
Impressive application. Highly considering hiring you due to the need of a new Imp. Well done,
I was backing him up, but at the same time Jared, you still should've contacted max, as I did when I discovered the pot exploit, that turned out not to be an exploit. So you should've checked anyways, with max, no one else, like me :D.
Explanation why you will be a good guard:I think you should pick me because I have had experience on a numerous amount ofservers I have been the following: SrGuard, Guard, And a ChatMod. But sadly only one server is still up, I won't include the server here, that would kinda be advertising to all of the applicants, If you would like I can pm you the Name, And Ip. Another reason why I think you should pick me is because I am very responsible. If you would like you can make me a semi guard in training to see what you think. I, if I do say so myself is that I Excel in PVP. As well as on many, many servers I have been known to regulate the chat, when, if, I were to see a swear or cuss suddenly pop up in the chat I have been fast to clear up the situation. Fighting, or " Clear up the crowd " are my specialty(s)
Let me explain: Fighting, I am very well accomplish in Minecraft and Clear up the crowd here it is: For me a clear up the crowd hence the name clear up the crowd. If there was a big argument I were to solve it in the easiest way possible in a grave manner. I will also respect regardless if the player is to me or vise versa. And now everyone can witness this: I hereby take a oath to obey all of the rules, and respect my surroundings, I will as well be a role model. And as well: Wonderful Pug you got there In-game name: Adonay1234
Age: 17
Time zone: EST
How much time you can dedicate per-day: On weekdays 2 hours + and weekends 10 hours +
How long you have played Minecraft: About 2 years
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: The beginning of May , ( I have been so busy with school I almost forgot about it :
What ethics are required for this position: The ethics that must be applied in the guard system are Honesty, Loyalty, And Discipline.
Additional Notes: No.
In-game name: Adonay1234 Age: 17 Time zone: EST How you will help us in beta:I will cooperate with everyone, If you want help you build. I will advertise as much as I can as well. Howlong you have played Minecraft: 2 years Prison server experience: LethalPenitentiary, LockdownPrison, Don't Drop The Soap Will you post on this forum page often? I wont spam it, but if you would like me to check back every once and a while I shall Your definition of a beta tester: Advertise, Test and see if everything is ready for the real thing, and to test if everything is ready for in game experience Forms of contact (Skype,Steam, E-mail): [email protected] AdditionalNotes: Hope I get picked ~ Thanks!
Explanation why you will be a good guard:I think you should pick me because I have had experience on a numerous amount ofservers I have been the following: SrGuard, Guard, And a ChatMod. But sadly only one server is still up, I won't include the server here, that would kinda be advertising to all of the applicants, If you would like I can pm you the Name, And Ip. Another reason why I think you should pick me is because I am very responsible. If you would like you can make me a semi guard in training to see what you think. I, if I do say so myself is that I Excel in PVP. As well as on many, many servers I have been known to regulate the chat, when, if, I were to see a swear or cuss suddenly pop up in the chat I have been fast to clear up the situation. Fighting, or " Clear up the crowd " are my specialty(s)
Let me explain: Fighting, I am very well accomplish in Minecraft and Clear up the crowd here it is: For me a clear up the crowd hence the name clear up the crowd. If there was a big argument I were to solve it in the easiest way possible in a grave manner. I will also respect regardless if the player is to me or vise versa. And now everyone can witness this: I hereby take a oath to obey all of the rules, and respect my surroundings, I will as well be a role model. In-game name: Adonay1234
Age: 17
Time zone: EST
How much time you can dedicate per-day: On weekdays 2 hours + and weekends 10 hours +
How long you have played Minecraft: About 2 years
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: The beginning of May, ( I have been so busy with school I almost forgot about it :
What ethics are required for this position: The ethics that must be applied in the guard system are Honesty, Loyalty, And Discipline.
Additional Notes: No
I love the application, very impressive, that's two in a row that I have seen that are really good. Unfortunately, I just hired a guard, so I won't be hiring for a bit. Fortunately, now I have this application in mind for next time I am hiring. One concern though, I have never seen you on the server? Which I read up on forums and saw you aren't whitelisted, so maybe after you have been on the server a bit and I need a guard, I will consider.Whitelist is coming off soon everyone! @Adonay there is a beta application you can fill out, unless you have already been accepted? But the whitelist is coming off soon, the courtyard and donations just need to be finished up a bit
In-game name: Adonay1234 Age: 17 Time zone: EST How you will help us in beta:I will cooperate with everyone, If you want help you build. I will advertise as much as I can as well. Howlong you have played Minecraft: 2 years Prison server experience: LethalPenitentiary, LockdownPrison, Don't Drop The Soap Will you post on this forum page often? I wont spam it, but if you would like me to check back every once and a while I shall Your definition of a beta tester: Advertise, Test and see if everything is ready for the real thing, and to test if everything is ready for in game experience Forms of contact (Skype,Steam, E-mail): [email protected] AdditionalNotes: Hope I get picked ~ Thanks!
Well, Im not whitelisted
If you guys can turn OFF whitelist that would be great
In game name: Ghostlightning22 Age: 13 Timezone: EST How much time you can dedicate per day: 4-5 hrs How long have you played Minecraft: Since 1.0. How long have you been with Hellbreak Prison: 1 week Explanation of why you will be a good guard: I think I would be an amazing guard because I have guarded on multiple servers and, I know what it takes.I have guarded on a pretty popular server known as Prisonbreak and also I'm Sr.Warden on Spartan Craft. I have seen what guards on this server do and, I think I could do all of that. I have read the guard rules and I have read the prison rules while also knowing all of the contraband including the recently added one. When I am on the server I always have forums page open and keeping myself updated. I also know that i would be good at this because I have a good understanding of PvP and, know the tactics to winning. I am very respectful on the server members and, I am nice to all prisoners including the evil one's. Plus i will be able to play this server A LOT more often once school is out in 2 weeks. I will be able to check in on prisoners through out the day and keep everyone happy. Thank You for reading my application. Explanation of what this position is: This position is to protect the prisoners by taking away contraband and, breaking up fights. In this position I also need to greet all new members with enthusiasm showing them all where to go where to stay safe and tactics of ranking up. Also if I am needed i will help people with anything they need What ethics are required for this position: I think an understanding of PvP and good grammar is required for this position. Also being respectful and trustworthy so people will respect you. Additional Notes:Max I love your picture of the pugs they are a beautiful race of dogs <3.
In game name: Ghostlightning22 Age: 13 Timezone: EST How much time you can dedicate per day: 4-5 hrs How long have you played Minecraft: Since 1.0. How long have you been with Hellbreak Prison: 1 week Explanation of why you will be a good guard: I think I would be an amazing guard because I have guarded on multiple servers and, I know what it takes.I have guarded on a pretty popular server known as Prisonbreak and also I'm Sr.Warden on Spartan Craft. I have seen what guards on this server do and, I think I could do all of that. I have read the guard rules and I have read the prison rules while also knowing all of the contraband including the recently added one. When I am on the server I always have forums page open and keeping myself updated. I also know that i would be good at this because I have a good understanding of PvP and, know the tactics to winning. I am very respectful on the server members and, I am nice to all prisoners including the evil one's. Plus i will be able to play this server A LOT more often once school is out in 2 weeks. I will be able to check in on prisoners through out the day and keep everyone happy. Thank You for reading my application. Explanation of what this position is: This position is to protect the prisoners by taking away contraband and, breaking up fights. In this position I also need to greet all new members with enthusiasm showing them all where to go where to stay safe and tactics of ranking up. Also if I am needed i will help people with anything they need What ethics are required for this position: I think an understanding of PvP and good grammar is required for this position. Also being respectful and trustworthy so people will respect you. Additional Notes:Max I love your picture of the pugs they are a beautiful race of dogs <3.
Well made application. I have about two - three people in mind for the next guard position, and now you are one of them. Unfortunately I just hired recently so I do not need another guard at this time. I will get back to the people on my "Considering List" later on when a new guard might be hired. My only other concern is I haven't seen you on much myself, because of the timezone difference maybe. So I will look into that with other players, that plus like you said, when summer comes out you will be on more so I am looking forward to that
First of all, my account password was phished, my account was accessed without concent.
I understand what has happened. (Andrewvh1 told me, I was unaware) I regret to inform you that that wasn't me, though I apologise for not keeping my account secure. When I retired from staff, that didn't mean I wanted the server dead, I just went inactive for a bit. I would like to be unbanned, so that I can drop in and say hello every once in a while, please get back to me. Thanks.
Sorry, but I can't accept this.
In order to be able to modify and edit the operator list (or the command /op) the user must have permissions to do so, I'm assuming you gave yourself the '*' node before you dipped because I demoted you to Obscene. Plus we have reason to believe you'd do this with all your hate on us lately.
So sorry, but I find this too hard to believe to accept.
Just noticed I'm a Diamond Miner here on the forums with about 700 posts, awesome.
In-game name: goodam1153
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: pointing out bugs and glitches
How long you have played Minecraft: since alpha 2009
Prison server experience: i played on one once but never got far cause it shut down
Will you post on this forum page often? probably not
Your definition of a beta tester: some one who plays the game early to point out bugs and glitches
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
Additional Notes: tell me where you got that pug picture pwetty pwease
In-game name: goodam1153
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: pointing out bugs and glitches
How long you have played Minecraft: since alpha 2009
Prison server experience: i played on one once but never got far cause it shut down
Will you post on this forum page often? probably not
Your definition of a beta tester: some one who plays the game early to point out bugs and glitches
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
Additional Notes: tell me where you got that pug picture pwetty pwease
I was an op, but still. I understand. Even thought this wasn't me and I wouldn't do this, I can understand why you wouldn't beleive me or someone else. Again, I'm sorry for not keeping my account secure, but sometimes things like that happen. If you ever feel like changing my your mind, you know where I am.
One last thing, I don't hate you or Hellbreak.
I'll consider diminishing your punishment after we release in to an open-beta, but for now your punishment will remain unless I say otherwise.
Please look above for my beta application. And Thanks!
I did look at your guard application and replied to it and stuff. But also, you might need to re-read guard rules I think there is something you missed in your application
thanks for backing me up i really thought it was a secret way to make money
Denied, alternate account is banned.
You don't play on my server xD
We'll try!
Congrats to grim, and thanks for the update.
He didn't back you up, he was just stating that bath salts was removed as a drug because of a major money glitch.
umm yes he did
Let me explain: Fighting, I am very well accomplish in Minecraft and Clear up the crowd here it is: For me a clear up the crowd hence the name clear up the crowd. If there was a big argument I were to solve it in the easiest way possible in a grave manner. I will also respect regardless if the player is to me or vise versa. And now everyone can witness this: I hereby take a oath to obey all of the rules, and respect my surroundings, I will as well be a role model. And as well: Wonderful Pug you got there
In-game name: Adonay1234
Age: 17
Time zone: EST
How much time you can dedicate per-day: On weekdays 2 hours + and weekends 10 hours +
How long you have played Minecraft: About 2 years
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: The beginning of May , ( I have been so busy with school I almost forgot about it :
What ethics are required for this position: The ethics that must be applied in the guard system are Honesty, Loyalty, And Discipline.
Additional Notes: No.
Age: 17
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta:I will cooperate with everyone, If you want help you build. I will advertise as much as I can as well.
How long you have played Minecraft: 2 years
Prison server experience: LethalPenitentiary, LockdownPrison, Don't Drop The Soap
Will you post on this forum page often? I wont spam it, but if you would like me to check back every once and a while I shall
Your definition of a beta tester: Advertise, Test and see if everything is ready for the real thing, and to test if everything is ready for in game experience
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
Additional Notes: Hope I get picked ~ Thanks! Well, Im not whitelisted :(If you guys can turn OFF whitelist that would be great
Accepted, weclome
Age: 13
Timezone: EST
How much time you can dedicate per day: 4-5 hrs
How long have you played Minecraft: Since 1.0.
How long have you been with Hellbreak Prison: 1 week
Explanation of why you will be a good guard: I think I would be an amazing guard because I have guarded on multiple servers and, I know what it takes.I have guarded on a pretty popular server known as Prisonbreak and also I'm Sr.Warden on Spartan Craft. I have seen what guards on this server do and, I think I could do all of that. I have read the guard rules and I have read the prison rules while also knowing all of the contraband including the recently added one. When I am on the server I always have forums page open and keeping myself updated. I also know that i would be good at this because I have a good understanding of PvP and, know the tactics to winning. I am very respectful on the server members and, I am nice to all prisoners including the evil one's. Plus i will be able to play this server A LOT more often once school is out in 2 weeks. I will be able to check in on prisoners through out the day and keep everyone happy. Thank You for reading my application.
Explanation of what this position is: This position is to protect the prisoners by taking away contraband and, breaking up fights. In this position I also need to greet all new members with enthusiasm showing them all where to go where to stay safe and tactics of ranking up. Also if I am needed i will help people with anything they need
What ethics are required for this position: I think an understanding of PvP and good grammar is required for this position. Also being respectful and trustworthy so people will respect you.
Additional Notes:Max I love your picture of the pugs they are a beautiful race of dogs <3.
Sorry, but I can't accept this.
In order to be able to modify and edit the operator list (or the command /op) the user must have permissions to do so, I'm assuming you gave yourself the '*' node before you dipped because I demoted you to Obscene. Plus we have reason to believe you'd do this with all your hate on us lately.
So sorry, but I find this too hard to believe to accept.
Just noticed I'm a Diamond Miner here on the forums with about 700 posts, awesome.
Age: 13
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: pointing out bugs and glitches
How long you have played Minecraft: since alpha 2009
Prison server experience: i played on one once but never got far cause it shut down
Will you post on this forum page often? probably not
Your definition of a beta tester: some one who plays the game early to point out bugs and glitches
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
Additional Notes: tell me where you got that pug picture pwetty pwease
Added, and that's my pug
I'll consider diminishing your punishment after we release in to an open-beta, but for now your punishment will remain unless I say otherwise.
I believe I just fixed this.