In-game name: webster23
Age: 15
Time zone: CST GMT -6
How you will help us in beta: By hopefully getting some nasty bugs out of the way and suggestions
How long you have played Minecraft: Since beta 1.2
Prison server experience: Over a year on prison servers. Out of that year I've been guard for ~5 months.
Will you post on this forum page often? Yesh
Your definition of a beta tester: Helping out the server by squashing bugs and giving suggestions.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype. I don't like to post it unless it is needed.
Additional Notes: I don't have any but I hope I can join.
So there has been a lot of complain about PvP Abuse. So here's a list about it: 1. If you are in the middle of a battle, finish the battle or get jailed. Do not constantly or even once, run into the safe zone and say "WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" *Andrew*. 2. Don't even pvp abuse, like at all. If you pvp abuse once mid battle, you will be asked to step out and count down. After three times in the same battle, it's a jail automatically. 3. If you are dieing after each time, but constantly going in and out of safezone while hitting people, it's a longer jail for repeat offense of pvp abuse. 4. If guards are caught pvp abuse, post proof on the forums that I will review myself, and guards pvp abusing will result in demotion with valid reason. 5. While we're on this topic, any kind of abuse/exploiting is not allowed at all. It's not like swords and armor, if you get caught with "contraband" you will be; pvped, jailed, asked for it, etc. If you are caught exploiting or constantly pvp abusing, it's tempbannable. 6. If you are exploiting and we find out about it, which we will, you will be tempbanned, so don't do it. Someone today was tempbanned for a duping glitch.
Thanks for reading guys. Any questions or concerns? Contact me on the server or over Skype.
Thanks for posting this
I've just completed making the new Obscene spawn, it has information on all of the contraband, as well as warps and explanations of special places in the Obscene block.
Also, LeapWinCeCat has been tempbanned for 2 days for abusing a Tomahawk glitch.
Nice try, Leap.
So there has been a lot of complain about PvP Abuse. So here's a list about it: 1. If you are in the middle of a battle, finish the battle or get jailed. Do not constantly or even once, run into the safe zone and say "WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" *Andrew*. 2. Don't even pvp abuse, like at all. If you pvp abuse once mid battle, you will be asked to step out and count down. After three times in the same battle, it's a jail automatically. 3. If you are dieing after each time, but constantly going in and out of safezone while hitting people, it's a longer jail for repeat offense of pvp abuse. 4. If guards are caught pvp abuse, post proof on the forums that I will review myself, and guards pvp abusing will result in demotion with valid reason. 5. While we're on this topic, any kind of abuse/exploiting is not allowed at all. It's not like swords and armor, if you get caught with "contraband" you will be; pvped, jailed, asked for it, etc. If you are caught exploiting or constantly pvp abusing, it's tempbannable. 6. If you are exploiting and we find out about it, which we will, you will be tempbanned, so don't do it. Someone today was tempbanned for a duping glitch.
Thanks for reading guys. Any questions or concerns? Contact me on the server or over Skype.
In-game name: stonerock101 (I'm a friend of Andrewvh1 and Maximussprime and everyone hates me)
Age: 13 (I'm as old as Andrew and Maximussprime!)
Time zone: Central Standard Timezone (an hour away from Andrew! AND MAXIMUSSPRIME)
How you will help us in beta: I probably won't. Aside from having you guys have a good time and talk with you on skype while walking around on your server. (I also know Andrew and Maximussprime)
How long you have played Minecraft: Since alpha. But I got my own account (played on my brothers before) in the start of Beta.
Prison server experience: None! This will be my first. (that should make Andrew and you happy because things.)
Will you post on this forum page often? Probably not. Unless I'm talking giberish that doesn't matter. (andrew hates me)
Your definition of a beta tester: A person who goes on a server and plays on it while it's in beta. You get forced to do random junk by mean people like Andrew/Admins.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype. You haz it cause I'm talking to Andrew and Maximussprime right now...
Additional Notes: I wanna be a Beta Tester and stuff because it's like Maximussprime's server
In-game name: stonerock101 (I'm a friend of Andrewvh1 and Maximussprime and everyone hates me)
Age: 13 (I'm as old as Andrew and Maximussprime!)
Time zone: Central Standard Timezone (an hour away from Andrew! AND MAXIMUSSPRIME)
How you will help us in beta: I probably won't. Aside from having you guys have a good time and talk with you on skype while walking around on your server. (I also know Andrew and Maximussprime)
How long you have played Minecraft: Since alpha. But I got my own account (played on my brothers before) in the start of Beta.
Prison server experience: None! This will be my first. (that should make Andrew and you happy because things.)
Will you post on this forum page often? Probably not. Unless I'm talking giberish that doesn't matter. (andrew hates me)
Your definition of a beta tester: A person who goes on a server and plays on it while it's in beta. You get forced to do random junk by mean people like Andrew/Admins.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype. You haz it cause I'm talking to Andrew and Maximussprime right now...
Additional Notes: I wanna be a Beta Tester and stuff because it's like Maximussprime's server
I resign as Moderator, to run a successful server, the staff much have a certain more acceptable level of maturity. Unfortunately for you, they o not. This includes the owner. Goodbye HellBreak, I wish you the best of luck! It looks like you'll need it.
I resign as Moderator, to run a successful server, the staff much have a certain more acceptable level of maturity. Unfortunately for you, they o not. This includes the owner. Goodbye HellBreak, I wish you the best of luck! It looks like you'll need it.
This is pretty insulting to not only me but the players of Hellbreak. Maybe our little games over Skype didn't amuse you but that shouldn't have provoked you to post such an insulting message on our public forum page. You say that we require maturity, but to be honest, posting a comment like this is extremely childish. Anyways, good luck with your server too, though it seems as if it's dieing. From what I've seen, my whitelisted, non-public server seems to have more players than yours does majority of the day... which is kind of funny if you think about it.
I shouldn't be sad to see you go anyways, you didn't do much as a moderator except try to get me to make Dane and you co-owners and give you console access, pretty glad I didn't since I now see how easy you can lose your temper, especially over very small things.
I'll be seeing you around maybe, hopefully you can get over this childish fit of yours.
This is pretty insulting to not only me but the players of Hellbreak. Maybe our little games over Skype didn't amuse you but that shouldn't have provoked you to post such an insulting message on our public forum page. You say that we require maturity, but to be honest, posting a comment like this is extremely childish. Anyways, good luck with your server too, though it seems as if it's dieing. From what I've seen, my whitelisted, non-public server seems to have more players than yours does majority of the day... which is kind of funny if you think about it.
I shouldn't be sad to see you go anyways, you didn't do much as a moderator except try to get me to make Dane and you co-owners and give you console access, pretty glad I didn't since I now see how easy you can lose your temper, especially over very small things.
I'll be seeing you around maybe, hopefully you can get over this childish fit of yours.
In-game name: JaredTymon
Age: 14
Time zone: est
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 3-4 hours probably
How long you have played Minecraft: since alpha
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: maybe a week and a half
Explanation why you will be a good guard: because i follow the rules and hate abuse and im great at pvp
Explanation of what this position is: protecting new and old players from other players and keeping the server safe from abusers
What ethics are required for this position: belief in how pvp abuse and glitchers
Additional Notes: pugs
Whether you want my opinion or not, giving "Co-Owner" status to someone or some people who aren't owners of the server, with access to the console in my opinion is pretty stupid. About my post, I was simple stating my resignation as staff and a innocent opinion of the server and its staff. Maybe rather than calling me immature, you should act upon what I have said and not be verbally abusive to your staff through Skyoe and then call it a "silly game".
MAX simply called you immature because that's what was easily observed. No need to take things from skype and bring them here, because that is immature. Also you were the one that had asked for a Saint position and access to the console, and now you're calling it stupid? That's a bit contradicting isn't it? So are you calling yourself stupid, is that what i'm getting from this? And for you innocent opinion, it was actually pretty insulting, I find a lot of our staff are much more mature than yours considering you've been demoting a lot of yours lately for abuse, and such. Even when I was on your server, you would constantly "troll" your players, and that goes along with all of your staff. You could have simply said that you're resigning from staff, rather than calling us immature, because of whatever happened between you and MAX.
No offence, but I don't really mind seeing Bailey go. It's like, you never saw him/her, and if he/she was online, it was through the iPad with Teamviewer or such.
Maybe make your own money amount a bit normal Max ? I took 21.321 seconds to load /baltop here (I've got some kind of lag tester, which told me I was lagging because a command was taking that amount of seconds to do something)
Increase/Decrease the mine time reset amounts, since it now never resets when I'm on, which gives me a sort of disadvantage. Maybe make it like 18 hours, or 20 hours. Or make it (or maybe this already is) that when you reset it manually, by the button, it also resets his time.
Yeah, Bailey was pretty inactive, should've demoted him a while back. If I would've done that I doubt this argument that spawned wouldn't have existed.
I'll be sure to cut down my cash, sorry xD It just made things a little more convenient for me.
The manual reset buttons should reset the timer on the mines, not sure why it isn't...
MAX simply called you immature because that's what was easily observed. No need to take things from skype and bring them here, because that is immature. Also you were the one that had asked for a Saint position and access to the console, and now you're calling it stupid? That's a bit contradicting isn't it? So are you calling yourself stupid, is that what i'm getting from this? And for you innocent opinion, it was actually pretty insulting, I find a lot of our staff are much more mature than yours considering you've been demoting a lot of yours lately for abuse, and such. Even when I was on your server, you would constantly "troll" your players, and that goes along with all of your staff. You could have simply said that you're resigning from staff, rather than calling us immature, because of whatever happened between you and MAX.
this is proof that he is hacking it is impossible to do this that fast. I had killed him for attacking me an hour earlier so he wasnt working that long and no way he took his nether quartz inside the mine
this is proof that he is hacking it is impossible to do this that fast. I had killed him for attacking me an hour earlier so he wasnt working that long and no way he took his nether quartz inside the mine
Sorry, but that is terrible proof, you can't say someone is hacking because he mined out a lot of NetherQuartz, please provide more proof.
this is proof that he is hacking it is impossible to do this that fast. I had killed him for attacking me an hour earlier so he wasnt working that long and no way he took his nether quartz inside the mine
In-game name: JaredTymon
Age: 14
Time zone: est
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 3-4 hours probably
How long you have played Minecraft: since alpha
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: maybe a week and a half
Explanation why you will be a good guard: because i follow the rules and hate abuse and im great at pvp
Explanation of what this position is: protecting new and old players from other players and keeping the server safe from abusers
What ethics are required for this position: belief in how pvp abuse and glitchers
Additional Notes: pugs
Hey everyone, just wanted to see how you all are doing. Any questions, concerns, suggestions? Reply to this and I will check out your situation and inform max if necessary.
Also, if you play on the server and have fun, tell your friends about the server! The more the merrier!
I am posting this for my brother because he doesn't have minecraft forums account. I typed this for him but he told me what to type.
In-game name: mcburgertron5000
Age: 15
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: I owned a server of my own and administrated another. So I know of what kinds of problems you can have while in beta, and I will look for those and if I find any exploits I will report them.
How long you have played Minecraft: 2 years
Prison server experience: I have played on mumaus prison and killions detention center.
Will you post on this forum page often? No but my brother tandem does. I don't have a forum account but I might make one.
Your definition of a beta tester: A person that looks for exploits or glitches in the system or in this case the server. Then reports them for a better outcome of the server.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Through my brothers Skype.
Additional Notes: Hi Maxy. Your pug is ing hawt.
I am posting this for my brother because he doesn't have minecraft forums account. I typed this for him but he told me what to type.
In-game name: mcburgertron5000
Age: 15
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: I owned a server of my own and administrated another. So I know of what kinds of problems you can have while in beta, and I will look for those and if I find any exploits I will report them.
How long you have played Minecraft: 2 years
Prison server experience: I have played on mumaus prison and killions detention center.
Will you post on this forum page often? No but my brother tandem does. I don't have a forum account but I might make one.
Your definition of a beta tester: A person that looks for exploits or glitches in the system or in this case the server. Then reports them for a better outcome of the server.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Through my brothers Skype.
Additional Notes: Hi Maxy. Your pug is ing hawt.
In-game name: DaneDawg
Age: 16
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: by playing the crap out of it and straining it to the core to see if it can handle... The Dawg! dundundun!!!!
How long you have played Minecraft: oh boy, since the beginning of time. 3 months after it ever came out! good times...
Prison server experience: MCP, Killon, DDTS, Isolation
Will you post on this forum page often? Yea, sure why not I get email alerts on my phone so I can reply instantly from there.
Your definition of a beta tester: someone who plays before the official release to ensure the game has no bugs, glitches and gives feedback
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Youtube is my main source of contact [DaneDimension]
Additional Notes: something about pugs... Oh also check out this new face -(8^(|)
In-game name: DaneDawg
Age: 16
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: by playing the crap out of it and straining it to the core to see if it can handle... The Dawg! dundundun!!!!
How long you have played Minecraft: oh boy, since the beginning of time. 3 months after it ever came out! good times...
Prison server experience: MCP, Killon, DDTS, Isolation
Will you post on this forum page often? Yea, sure why not I get email alerts on my phone so I can reply instantly from there.
Your definition of a beta tester: someone who plays before the official release to ensure the game has no bugs, glitches and gives feedback
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Youtube is my main source of contact [DaneDimension]
Additional Notes: something about pugs... Oh also check out this new face -(8^(|)
Accepted, thanks for applying
Thanks for posting this
I've just completed making the new Obscene spawn, it has information on all of the contraband, as well as warps and explanations of special places in the Obscene block.
Also, LeapWinCeCat has been tempbanned for 2 days for abusing a Tomahawk glitch.
Nice try, Leap.
Well said tandem.
ring a ding ding baby.
Age: 13 (I'm as old as Andrew and Maximussprime!)
Time zone: Central Standard Timezone (an hour away from Andrew! AND MAXIMUSSPRIME)
How you will help us in beta: I probably won't. Aside from having you guys have a good time and talk with you on skype while walking around on your server. (I also know Andrew and Maximussprime)
How long you have played Minecraft: Since alpha. But I got my own account (played on my brothers before) in the start of Beta.
Prison server experience: None! This will be my first. (that should make Andrew and you happy because things.)
Will you post on this forum page often? Probably not. Unless I'm talking giberish that doesn't matter. (andrew hates me)
Your definition of a beta tester: A person who goes on a server and plays on it while it's in beta. You get forced to do random junk by mean people like Andrew/Admins.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Skype. You haz it cause I'm talking to Andrew and Maximussprime right now...
Additional Notes: I wanna be a Beta Tester and stuff because it's like Maximussprime's server
Accepted, I know I hate you stone.
ring a ding ding baby.
This is pretty insulting to not only me but the players of Hellbreak. Maybe our little games over Skype didn't amuse you but that shouldn't have provoked you to post such an insulting message on our public forum page. You say that we require maturity, but to be honest, posting a comment like this is extremely childish. Anyways, good luck with your server too, though it seems as if it's dieing. From what I've seen, my whitelisted, non-public server seems to have more players than yours does majority of the day... which is kind of funny if you think about it.
I shouldn't be sad to see you go anyways, you didn't do much as a moderator except try to get me to make Dane and you co-owners and give you console access, pretty glad I didn't since I now see how easy you can lose your temper, especially over very small things.
I'll be seeing you around maybe, hopefully you can get over this childish fit of yours.
Age: 14
Time zone: est
How much time you can dedicate per-day: 3-4 hours probably
How long you have played Minecraft: since alpha
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: maybe a week and a half
Explanation why you will be a good guard: because i follow the rules and hate abuse and im great at pvp
Explanation of what this position is: protecting new and old players from other players and keeping the server safe from abusers
What ethics are required for this position: belief in how pvp abuse and glitchers
Additional Notes: pugs
MAX simply called you immature because that's what was easily observed. No need to take things from skype and bring them here, because that is immature. Also you were the one that had asked for a Saint position and access to the console, and now you're calling it stupid? That's a bit contradicting isn't it? So are you calling yourself stupid, is that what i'm getting from this? And for you innocent opinion, it was actually pretty insulting, I find a lot of our staff are much more mature than yours considering you've been demoting a lot of yours lately for abuse, and such. Even when I was on your server, you would constantly "troll" your players, and that goes along with all of your staff. You could have simply said that you're resigning from staff, rather than calling us immature, because of whatever happened between you and MAX.
Yeah, Bailey was pretty inactive, should've demoted him a while back. If I would've done that I doubt this argument that spawned wouldn't have existed.
I'll be sure to cut down my cash, sorry xD It just made things a little more convenient for me.
The manual reset buttons should reset the timer on the mines, not sure why it isn't...
Shoot sorry, forgot about that, got a little sidetracked, I'll do it now.
Thank you, and well said Skrel.
this is proof that he is hacking it is impossible to do this that fast. I had killed him for attacking me an hour earlier so he wasnt working that long and no way he took his nether quartz inside the mine
Sorry, but that is terrible proof, you can't say someone is hacking because he mined out a lot of NetherQuartz, please provide more proof.
I'll look in to it.
Also, if you play on the server and have fun, tell your friends about the server! The more the merrier!
In-game name: mcburgertron5000
Age: 15
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: I owned a server of my own and administrated another. So I know of what kinds of problems you can have while in beta, and I will look for those and if I find any exploits I will report them.
How long you have played Minecraft: 2 years
Prison server experience: I have played on mumaus prison and killions detention center.
Will you post on this forum page often? No but my brother tandem does. I don't have a forum account but I might make one.
Your definition of a beta tester: A person that looks for exploits or glitches in the system or in this case the server. Then reports them for a better outcome of the server.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Through my brothers Skype.
Additional Notes: Hi Maxy. Your pug is ing hawt.
Guards now have effects!
Imp - None
Demon - Strength I
DeathKnight - Strength II
Overseer - Strength II, Speed II
I will finish up donator kits tomorrow.
Age: 16
Time zone: PST
How you will help us in beta: by playing the crap out of it and straining it to the core to see if it can handle... The Dawg! dundundun!!!!
How long you have played Minecraft: oh boy, since the beginning of time. 3 months after it ever came out!
Prison server experience: MCP, Killon, DDTS, Isolation
Will you post on this forum page often? Yea, sure why not I get email alerts on my phone so I can reply instantly from there.
Your definition of a beta tester: someone who plays before the official release to ensure the game has no bugs, glitches and gives feedback
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Youtube is my main source of contact [DaneDimension]
Additional Notes: something about pugs... Oh also check out this new face -(8^(|)
Added, and I like the Homer Simpson emote.