Hellbreak Prison is a prison where the worst of sinners are sent to be locked up, and the only way out is to work hard doing various jobs.
Prisoners may begin by working in the mines to sell their findings or cutting down the large mushroom trees for deeds. The deeds earned may be used to buy more tools, weapons (if you know where to look) or a step closer to freedom, their next rank. Players progress through ranks and may eventually end up in the Omega ranking range where they are sent to the over world to work, and can even work their way up to the paradise lands where they have full freedom. ____________________________________________ Table of Contents Getting Started | Ranks | Rules | Guards | Vote | Applications | Donating | Banners ____________________________________________ Getting Started
When you first join, you start out as an Obscene prisoner (C ranked prisoner, find out more under Ranks section). As an Obscene prisoner, you are the worst of the worst with very little good deeds ever done in your lifetime. To begin earning deeds, go through the Obscene Block portal which will take you to... well the Obscene block. From there on your right you will see the mine, within the mine is Netherrack, a very small amount of wood, and Nether Quartz Ore. You can sell these in the shop located across the hall from the portal. On the right side of the hall is the mushroom farm. Within the farm are mushrooms, and if you use bonemeal on the mushrooms, giant mushrooms! You can either harvest the small mushrooms or work on harvesting the giant mushrooms. The giant mushrooms drop mushrooms that you can also sell in the shop (be sure to replant the mushrooms or no giant mushrooms will grow!). You may also engage in PvP (player versus player) and maybe earn their hard-earned materials! Be sure to read the prisoner rules and the server-wide rules!
• Access to mine featuring Netherrack, Logs and Nether Quartz Ore
• Small, confined block
• Access to Giant Mushroom farm • A cafeteria!
• Various commands Block Screenshot:
[7500] Vile Prisoner (B rank)
• Access to mine with Netherrack, Nether Quartz ore, Logs, Coal ore and stone
• Slightly larger block
• Parkour (with rewards!)
• Access to Nether Wart farm
Block Screenshot:
[15,500] Immoral Prisoner (A rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages, diamond ore (very rare) and iron ore.
• New, fancy block.
• Access to rent small workshops.
• Cactus farm (cactus can be cooked and turned in to marijuana).
Block Screenshot:
[35,000] Impure Prisoner (Elite rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and an additional ore (emerald ore). • New, fancier block. • Access to rent plot-sized workshops. • Access to pig butchery. Block Screenshot:
[60,000] Guilty Prisoner (Omega I rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and many additional ores. • Access to wheat farm.
[150,000] Rueful Prisoner (Omega II rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and many additional ores. • Access to sugar cane farm.
[500,000] Rising prisoner (Elite Omega rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and many additional ores. • Access to birch tree farm.
Omega hub screenshot:
[1,000,000] Resurrected (Freewill rank)
• Still being finished, not completed in beta.
[2,000,000] Heavenly (Freewill+ rank)
• Still being finished, not completed in beta. ____________________________________________ Rules
Bannable rules: • Do not abuse glitches, worm through loopholes or abuse bugs.
• Advertising other servers/communities is strictly not allowed.
• No excessive disrespect.
• Use common sense, no smart alecks or stupid questions.
• Cheats of any type are strictly not allowed.
• Staff have final say in everything.
• Do not spam.
• Respect all players (especially staff).
• No Hacks/hacked clients.
• No smuggling goods from the “free” world back into prison.
Prison-wide rules: • Do no enter restricted areas in which your rank doesn't have access to! Doing so and getting caught on your first offence will result in a jail by a guard. First offence jail time is 10 minutes!
• No contraband! This includes bows, swords of all kinds, drugs (excluding brown mushrooms), potions, and all types of armor. If a guard catches you with any of the items listed above they will count to “5” to drop them. Not dropping the contraband item asked for by a guard will result in a 5 minute jail. If the player with the contraband is in a PvP area and the guard finishes his countdown he must battle the other player.. If you continue to break this rule over and over a guard may jail you for as long as they like (as long as it's a reasonable time). If a player leaves the server while a guard is counting down for the item it may result in a punishment such as a day-long ban! If a guard catches a player with contraband and the player stores it in a bank or a cell, the guard may jail the player for not giving them the contraband.
• PVP in the prison is allowed and we encourage it, just don't get caught! If you are caught engaging in PVP by a guard, he/she can (and will) kill both players on sight!
• Camping is strictly not allowed. We're fine with PvP, but killing players within any main areas is frowned upon, and if you are seen camping a guard may jail you for 10 minutes!
• No using drugs! If you are caught doing drugs ("Magic" mushrooms, Heroin, Marijuana, Cocaine) you may be jailed for up to 2 minutes! If you are caught holding any drug (excluding mushrooms) you may be killed on sight or jailed for up to 2 minutes! Don't do drugs, kids!
• No PvP abuse! This means that if you engage in combat with another player, you must finish the fight! This also means you cannot hop in and out of PvP-safe zones during combat! Guards will give prisoners a 5 second countdown to exit the safezone or the PvP abuser will face their punishment! If you are caught doing this, you may be jailed for 10-15 minutes! If you insist on doing it several times after you have been jailed for it you can be TEMPBANNED!
____________________________________________ Prison Guards Prison guards are the most feared and respected creatures in Hellbreak prison. They are hired to keep all of the prisoners in-line, and if the prisoners aren't in-line they will be punished!
Prison guards are entrusted to enforce the rules of the prison and protecting prisoners from harm that isn't caused by themselves or each other.
Guards have access to the entire prison. They have kits (strength varying on rank) consisting of armor, weapons, and other various items. They also earn money for every 10 minutes they spend working.
If a guard is demoted, their inventories and chests will be checked to see if the ex-guard horded any guard kits. All items, excluding a few small items will be stripped from the player. The guard may also keep their money.
Guards also have Insta-eat. This means that they don't lose hunger, but their health doesn't regenerate unless they right click with pork in their hands.
Imp: Imps are the new kids on the block to the guards that have few additional powers beyond actual prisoners. They earn 100 dollars every ten minutes they work, and are responsible for teaching and helping the newer players. Death Knights and Overseers may promote (or demote) Imps according to their performance after several days. Imps do not have the power to jail prisoners, but they do have access to kits. These guards may only access the Obscene and Vile blocks of the prison.
Demon: Demons are one step above imps, and have all of the commands needed for keeping Hellbreak Prison in order. These guards earn 300 dollars every ten minutes pf working, and are responsible for helping the Imps out and enforcing the rules of the prison. These demons have the power to banish players to jails for certain amounts of time (depending on the crime). They may be demoted or even fired for not doing their job correctly by the Death Knights and Overseers.
Death Knight: Death Knights are the elites of the prison guard hierarchy. These guys are the right hand men of the Overseers and don't back down in a fight. They earn 1,000 dollars every ten minutes on duty. They must administrate guards lower ranking than them and attend guard duties. Death Knights may hire and fire guards lower ranking than them.
Overseer: These guys are the real deal, they're the head of all of the guards. They have the toughest kits around and aren't afraid to use them. They earn 2,500 for every ten minutes they spend working. Their job is to rule over all of the other guards including Death Knights and attend regular guard duties. Overseers may hire and fire Imps and Demons and can vote amongst each other to fire Death Knights. Pro tip: Stay out of their way.
Guard Rules:
Becoming a guard is a privilege granted by the Death Knights and Overseers. It may be taken away for any valid reason at any time. To make sure you keep your position as a guard, you MUST follow the rules below.
• No Random Deathmatch (RDM, meaning You may not kill others without reason). Your job is to protect prisoners, not kill them. If you RDM for your own gain, you may be demoted to a common prisoner, or worse! • Jail a player by using the command /jail (PlayerName) (Time) to jail players. Only jail players for breaking prison rules. Imps cannot jail. • If a guard catches a player on drugs, they may jail them for up to 2 minutes (you do not need to count down, just tell the player why they're being jailed!), the drug abuser may not be killed unless they physically attack the guard! • Guards may call K.O.S's (short for Kill On Sight); this means if a guard catches a rulebreaker, they can contact the other guards stating a K.O.S on the player for support from all other guards. (Must supply a reason if calling a K.O.S). • If a guard catches a player with contraband and the player stores it in a bank or a cell, the guard may jail the player for not giving them the contraband. • Guards may use their own best judgment in cases where rules are not defined, but they must keep in mind that their job is to enforce rules and protect prisoners, not kill them. Make sure to be a good role-model for the other guards and for the prisoners. • Fit the word “Orange” somewhere in your guard application to prove you have read these rules. Make sure it fits in and isn't obvious. • Guards may NOT hand out ANYTHING but cooked porkchops from their kits to other players (including guards of lower ranks!) • Guards may only hold a maximum of the amount of cooked porkchops that are found in their kits, they may not hold any more than that! (For example, Imps may only hold 15 pork at a time, Demons may only hold 20 pork at a time, etc.) • If a prisoner is caught holding contraband, you need to ask them to turn over their contraband and counting to “5” for them in chat (no speed typing, make it fair). ____________________________________________
Voting To vote for the server as a top server on either Planet Minecraft or Minestatus, visit the links below. By voting, you earn $250 in-game and have a shot at winning the Jackpot and the Mega Jackpot!
NOTICE TO ANYONE WHO HAS APPLIED/WANTS TO APPLY FOR MODERATOR: You will not be accepted the day you apply. There is a set day where me and Max will look at all the applications that were posted, consider every single one, and then accept the one who's app was the best. We do this to ensure that people take applications seriously, so hopefully we will not have as many half-ass applications. You may apply again if you are not accepted, hopefully with a better application, after the acceptance day. This months date will be July 15th. So keep the Moderator applications running, and hope for the best.
Moderator Application:
In-game name:
Your name:
Time zone:
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Impure or Death Knight):
In your words, what this position means, what work ethics does this position require?
When did your Minecraft journey begin? What update did you start in?
Staff experience:
Do you vote for the server daily?
Users you have referred, or have introduced to Hellbreak:
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):
Additional Notes:
Guard Application:
In-game name:
Time zone:
How much time you can dedicate per-day:
How long you have played Minecraft:
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison:
Rank on Hellbreak Prison (Must be at least Vile):
Explanation why you will be a good guard:
Explanation of what this position is:
What ethics are required for this position:
Additional Notes:
____________________________________________ Donating:
To begin donating, please click on the button below. Upon donation, you must agree to the terms below.
Donation terms-conditions The beneficence of money is only provided by an adult over 18 years of age or is paid with the consent of a legal guardian.
You agree that the Paypal account you use is yours and you are solely responsible to anything that may or may not occur to it.
There is a no-refund policy, unless you do not receive your package/other benefits, then a full refund will be given.
You may not mis-use your perk(s). The Owners/Admin’s of the server have the right to remove your perk at any time if you are suspected of mis-using it.
If the server suddenly stops and it has been officially announced on this forum page that it has closed down, you will still not get a refund.
If the money was sent by accident, you will still not get a refund.
If you fail to read this and you still donate you will not get a refund for ANY reason.
If you are banned you still do not get a refund as you accepted the rules by donating.
Any money donation must be paid through http://www.paypal.com (click the donate button above) and may not go over the limit of $1000. Any donor that sends in an amount of money that surpasses this limit will get their donation returned.
Donators will be given their in-game package or other benefits (packages/other benefits listed above) after the owner, MAXIMUSSPRIME and/or CapnSquidlet has seen the donation.
The package’s permissions are not set to boundaries and can be changed by the server staff at any time.
There is no extra service provided to the donator apart from his in-game package or other benefits the donor donated for.
Upon donating, donors must wait a maximum of 48 hours, in which the package or other benefits will be gifted to the donator. If the donor does not receive their other benefits/package within the 48 hour time limit, the donor may request a refund of their donation.
In-game rules still apply to donors, no matter how much money is donated. If these rules are broken, the same punishments as non-donating players will be given to the donors.
Benefactors will not get an extra chance at getting staff because of their kind, and thoughtful donation of his or her money.
This server (Hellbreak Prison) may go down at times so some features players have donated for may not be available at all times.
Donors must remember that Minecraft and Minecraft’s Multiplayer are in constant development so it is constantly being updated, thus the server may be down at times. We do not guarantee 100% uptime.
*Updated as of 4/25/13 ____________________________________________ Banners:
Wear a banner from below on your signature to show support for Hellbreak and attract new players!
So I'm really considering stopping the server, I'm downloading the files now and will be putting them up for download at the bottom of the page here and on the PMC page.
So yeah, the files may go down eventually, so I'd suggest just downloading them even if you don't feel you can (or want to) run a server right now.
Thanks for the good memories!
Since the server is going down, I also would like to give the Hellbreak files to whoever wants them. You can download them by clicking here.
In-game name:Bluerov3125 Age:14 Time zone: EST How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game. How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta) Prison server experience: I've been guard on 2 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 1 time on another one Will you post on this forum page often? Yup Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm on steam for info. I have all Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs
In-game name:Bluerov3125 Age:14 Time zone: EST How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game. How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta) Prison server experience: I've been guard on 2 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 1 time on another one Will you post on this forum page often? Yup Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm on steam for info. I have all Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs
Accepted, I like your taste in dogs by the way Expect to see the ip for the server here tomorrow
In-game name:Noahskey Age:15 Time zone:Est How you will help us in beta:By playing derp. How long you have played Minecraft:Since alpha Prison server experience:Lolwat.? Will you post on this forum page often?On the nF fourms yup. Your definition of a beta tester:Someone who play test the game to find bugs or glitches before release to the public. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Steam or skype bb Additional Notes:Pugles.
In-game name:Noahskey Age:15 Time zone:Est How you will help us in beta:By playing derp. How long you have played Minecraft:Since alpha Prison server experience:Lolwat.? Will you post on this forum page often?On the nF fourms yup. Your definition of a beta tester:Someone who play test the game to find bugs or glitches before release to the public. Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Steam or skype bb Additional Notes:Pugles.
Come on you can do better than that
I'ma need to know what alpha update you played on, if you've ever played on a prison server and what you did on there, come on man
In-game name:iBluDrop
Age:16.73351637625152836262x3.14(2nd power)
Time zone: GMT
How you will help us in beta: giving morale support
How long you have played Minecraft: 1000000 YEARS, jk 3
Prison server experience: We made our own. and i played on Cool Jonnys' for a bit.
Will you post on this forum page often? As much as needed!
Your definition of a beta tester: Helping with plugins, helping build and help monitor and spread the word of the server!
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): you have all of these thingssss
Additional Notes: i love max for eva. (pugs are awesome dawgs) LOL
In-game name:iBluDrop
Age:16.73351637625152836262x3.14(2nd power)
Time zone: GMT
How you will help us in beta: FOREVEA
How long you have played Minecraft: 1000000 YEARS, jk 3
Prison server experience: We made our own. and i played on Cool Jonnys' for a bit.
Will you post on this forum page often? As much as needed!
Your definition of a beta tester: Helping with plugins, helping build and help monitor and spread the word of the server!
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): you have all of these thingssss
Additional Notes: i love max for eva. (pugs are awesome dawgs) LOL
In-game name: kh530
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: Play the server and see how it is. I enjoy smaller prison servers (like ones when they;re first starting out)
How long you have played Minecraft: About a year
Prison server experience: Mod/ Guard on one. Played various others
Will you post on this forum page often? Sure =D
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for bugs and flaws in a game while playing the game
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have Skype and an Email
Additional Notes: Pugs are cute but cats are better =D
In-game name: X_angelz_X Age: 19 Time zone: Eastern How you will help us in beta: I'll go around looking for bugs and or areas of fault How long you have played Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft since 2009, yes before Indev, when the game was just a creative mode only game Prison server experience: I am the Head Administrator on the second longest running prison server it has 60 players at top times of the day. Will you post on this forum page often? No, since it's discouraged and against the rules of mcforums to post for bumps and or non-server related discussion. Your definition of a beta tester: Testing all the aspects of PVP and plugin usage Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected] Additional Notes: I am unsure.
In-game name: kh530
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: Play the server and see how it is. I enjoy smaller prison servers (like ones when they;re first starting out)
How long you have played Minecraft: About a year
Prison server experience: Mod/ Guard on one. Played various others
Will you post on this forum page often? Sure =D
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for bugs and flaws in a game while playing the game
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have Skype and an Email
Additional Notes: Pugs are cute but cats are better =D
Accepted, I like cats, but I must stay true to my pug (I can't cheat on him for nothing!) Expect to see the IP here later today
In-game name: X_angelz_X Age: 19 Time zone: Eastern How you will help us in beta: I'll go around looking for bugs and or areas of fault How long you have played Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft since 2009, yes before Indev, when the game was just a creative mode only game Prison server experience: I am the Head Administrator on the second longest running prison server it has 60 players at top times of the day. Will you post on this forum page often? No, since it's discouraged and against the rules of mcforums to post for bumps and or non-server related discussion. Your definition of a beta tester: Testing all the aspects of PVP and plugin usage Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected] Additional Notes: I am unsure.
Accepted Welcome to the team. As for posting on the forum page, you don't have to bump or post non-server related posts, you could merely post an update of what you've been doing on the server or something like that Either way it's up to you.
In-game name: dummychicken
Age: **
Time zone: est
How you will help us in beta: oh course
How long you have played Minecraft: since 1.2.5. I have played hours ever day.
Prison server experience: Lots. Citizen on killion and head-guard on clockwork
Will you post on this forum page often? I will post relevant stuff when I fell needed to.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for flaws/bugs/errors in the sever and helps fix them.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have skype (I don't really like using it) Steam and an email.
Additional Notes: I enjoy having fun with people on severs and would gladly help in anyway I can.
In-game name: dummychicken
Age: **
Time zone: est
How you will help us in beta: oh course
How long you have played Minecraft: since 1.2.5. I have played hours ever day.
Prison server experience: Lots. Citizen on killion and head-guard on clockwork
Will you post on this forum page often? I will post relevant stuff when I fell needed to.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for flaws/bugs/errors in the sever and helps fix them.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have skype (I don't really like using it) Steam and an email.
Additional Notes: I enjoy having fun with people on severs and would gladly help in anyway I can.
Note: Pugs are smexy
Could you please include your age, your app will not be denied, because of your age, but leaving out your age is not acceptable, unless the question has an (Optional) at the end of it, it is required, please try again and include your age, thank you. ^^
Message for all players/Beta Testers
It will be a lot easier to apply for beta, than it will be to apply for staff, when I am looking at staff applications I am going to look for more detail, better grammar, and someone that seems trustworthy, in game, and out of game, when I am looking at staff applications it will not only be based off the app, but also what I've observed in game. While if you're applying for beta I don't care if your grammar is good, or if you have experience in certain things.
In-game name:nicolasbeat12
Time zone:GMT -6:00
How you will help us in beta:Build/setup.
How long you have played Minecraft:A year and 2 months.
Prison server experience:Very good.
Will you post on this forum page often?: Yes.
Your definition of a beta tester:Testing the beta stages.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Email: [email protected] Skype:nicolas.beatty1(I don't have anything to hear with atm.)No steam.
Additional Notes:Did you know Dogs(Pugs , Great Danes,etc.) are a delicacy in china?
Prisoners may begin by working in the mines to sell their findings or cutting down the large mushroom trees for deeds. The deeds earned may be used to buy more tools, weapons (if you know where to look) or a step closer to freedom, their next rank. Players progress through ranks and may eventually end up in the Omega ranking range where they are sent to the over world to work, and can even work their way up to the paradise lands where they have full freedom.
Table of Contents
Getting Started | Ranks | Rules | Guards | Vote | Applications | Donating | Banners
Getting Started
When you first join, you start out as an Obscene prisoner (C ranked prisoner, find out more under Ranks section). As an Obscene prisoner, you are the worst of the worst with very little good deeds ever done in your lifetime. To begin earning deeds, go through the Obscene Block portal which will take you to... well the Obscene block. From there on your right you will see the mine, within the mine is Netherrack, a very small amount of wood, and Nether Quartz Ore. You can sell these in the shop located across the hall from the portal. On the right side of the hall is the mushroom farm. Within the farm are mushrooms, and if you use bonemeal on the mushrooms, giant mushrooms! You can either harvest the small mushrooms or work on harvesting the giant mushrooms. The giant mushrooms drop mushrooms that you can also sell in the shop (be sure to replant the mushrooms or no giant mushrooms will grow!). You may also engage in PvP (player versus player) and maybe earn their hard-earned materials! Be sure to read the prisoner rules and the server-wide rules!
[Starter] Obscene Prisoner (C rank)
• Access to mine featuring Netherrack, Logs and Nether Quartz Ore
• Small, confined block
• Access to Giant Mushroom farm
• A cafeteria!
• Various commands
Block Screenshot:
[7500] Vile Prisoner (B rank)
• Access to mine with Netherrack, Nether Quartz ore, Logs, Coal ore and stone
• Slightly larger block
• Parkour (with rewards!)
• Access to Nether Wart farm
Block Screenshot:
[15,500] Immoral Prisoner (A rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages, diamond ore (very rare) and iron ore.
• New, fancy block.
• Access to rent small workshops.
• Cactus farm (cactus can be cooked and turned in to marijuana).
Block Screenshot:
[35,000] Impure Prisoner (Elite rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and an additional ore (emerald ore).
• New, fancier block.
• Access to rent plot-sized workshops.
• Access to pig butchery.
Block Screenshot:
[60,000] Guilty Prisoner (Omega I rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and many additional ores.
• Access to wheat farm.
[150,000] Rueful Prisoner (Omega II rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and many additional ores.
• Access to sugar cane farm.
[500,000] Rising prisoner (Elite Omega rank)
• Access to mine with all previous mine materials with higher percentages and many additional ores.
• Access to birch tree farm.
Omega hub screenshot:
[1,000,000] Resurrected (Freewill rank)
• Still being finished, not completed in beta.
[2,000,000] Heavenly (Freewill+ rank)
• Still being finished, not completed in beta.
Bannable rules:
• Do not abuse glitches, worm through loopholes or abuse bugs.
• Advertising other servers/communities is strictly not allowed.
• No excessive disrespect.
• Use common sense, no smart alecks or stupid questions.
• Cheats of any type are strictly not allowed.
• Staff have final say in everything.
• Do not spam.
• Respect all players (especially staff).
• No Hacks/hacked clients.
• No smuggling goods from the “free” world back into prison.
Prison-wide rules:
• Do no enter restricted areas in which your rank doesn't have access to! Doing so and getting caught on your first offence will result in a jail by a guard. First offence jail time is 10 minutes!
• No contraband! This includes bows, swords of all kinds, drugs (excluding brown mushrooms), potions, and all types of armor. If a guard catches you with any of the items listed above they will count to “5” to drop them. Not dropping the contraband item asked for by a guard will result in a 5 minute jail. If the player with the contraband is in a PvP area and the guard finishes his countdown he must battle the other player.. If you continue to break this rule over and over a guard may jail you for as long as they like (as long as it's a reasonable time). If a player leaves the server while a guard is counting down for the item it may result in a punishment such as a day-long ban! If a guard catches a player with contraband and the player stores it in a bank or a cell, the guard may jail the player for not giving them the contraband.
• PVP in the prison is allowed and we encourage it, just don't get caught! If you are caught engaging in PVP by a guard, he/she can (and will) kill both players on sight!
• Camping is strictly not allowed. We're fine with PvP, but killing players within any main areas is frowned upon, and if you are seen camping a guard may jail you for 10 minutes!
• No using drugs! If you are caught doing drugs ("Magic" mushrooms, Heroin, Marijuana, Cocaine) you may be jailed for up to 2 minutes! If you are caught holding any drug (excluding mushrooms) you may be killed on sight or jailed for up to 2 minutes! Don't do drugs, kids!
• No PvP abuse! This means that if you engage in combat with another player, you must finish the fight! This also means you cannot hop in and out of PvP-safe zones during combat! Guards will give prisoners a 5 second countdown to exit the safezone or the PvP abuser will face their punishment! If you are caught doing this, you may be jailed for 10-15 minutes! If you insist on doing it several times after you have been jailed for it you can be TEMPBANNED!
Prison Guards
Prison guards are the most feared and respected creatures in Hellbreak prison. They are hired to keep all of the prisoners in-line, and if the prisoners aren't in-line they will be punished!
Prison guards are entrusted to enforce the rules of the prison and protecting prisoners from harm that isn't caused by themselves or each other.
Guards have access to the entire prison. They have kits (strength varying on rank) consisting of armor, weapons, and other various items. They also earn money for every 10 minutes they spend working.
If a guard is demoted, their inventories and chests will be checked to see if the ex-guard horded any guard kits. All items, excluding a few small items will be stripped from the player. The guard may also keep their money.
Imp: Imps are the new kids on the block to the guards that have few additional powers beyond actual prisoners. They earn 100 dollars every ten minutes they work, and are responsible for teaching and helping the newer players. Death Knights and Overseers may promote (or demote) Imps according to their performance after several days. Imps do not have the power to jail prisoners, but they do have access to kits. These guards may only access the Obscene and Vile blocks of the prison.
Demon: Demons are one step above imps, and have all of the commands needed for keeping Hellbreak Prison in order. These guards earn 300 dollars every ten minutes pf working, and are responsible for helping the Imps out and enforcing the rules of the prison. These demons have the power to banish players to jails for certain amounts of time (depending on the crime). They may be demoted or even fired for not doing their job correctly by the Death Knights and Overseers.
Death Knight: Death Knights are the elites of the prison guard hierarchy. These guys are the right hand men of the Overseers and don't back down in a fight. They earn 1,000 dollars every ten minutes on duty. They must administrate guards lower ranking than them and attend guard duties. Death Knights may hire and fire guards lower ranking than them.
Overseer: These guys are the real deal, they're the head of all of the guards. They have the toughest kits around and aren't afraid to use them. They earn 2,500 for every ten minutes they spend working. Their job is to rule over all of the other guards including Death Knights and attend regular guard duties. Overseers may hire and fire Imps and Demons and can vote amongst each other to fire Death Knights. Pro tip: Stay out of their way.
Guard Rules:
Becoming a guard is a privilege granted by the Death Knights and Overseers. It may be taken away for any valid reason at any time. To make sure you keep your position as a guard, you MUST follow the rules below.
• Jail a player by using the command /jail (PlayerName) (Time) to jail players. Only jail players for breaking prison rules. Imps cannot jail.
• If a guard catches a player on drugs, they may jail them for up to 2 minutes (you do not need to count down, just tell the player why they're being jailed!), the drug abuser may not be killed unless they physically attack the guard!
• Guards may call K.O.S's (short for Kill On Sight); this means if a guard catches a rulebreaker, they can contact the other guards stating a K.O.S on the player for support from all other guards. (Must supply a reason if calling a K.O.S).
• If a guard catches a player with contraband and the player stores it in a bank or a cell, the guard may jail the player for not giving them the contraband.
• Guards may use their own best judgment in cases where rules are not defined, but they must keep in mind that their job is to enforce rules and protect prisoners, not kill them. Make sure to be a good role-model for the other guards and for the prisoners.
• Fit the word “Orange” somewhere in your guard application to prove you have read these rules. Make sure it fits in and isn't obvious.
• Guards may NOT hand out ANYTHING but cooked porkchops from their kits to other players (including guards of lower ranks!)
• Guards may only hold a maximum of the amount of cooked porkchops that are found in their kits, they may not hold any more than that! (For example, Imps may only hold 15 pork at a time, Demons may only hold 20 pork at a time, etc.)
• If a prisoner is caught holding contraband, you need to ask them to turn over their contraband and counting to “5” for them in chat (no speed typing, make it fair).
To vote for the server as a top server on either Planet Minecraft or Minestatus, visit the links below. By voting, you earn $250 in-game and have a shot at winning the Jackpot and the Mega Jackpot!
Vote on Planetminecraft
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Moderator Application:
Guard Application:
To begin donating, please click on the button below. Upon donation, you must agree to the terms below.
Alternatively, you may click here.
Netherrack Package - $5 (€4)
• 5 Perk Points
• 2,500 in-game currency
• Reserved slot
• Donor Market access
Quartz Package - $10 (€8)
• 10 Perk Points
• $5,000 in-game
• Reserved slot
• Donor market access
Coal Package - $20 (€15)
• 20 Perk Points
• $10,000 in-game
• Donor mine access
• Donor market access
• Reserved slot
Iron Package - $30 (€23)
• 30 Perk Points
• $15,000 in-game
• Donor mine access
• Donor Casino access
• Donor market access
• Reserved slot
Diamond package - $50 (€40)
• 50 Perk Points
• $25,000 in-game
• Access to all donor areas
• Reserved slot
Bedrock package - $100 (€77)
• 1,000 Perk Points
• $500,000 in-game
• Access to all donor areas
• Reserved slot
In-game money:
• 2,500 in-game currency - $0.99 (€1)
• Instant rank-up - $35 (€27)
*Bonus: Comes with 5 PerkPoints!
Awesome suffixes:
-zilla suffix (ex. "Skrelzilla") - $3 (€2.30)
-ypoo suffix (ex. "Skrelypoo") - $3
-inator suffix (ex. "Skrelinator") - $3 (€2.30)
-asaur suffix (ex. "Yurekasaur") -$3 (€2.30)
-eriffic suffix (ex. "Yurekeriffic") - $3 (€2.30)
-meister suffix (ex. "Yurekmeister") -$3 (€2.30)
Account Absolution (Remove account ban) - $15 (€11.60)
Donation terms-conditions
The beneficence of money is only provided by an adult over 18 years of age or is paid with the consent of a legal guardian.
You agree that the Paypal account you use is yours and you are solely responsible to anything that may or may not occur to it.
There is a no-refund policy, unless you do not receive your package/other benefits, then a full refund will be given.
You may not mis-use your perk(s). The Owners/Admin’s of the server have the right to remove your perk at any time if you are suspected of mis-using it.
If the server suddenly stops and it has been officially announced on this forum page that it has closed down, you will still not get a refund.
If the money was sent by accident, you will still not get a refund.
If you fail to read this and you still donate you will not get a refund for ANY reason.
If you are banned you still do not get a refund as you accepted the rules by donating.
Any money donation must be paid through http://www.paypal.com (click the donate button above) and may not go over the limit of $1000. Any donor that sends in an amount of money that surpasses this limit will get their donation returned.
Donators will be given their in-game package or other benefits (packages/other benefits listed above) after the owner, MAXIMUSSPRIME and/or CapnSquidlet has seen the donation.
The package’s permissions are not set to boundaries and can be changed by the server staff at any time.
There is no extra service provided to the donator apart from his in-game package or other benefits the donor donated for.
Upon donating, donors must wait a maximum of 48 hours, in which the package or other benefits will be gifted to the donator. If the donor does not receive their other benefits/package within the 48 hour time limit, the donor may request a refund of their donation.
In-game rules still apply to donors, no matter how much money is donated. If these rules are broken, the same punishments as non-donating players will be given to the donors.
Benefactors will not get an extra chance at getting staff because of their kind, and thoughtful donation of his or her money.
This server (Hellbreak Prison) may go down at times so some features players have donated for may not be available at all times.
Donors must remember that Minecraft and Minecraft’s Multiplayer are in constant development so it is constantly being updated, thus the server may be down at times. We do not guarantee 100% uptime.
*Updated as of 4/25/13
Wear a banner from below on your signature to show support for Hellbreak and attract new players!
ring a ding ding baby.
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: By finding bugs, glitches, and unfair advantages in the game.
How long you have played Minecraft: Since 1.3 (Beta)
Prison server experience: I've been guard on 2 other servers. And gotten to the "free" rank 1 time on another one
Will you post on this forum page often? Yup
Your definition of a beta tester: A person who seeks out bugs, glitches, and seeks ways to improve the game experience.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): Pm on steam for info. I have all
Additional Notes: Pugs are awesome dogs
Accepted, I like your taste in dogs by the way Expect to see the ip for the server here tomorrow
Time zone:Est
How you will help us in beta:By playing derp.
How long you have played Minecraft:Since alpha
Prison server experience:Lolwat.?
Will you post on this forum page often?On the nF fourms yup.
Your definition of a beta tester:Someone who play test the game to find bugs or glitches before release to the public.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Steam or skype bb
Additional Notes:Pugles.
Come on you can do better than that
I'ma need to know what alpha update you played on, if you've ever played on a prison server and what you did on there, come on man
Age:16.73351637625152836262x3.14(2nd power)
Time zone: GMT
How you will help us in beta: giving morale support
How long you have played Minecraft: 1000000 YEARS, jk 3
Prison server experience: We made our own. and i played on Cool Jonnys' for a bit.
Will you post on this forum page often? As much as needed!
Your definition of a beta tester: Helping with plugins, helping build and help monitor and spread the word of the server!
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): you have all of these thingssss
Additional Notes: i love max for eva. (pugs are awesome dawgs) LOL
Try again, read the questions over xD
Time zone: EST
How you will help us in beta: Play the server and see how it is. I enjoy smaller prison servers (like ones when they;re first starting out)
How long you have played Minecraft: About a year
Prison server experience: Mod/ Guard on one. Played various others
Will you post on this forum page often? Sure =D
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for bugs and flaws in a game while playing the game
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have Skype and an Email
Additional Notes: Pugs are cute but cats are better =D
Age: 19
Time zone: Eastern
How you will help us in beta: I'll go around looking for bugs and or areas of fault
How long you have played Minecraft: I've been playing Minecraft since 2009, yes before Indev, when the game was just a creative mode only game
Prison server experience: I am the Head Administrator on the second longest running prison server it has 60 players at top times of the day.
Will you post on this forum page often? No, since it's discouraged and against the rules of mcforums to post for bumps and or non-server related discussion.
Your definition of a beta tester: Testing all the aspects of PVP and plugin usage
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): [email protected]
Additional Notes: I am unsure.
Accepted, I like cats, but I must stay true to my pug (I can't cheat on him for nothing!) Expect to see the IP here later today
Accepted Welcome to the team. As for posting on the forum page, you don't have to bump or post non-server related posts, you could merely post an update of what you've been doing on the server or something like that Either way it's up to you.
Age: **
Time zone: est
How you will help us in beta: oh course
How long you have played Minecraft: since 1.2.5. I have played hours ever day.
Prison server experience: Lots. Citizen on killion and head-guard on clockwork
Will you post on this forum page often? I will post relevant stuff when I fell needed to.
Your definition of a beta tester: Someone who looks for flaws/bugs/errors in the sever and helps fix them.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail): I have skype (I don't really like using it) Steam and an email.
Additional Notes: I enjoy having fun with people on severs and would gladly help in anyway I can.
Note: Pugs are smexy
ring a ding ding baby.
Could you please include your age, your app will not be denied, because of your age, but leaving out your age is not acceptable, unless the question has an (Optional) at the end of it, it is required, please try again and include your age, thank you. ^^
Awesome, thanks for the suggestion. Once I have all of the features for donating available I'll for sure set up buycraft
Why the hell not
Posted the IP! Add it to your favorites, apply and join now
It will be a lot easier to apply for beta, than it will be to apply for staff, when I am looking at staff applications I am going to look for more detail, better grammar, and someone that seems trustworthy, in game, and out of game, when I am looking at staff applications it will not only be based off the app, but also what I've observed in game. While if you're applying for beta I don't care if your grammar is good, or if you have experience in certain things.
Time zone:GMT -6:00
How you will help us in beta:Build/setup.
How long you have played Minecraft:A year and 2 months.
Prison server experience:Very good.
Will you post on this forum page often?: Yes.
Your definition of a beta tester:Testing the beta stages.
Forms of contact (Skype, Steam, E-mail):Email: [email protected] Skype:nicolas.beatty1(I don't have anything to hear with atm.)No steam.
Additional Notes:Did you know Dogs(Pugs , Great Danes,etc.) are a delicacy in china?