For all players looking to help with building (builders get a home varying on activity, and a builders starting pack), please apply at this following location for all up to date information on changes to the server and add on release dates.
RP Expierence:I have run an RP server before and joined two different independant RP servers which include a Star Wars server and a fallout server.
Fallout Expierence:I have played and beaten all games
Define Meta Gaming: Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion. (quoted from my mod app)
Define Power Gaming: Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game. (quoted from my mod app)
IC -
Name: John T. Krample
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Race: Pure Human
Appearence: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 9 inches, not too strong but could hold up in a fight.
Signifying Traits: strategicly experienced but raised away from the violence in the world. Good with a gun but could easily hit self with a melee weapon
Signifying Skills: Genious, four eyes, pack mule (likes to carry more items than needed)
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 5 Perception- 4 Endurance- 6 Charisma- 9 Intelligence- 10 Agility-2 Luck-4
RP example: Flying through the air in his personal vertibird Bessy, John wondered what the wastes would be like with the Enclave. How mutants would run rampant and overrule the world, about how the Brotherhood would give weapons to those mutants. He knew that he was making a difference in the wasteland but yet somehow he could do more. With the air all around him he decided to volenteer to join the new base at Long Island. This erased all of his dreams of opening up a bar as a business owner. At this very moment however, he felt complete, somehow whole..
At that very moment though a missile flew out of what appeared to be an abandon bunker. John reacted quickly and immediatly radioed that he was being chased by an Unidentified Object and he commensed evasive manuevers. Barely dodging the missile, he watched it turn around in mid-air. Knowing exactly what to do, he turned straight down and fast. Hurtling towards the ground at 80 miles an hour, John slowly started to rise. The missile followed him seemingly wherever he turned. As he was nearing the ground he made an abrupt pull to dodge the ground, causing him to barely miss the wasted earth. The missile was not so lucky, it ran straight into the ground causing a massive ball of fire and intense heat. Feeling as if he was nearly cheated out of his life, John descided it was time he started looking at better things than vertibird pilot...
Biography: He grew up fathered under two soldiers of the Enclave, he was tought that everyone not in the Enclave was a mutant and must be treated as an animal. He was not always top of the class growing up as he knew what that meant, being put into the science department. He knew that if we scored just below the standard he would be put into service as a pilot or officer. All he thought about as a kid was school and never family. He never grew attached to his father or mother and never married. By the age of 18 he was given the job as a pilot. He was transfered to the D.C. area where vertibird pilots were rare and quite usefull. He was never off duty and started to suffer from sleep disorder, but still he flew. When the Enclave came to fleeing the D.C. area, he lead the retreat and piloted a bird with a squad heading towards the Long Island area. He planned to return and make a life in D.C. when it was cleansed by the recovering Enclave but until then his main priority was to converse with the Enclave about his future. Whether or not he stayed in the faction, he would still hope to find leadership and seek peace.
Current report at Long Island, 2290: We have recently discovered the Brotherhood in the local area and are requesting immediate backup! They seem to have discovered the locals and are trying to start a revolt against the Enclave. This must be used to our advantage! If we can make an example of the Brotherhood, the locals will leave us at peace. Not to say that we will leave them at peace but still, angering the locals even more is the worst decision we could make. Recently we have sent some scouts down to their base and discovered that the Brotherhood has been supplying the locals the laser weaponry. Although they are used to bows and spears, they could gain a quick foothold against us with that kind of weaponry and their numbers. I suggest that you send immediate reinforcements as if we win here, then we could possible retake the wastes and exterminate the mutant population once and for all. All none humans must be exterminated. Recently, three scouts were sent on different missions in the immediate area, I am relaying the reports to you now.
Scout Report 1: Recently I was assigned with scouting the Common Wealth in the area. They are arming themselves with androids and plasma weapons. To avoid endangering the base we later sent a squad of soldiers to negotiate a peace treaty or at least a cease fire until the locals are dealt with. Problems persist with the part of the treaty which states that the Common Wealth must shoot all locals on sight and report all sightings of Brotherhood members. They have agreed however to a cease fire and housing of two Enclave soldiers respectively. There are no current reports of Brotherhood members in that territory but I could have sworn that I heard some kind of rifle coming from the prison area. Further scouting is needed though as I am not assigned to that area.
Scout Report 2: I was assigned to the Long Island main area. The local presence is most concentrated around this area making us suspect that it is their home/base of operations. I was flown via vertibird and scouted the immediate area to find nothing. This was quite interesting as normally there are still simple supplies such as run down cars in the streets or old computer monitors on the desks. There was no sign of any of these items or them ever even being present. After venturing farther into the city I ran into a local patrol team. It appeared to be Brotherhood members of some kind but I didn’t recognize the symbols on their chests and arm guards. I couldn’t get a better look so I ventured to where it appeared they had come from only to find a massive pile of cars blocking the entrance and a minefield in the buildings leading in. I was forced to make a retreat and gathered no more knew information. It is my suggestion however that we send in a squad of soldiers and capture one the mysterious patrols for questioning. While I was there I also realized that there was no feral ghoul population that I could find which poses the question, are the locals heavily armed?
Scout Report 3: I was assigned with the local area relative to the base. There appears to be many scavenger camps set up nearby which would indicate either the presence of a valuable resource that we need to discover or a low populace of mutants. Either way, the camps were heavily armed with military grade weapons. There appears to be a merchant going by the name “Freddy” selling them top notch weapons. My guess is he is a spy within the Enclave. Another strange thing I came across was the number of waste landers traveling through the area recently. They all appear to be heading towards Long Island. This means we will need reinforcements to combat any resistance we might find from these new locals.
Scout, make sure this message is relayed directly to command!
OOC - IGN: Paladinhunt Gender: Male Age: 16 Have you read the rules: yes Have you read the lore: yes RP Expierence: I don't have a lot of rp experience but fallout is my my favorite game series and being able to play it with others that love it as much as I do seems like it would be a very awesome opportunity for me. Fallout Expierence: the only fallout game I have not played and beaten was fallout Brotherhood of steel Define Meta Gaming: A method in which a player does not follow the rules and uses external factors to affect the game Define Power Gaming: Where a player makes a character the is not balanced or unfair with no flaws
IC - Name: D9-10 but goes by Alex Gender: Male Age:2 years and 4 moths Race: Caucasian Android Appearence: Large tough looking Caucasian with a scar down his right eye and a scar from a yao gui down his left cheek Signifying Traits: Wants to help anyone in need humans and runaway Synths, is also very friendly and polite. Signifying Skills: built like a tank can take lots of hit and dish it out just as hard but not the fastest guy around. S.P.E.C.I.A.L.'s: (40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 10 Perception-6 Endurance-10 Charisma-1 Intelligence-7 Agility-4 Luck-2
RP example: Doctor: Is the D9-10 unit ready for combat testing? Assistant: Yes he is armed and ready to begin. And he is going to face some lightly armed wastelanders Doctor: good begin the tests several doors open on one end of the arena and about two dozen people armed with pistols and knives come out charging at D9-10. D9-10: Initiating combat protocols. Orders. Leave no survivors the android's minigun starts spinning up and immediately starts tearing apart the wastelander who are fighting for their lives Wastelander: Oh god we are all going to die! Wastelander: our shots arent even affecting it! back in the observation room Doctor: results are even better than expected he is basically a walking even without any armor and is effectively dispatching all hostiles Assistant: Do you think we have found our new Combat unit? Doctor: Yes i think we have. down in the arena a blood stained android has finished all of his enemies D9-10: All hostiles eliminated awaiting new orders. Assistant: if this one ever got loose it would be extremely dangerous. Doctor: That is a understatement and something we cannot allow to happen.
Biography: Alex was created to be the perfect frontline soldier a soldier that was extremely tough and lots of brute strength that was tested against living subjects. After enough of these tests it started to realize something was wrong IT was doing something wrong but didn't take any action until his first real assignment which was to hunt down a group of escaped androids that had killed the last squad to go after them and he was to go alone. When Alex or D9-10 at the time got there it immediately opened fire on the runaways after he was finished and began walking away one of them that was barely functioning said "Don't we have the right to be free?" and then deactivated D9-10 didnt return to the commonwealth he knew that since they thought he was on a mission he had a head start on the Retention Bureau and he managed to get away and on his journey he found a book and on the front it said "History" and all the pages were unreadable except for one line on one page that Said "Alexander the Great" he took the name but shortened it to Alex because he liked that better and he began traveling trying to do good to make up for the lives he took while he was enslaved.
Denied. I liked the character overall. Although I might suggest toning down either taking lots of damage or dealing lots of it. Also lots of grammatical errors. Please reapply! I hope to read another one.
OOC - IGN: Paladinhunt Gender: Male Age: 16 Have you read the rules: yes Have you read the lore: yes RP Experience: I don't have a lot of rp experience but fallout is my favorite game series and being able to play it with others that love it as much as I do seems like it would be a very awesome opportunity for me. Fallout Experience: the only fallout game I have not played was fallout Brotherhood of steel Define Meta Gaming: A method in which a player does not follow the rules and uses external factors to affect the game Define Power Gaming: Where a player makes a character the is not balanced or unfair with no flaws
IC - Name: D9-10 but goes by Alex Gender: Male Age:2 years and 4 months Race: Caucasian Android Appearance: Large tough looking Caucasian with a scar down his right eye and a scar from a yao guai down his left cheek Signifying Traits: Wants to help anyone in need humans and runaway Synths, is also very friendly and polite. Signifying Skills: Tough and strong are D9-10's main traits but wasn't designed to be much of a talker S.P.E.C.I.A.L.'s: (40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 10 Perception-6 Endurance-10 Charisma-1 Intelligence-7 Agility-4 Luck-2
RP example: Doctor: Is the D9-10 unit ready for combat testing? Assistant: Yes he is armed and ready to begin. And he is going to face some lightly armed wastelanders Doctor: good begin the tests several doors open on one end of the arena and about two dozen people armed with pistols and knives come out charging at D9-10. D9-10: Initiating combat protocols. Orders are to Leave no survivors the android's minigun starts spinning up and immediately starts tearing apart the wastelander who are fighting for their lives Wastelander: Oh god we are all going to die! Wastelander: our shots are hardly even affecting him! back in the observation room Doctor: results are even better than expected he is taking out the hostiles and is able to ignore damage without becoming a less effective killing machine. Assistant: Do you think we have found our new Combat unit? Doctor: Yes i think we have. down in the arena a blood stained android has finished all of his enemies D9-10: All hostiles eliminated awaiting new orders. Assistant: if this one ever got loose it would be extremely dangerous. Doctor: That is an understatement and something we cannot allow to happen.
Biography: Alex was created to be the perfect frontline soldier a soldier that was very tough and strong that was tested against living subjects. After enough of these tests it started to realize that it was doing something wrong but didn't take any action until his first real assignment which was to hunt down a group of escaped androids that had killed the last squad to go after them and he was to go alone. When Alex or D9-10 at the time got there it immediately opened fire on the runaways after he was finished and began walking away one of them that was barely functioning said "Don't we have the right to be free?" and then deactivated D9-10 didn't return to the commonwealth he knew that since they thought he was on a mission he had a head start on the Retention Bureau and he managed to get away and on his journey he found a book and on the front it said history and all the pages were unreadable except for one line on one page that Said "Alexander the Great" he took the name but shortened it to Alex because he liked that better and he began traveling trying to do good to make up for the lives he took while he was enslaved
I tried to fix some of it up but if there is anything else that would make this an acceptable application please tell me because I really want to be accepted.
Sorry. I just can't accept this. You know what powergaming is since you defined it well enough, but this character stinks of OPness. Maybe try a human character?
Denied You seem to know some about the Fallout series, but your writing and RP skills seems a bit subpar. Your application spewed power gaming, as not everyone can have minigun's in there hands. Also, a charisma of one pretty much makes you have a retard yell instead of using your words.
Sorry. I just can't accept this. You know what powergaming is since you defined it well enough, but this character stinks of OPness. Maybe try a human character?
And of course, you already covered my cover of his application XD
I was wondering with the Beta application does the character bio need to be centered around the vault setting or can it be set anywhere in the Fallout universe relative to the Long Island Wasteland?
I was wondering with the Beta application does the character bio need to be centered around the vault setting or can it be set anywhere in the Fallout universe relative to the Long Island Wasteland?
It be set anywhere infact, but in some way has to entail him/her and there journey too the Long Island Wasteland, or their life growing up in the Long Island Wasteland. You can put them in a vault (sorry if i still have the OP not updated), as there is one that is closed, but you don't have to, no.
OOC - IGN: Mackenzzii Gender: Female Age: 17 Have you read the rules: Yes Have you read the lore: Yes RP Experience: Many servers and studying a degree in creative writing. Fallout Experience: Fallout 3 is one of my favourite games. Define Meta Gaming: Knowing something you shouldn't such as the names and professions or strangers. Define Power Gaming: Having an unfair advantage in a situation, RPing something that is unrealistic and unfair to secure a win.
IC - Name: Katarina Gender: Female Age: 22 Race: Caucasian Appearance: Golden skin, hazel eyes, long cascading chestnut hair. Average height and slender build. Signifying Traits: Beautiful face and skin, despite the hostility of the wasteland. Signifying Skills: Silver tongued and good at talking her way out of things, also good with melee weapons. S.P.E.C.I.A.L.'s: (40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 1 Perception- 7 Endurance- 1 Charisma- 9 Intelligence- 9 Agility- 7 Luck- 5
RP example and Biography:
I’m heading downtown now; where the city’s less crowded. Everything around me is dead. There’s a white in the air, the silent destruction of this slowly decaying empire. The efforts of millions dissolved into an ashen wasteland. The roads are coated with dust and suffer constant vigilance from the ruins. The desert’s reclaiming what’s rightfully hers. Dunes in place of dwellings. I can hear the smashed windows whispering, the vacant doorways enticing me – into the dark. It would be so easy, to just lie down, and sleep. It’s the city of dreams, after all. But something catches my eye; a plume of green, the host to an unimaginable beauty. I trace my fingers over its frailty and I’m repaid with no more than sighing embers. Fools-flora, common here in Vegas, hosts all the properties of a living specimen, yet is no more living than the sand that so ravenously engulfs this plain. Another fleeting dream.
I’ve been walking for some time, and the heat is now almost unbearable. There isn’t a cloud in the sky and the silence is deafening. A glint of silver catches my eye in the distance and I continue to trail along this beaten road, the paint lines barely visible. Even though I’m alone in this desolate metropolis, I know they don’t want me to leave. I feel welcome. Safe. I walk about 500 yards before I look down and see that the aforementioned silver is a small pendant, hanging gracefully on a chain of platinum ringlets. It reminds me of my sister. I clench this small hope in my hand as tears roll down my face, only to burn and flee from my skin. I’ve allowed myself too much vulnerability, I fasten the chain around my neck and scan the surroundings, I need to find shelter before nightfall. It’s not a hard choice, about half a mile in the distance I can still see the fairly intact husk of the Luxor hotel, ironic that the pyramid should survive so well amongst the animosity of the desert. So I begin walking east against the sun. My thirst becomes apparent a while into the journey and I reach into my backpack for a flask of water and take a gulp. I must remain disciplined to survive, indulgence is fatal. As I come closer to the resort, I can see a cool glow emanating from the walls. My walk becomes a jog as curiosity overwhelms me. I force open the crooked doors and enter into a material paradise. Electricity. I didn’t know there was any power in Vegas anymore. The great spotlights of the lobby are still functional, their rays bathing me in light amongst the dusty furniture. After a quick scout around there seems to be nobody here so I jump over the front desk and grab a key. Room 227. I take the stairs, wary of the state of the elevators in such a rotten place. It doesn’t take me long to find the room, and I am once again pleasantly surprised. Room 227 happens to be a suite. I insert the key into the solid oak door and a green light signals my entry. The door swings open into ecstasy. My first few steps into this room are weightless as I absorb the luxury of my surroundings. Velvet carpet and drapes accent the luscious queen sized bed positioned in the centre of the room and crystal chandeliers dangle from the patterned ceiling and illuminate the room. I walk to the bathroom which is composed of sentient marble and situated in the centre of the room in a bath, fitted flush to the ground. I run the tap and to my delight, the water is warm and clear. I leave the bath to fill and go back to search the room. The drawers are empty, and there’s no sign of any recent life, there must be something in this hotel and I resolve to look over the entirety tomorrow. I return to the bath, which is almost full, so I begin to remove my rugged khaki trousers and white t-shirt, a seagull almost visible on the top left. I unlace and take off my tattered boots and empty an abundance of sand onto the floor away from the bath. My skin is rough and impure; the only part of me that remains constant is a phoenix stretching over my ribs, so red it looks like an obscure blood wound. Now completely naked and defenceless I slide into the water, bit by bit. It feels like I’m floating, the water wraps itself around my every limb, healing me. A pleasure I have become unfamiliar with; I can’t even remember the last time I had any access to hot water.
I swung open the door revealing the stairs and descended as fast as I could possibly go, the music continued and chilled my very bones, haunting yet stunning. I enter the lobby and before I can even render the scene, I’m knocked to the floor by a blow to the stomach. I’m winded, as if the air had been ripped from my lungs. I focus my eyes and see the slick, steel barrel of a Colt 45 and wielding it, a slender girl with cascading golden hair.
“Who are you!?” She screams as I struggle to position my back up against the front desk for a better viewpoint. “One more move and I’ll shoot.”
“Stop!” I reply, “I’m a survivor! Just like you.” She looks me straight in the eye, her hands trembling as she holds death. Her eyes are misty and she throws down the gun with a small scream. I get to my feet and walk over to her; she’s on her knees, her face buried in her soft hands. “My name’s Katarina by the way.”
“Lexi,” she sniffs, whilst wiping tears from her eyes. “Sorry… about hitting you, it’s just I; I haven’t seen another person in months.”
“That makes two of us then,” I reassure whilst helping her to her feet. Her eyes are somewhere in between sapphire and crystal and her skin is surprisingly smooth considering the state of our world. Rough fingerless gloves shroud her hands and as I continue to observe, I notice she is clad rather barely. I trace my eyes from her laced hiking boots whose tatter and scars contrast so greatly to the soft gold of her legs, her shorts barely reach halfway to her knees and a large belt holsters a torch, small flask and the empty pouch for the gun. Most of her stomach is visible with the same soft gold glow and finally a brownish material covers her shoulders to her elbows and also her ribs, a plated fabric that forms a structure like the fabled terrace farms Vietnam. “I take it you turned the music on?” I ask.
She looks up and nods, “Yes, sorry, I was playing with some buttons behind the desk.” Her eyes stare straight at the dark wooden construction. “How long have you been here?” She inquires after a short delay.
“I got here yesterday evening, and stayed the night upstairs. You’re welcome to stay with me again tonight, there’s hot water and clean beds. I plan on leaving in a week or so.” I reply, spontaneously making my plan on the spot, I’ve got nothing but time in a dead wasteland.
“I wish I could, but there’s a slight problem…” She begins as I raise my eyes to meet hers, “I’m being tracked by a group of Psycorps,” She continues in a hushed tone.
“How many?” I say whilst holding my breath.
“Five or six, maybe more,” she replies, “And if you want to live, I suggest we get the out of here.” I consider what she says, Psycorps are relentless and aren’t interested in us - I’m not one for hesitation so I grab anything I can find of use, while Lexi composes herself and repositions her gun back onto her belt. She turns off the music behind the desk and shuts off all of the lights. We sneak from the hotel as if we had never been there in the first place.
RP Expierence:I have run an RP server before and joined two different independant RP servers which include a Star Wars server and a fallout server.
Fallout Expierence:I have played and beaten all games
Define Meta Gaming: Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion. (quoted from my mod app)
Define Power Gaming: Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game. (quoted from my mod app)
IC -
Name: John T. Krample
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Race: Pure Human
Appearence: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 9 inches, not too strong but could hold up in a fight.
Signifying Traits: strategicly experienced but raised away from the violence in the world. Good with a gun but could easily hit self with a melee weapon
Signifying Skills: Genious, four eyes, pack mule (likes to carry more items than needed), weak, brittle
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 5 Perception- 4 Endurance- 6 Charisma- 9 Intelligence- 10 Agility-2 Luck-4
RP example: Flying through the air in his personal vertibird Bessy, John wondered what the wastes would be like without the Enclave. How mutants would run rampant and overrule the world, about how the Brotherhood would give weapons to those mutants. He knew that he was making a difference in the wasteland but yet somehow he could do more. With the air all around him he decided to volenteer to join the new base at Long Island. This erased all of his dreams of opening up a bar as a business owner. At this very moment however, he felt complete, somehow whole..
At that very moment though a missile flew out of what appeared to be an abandon bunker. John reacted quickly and immediatly radioed that he was being chased by an Unidentified Object and he commensed evasive manuevers. Barely dodging the missile, he watched it turn around in mid-air. Knowing exactly what to do, he turned straight down and fast. Hurtling towards the ground at 80 miles an hour, John slowly started to rise. The missile followed him seemingly wherever he turned. As he was nearing the ground he made an abrupt pull to dodge the ground, causing him to barely miss the wasted earth. The missile was not so lucky, it ran straight into the ground causing a massive ball of fire and intense heat. Feeling as if he was nearly cheated out of his life, John descided it was time he started looking at better things than squad leader...
Biography: He grew up fathered under two soldiers of the Enclave, he was tought that everyone not in the Enclave was a mutant and must be treated as an animal. He was not always top of the class growing up as he knew what that meant, being put into the science department. He knew that if we scored just below the standard he would be put into service as a pilot or officer. All he thought about as a kid was school and never family. He never grew attached to his father or mother and never married.
Aiming for the job of officer, he went to the Enclave military academy. He studied and actually tried in military school because he knew that if you weren't top cut, then you got sent to the front lines to die. Half-way through, his parents were captured by tribals and brutally beaten, then killed. This brought up a resentment towards all un-pure humans. He later finished military school and was put in charge of Omega squad which was stationed in Long Island. He flew there to meet his new friends and his new life. This was it he thought, but little did he know that Long Island was now one of the last standing points of the Enclave on the East Coast.
I don't think so, I believe that's intelligence. I believe a charisma of one is being someone who generally avoids civilisation and despises or does not understand/bind by the social laws of the world. A hermit or in lvl 1 charisma fallout terms: Misanthrope which is completely insane in the membrane.
dogs for instance follow usually its own set of principles, however dogs follow the principles of their master, probably giving them a charisma of around 3-4.
Intelligence is like your ability to retain knowledge.
Charisma is your speech ability.
1 Charisma = Retard yell
Your skills at writing were superb. Simply superb.
However, your knowledge of lore doesn't follow so much. You will need to at least read our lore before applying again, as your application isn't even situated in the right area. Your New Vegas lore was excuse my french, "raped", as the Ultra Luxe would have people there. I will link you to the wikia, to read up on lore if you would like to reapply, as i'd very much like to see you on the server.
Here is the link, and make sure to read our rules and lore again: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/
It was a moderate app, and good enough to get on the server for the beta, but you'll have to reread the rules. Mind you, you won't be able to use a Pitt Raider character for the beta.
I don't think so, I believe that's intelligence. I believe a charisma of one is being someone who generally avoids civilisation and despises or does not understand/bind by the social laws of the world. A hermit or in lvl 1 charisma fallout terms: Misanthrope which is completely insane in the membrane.
dogs for instance follow usually its own set of principles, however dogs follow the principles of their master, probably giving them a charisma of around 3-4.
I don't need your sass >:Y
Haha, it was a representation of it. I count it as having any special at 1, means your crippled in that category. Agility of 1? Stuck in a wheelchair. Endurance of 1? Paper cut will kill you.
For all players looking to help with building (builders get a home varying on activity, and a builders starting pack), please apply at this following location for all up to date information on changes to the server and add on release dates.
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1394220-the-manhattan-project-staff-recruitment-thread/We are also looking for a GFX artist to help with the making of banners, and what not.
Character application coming soon from myself.
Can't wait to see it!
I'm sure you cant. It's going to be legendary.
Have you read the rules:yes
Have you read the lore:yes, i helped write it
RP Expierence:I have run an RP server before and joined two different independant RP servers which include a Star Wars server and a fallout server.
Fallout Expierence:I have played and beaten all games
Define Meta Gaming: Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion. (quoted from my mod app)
Define Power Gaming: Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game. (quoted from my mod app)
IC -
Name: John T. Krample
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Race: Pure Human
Appearence: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 9 inches, not too strong but could hold up in a fight.
Signifying Traits: strategicly experienced but raised away from the violence in the world. Good with a gun but could easily hit self with a melee weapon
Signifying Skills: Genious, four eyes, pack mule (likes to carry more items than needed)
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 5
Perception- 4
Endurance- 6
Charisma- 9
Intelligence- 10
RP example: Flying through the air in his personal vertibird Bessy, John wondered what the wastes would be like with the Enclave. How mutants would run rampant and overrule the world, about how the Brotherhood would give weapons to those mutants. He knew that he was making a difference in the wasteland but yet somehow he could do more. With the air all around him he decided to volenteer to join the new base at Long Island. This erased all of his dreams of opening up a bar as a business owner. At this very moment however, he felt complete, somehow whole..
At that very moment though a missile flew out of what appeared to be an abandon bunker. John reacted quickly and immediatly radioed that he was being chased by an Unidentified Object and he commensed evasive manuevers. Barely dodging the missile, he watched it turn around in mid-air. Knowing exactly what to do, he turned straight down and fast. Hurtling towards the ground at 80 miles an hour, John slowly started to rise. The missile followed him seemingly wherever he turned. As he was nearing the ground he made an abrupt pull to dodge the ground, causing him to barely miss the wasted earth. The missile was not so lucky, it ran straight into the ground causing a massive ball of fire and intense heat. Feeling as if he was nearly cheated out of his life, John descided it was time he started looking at better things than vertibird pilot...
Biography: He grew up fathered under two soldiers of the Enclave, he was tought that everyone not in the Enclave was a mutant and must be treated as an animal. He was not always top of the class growing up as he knew what that meant, being put into the science department. He knew that if we scored just below the standard he would be put into service as a pilot or officer. All he thought about as a kid was school and never family. He never grew attached to his father or mother and never married. By the age of 18 he was given the job as a pilot. He was transfered to the D.C. area where vertibird pilots were rare and quite usefull. He was never off duty and started to suffer from sleep disorder, but still he flew. When the Enclave came to fleeing the D.C. area, he lead the retreat and piloted a bird with a squad heading towards the Long Island area. He planned to return and make a life in D.C. when it was cleansed by the recovering Enclave but until then his main priority was to converse with the Enclave about his future. Whether or not he stayed in the faction, he would still hope to find leadership and seek peace.
Current report at Long Island, 2290: We have recently discovered the Brotherhood in the local area and are requesting immediate backup! They seem to have discovered the locals and are trying to start a revolt against the Enclave. This must be used to our advantage! If we can make an example of the Brotherhood, the locals will leave us at peace. Not to say that we will leave them at peace but still, angering the locals even more is the worst decision we could make. Recently we have sent some scouts down to their base and discovered that the Brotherhood has been supplying the locals the laser weaponry. Although they are used to bows and spears, they could gain a quick foothold against us with that kind of weaponry and their numbers. I suggest that you send immediate reinforcements as if we win here, then we could possible retake the wastes and exterminate the mutant population once and for all. All none humans must be exterminated. Recently, three scouts were sent on different missions in the immediate area, I am relaying the reports to you now.
Scout Report 1: Recently I was assigned with scouting the Common Wealth in the area. They are arming themselves with androids and plasma weapons. To avoid endangering the base we later sent a squad of soldiers to negotiate a peace treaty or at least a cease fire until the locals are dealt with. Problems persist with the part of the treaty which states that the Common Wealth must shoot all locals on sight and report all sightings of Brotherhood members. They have agreed however to a cease fire and housing of two Enclave soldiers respectively. There are no current reports of Brotherhood members in that territory but I could have sworn that I heard some kind of rifle coming from the prison area. Further scouting is needed though as I am not assigned to that area.
Scout Report 2: I was assigned to the Long Island main area. The local presence is most concentrated around this area making us suspect that it is their home/base of operations. I was flown via vertibird and scouted the immediate area to find nothing. This was quite interesting as normally there are still simple supplies such as run down cars in the streets or old computer monitors on the desks. There was no sign of any of these items or them ever even being present. After venturing farther into the city I ran into a local patrol team. It appeared to be Brotherhood members of some kind but I didn’t recognize the symbols on their chests and arm guards. I couldn’t get a better look so I ventured to where it appeared they had come from only to find a massive pile of cars blocking the entrance and a minefield in the buildings leading in. I was forced to make a retreat and gathered no more knew information. It is my suggestion however that we send in a squad of soldiers and capture one the mysterious patrols for questioning. While I was there I also realized that there was no feral ghoul population that I could find which poses the question, are the locals heavily armed?
Scout Report 3: I was assigned with the local area relative to the base. There appears to be many scavenger camps set up nearby which would indicate either the presence of a valuable resource that we need to discover or a low populace of mutants. Either way, the camps were heavily armed with military grade weapons. There appears to be a merchant going by the name “Freddy” selling them top notch weapons. My guess is he is a spy within the Enclave. Another strange thing I came across was the number of waste landers traveling through the area recently. They all appear to be heading towards Long Island. This means we will need reinforcements to combat any resistance we might find from these new locals.
Scout, make sure this message is relayed directly to command!
IGN: Paladinhunt
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Have you read the rules: yes
Have you read the lore: yes
RP Expierence: I don't have a lot of rp experience but fallout is my my favorite game series and being able to play it with others that love it as much as I do seems like it would be a very awesome opportunity for me.
Fallout Expierence: the only fallout game I have not played and beaten was fallout Brotherhood of steel
Define Meta Gaming: A method in which a player does not follow the rules and uses external factors to affect the game
Define Power Gaming: Where a player makes a character the is not balanced or unfair with no flaws
IC -
Name: D9-10 but goes by Alex
Gender: Male
Age:2 years and 4 moths
Race: Caucasian Android
Appearence: Large tough looking Caucasian with a scar down his right eye and a scar from a yao gui down his left cheek
Signifying Traits: Wants to help anyone in need humans and runaway Synths, is also very friendly and polite.
Signifying Skills: built like a tank can take lots of hit and dish it out just as hard but not the fastest guy around.
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 10
RP example: Doctor: Is the D9-10 unit ready for combat testing?
Assistant: Yes he is armed and ready to begin. And he is going to face some lightly armed wastelanders
Doctor: good begin the tests
several doors open on one end of the arena and about two dozen people armed with pistols and knives come out charging at D9-10.
D9-10: Initiating combat protocols. Orders. Leave no survivors
the android's minigun starts spinning up and immediately starts tearing apart the wastelander who are fighting for their lives
Wastelander: Oh god we are all going to die!
Wastelander: our shots arent even affecting it!
back in the observation room
Doctor: results are even better than expected he is basically a walking even without any armor and is effectively dispatching all hostiles
Assistant: Do you think we have found our new Combat unit?
Doctor: Yes i think we have.
down in the arena a blood stained android has finished all of his enemies
D9-10: All hostiles eliminated awaiting new orders.
Assistant: if this one ever got loose it would be extremely dangerous.
Doctor: That is a understatement and something we cannot allow to happen.
Biography: Alex was created to be the perfect frontline soldier a soldier that was extremely tough and lots of brute strength that was tested against living subjects. After enough of these tests it started to realize something was wrong IT was doing something wrong but didn't take any action until his first real assignment which was to hunt down a group of escaped androids that had killed the last squad to go after them and he was to go alone. When Alex or D9-10 at the time got there it immediately opened fire on the runaways after he was finished and began walking away one of them that was barely functioning said "Don't we have the right to be free?" and then deactivated
D9-10 didnt return to the commonwealth he knew that since they thought he was on a mission he had a head start on the Retention Bureau and he managed to get away and on his journey he found a book and on the front it said "History" and all the pages were unreadable except for one line on one page that Said "Alexander the Great" he took the name but shortened it to Alex because he liked that better and he began traveling trying to do good to make up for the lives he took while he was enslaved.
Denied. I liked the character overall. Although I might suggest toning down either taking lots of damage or dealing lots of it. Also lots of grammatical errors. Please reapply! I hope to read another one.
IGN: Paladinhunt
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Have you read the rules: yes
Have you read the lore: yes
RP Experience: I don't have a lot of rp experience but fallout is my favorite game series and being able to play it with others that love it as much as I do seems like it would be a very awesome opportunity for me.
Fallout Experience: the only fallout game I have not played was fallout Brotherhood of steel
Define Meta Gaming: A method in which a player does not follow the rules and uses external factors to affect the game
Define Power Gaming: Where a player makes a character the is not balanced or unfair with no flaws
IC -
Name: D9-10 but goes by Alex
Gender: Male
Age:2 years and 4 months
Race: Caucasian Android
Appearance: Large tough looking Caucasian with a scar down his right eye and a scar from a yao guai down his left cheek
Signifying Traits: Wants to help anyone in need humans and runaway Synths, is also very friendly and polite.
Signifying Skills: Tough and strong are D9-10's main traits but wasn't designed to be much of a talker
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 10
RP example: Doctor: Is the D9-10 unit ready for combat testing?
Assistant: Yes he is armed and ready to begin. And he is going to face some lightly armed wastelanders
Doctor: good begin the tests
several doors open on one end of the arena and about two dozen people armed with pistols and knives come out charging at D9-10.
D9-10: Initiating combat protocols. Orders are to Leave no survivors
the android's minigun starts spinning up and immediately starts tearing apart the wastelander who are fighting for their lives
Wastelander: Oh god we are all going to die!
Wastelander: our shots are hardly even affecting him!
back in the observation room
Doctor: results are even better than expected he is taking out the hostiles and is able to ignore damage without becoming a less effective killing machine.
Assistant: Do you think we have found our new Combat unit?
Doctor: Yes i think we have.
down in the arena a blood stained android has finished all of his enemies
D9-10: All hostiles eliminated awaiting new orders.
Assistant: if this one ever got loose it would be extremely dangerous.
Doctor: That is an understatement and something we cannot allow to happen.
Biography: Alex was created to be the perfect frontline soldier a soldier that was very tough and strong that was tested against living subjects. After enough of these tests it started to realize that it was doing something wrong but didn't take any action until his first real assignment which was to hunt down a group of escaped androids that had killed the last squad to go after them and he was to go alone. When Alex or D9-10 at the time got there it immediately opened fire on the runaways after he was finished and began walking away one of them that was barely functioning said "Don't we have the right to be free?" and then deactivated
D9-10 didn't return to the commonwealth he knew that since they thought he was on a mission he had a head start on the Retention Bureau and he managed to get away and on his journey he found a book and on the front it said history and all the pages were unreadable except for one line on one page that Said "Alexander the Great" he took the name but shortened it to Alex because he liked that better and he began traveling trying to do good to make up for the lives he took while he was enslaved
I tried to fix some of it up but if there is anything else that would make this an acceptable application please tell me because I really want to be accepted.
Sorry. I just can't accept this. You know what powergaming is since you defined it well enough, but this character stinks of OPness. Maybe try a human character?
You seem to know some about the Fallout series, but your writing and RP skills seems a bit subpar. Your application spewed power gaming, as not everyone can have minigun's in there hands. Also, a charisma of one pretty much makes you have a retard yell instead of using your words.
I feel like your RP skills are severely lacking. the Lore also should be based before 2290, not starting on it. Talk to me more on skype.
And of course, you already covered my cover of his application XD
Best app ever.
I applaud him. That was infact amazing.
It be set anywhere infact, but in some way has to entail him/her and there journey too the Long Island Wasteland, or their life growing up in the Long Island Wasteland. You can put them in a vault (sorry if i still have the OP not updated), as there is one that is closed, but you don't have to, no.
IGN: Mackenzzii
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Have you read the rules: Yes
Have you read the lore: Yes
RP Experience: Many servers and studying a degree in creative writing.
Fallout Experience: Fallout 3 is one of my favourite games.
Define Meta Gaming: Knowing something you shouldn't such as the names and professions or strangers.
Define Power Gaming: Having an unfair advantage in a situation, RPing something that is unrealistic and unfair to secure a win.
IC -
Name: Katarina
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: Golden skin, hazel eyes, long cascading chestnut hair. Average height and slender build.
Signifying Traits: Beautiful face and skin, despite the hostility of the wasteland.
Signifying Skills: Silver tongued and good at talking her way out of things, also good with melee weapons.
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 1
Perception- 7
Endurance- 1
Charisma- 9
Intelligence- 9
Agility- 7
Luck- 5
RP example and Biography:
I’m heading downtown now; where the city’s less crowded. Everything around me is dead. There’s a white in the air, the silent destruction of this slowly decaying empire. The efforts of millions dissolved into an ashen wasteland. The roads are coated with dust and suffer constant vigilance from the ruins. The desert’s reclaiming what’s rightfully hers. Dunes in place of dwellings. I can hear the smashed windows whispering, the vacant doorways enticing me – into the dark. It would be so easy, to just lie down, and sleep. It’s the city of dreams, after all. But something catches my eye; a plume of green, the host to an unimaginable beauty. I trace my fingers over its frailty and I’m repaid with no more than sighing embers. Fools-flora, common here in Vegas, hosts all the properties of a living specimen, yet is no more living than the sand that so ravenously engulfs this plain. Another fleeting dream.
I’ve been walking for some time, and the heat is now almost unbearable. There isn’t a cloud in the sky and the silence is deafening. A glint of silver catches my eye in the distance and I continue to trail along this beaten road, the paint lines barely visible. Even though I’m alone in this desolate metropolis, I know they don’t want me to leave. I feel welcome. Safe. I walk about 500 yards before I look down and see that the aforementioned silver is a small pendant, hanging gracefully on a chain of platinum ringlets. It reminds me of my sister. I clench this small hope in my hand as tears roll down my face, only to burn and flee from my skin. I’ve allowed myself too much vulnerability, I fasten the chain around my neck and scan the surroundings, I need to find shelter before nightfall. It’s not a hard choice, about half a mile in the distance I can still see the fairly intact husk of the Luxor hotel, ironic that the pyramid should survive so well amongst the animosity of the desert. So I begin walking east against the sun. My thirst becomes apparent a while into the journey and I reach into my backpack for a flask of water and take a gulp. I must remain disciplined to survive, indulgence is fatal. As I come closer to the resort, I can see a cool glow emanating from the walls. My walk becomes a jog as curiosity overwhelms me. I force open the crooked doors and enter into a material paradise. Electricity. I didn’t know there was any power in Vegas anymore. The great spotlights of the lobby are still functional, their rays bathing me in light amongst the dusty furniture. After a quick scout around there seems to be nobody here so I jump over the front desk and grab a key. Room 227. I take the stairs, wary of the state of the elevators in such a rotten place. It doesn’t take me long to find the room, and I am once again pleasantly surprised. Room 227 happens to be a suite. I insert the key into the solid oak door and a green light signals my entry. The door swings open into ecstasy. My first few steps into this room are weightless as I absorb the luxury of my surroundings. Velvet carpet and drapes accent the luscious queen sized bed positioned in the centre of the room and crystal chandeliers dangle from the patterned ceiling and illuminate the room. I walk to the bathroom which is composed of sentient marble and situated in the centre of the room in a bath, fitted flush to the ground. I run the tap and to my delight, the water is warm and clear. I leave the bath to fill and go back to search the room. The drawers are empty, and there’s no sign of any recent life, there must be something in this hotel and I resolve to look over the entirety tomorrow. I return to the bath, which is almost full, so I begin to remove my rugged khaki trousers and white t-shirt, a seagull almost visible on the top left. I unlace and take off my tattered boots and empty an abundance of sand onto the floor away from the bath. My skin is rough and impure; the only part of me that remains constant is a phoenix stretching over my ribs, so red it looks like an obscure blood wound. Now completely naked and defenceless I slide into the water, bit by bit. It feels like I’m floating, the water wraps itself around my every limb, healing me. A pleasure I have become unfamiliar with; I can’t even remember the last time I had any access to hot water.
I swung open the door revealing the stairs and descended as fast as I could possibly go, the music continued and chilled my very bones, haunting yet stunning. I enter the lobby and before I can even render the scene, I’m knocked to the floor by a blow to the stomach. I’m winded, as if the air had been ripped from my lungs. I focus my eyes and see the slick, steel barrel of a Colt 45 and wielding it, a slender girl with cascading golden hair.
“Who are you!?” She screams as I struggle to position my back up against the front desk for a better viewpoint. “One more move and I’ll shoot.”
“Stop!” I reply, “I’m a survivor! Just like you.” She looks me straight in the eye, her hands trembling as she holds death. Her eyes are misty and she throws down the gun with a small scream. I get to my feet and walk over to her; she’s on her knees, her face buried in her soft hands. “My name’s Katarina by the way.”
“Lexi,” she sniffs, whilst wiping tears from her eyes. “Sorry… about hitting you, it’s just I; I haven’t seen another person in months.”
“That makes two of us then,” I reassure whilst helping her to her feet. Her eyes are somewhere in between sapphire and crystal and her skin is surprisingly smooth considering the state of our world. Rough fingerless gloves shroud her hands and as I continue to observe, I notice she is clad rather barely. I trace my eyes from her laced hiking boots whose tatter and scars contrast so greatly to the soft gold of her legs, her shorts barely reach halfway to her knees and a large belt holsters a torch, small flask and the empty pouch for the gun. Most of her stomach is visible with the same soft gold glow and finally a brownish material covers her shoulders to her elbows and also her ribs, a plated fabric that forms a structure like the fabled terrace farms Vietnam. “I take it you turned the music on?” I ask.
She looks up and nods, “Yes, sorry, I was playing with some buttons behind the desk.” Her eyes stare straight at the dark wooden construction. “How long have you been here?” She inquires after a short delay.
“I got here yesterday evening, and stayed the night upstairs. You’re welcome to stay with me again tonight, there’s hot water and clean beds. I plan on leaving in a week or so.” I reply, spontaneously making my plan on the spot, I’ve got nothing but time in a dead wasteland.
“I wish I could, but there’s a slight problem…” She begins as I raise my eyes to meet hers, “I’m being tracked by a group of Psycorps,” She continues in a hushed tone.
“How many?” I say whilst holding my breath.
“Five or six, maybe more,” she replies, “And if you want to live, I suggest we get the out of here.” I consider what she says, Psycorps are relentless and aren’t interested in us - I’m not one for hesitation so I grab anything I can find of use, while Lexi composes herself and repositions her gun back onto her belt. She turns off the music behind the desk and shuts off all of the lights. We sneak from the hotel as if we had never been there in the first place.
I will take what is mine in Fire and Blood.
Have you read the rules:yes
Have you read the lore:yes, i helped write it
RP Expierence:I have run an RP server before and joined two different independant RP servers which include a Star Wars server and a fallout server.
Fallout Expierence:I have played and beaten all games
Define Meta Gaming: Acting out of character or venturing away from the lure and more towards your own personality and not your character's. Its main focus is on OOC interactions to your advantage and making it seem IC but instead you are using outside knowledge to your own advantage. This is probably the worst problem in every RP game that I have ever played as I am a hard core RP player. I despide it when somebody whines in chat about what happened to them during the day or that they died ect. It needs to be removed and kept out of all PR servers in my opinion. (quoted from my mod app)
Define Power Gaming: Using traits, factions, and/or jobs of a player's character to gain power in the world. You can also bend your character to your will or making your character OP through seemingly IC ways. It cheats other players because it makes them face and play with sometimes an unstopable behemoth. I see it as unfare as most people do and would like to see it removed from all servers if not at least this one. All players should be treated the same and must follow along with their role in the game. (quoted from my mod app)
IC -
Name: John T. Krample
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Race: Pure Human
Appearence: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 9 inches, not too strong but could hold up in a fight.
Signifying Traits: strategicly experienced but raised away from the violence in the world. Good with a gun but could easily hit self with a melee weapon
Signifying Skills: Genious, four eyes, pack mule (likes to carry more items than needed), weak, brittle
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 5
Perception- 4
Endurance- 6
Charisma- 9
Intelligence- 10
RP example: Flying through the air in his personal vertibird Bessy, John wondered what the wastes would be like without the Enclave. How mutants would run rampant and overrule the world, about how the Brotherhood would give weapons to those mutants. He knew that he was making a difference in the wasteland but yet somehow he could do more. With the air all around him he decided to volenteer to join the new base at Long Island. This erased all of his dreams of opening up a bar as a business owner. At this very moment however, he felt complete, somehow whole..
At that very moment though a missile flew out of what appeared to be an abandon bunker. John reacted quickly and immediatly radioed that he was being chased by an Unidentified Object and he commensed evasive manuevers. Barely dodging the missile, he watched it turn around in mid-air. Knowing exactly what to do, he turned straight down and fast. Hurtling towards the ground at 80 miles an hour, John slowly started to rise. The missile followed him seemingly wherever he turned. As he was nearing the ground he made an abrupt pull to dodge the ground, causing him to barely miss the wasted earth. The missile was not so lucky, it ran straight into the ground causing a massive ball of fire and intense heat. Feeling as if he was nearly cheated out of his life, John descided it was time he started looking at better things than squad leader...
Biography: He grew up fathered under two soldiers of the Enclave, he was tought that everyone not in the Enclave was a mutant and must be treated as an animal. He was not always top of the class growing up as he knew what that meant, being put into the science department. He knew that if we scored just below the standard he would be put into service as a pilot or officer. All he thought about as a kid was school and never family. He never grew attached to his father or mother and never married.
Aiming for the job of officer, he went to the Enclave military academy. He studied and actually tried in military school because he knew that if you weren't top cut, then you got sent to the front lines to die. Half-way through, his parents were captured by tribals and brutally beaten, then killed. This brought up a resentment towards all un-pure humans. He later finished military school and was put in charge of Omega squad which was stationed in Long Island. He flew there to meet his new friends and his new life. This was it he thought, but little did he know that Long Island was now one of the last standing points of the Enclave on the East Coast.
Intelligence is like your ability to retain knowledge.
Charisma is your speech ability.
1 Charisma = Retard yell
Your skills at writing were superb. Simply superb.
However, your knowledge of lore doesn't follow so much. You will need to at least read our lore before applying again, as your application isn't even situated in the right area. Your New Vegas lore was excuse my french, "raped", as the Ultra Luxe would have people there. I will link you to the wikia, to read up on lore if you would like to reapply, as i'd very much like to see you on the server.
Here is the link, and make sure to read our rules and lore again:
It was a moderate app, and good enough to get on the server for the beta, but you'll have to reread the rules. Mind you, you won't be able to use a Pitt Raider character for the beta.
I don't need your sass >:Y
Haha, it was a representation of it. I count it as having any special at 1, means your crippled in that category. Agility of 1? Stuck in a wheelchair. Endurance of 1? Paper cut will kill you.
Reread the rules a bit more.
I do agree.