3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:
I feel that i've been active in your community for around 3 months, being into it at the beginning of August 2013 and taking a break around Mid-December.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:
I've been playing on it for a total of about 5 months now
5. How Often Do You Play:
I can squeeze in 4-5 hours on the weekdays and around 12 hours at most on the weekends (considering I don't have any plans accept for minecraft.)
6. Why Should We Pick You:
I am a very fun loving person, and I love this prison community. I've playing on many other prison servers while I took a break from here, but none of them have has as good as a community as this one. I recently got back into prison and I wanted to start pvping again, but when I went, I've yet to see a guard, it makes me upset that there are no guards, because when I joined, there was a guard in EVERY block (Except for the higher blocks of course.)
7. Other Info About You:
I enjoy going outside and playing with my IRL friends, aswell as my in-game friends. I love minecraft and other steam games, but I always end up back in minecraft. When I say i'm going to do something and I set time away for it, I specifically do it that time, no matter when, where, or what it is. I've always loved prison servers and enjoy a wide variety of other servers such as faction, minigames, and some certain creative servers.
8. What timezone do you live in:
(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
9. What rank are you currently:
I am currently in F rank, but I am slowly trying to make it up to J. I donated for donator+ I think when I first started the server just because of all the fun I was having.
1. IGN: Torelistrips
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:3-1 months(I think more or less A while though)
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: around 1 year now
5. How Often Do You Play:When ever i can 1-3 hours on weekdays 2-4 on weekends and daily
6. Why Should We Pick You:Well i have always looked up to guard and I've always wanted to be one so this i why i am applying
7. Other Info About You:Well i Am rank Super and getting VIP Very soon i also always see people with swords and allot of guards say i should apply and i have everything you need(If u want to know any personal info about me just ask)(I don't really wanna give it out in public)
8. What timezone you live in:Australian standard eastern daylight savings
9.What rank are you currently:I'm in S
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 1-2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 5 months
5. How Often Do You Play: About 3-4 hours a day but on weekends 5-6 hours.
6. Why Should We Pick You: well, when I was a -C ranker I was always killed because they would have there sword and kill me and I couldn't do anything about it. If I was Guard I would help and stop that so more people could enjoy this server. I have read all the guard rules and know what to do when a situation happens. Plus there is mostly never any guards on I would say every other day or so a guard would be on Duty and there would be a lot of pvp and no guards to control everything. On Prison Tech every body knows me and I think they might stop but I don't really know if they will.
7. Other Info About You: I play on 1 other server but I think prison tech is the most fun because there is a lot of PVP and I LOVE PVP.
8. What time zone you live in: USA central
9.What rank are you currently: S+ & [VIP]
Hope u liked reading My Guard Application Hope u accept me into being a guard.
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I have only been in it about a month.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About a month.
5. How Often Do You Play: Daily, 2 hours.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I don't have any guard exp. but I want to take a shot at it and see it I can make it or not. I always see people with swords in the mines. People always fight but don't have the armor to stop it.
7. Other Info About You: I love you. I'm awesome at Call of Duty. I'm currently about to go pro in CAll of duty. I like to play sports such as swim and water polo.
1. IGN:xEliteEaglex
2. Age: 15 (Birthday is in 7 days!)
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I've been on Techge3ks sever ever since 500-600 people
Were on the server I really enjoy it!
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I've been playing prison sever from about 700-750 people were playing on the server. Prison is my favorite out of all of
Techge3ks servers!
5. How Often Do You Play:I play about 2-6hrs a day (depends on the day and time)
6. Why Should We Pick You:I love this server I have put a lot
of time into this. I love helping out noobs (lower ranks) I love helping people with ranking up or getting items! I love to pvp all the time I play nothing on MC accept this server!
7. Other Info About You: My name is Justin, I love baseball! I also love Basketball! I love watching YouTube videos of every sort. But most important I love minecraft!!
8. What timezone you live in: Central Time U.S(Illinois)
9.What rank are you currently: I am currently in rank F working my way up to J I have about 4 mil so about 4.5 mil to go to rank up! I ranked up 3 days ago (estimate) I've been doing a lot
of pvpimg so I don't have theta much money! But I have been starting to mine more though!
I really hope you accept this I would really appreciate this thanks so much hope I see you when I'm a guard!
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I have only been in it about a month or two
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About a month or two
5. How Often Do You Play: Daily, 12 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: i think i should be a guard because there is a lot of people that are breaking the rules and getting a way with it and i like playing on the server but people are just trying to do what ever they can to steal your stuff
7. Other Info About You: i am in high school and in a few years i wont the join the air national guard for proble 20 years. I think minecraft is fun and ijust can not play any other servers because i think this is the best one
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about a month, give or take a couple days
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about a month, give or take a couple days
5. How Often Do You Play: Daily, maybe 8 hours or more a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: You should pick me as a Guard because I have read and understand and respect the rules and guidelines that would be put on me as a guard and I love helping others out as much as possible. I generally get along with almost everyone, I try to see everyone's point of view, I would have somefun on the job but still get the job done within the fair guidelines appointed over me.
7. Other Info About You: I am in Brazilian JiuJitsu, I am in some sports such as Varsity wrestling, football, track, baseball. and I love helping others. I am working on my ComptiA+ and am working for a scholarship to Anapolis Naval University for Nuclear Engineering for the United States Navy.
8. What timezone you live in: Central Time Zone
9.What rank are you currently: S and in a couple days I will be getting Super donator rank
Thank you very much for your time and consideration I hope you promote me to Guard.
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 4 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 4 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 8 Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and have read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply.http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff member on a skyblock server.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
1. IGN:blockheads03
2. Age:19
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: cupple years
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:cupple years
5. How Often Do You Play:every day
6. Why Should We Pick You:i play on this server alot and i have donated for super rank
7. Other Info About You:i am nice and will help ppl on the server
8. What timezone you live in:ct
9.What rank are you currently: b almost a with super rank
1. IGN:A11Br0wn
2. Age:18
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:8 weeks but if you are talking about forums then about 1 day lol
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:about 6 weeks now
5. How Often Do You Play:about 6 hours a day but if you want to put a limit on how long i guard each day i will accept that
6. Why Should We Pick You:i think you should pick me because i never hold a grudge i know its a game and what happens is whats supposed to happen if i am pvping :D. also i never give anything away nor do i take stuff from people i am not that greedy guy. also i also hate it when people guard the entrances of wards and i will put a stop to that i understand that for pvpers but if someone that wants to just mine wants to get past it is literally impossible. also when people spam by just adding ! i always notice because i look at chat all the time. another thing is i have read all the rules and i am willing to follow them i am also willing to follow almost any rule you give me because i think i will love guard and it will be better then just mining all day i might get to do a little bit of pvp i also see many fights that i can interrupt every single day
7. Other Info About You: i don't know what to talk about sorry
8. What timezone you live in:eastern because i live in Canada
9.What rank are you currently: s but i may rank up soon iam only 2 million away =D thank you so very much for your time and i hope you have a nice day but please accept me =D
1.ING. garrett3901
3.How long have you been active in our community:1-2 mouths and I've been apart of the minecraft forums for a long time.
4.How long have you played on the Prison Sever.1 or 2 mouths
5. How often do you play. 6 or 7 hours
6. Why should we pick you. Because I love your sever I play it everyday. I would love to help out your community and your server. And most of all help everyone to have fun and enjoy their self on you server. And just have fun my self too.
7. Other info about you. My brother also likes your prison server and he like your pixelmon server. I lost my mom too brain and breast canser when I was 5. I play football. And yeah
8. What timezone do you live in. EasterTime because I live in America
9. I'm currently A prisoner about to rank up though.
I hope you pick me1.ING. garrett3901
3.How long have you been active in our community:1-2 mouths and I've been apart of the minecraft forums for a long time.
4.How long have you played on the Prison Sever.1 or 2 mouths
5. How often do you play. 6 or 7 hours
6. Why should we pick you. Because I love your sever I play it everyday. I would love to help out your community and your server. And most of all help everyone to have fun and enjoy their self on you server. And just have fun my self too.
7. Other info about you. My brother also likes your prison server and he like your pixelmon server. I lost my mom too brain and breast canser when I was 5. I play football. And yeah
8. What timezone do you live in. EasterTime because I live in America
9. I'm currently A prisoner about to rank up though.
I hope you pick me
Thank you!
3: how long have you been active in our community:3 months
4:how long have u been playing on the prison server: 2 months
5:how often do you play: 6 hours a day and 9 hours on weekends
6:i help people that are lower ranks i help people when they just rank up and i show them around.i follow the rules and i do what the guards ask me to do.
7:other info about you:i like sports im smart i play prison tech a lot and hoping to record soon.
8:what timezone you live Eastern time zone 9:im currently prestige A+
4.ive been playing the prison server for about 3 months
5. I play every day
6. you should pick me to be a guard becuase i can be serious and fun at the same time. so when imon duty ill be serious and when im off duty ill play around.
1. IGN:blockheads03
2. Age:19
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:a cupple years
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:a cuppleyears
5. How Often Do You Play:every day
6. Why Should We Pick You:i am on a lot i play mostley every day i love to play and ill be a good guard
7. Other Info About You:i am really good with da hackers i have been admin on a server and found a whole bunch
8. What timezone you live in:ct timezone
9.What rank are you currently: i am a rank with super for donater
Posted 10 January 2014 - 11:18 PM
15 (I will explain later)
How long have you been active:
I have been active In the techge3ks community for 11 months.
How long have you been active on prison:
I have been active for 11 months, Prisontech was the first techge3ks server I found and played on.
How often to you play:
As most people know i am unable to play video games during weekdays, this was first due to my parents raising me as being very study orientated. However overtime I learned for myself to prioritise my sporting and education before my hobbies such as computer. Although when the weekend arrives I am very active and often play 6 - 8 hours a day. However with my sport being played on Sundays sometimes I do not get much play time on that day. Although I am not as active as others I feel my maturity can still benefit the community in this particular role.
Why should we choose you:
I feel like I have become very active in the Techge3ks community and should further my role as a leader and role model. I have become very active on the forums and through my time I have interacted with many leaders in the community and earned the trust of admins. I also received forum mod even though I was under the legitimate age, and over time I bettered this achievement when I recieved super forum mod. I am also a Sr. Pixelmon Mod. I believe this was through my maturity and ability to handle different situations under pressure. This is not the only reason I should receive this role however. In life I believe I am a natural leader, although a quiet achiever I manage to be vice captain of my local football club and have very strong opinions. I am very encouraging and try to be as responsive as I can when people are seeking my assistance. I also take my roles in this community very seriously as I now any sort of slip up will fall badly on the techge3ks reputation.
I believe I have the attributes and assets to fill the role of becoming a guard in the techge3ks community.
Other info about you:
Although I realise I am under the legitimate age to apply for guard this has not deterred me. In other circumstances such as applying for forum mod even though I was rejected at first purely due to the fact I was underage, this did not deter me from my goal. Even if I am rejected from becoming guard I will persevere to make my self a better role model.
What times one do you live in:
Australia, Melbourne... I really don't know what times one that is...
What rank are you currently:
I am currently F+ In prestige on Prisontech.
IGN: me_awesome10 Age: 17 How Long Have You Been Active In Our Server: 5 Months How Long Have You Been Active On The Prison Server: 4 Months 3 Weeks How Often Do You Play: Every night Why Should We Pick You: People say I'm very nice, funny, and generous. Even people I play with and don't even know say that! I would help a lot with the server. I have read all the rules and I accept them and they are good and smart rules Other Info About You: I play Minecraft a lot. I'm still in school. I play basketball. What Time Zone You Live In: Eastern (US) What Rank Are You Currently: A Ward (Elite)
How long have you been active in our community: 1 month
How long have I played: about 2 months to 1 month
How often do I play: about 3-5 hours on weekday
Why should we pick you: I think you should pick me because I play quite a while. I get killed quite a bit in game because of people just waiting for someone to come along and I'm quite kind I have ranked up a lot of people and gave then good pick axes and told them some tips about mining.
Other info about me: I like to explore the game and I'm very OCD not much that I can say
What time zone do you live in: aest ( Australian Eastern standard time (10+))
1. IGN: CalebAndrews
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 2 months
5. How Often Do You Play: 5 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I will listen to all of the players in lower ranks and respect them
7. Other Info About You: I don't troll people in mine if i kill someone i give their stuff back
8. What time zone you live in: Australia/Sydney
9. What rank are you currently: C
I really hope my application gets accepted if it will I will be so happy
3.How long have you been active in our community: Around like 3/2 months.
4.How long have you been playing on the prison server?: Around 3/2 months
5.How often do you play?:Probably half an hour or a whole hour.
6.Why should we pick you?:Because i love this server so much and I will follow the rules of being a guard.
7.Other info about you: I played minecraft for around like 3/4 years.
8.What timezone do you live in? Chicago in IL.
9.What rank are you currently?: Im in A and i have the super donator rank.
Thanks for the awesome server,
Shuluu or any other staff, please look at this and decline/accept it.
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:3-1 months(I think more or less A while though)
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: around 1 year now
5. How Often Do You Play:When ever i can 1-3 hours on weekdays 2-4 on weekends and daily
6. Why Should We Pick You:Well i have always looked up to guard and I've always wanted to be one so this i why i am applying
7. Other Info About You:Well i Am rank Super and getting VIP Very soon i also always see people with swords and allot of guards say i should apply and i have everything you need(If u want to know any personal info about me just ask)(I don't really wanna give it out in public)
8. What timezone you live in:Australian standard eastern daylight savings
9.What rank are you currently:I'm in S
2. Age: 18
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 1-2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 5 months
5. How Often Do You Play: About 3-4 hours a day but on weekends 5-6 hours.
6. Why Should We Pick You: well, when I was a -C ranker I was always killed because they would have there sword and kill me and I couldn't do anything about it. If I was Guard I would help and stop that so more people could enjoy this server. I have read all the guard rules and know what to do when a situation happens. Plus there is mostly never any guards on I would say every other day or so a guard would be on Duty and there would be a lot of pvp and no guards to control everything. On Prison Tech every body knows me and I think they might stop but I don't really know if they will.
7. Other Info About You: I play on 1 other server but I think prison tech is the most fun because there is a lot of PVP and I LOVE PVP.
8. What time zone you live in: USA central
9.What rank are you currently: S+ & [VIP]
2. Age: 15 (Birthday is in 7 days!)
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I've been on Techge3ks sever ever since 500-600 people
Were on the server I really enjoy it!
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I've been playing prison sever from about 700-750 people were playing on the server. Prison is my favorite out of all of
Techge3ks servers!
5. How Often Do You Play:I play about 2-6hrs a day (depends on the day and time)
6. Why Should We Pick You:I love this server I have put a lot
of time into this. I love helping out noobs (lower ranks) I love helping people with ranking up or getting items! I love to pvp all the time I play nothing on MC accept this server!
7. Other Info About You: My name is Justin, I love baseball! I also love Basketball! I love watching YouTube videos of every sort. But most important I love minecraft!!
8. What timezone you live in: Central Time U.S(Illinois)
9.What rank are you currently: I am currently in rank F working my way up to J I have about 4 mil so about 4.5 mil to go to rank up! I ranked up 3 days ago (estimate) I've been doing a lot
of pvpimg so I don't have theta much money! But I have been starting to mine more though!
I really hope you accept this I would really appreciate this thanks so much hope I see you when I'm a guard!
Sincerely ,
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about a month, give or take a couple days
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about a month, give or take a couple days
5. How Often Do You Play: Daily, maybe 8 hours or more a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: You should pick me as a Guard because I have read and understand and respect the rules and guidelines that would be put on me as a guard and I love helping others out as much as possible. I generally get along with almost everyone, I try to see everyone's point of view, I would have somefun on the job but still get the job done within the fair guidelines appointed over me.
7. Other Info About You: I am in Brazilian JiuJitsu, I am in some sports such as Varsity wrestling, football, track, baseball. and I love helping others. I am working on my ComptiA+ and am working for a scholarship to Anapolis Naval University for Nuclear Engineering for the United States Navy.
8. What timezone you live in: Central Time Zone
9.What rank are you currently: S and in a couple days I will be getting Super donator rank
Thank you very much for your time and consideration I hope you promote me to Guard.
1. IGN: Twedbear
2: Age: 18
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 4 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 4 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 8 Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and have read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply.http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff member on a skyblock server.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
9: What Rank Are You Currently: Rank A+ [VIP]
1. IGN:blockheads03
2. Age:19
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: cupple years
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:cupple years
5. How Often Do You Play:every day
6. Why Should We Pick You:i play on this server alot and i have donated for super rank
7. Other Info About You:i am nice and will help ppl on the server
8. What timezone you live in:ct
9.What rank are you currently: b almost a with super rank
2. Age:18
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:8 weeks but if you are talking about forums then about 1 day lol
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:about 6 weeks now
5. How Often Do You Play:about 6 hours a day but if you want to put a limit on how long i guard each day i will accept that
6. Why Should We Pick You:i think you should pick me because i never hold a grudge i know its a game and what happens is whats supposed to happen if i am pvping :D. also i never give anything away nor do i take stuff from people i am not that greedy guy. also i also hate it when people guard the entrances of wards and i will put a stop to that i understand that for pvpers but if someone that wants to just mine wants to get past it is literally impossible. also when people spam by just adding ! i always notice because i look at chat all the time. another thing is i have read all the rules and i am willing to follow them i am also willing to follow almost any rule you give me because i think i will love guard and it will be better then just mining all day i might get to do a little bit of pvp i also see many fights that i can interrupt every single day
7. Other Info About You: i don't know what to talk about sorry
8. What timezone you live in:eastern because i live in Canada
9.What rank are you currently: s but i may rank up soon iam only 2 million away =D
thank you so very much for your time and i hope you have a nice day but please accept me =D
3.How long have you been active in our community:1-2 mouths and I've been apart of the minecraft forums for a long time.
4.How long have you played on the Prison Sever.1 or 2 mouths
5. How often do you play. 6 or 7 hours
6. Why should we pick you. Because I love your sever I play it everyday. I would love to help out your community and your server. And most of all help everyone to have fun and enjoy their self on you server. And just have fun my self too.
7. Other info about you. My brother also likes your prison server and he like your pixelmon server. I lost my mom too brain and breast canser when I was 5. I play football. And yeah
8. What timezone do you live in. EasterTime because I live in America
9. I'm currently A prisoner about to rank up though.
I hope you pick me1.ING. garrett3901
3.How long have you been active in our community:1-2 mouths and I've been apart of the minecraft forums for a long time.
4.How long have you played on the Prison Sever.1 or 2 mouths
5. How often do you play. 6 or 7 hours
6. Why should we pick you. Because I love your sever I play it everyday. I would love to help out your community and your server. And most of all help everyone to have fun and enjoy their self on you server. And just have fun my self too.
7. Other info about you. My brother also likes your prison server and he like your pixelmon server. I lost my mom too brain and breast canser when I was 5. I play football. And yeah
8. What timezone do you live in. EasterTime because I live in America
9. I'm currently A prisoner about to rank up though.
I hope you pick me
Thank you!
Posted Today, 05:21 PM
1:IGN ckcraftster
2: AGE:17
3: how long have you been active in our community:3 months
4:how long have u been playing on the prison server: 2 months
5:how often do you play: 6 hours a day and 9 hours on weekends
6:i help people that are lower ranks i help people when they just rank up and i show them around.i follow the rules and i do what the guards ask me to do.
7:other info about you:i like sports im smart i play prison tech a lot and hoping to record soon.
8:what timezone you live Eastern time zone
9:im currently prestige A+
2. Age:19
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:a cupple years
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:a cuppleyears
5. How Often Do You Play:every day
6. Why Should We Pick You:i am on a lot i play mostley every day i love to play and ill be a good guard
7. Other Info About You:i am really good with da hackers i have been admin on a server and found a whole bunch
8. What timezone you live in:ct timezone
9.What rank are you currently: i am a rank with super for donater
15 (I will explain later)
How long have you been active:
I have been active In the techge3ks community for 11 months.
How long have you been active on prison:
I have been active for 11 months, Prisontech was the first techge3ks server I found and played on.
How often to you play:
As most people know i am unable to play video games during weekdays, this was first due to my parents raising me as being very study orientated. However overtime I learned for myself to prioritise my sporting and education before my hobbies such as computer. Although when the weekend arrives I am very active and often play 6 - 8 hours a day. However with my sport being played on Sundays sometimes I do not get much play time on that day. Although I am not as active as others I feel my maturity can still benefit the community in this particular role.
Why should we choose you:
I feel like I have become very active in the Techge3ks community and should further my role as a leader and role model. I have become very active on the forums and through my time I have interacted with many leaders in the community and earned the trust of admins. I also received forum mod even though I was under the legitimate age, and over time I bettered this achievement when I recieved super forum mod. I am also a Sr. Pixelmon Mod. I believe this was through my maturity and ability to handle different situations under pressure. This is not the only reason I should receive this role however. In life I believe I am a natural leader, although a quiet achiever I manage to be vice captain of my local football club and have very strong opinions. I am very encouraging and try to be as responsive as I can when people are seeking my assistance. I also take my roles in this community very seriously as I now any sort of slip up will fall badly on the techge3ks reputation.
I believe I have the attributes and assets to fill the role of becoming a guard in the techge3ks community.
Other info about you:
Although I realise I am under the legitimate age to apply for guard this has not deterred me. In other circumstances such as applying for forum mod even though I was rejected at first purely due to the fact I was underage, this did not deter me from my goal. Even if I am rejected from becoming guard I will persevere to make my self a better role model.
What times one do you live in:
Australia, Melbourne... I really don't know what times one that is...
What rank are you currently:
I am currently F+ In prestige on Prisontech.
Thankyou for taking the time to read my app
- Jimmehh
Age: 17
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Server: 5 Months
How Long Have You Been Active On The Prison Server: 4 Months 3 Weeks
How Often Do You Play: Every night
Why Should We Pick You: People say I'm very nice, funny, and generous. Even people I play with and don't even know say that! I would help a lot with the server. I have read all the rules and I accept them and they are good and smart rules
Other Info About You: I play Minecraft a lot. I'm still in school. I play basketball.
What Time Zone You Live In: Eastern (US)
What Rank Are You Currently: A Ward (Elite)
2.15 ( 16 in june )
3.1 month
4.1 month
5.3-6 hours a day
6.cause i want to experience the sever by being a guard and i dont see much guards on and i would like to try catch the people who do the wrong thing
7.live in Australia and like playing pvp severs on minecraft
8.GMT Australia
Ign: _MrNiceGuy
How long have you been active in our community: 1 month
How long have I played: about 2 months to 1 month
How often do I play: about 3-5 hours on weekday
Why should we pick you: I think you should pick me because I play quite a while. I get killed quite a bit in game because of people just waiting for someone to come along and I'm quite kind I have ranked up a lot of people and gave then good pick axes and told them some tips about mining.
Other info about me: I like to explore the game and I'm very OCD not much that I can say
What time zone do you live in: aest ( Australian Eastern standard time (10+))
What rank are you currently: I am S rank
I hope you accept my and that you even see this
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 2 months
5. How Often Do You Play: 5 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I will listen to all of the players in lower ranks and respect them
7. Other Info About You: I don't troll people in mine if i kill someone i give their stuff back
8. What time zone you live in: Australia/Sydney
9. What rank are you currently: C
I really hope my application gets accepted if it will I will be so happy
but if it doesn't
3.How long have you been active in our community: Around like 3/2 months.
4.How long have you been playing on the prison server?: Around 3/2 months
5.How often do you play?:Probably half an hour or a whole hour.
6.Why should we pick you?:Because i love this server so much and I will follow the rules of being a guard.
7.Other info about you: I played minecraft for around like 3/4 years.
8.What timezone do you live in? Chicago in IL.
9.What rank are you currently?: Im in A and i have the super donator rank.
Thanks for the awesome server,
Shuluu or any other staff, please look at this and decline/accept it.