1. IGN: kyleallen123
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: over 1 year now but took a major break and now starting back up.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about a month now
5. How Often Do You Play: mostly every day
6. Why Should We Pick You: you should pick me because I'm truthful, honest, and i do get the job done. i have never been jailed since i have played but i did get my sword taken from me. also i have seen many guards abuse their powers/command and i hope to be the one guard that doesn't. also i would be a great guard because i always keep my eyes open, and i also want to be that guard everybody is scared of because they know i don't let things bye.
7. Other Info About You: i hope to donate soon and i really want to see this server grow even bigger
8. What timezone you live in: Central Standard Time (SA, Texas)
9.What rank are you currently: LVL S about to be LVL F soon
1. IGN: angrybirdlover1
2. Age: 16 NOT lieing
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 1 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 1 month
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I don't keep gruges
7. Other Info About You: I don't have tempers
8. What time zone you live in: Pacific
9.What rank are you currently: A
1. IGN: Lost3039
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:I've only been around for about 5 days, but I love the server. I think it is very, very well built and really does a good job in the prison genre. I've played on many prison servers before but this one is by far the best. This is why after playing for about a day I donated for the super rank. This is because I knew it would be worth it, as I would be having a lot of fun with the server.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I've been on the prison server for five days as I said before. I love playing it, and definitely look forward to coming on it every day.
5. How Often Do You Play:I play probably about an hour or two on weekdays, because of my school work (I'm in 11th grade and you know how that is). On weekends though when I have no tests I can play around 4 hours to almost 7 or 8 if I'm feeling up to it.
6. Why Should We Pick You: Well, I think I'm very dedicated and hardworking. All throughout my life I've strived to be the best I possibly can, whether that be in sports, schools, or anything in that matter. If I'm picked to be guard it will be no different. As guard I can assure you I will try my hardest and never cut corners. I'm also very trustworthy, and never lie. Finally I can understand three languages and type responses to them. These languages being: English, German, and French.
7. Other Info About You: I don't really know. I'm a friendly person who is very approachable, and I will answer any questions any new players may have. Also, I'm very good at grammar and typing speed, so I guess you could say when players talk to me I will look more "official."
8. What timezone you live in: Pacific Standard Time
9.What rank are you currently:I'm currently A Rank, almost at H. Also if being a super donator counts as a rank then I guess I'm that to.
Anyways thanks for reading!
How Long have u been active in our community?: I Have Been Playing For probly about 5months I originally was looking up on youtube good prison servers Prisontech was the best So I started playing After 4 months of it I had a break I was getting board Now I have come back after 1 month To Play this awesome server again
How Long Have you been playing on this server?: I have been playing technically Been play for 5 months but I had a break for 1 month so 4 months
How Long Can U Play For?: I can Play Weekdays fro 6_7 In the morning And In the after noon I can play 2:50 to 11 Weekends I can play usually to 1:00 In the morning
Why Should We Pick you: I think You Should pick me because There Is Never gaurds on duty Most of The Guard have moved on My friends always want to fight a guard but there is never 1 on I will always Do My Duty 1hour
Other Info About U I can talk on teamspeak when I have the chance I can Promise u my best job and I will never ever abuse Players
What TimeZone Do u live In: (Australian) Aest
What Rank Are U currently: I am Currently J Soon To Be Free Also Vip
1. IGN:Youhei_Sonohara
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:2-3 months (i online at forum 1 hour a day :D)
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:2-3 months (im not that active if school days)
5. How Often Do You Play:2-4 hours a day and 1-3 hours a day if school days
6. Why Should We Pick You: to make the comunity better, enjoyable and happier to play on,
7. Other Info About You: well, idk but im an active member of prison tech, almost everyday i log in.
8. What timezone you live in: GTM+8
9.What rank are you currently: S+
2. Age: 14(ill be 15 in less than half a year) - Very mature for my age. (I know a lot of guards that have not met the age requirement, but are still good) And I have been told by some guards that I would fit right in. (Indubitably_Luke thinks that I would act very well and perform the duties of guard to your consent.)
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Ive been in the wonderful Tehge3ks community for around 1year now. Once I joined the community... I just can't leave... Everyone starts to become one great big family.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Same lengths as before... around 1 year now. (I played on a friends account for about 1.5 months before mine)
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday... Around 1+ hours on PrisonTech(p1, p2, p3, p4, of1, of2, of3, of4, of5, of6, of7, of8, of8, of10, of11, of12, plots1, plots2, plotsp, and prestige). Obviously more on the weekends (2+ hours). All the time that I spend playing Minecraft is spent on your server.
6.Why Should We Pick You:First off, I don't know what you are looking at for a guard, but sit back, relax, and enjoy the "show"!You should pick me because there are times when the are no guards online and the server needs to be taken care of. This is due to the Pixelmon Server. When 1,500+ people are on, there should be at least 5 guards online keeping the peace, but there are 0-1 guards on at that time. I really only see Indubitably_Luke on duty. I also feel like I need some more excitement in playing PrisonTech. The server is fun and all, but it gets boring at times due to the fact that I have been Free+ and there is really nothing left to do. I am also skilled enough at PvP to protect those who cannot protect themselves. You should also pick me because I am very considerate of others and know how to deal with tough situations (See question #7 below). I have made tons of friends during my time on the Prison Server (includes people all the way from D to prestige Free+). I am also familiar with the plugins that involve guarding. If someone needs an escort somewhere because there are too many people hoarding an area, they can always ask me (even when I would be off-duty. I escort people anyway, just because no one else will). There have been times when I asked for an escort and was denied the request... of course I ended up being killed. I believe that I have been on the TechGe3ks Prison Servers long enough to understand what to do and what not to do as a guard (Indubitably_Luke has been kinda teaching me how to be a great guard like himself). Also, when the server gets to be as big as its been getting the past few months, you are going to need more people keeping the server under control (especially when most of the new prisoners either donate for VIP, or reach rank J because exp is easier). This server is also not like any other. It is the best prison server out there (this is a known fact), and in my opinion, the best and most well developed server ever made. There is no other place I'd rather be. You can find me on Teamspeak a lot now, and I am sometimes on Skype. With more people joining due to the famous youtubers, there are more people that don't know what to do and need help. I would tell them that I will answer any question that they have to the abilities that I am allowed. Every player shall be treated as if they where the owner of the server. I am a very trustworthy guy and vow to not abuse my powers and to never give out any guard equips (if you can even do that). Also, I find no reason to abuse my powers because this is a goal that I have had since day one. It would be a waste of my time, but more importantly, a waste of your time because you had to read this and then demote me because of what I did. I look up to Indubitably_Luke and hope to be as good a guard as he is, that is if I get guard. To finish this off, I'd just like to add in how many hours I've put into the server the past month. #Ge3kNation
7. Other Info About You:This is the first server that I joined after I got my Minecraft account. I have a youtube channel and have 62+ subs... www.youtube.com/SharpTubeYou (my twitch is ). I am also part of a mountain biking team. I participate in other physical activities and do extremely well in school. I am also the oldest of five boys. There is no other server that has been as fun as this one. I also play the electric guitar in my free time. Even though I don't like running, my best mile time is 5 minutes and 50 seconds. I am also a baseball umpire (Started when I was 10... I was supposed to be 13, but I was as mature enough and beyond ready to take on the responsibilities of the job).
8. What time zone you live in: Pacific Time Zone: Los Angeles, California
9. What Rank Are You Currently: I am currently ranked prestige Free+ and there is almost nothing left to do. (I am also a VIP donator)
1. IGN:ZaBlox1 2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:I've been active about 4 months in the community in total. When i first started, i played for a about 2 days and then i took a long break, and then i started paying again till i reached rank S. 4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:I've been playing for about 4 months on the server now, in total. 5. How Often Do You Play:I play about 6 to 8 hours a day on weekdays and about 8 to 10 hours on the weekend.
6. Why Should We Pick You: Well there are many reasons why i should be picked as a Guard on the server. Firstly, I'm kind and respectful to all players and i try helping them out as much as i can, especially the ones that really need it, like players in C ward or D. Secondly, I love helping people and i would love to be Guard on the server.
7. Other Info About You: I'm in S ward and very close to ranking up to F :D. Since I've started playing on the server, I've always been looking at the Guards and what they do, and I thought to myself, "This is an awesome job, being a Guard and helping out players,". And since then I've been working really hard to rank up as quick as i can so i can get to know more people and get a little experience on the server so i can apply for guard. So now I'm here applying for Guard and I'm hoping I can become one, one day. I've read all the Guard rules and have understood all of them and have agreed with all of them.
8. What timezone you live in:UTC+10:00 (Australian Eastern Time Zone) 9.What rank are you currently:S
Thank you for taking the time to read my Application.
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I've been laying on Techge3ks servers for about 4.5 months.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: PrisonTech was the server that introduced me to Techge3ks, so also 4.5 months.
5. How Often Do You Play: I play for about 2 hours a day.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very good at pvp and it would be a great experience for me to be guard. I think it would be so much fun playing as a guard and having more stuff to do to improve my experience on PrisonTech
7. Other Info About You: I have Skype. I love playing on PrisonTech is it my favorite server. I love this type of server and I believe that PrisonTech is the best made out of all the prison servers.
8. What timezone you live in: Est. (Eastern Standard Time)
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 4 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 4 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 8 Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and have read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply.http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff member on a skyblock server.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
1. flsoldier 2. 16 3. 3 weeks 4. 2 months i believe 5. 2 hours everyday 6. I am a really reliable person. I am a hard worker. 7. I love to get mind into something so it motivates me into doing stuff. 8. EST 9. S pisioner
IGN: awsome3352
Age Almost 13 ( Very Mature and Kind )
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 6 months
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 6 months
How Often Do You Play: School days : 2 hours or more : Weekends : 4-6 Hours
Why Should We Pick You: I have Donated 50$ to this server! I love this server and play it more than any other server! It is very tedious to Mine for lots and lots of money!
Other Info About You Minecraft is very fun to me. I play a lot. And considering about making a youtube channel on Prisontech and MInecraft stuff
What timezone you live in:I think I live in EST time zone. I don't know if I'm right but I live in New York
What rank are you currently I am currently in S rank
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Around 3 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: once again 3 month
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I think you should pick me beacuse i play the server not to rank up, i play beacause i love the people and how nice and fun it is to play with everybody. I think i should give back and voulanteer my time to make shure that there is never a boring moment for anybody.
am est (i still go on at other times)and theres never that many guards i could help boost that number .
7. Other Info About You: -Always love talking to people -understanding - i never get upset
1. IGN: Piggy8c
2. Age: 16
3. How long have you been active in our community: Almost a month.
4. How long have you been playing on the prison server: Almost a month.
5. How often do you play: I play all the time.
6. Why should we pick you: You should pick me because I love the prison server and i enjoy it and i want evryone else to as well but for some people its hard because there is someone killing them every time they go to the mine then try going to the store in higher blocks, or people killing them when they try to enchant so i want to help the people stay safe.
7. Other info about me: there is not much about me other then i live in a small city with nothing to do so i have no life, i just play video games.
8. What time zone do you live in: I live in GMT -8
9. What rank are you currently: I'm in B
A Prison Server Is A Specific Type Of Server Which Belongs In The Category Of Role-Playing Servers. In A Prison Server , There Are Usually Around 4-10 Prison Ranks, Guards, and Wardens. As A Prisoner You Have To Do Certain Jobs To Get Money, When You Are In D-Block You Need To Mine And Cut Trees To Get Your Money. Every Block Has A Whole New Refreshing Area With All New Jobs Which Means You Never Get Bored. After You Have Made Enough Money You Can Buy Free.
Introduction To PrisonTech
PrisonTech Is The Latest Installment Of The Techge3ks. It Comes From A Streaming Group Led By A Fine Man Named Turwaithion_ And Features 20+ Members. They Currently Have 7 Servers And Is Actively Expanding.PrisonTech Currently Holds 125+ Slots And 2 Servers
Ranks D-Rank: Rank Cost: Free (Initial Rank) Price of Cells: $1,000 Mine Base Material: Stone Mine Minerals: Coal, Iron C-Rank: Rank Cost: $20000 Price of Cells: $2,000 Mine Base Material: Sandstone Mine Minerals: Coal, Iron, Gold B-Rank: Rank Cost: $75,000 Price of Cells: $3,000Mine Base Material: Netherrack Mine Minerals: Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond A-Rank: Rank Cost: $175,000 Price of a Plot: $50,000 Mine Base Material: Stone Mine Minerials: Iron, Gold, Diamond, Redstone H-Rank: Rank Cost: $500,000 Price of a Plot: $500,000 Mine Base Material: Soul Sand Mine Materials: Iron, Gold, Diamond, Redstone S-Rank: Rank Cost: $1,000,000 Price of a Plot: $2,000,000 Mine Base Material: Mushroom block Mine Materials: Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, NetherBrick, Dirt, Mycelium, Glowstone F-Rank: Rank Cost: $4,000,000 Price of a Plot: $4,500,000 Mine Base Material: Clay Mine Materials: Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli,Wool, dirt, Ice J-Rank: Rank Cost: $8,500,000 Price of a Plot: $5,750,000 Mine Base Material: Water Mine Materials: Diamond,Emerald, lapis, glowstone, redstone, wool, dirt, mycelium, mossy cobble, quartz Free-Rank: Rank Cost: $25,000,000
Guard Rules
1. Equal Pvp When you see a prisoner pvping with another prisoner, if only one is attacking the other, then kill the attacker, but if they are both fighting, kill them both .2. No Grudges If a certain prisoner has a sword and kills you with it, you can't respawn and ask for his sword when he hasn't shown it to you that life. Also don't kill him as a revenge kill. 3. Off-Duty Guidelines While Off-Duty, you are no different then any other prisoner. If a guard that is on duty and asks for your sword you must give. You are not allowed to use any of your guard equipment while off-duty. You are also not allowed to use the enchantment sign inside the guard area to enchant any items that are to be used while off-duty. 4. Fair Chance Give the prisoner a fair chance to give his contraband (ex.sword,bow), count down from 5 and make sure he is within a couple of blocks away from you 5. Prisoner Safezone Troll If the prisoner hits you and runs back into the Safezone multiple time (2 or 3) then warn them of a PVP Abuse Warning, if he keeps doing it, warn him a second time, if he does it a 3rd time directly after that, jail him for an appropriate time length. 6. Suspected Hacker Jailings If you suspect a hacker, collect screenshot (multiple)/video evidence. Do not jail them unless they've committed a proven offense. 7. Spammer Dealings If a person is sending multiple messages in a couple of seconds, give them 3 warnings, if they don't stop, mute them for 15 minutes. 8. No Stealing Never steal from any of the chests in the rooms at /warp guard. 9. No Trolling Using your knockback stick to just knock some random back is against the rules, the correct way to use a knockback stick is when you are being hit by multiple prisoners with armor, then you would hit some of them with your stick to isolate some of the prisoners. 10. Split Up If there are already 2-3 guards at the D-Mine then go to the shops, if there are a lot of guards in both places, then try patrolling C. 11. Don't Judge By Chat Never take the prisoners word for it, but go to where he is talking about and see if you can catch the offense yourself. 12. Appropriate Off-Duty You should only go off-duty for a tops of 20 minutes, and you should NEVER go off-duty when you are one of the only guards online. 13. Set Some Examples Try not to cuss in chat, and try to keep unneeded capitalization to a minimum, NEVER LEAVE YOUR CAPS ON LIKE THIS. 14. Common Sense When a situation is not listed, use your brain, if you are wrong we will most likely give you a warning and possibly add it this list of rules. 15. Appropriate Knockback Stick If you see a player hit another player with just their fist. Use your knockback stick. If you do not have a knockback stick please let a warden know so they can get you one. 16. Announce Off-Duty If you want to mine and make money. You must put your guard equips away and state in chat that you are off. 17. Excessive PVPing If a prisoner is excessive pvping you or other prisoners. Jail them for 3m but make sure you give them a last warning. Saying Shuluu this is your last warning for excessive pvp. 18. Mine Blocking Anyone caught placing blocks on the layer above the mine is to be jailed for 30 minutes. 19. Possession of Drugs on Prisoners Anyone caught selling or in possession of drugs [ex. Mushrooms, Wheat] are to be jailed for 10 minutes 20. Off Duty PvP If you are off duty, you can't pvp in D 21. Appropriate Nickname If you are a donator with the ability of /nick, it has to include your real in game name while on duty 22. Leave your opinions behind Any thoughts about another prisoner should be left behind and should not affect your guarding. 23. No giving away guard equips No giving away any of the items you spawn with. 24. No using guard enchants in warp guard for off-duty use You may not use any of the enchant signs at warp guard for any non guarding usage, such as off duty. 25. Ender Pearl Abuse Using ender pearls to get on top of areas such as the prison, jail, donor area, or any other place where you can't usually reach is strictly prohibited and will result in a demotion
Suggested Guard Jailing Times Refusing to give a sword- 5 minutes PVP-Logging- 10 minutes Safezone Troll- 3 minutes Placing Blocks on Layer above Mine- 30 minutes Possession of Drugs- 10 minutesExcessive PvP- 3 minutesRepeated Offenses add 2 minutes everytime. (has to be within 10 minutes of the previous offense.)
Guard Commands
Jailing Prisoners= /jail name timeTemporarily Muting Players= /tempmute name time (note, for minutes do 5m or the time before the m [m stands for minutes])
Temporary blinding and slowing people when you hit them= /taser
Teleporting to places around the prison= /warp [place]
Temporarily banish someone from the server= /tempban name time (do d for days, so 7d would be a week)Virtual Chest= /chest open
Guard App
New Rule. Must be 16 years or older
1. IGN:
2. Age:
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:
5. How Often Do You Play:
6. Why Should We Pick You:
7. Other Info About You:
8. What timezone you live in:
9.What rank are you currently:
IGN: shady6758
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: One Year
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: A Year And A Month
How Often Do You Play: Every Day
Why Should We Pick You: Because I Am V.I.P And I Try To Help Out In The Prison Community
Other Info About You: Sometimes I Try To Stream On The Prison Server
What Timezone You Live In: Central OhioIGN: shady6758
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: One Year
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: A Year And A Month
How Often Do You Play: Every Day
Why Should We Pick You: Because I Am V.I.P And I Try To Help Out In The Prison Community
Other Info About You: Sometimes I Try To Stream On The Prison Server
What Timezone You Live In: Central Ohio
(I Think I Posted In The Wrong Place Before)
2. Age: 15 (turning 16 in Feb, so plz don't denny me for that)
3. I have been active in the community for about 2 months.
4. I have been playing on the prison server for 2 months also.
5. I try to put in 3-4 hours on weekdays and up to 15 on weekends. (time may vary depending on school)
6. I would like to be picked because the community on the prison server is amazing, and I would like to do any thing in my power to help make it EVEN better. I am also a donator (vip) so I am serious with my support for your server.
7. Some other info about me is that I have been playing minecraft since late alpha and I know a lot about the game and it's mechanics so, i would be able to help out any one in need of assistance.
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I have been active in the forums since September 4, 2013.
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I joined prison 1 in January 2013 and still playing long.
How Often Do You Play:I play everyday 7+hours on school days, and on weekends, I play 12+hours.
Why Should We Pick You:You should pick me because I've reaslised that there have been no active guards at all on any server. I feel like I can fit the job becuase I'm active all the time and know my guard rules. I have acknowledged the guard rules and punishment times also the appropriate behaviour towards other players.
Other Info About You:I like to pvp and sometimes help out new players by ranking some up. I like to play Football and Baseball in my spare time. I also like to sometimes play on Main and go on creative.
What timezone you live in:I live in GMT +11 which is Victoria, Australia.
What rank are you currently:I am in S+ and I'm also a VIP donator.
1. IGN: kylebarthelson 2. Age:14, 15 in March. 3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Since February 2013. I've had time off in between then and the past few months. 4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Since February 2013.
5. How Often Do You Play: 2-4 hours a night, 6-10 hours on weekends. 6. Why Should We Pick You:I have studied these 'prisoners' and I know where they like to attack each other and where they think they're safe from guards. I'm highly mature and I'll look out for the wants of the people. I know how a D ranker, "noob" feels when they get attacked and lose their inventory of stuff, as it is all they have and it ruins their day. I believe I am dedicated to this server and have not committed any offences to this date. When I get home from school, I see no guards online usually for up to 3 hours, and I see massacres everywhere, as if the place is a slaughterhouse. I can fill in for the time the guards aren't on, and I would love the opportunity to support my absolute all time favorite server. Oh, and I tend to help out the guards when they're getting attacked by multiple prisoners even though I get jailed for it. I see being a guard as a huge opportunity and I reckon I'd do well. I am well skilled in PvP in my own opinion, playing many PvP minigames such as Survival Games, The Walls and Bow Spleef to improve my accuracy. I would absolutely put my guard duty before things such as my xbox, and my friend's realms server. I am very approachable, friendly and caring, I want to help this server out as much as possible and I think that becoming a guard would allow me to do this to the best of my abilities. I love this server, it's probably the main server I play at the moment, even though my only goal is to become a guard at the moment as there isn't really much for me to do until the server updates to 1.7.
I'd love the opportunity to help almost as much as I'd love to work with fellow guards. They are a great bunch and I'd like to be a part of them. I know the guard rules and I've memorised them, and I really, really would love to do it. I swear to do what the wardens instruct and I will be the best guard I can be, to the best of my abilities. 7. Other Info About You:Non-donor but planning on VIP when I get a job, sometimes a bit too kind. Highly protective. Access to a Minecraft Realms beta testing account. Absolutely addicted to Minecraft, and believe in justice. Never abused. Top of the class, high scores in exams without studying. I know the guard rules, and I have them on a note on my phone. lel. Minecraft is my favourite game and this server is my favourite server. It is the server on which I have the most progression. 8. What timezone you live in:GMT +10:00, Victoria 9.What rank are you currently: S+ rank. :3
-As you may have seen, I have been on a lot more lately, managing 8+ hours a day. In that time, I have seen ONE guard online on P3, ONE! I believe I can fill in the missing staff and I believe I'd be able to handle myself in all situations. I really believe I could do well as a guard, I'm on good terms with Rainbow (<3) and I have helped Rainbow discover some things, and confirm some things, I think. I would really love the opportunity to prove myself, as I have stated, and I would really love something other than mining and enchanting to do for the remainder of my time on this server!
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: around 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:2 monthsf
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday 3 hours each
6. Why Should We Pick You:i play everyday on this sever and try to rankup everyday. I am also really reliable. furthermore, i really enjoy the prison server.
7. Other Info About You:live in staten island united states
8. What timezone you live in: eastern standard time.
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: over 1 year now but took a major break and now starting back up.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about a month now
5. How Often Do You Play: mostly every day
6. Why Should We Pick You: you should pick me because I'm truthful, honest, and i do get the job done. i have never been jailed since i have played but i did get my sword taken from me. also i have seen many guards abuse their powers/command and i hope to be the one guard that doesn't. also i would be a great guard because i always keep my eyes open, and i also want to be that guard everybody is scared of because they know i don't let things bye.
7. Other Info About You: i hope to donate soon and i really want to see this server grow even bigger
8. What timezone you live in: Central Standard Time (SA, Texas)
9.What rank are you currently: LVL S about to be LVL F soon
2. Age: 16 NOT lieing
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 1 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 1 month
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I don't keep gruges
7. Other Info About You: I don't have tempers
8. What time zone you live in: Pacific
9.What rank are you currently: A
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:I've only been around for about 5 days, but I love the server. I think it is very, very well built and really does a good job in the prison genre. I've played on many prison servers before but this one is by far the best. This is why after playing for about a day I donated for the super rank. This is because I knew it would be worth it, as I would be having a lot of fun with the server.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I've been on the prison server for five days as I said before. I love playing it, and definitely look forward to coming on it every day.
5. How Often Do You Play:I play probably about an hour or two on weekdays, because of my school work (I'm in 11th grade and you know how that is). On weekends though when I have no tests I can play around 4 hours to almost 7 or 8 if I'm feeling up to it.
6. Why Should We Pick You: Well, I think I'm very dedicated and hardworking. All throughout my life I've strived to be the best I possibly can, whether that be in sports, schools, or anything in that matter. If I'm picked to be guard it will be no different. As guard I can assure you I will try my hardest and never cut corners. I'm also very trustworthy, and never lie. Finally I can understand three languages and type responses to them. These languages being: English, German, and French.
7. Other Info About You: I don't really know. I'm a friendly person who is very approachable, and I will answer any questions any new players may have. Also, I'm very good at grammar and typing speed, so I guess you could say when players talk to me I will look more "official."
8. What timezone you live in: Pacific Standard Time
9.What rank are you currently:I'm currently A Rank, almost at H. Also if being a super donator counts as a rank then I guess I'm that to.
Anyways thanks for reading!
Ign: ProSpinner13
How Long have u been active in our community?: I Have Been Playing For probly about 5months I originally was looking up on youtube good prison servers Prisontech was the best So I started playing After 4 months of it I had a break I was getting board Now I have come back after 1 month To Play this awesome server again
How Long Have you been playing on this server?: I have been playing technically Been play for 5 months but I had a break for 1 month so 4 months
How Long Can U Play For?: I can Play Weekdays fro 6_7 In the morning And In the after noon I can play 2:50 to 11 Weekends I can play usually to 1:00 In the morning
Why Should We Pick you: I think You Should pick me because There Is Never gaurds on duty Most of The Guard have moved on My friends always want to fight a guard but there is never 1 on I will always Do My Duty 1hour
Other Info About U I can talk on teamspeak when I have the chance I can Promise u my best job and I will never ever abuse Players
What TimeZone Do u live In: (Australian) Aest
What Rank Are U currently: I am Currently J Soon To Be Free
Also Vip
Thx For Making This Server <3
And Thx For Reading
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:2-3 months (i online at forum 1 hour a day :D)
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:2-3 months (im not that active if school days)
5. How Often Do You Play:2-4 hours a day and 1-3 hours a day if school days
6. Why Should We Pick You: to make the comunity better, enjoyable and happier to play on,
7. Other Info About You: well, idk but im an active member of prison tech, almost everyday i log in.
8. What timezone you live in: GTM+8
9.What rank are you currently: S+
1. IGN: ZaBlox1
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I've been active about 4 months in the community in total. When i first started, i played for a about 2 days and then i took a long break, and then i started paying again till i reached rank S.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I've been playing for about 4 months on the server now, in total.
5. How Often Do You Play: I play about 6 to 8 hours a day on weekdays and about 8 to 10 hours on the weekend.
6. Why Should We Pick You: Well there are many reasons why i should be picked as a Guard on the server.
Firstly, I'm kind and respectful to all players and i try helping them out as much as i can, especially the ones that really need it, like players in C ward or D. Secondly, I love helping people and i would love to be Guard on the server.
7. Other Info About You: I'm in S ward and very close to ranking up to F :D. Since I've started playing on the server, I've always been looking at the Guards and what they do, and I thought to myself, "This is an awesome job, being a Guard and helping out players,". And since then I've been working really hard to rank up as quick as i can so i can get to know more people and get a little experience on the server so i can apply for guard. So now I'm here applying for Guard and I'm hoping I can become one, one day. I've read all the Guard rules and have understood all of them and have agreed with all of them.
8. What timezone you live in: UTC+10:00 (Australian Eastern Time Zone)
9.What rank are you currently: S
Thank you for taking the time to read my Application.
1. IGN: Twedbear
2: Age: 18
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 4 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 4 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 8 Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and have read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply.http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff member on a skyblock server.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
9: What Rank Are You Currently: Rank F [VIP]
2. 16
3. 3 weeks
4. 2 months i believe
5. 2 hours everyday
6. I am a really reliable person. I am a hard worker.
7. I love to get mind into something so it motivates me into doing stuff.
8. EST
9. S pisioner
Age Almost 13 ( Very Mature and Kind )
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 6 months
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 6 months
How Often Do You Play: School days : 2 hours or more : Weekends : 4-6 Hours
Why Should We Pick You: I have Donated 50$ to this server! I love this server and play it more than any other server! It is very tedious to Mine for lots and lots of money!
Other Info About You Minecraft is very fun to me. I play a lot. And considering about making a youtube channel on Prisontech and MInecraft stuff
What timezone you live in:I think I live in EST time zone. I don't know if I'm right but I live in New York
What rank are you currently I am currently in S rank
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Around 3 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: once again 3 month
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I think you should pick me beacuse i play the server not to rank up, i play beacause i love the people and how nice and fun it is to play with everybody. I think i should give back and voulanteer my time to make shure that there is never a boring moment for anybody.
am est (i still go on at other times)and theres never that many guards i could help boost that number .
7. Other Info About You: -Always love talking to people -understanding - i never get upset
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern
9.What rank are you currently: S
2. Age: 16
3. How long have you been active in our community: Almost a month.
4. How long have you been playing on the prison server: Almost a month.
5. How often do you play: I play all the time.
6. Why should we pick you: You should pick me because I love the prison server and i enjoy it and i want evryone else to as well but for some people its hard because there is someone killing them every time they go to the mine then try going to the store in higher blocks, or people killing them when they try to enchant so i want to help the people stay safe.
7. Other info about me: there is not much about me other then i live in a small city with nothing to do so i have no life, i just play video games.
8. What time zone do you live in: I live in GMT -8
9. What rank are you currently: I'm in B
IGN: shady6758
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: One Year
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: A Year And A Month
How Often Do You Play: Every Day
Why Should We Pick You: Because I Am V.I.P And I Try To Help Out In The Prison Community
Other Info About You: Sometimes I Try To Stream On The Prison Server
What Timezone You Live In: Central OhioIGN: shady6758
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: One Year
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: A Year And A Month
How Often Do You Play: Every Day
Why Should We Pick You: Because I Am V.I.P And I Try To Help Out In The Prison Community
Other Info About You: Sometimes I Try To Stream On The Prison Server
What Timezone You Live In: Central Ohio
(I Think I Posted In The Wrong Place Before)
2. Age: 15 (turning 16 in Feb, so plz don't denny me for that)
3. I have been active in the community for about 2 months.
4. I have been playing on the prison server for 2 months also.
5. I try to put in 3-4 hours on weekdays and up to 15 on weekends. (time may vary depending on school)
6. I would like to be picked because the community on the prison server is amazing, and I would like to do any thing in my power to help make it EVEN better. I am also a donator (vip) so I am serious with my support for your server.
7. Some other info about me is that I have been playing minecraft since late alpha and I know a lot about the game and it's mechanics so, i would be able to help out any one in need of assistance.
8. I live in the Eastern timeszone
9. Currently I'm in J ( I am also a VIP donor)
Thanks for your consideration,
IGN: fkSintra
Age: 17
How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I have been active in the forums since September 4, 2013.
How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I joined prison 1 in January 2013 and still playing long.
How Often Do You Play: I play everyday 7+hours on school days, and on weekends, I play 12+hours.
Why Should We Pick You: You should pick me because I've reaslised that there have been no active guards at all on any server. I feel like I can fit the job becuase I'm active all the time and know my guard rules. I have acknowledged the guard rules and punishment times also the appropriate behaviour towards other players.
Other Info About You: I like to pvp and sometimes help out new players by ranking some up. I like to play Football and Baseball in my spare time. I also like to sometimes play on Main and go on creative.
What timezone you live in: I live in GMT +11 which is Victoria, Australia.
What rank are you currently: I am in S+ and I'm also a VIP donator.
1. IGN: kylebarthelson
2. Age: 14, 15 in March.
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Since February 2013. I've had time off in between then and the past few months.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Since February 2013.
5. How Often Do You Play: 2-4 hours a night, 6-10 hours on weekends.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I have studied these 'prisoners' and I know where they like to attack each other and where they think they're safe from guards. I'm highly mature and I'll look out for the wants of the people. I know how a D ranker, "noob" feels when they get attacked and lose their inventory of stuff, as it is all they have and it ruins their day. I believe I am dedicated to this server and have not committed any offences to this date. When I get home from school, I see no guards online usually for up to 3 hours, and I see massacres everywhere, as if the place is a slaughterhouse. I can fill in for the time the guards aren't on, and I would love the opportunity to support my absolute all time favorite server. Oh, and I tend to help out the guards when they're getting attacked by multiple prisoners even though I get jailed for it.
I'd love the opportunity to help almost as much as I'd love to work with fellow guards. They are a great bunch and I'd like to be a part of them. I know the guard rules and I've memorised them, and I really, really would love to do it. I swear to do what the wardens instruct and I will be the best guard I can be, to the best of my abilities.
7. Other Info About You: Non-donor but planning on VIP when I get a job, sometimes a bit too kind. Highly protective. Access to a Minecraft Realms beta testing account. Absolutely addicted to Minecraft, and believe in justice. Never abused. Top of the class, high scores in exams without studying. I know the guard rules, and I have them on a note on my phone. lel.
Minecraft is my favourite game and this server is my favourite server. It is the server on which I have the most progression.
8. What timezone you live in: GMT +10:00, Victoria
9.What rank are you currently: S+ rank. :3
-As you may have seen, I have been on a lot more lately, managing 8+ hours a day. In that time, I have seen ONE guard online on P3, ONE! I believe I can fill in the missing staff and I believe I'd be able to handle myself in all situations. I really believe I could do well as a guard, I'm on good terms with Rainbow (<3) and I have helped Rainbow discover some things, and confirm some things, I think. I would really love the opportunity to prove myself, as I have stated, and I would really love something other than mining and enchanting to do for the remainder of my time on this server!
Thank you all for reading, if you did lol.
Minecraft 1.6.EPIC
+ Me
+ You