1. IGN: ScaredPikachu
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:Ever Since SSundee's first video about this server
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:I play a lot i really am addicted to this server and other TechGe3ks servers like pixelmon 5. How Often Do You Play:I'd say now 8 to 10 hours.
6. Why Should We Pick You:I love the server and its ways of creativity I've never seen a server like this. I follow the rules and basics of this server.
7. Other Info About You:I donated the most in the month of January which is this month! i spent the most money on this server. I bought VIP on prison, alot of in game money, god tools, and ruby donater on pixelmon and i will surely donte to more of your guys server
8. What timezone you live in:Mountain Standard Time
9.What rank are you currently:I am an S prisoner now and i will get to Free by the end of this week! thanks to VIP
How long have i been playing in the the community: I have been play ing for about 2 months now,i am a VIP on the server i love this server so much!!
How often you play a day: I play as soon as i am finished with my homework when i get out of school. I play for 2-6 hours.
Why should we pick you: You should pick me because i am responsible, i am trustworthy, i will do everything i can to bring down people with swords, i will do my best to help other people on the server who need help.
Other things you should know about me: Im a very good pvper, i like help out people on the server.
Time zone: Pacific time zone
What current rank are you: I am currently in S Ward halfway to F Ward im so happy
1. IGN: Dukefnt24
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about a month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: A couple of weeks
5. How Often Do You Play: Usually everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I won't abuse my powers, I read all of the guard rules and I'm very active on the server
7. Other Info About You: I've really enjoyed my time on this server I didn't play minecraft that much until I saw SSundee's video on this and I been playing on this server ever since
8. What timezone you live in: EST (MA)
9.What rank are you currently: A
1. IGN: volcom96
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 1 Year now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 1 year
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday for about 3-5 hours except mon-fri then 1-3 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: Because I have been active in your community and am a very trusting person. I am
Friends with a lot of other guards also. One last reason is because I want a fun prison server and would love to
Help out in any way possible
7. Other Info About You: I live in Rochester, Michigan and have been reading a lot of things about this server and
have become a ge3k about it also I am F block
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern Time zone
9.What rank are you currently: Elite rank
1. IGN: not_so_evil
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: almost 2 years
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: almost 2 years
5. How Often Do You Play: daily 3-5 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I donated and I'm a fan of how u run and operate your servers and worked on similar projects
7. Other Info About You: I follow all the you tubers that made vids on yours server and enjoy all pie except 3.14
8. What timezone you live in: est.
9.What rank are you currently: A ward
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I think about a total of about 3 weeks.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 2-3 weeks
5. How Often Do You Play: I play everyday, except Sundays because of church and some random
busy days.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am honest, never lie, never scam, and never break the rules. I am really looking forward to be helpful, loyal, and honest to the whole server of PrisonTech.
7. Other Info About You: Nothing much to put here, mostly I am honest and loyal to this server.
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern Time
9.What rank are you currently: H-Block
Thank you for you'r time and effort to read and accept\decline this application. ~Zekeman
P.S. Some confusion may happen regarding my PMC username and my MC username.
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 4 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 4 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 8 Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and have read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply. http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff member on a skyblock server.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
1. IGN: kittenofhell
2. Age: i am 17 years old
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: i have been active in this community for over 6 months as of january 10th.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: i have been playing on the prison server for over 7 months.
5. How Often Do You Play: i play everyday after i get home from my school.
6. Why Should We Pick You: because i have expierience in these sort of things because i run my own server with my friend. im the one that kinda enforces the rules and she's the one that builds everything.
7. Other Info About You: i am a girl, i love this server, i am a vip, and i think it's about time i start helping with the server.
8. What timezone you live in: i live in mountain time
9.What rank are you currently: i am an H rank
1. IGN:KickAssJellyBean
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:2 yaer's
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:2 yaer's
5. How Often Do You Play:ever day
6. Why Should We Pick You:because i am very nice
7. Other Info About You:good gamer
8. What timezone you live in:aset
9.What rank are you currently: i am c rank at the time
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Around 3-4 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: I have been playing for around 6-7 months but real life things altered my activity on the server at this time.
5. How Often Do You Play: I'm getting to play PrisonTech server a lot now and i am nearly on for around 3-4 hours every day and i feel guard would be a fun, new concept to pick up on and role-play to make it fun for the other players on the prison server.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am a friendly person who knows how to enforce rules and i understand that the rules associated with guard are all role-play rules. I have also get into trouble with these rules my self therefore i know a basis on what punishment you get for doing a certain things like not handing over a sword when asked (5m) or safe zone trolling (3m) even though i would give a warning before jailing the player. I am seen as a non-bias person who doesn't hold grudges easily and i am dedicated to my position in the society of the server. For example i played a garry's mod server and was a mod and within a week or so i was admin because of my dedication and hard work i put in to the server. I was also a proctor and architect on another minecraft server and my job was to accept peoples whitelist applications into the server and build architectural buildings for the server eg. spawn. I understand these examples of my previous jobs are not like guard but i want to show you my dedication. If you take a look at my previous posts on my profile you will see the apps i have processed and i also processed a lot of the apps on there website. I believe being a guard will be a new, exiting experience for me and i hope i can give it a go. To you i may just be another applicant to become a guard out of the thousands of unique players that want to get hold of the job. But i believe i am different to the others. I have experience with role play since i use to play a RP server so i can RP some stuff as well as doing the job of the guard. I have dreamed of being a guard ever since i joined the server and not only would i be dedicated but fun to play with for others as well. I am good friends with a player who is a mod on Techg3eks creative server and i just about get along with anybody! I am considered a good PvPer as well since i spent most my time on minecraft on certain PvP servers (3 years) and am over the 'average' player skill level (Feel free to arrange a PvP skirmish if you want to test my ability). I stick by the rules and have never been in trouble on the server and will soon be in J block! (hurray ) I have read the rules to do with guards (obviously as well as the general rules ha) and know how long i would have to jail for and what i should be looking out for. I believe i would make a great guard and would love if you could find to give me a chance to prove my loyalty to the server. If you have read this thank you for going out of your time to read this thought out application and if you would like to know anything about me please feel free to contact me in game or contact me on the forums (Techg3eks forums or MFC). - UltimateOptics
8. What timezone do you live in: I am in the UK (GTM +1) but i am normally on a peak times on the server since most of the people on the server are american.
7. Other info about you:I'm british . If you want to know anything about me please feel free to ask! I don't want to put too much out there in plain view haha
2. Age: 15 please don't read my age and just skip over it, because I am very intelligent for my age.
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I can't remember for how long, buts its been a while beacause i joined a little before brenybeast made his video.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: The same for the community I joined a little after breny made his video.
5. How Often Do You Play: I play at least 5-7 hours a day and try my best on everything I do.
6. Why Should We Pick You: Because I understand the concepts of being a guard, I have been a guard on multiple servers and hope to be a guard on here.I love this server and when turr made a livestream a while back I won donator+.I am also a new comming youtuber and livestreamer so I can hopefully livestream and do pvp vids on the server. A couple other things I have noticed is that there is hardly any guards on, well when i'm on, and I really do want to change that, and make the server have an even better vibe.I will hopefully try to accomplish every need a prisoner has that I can accomplish. I am very loyal and honest and try my best at everything I do, and I really put my mind to things so I can accomplish the job, and get it done right. You might just ask why am I more unique than other applicants, well because I have been guard on different prison servers and got as high as a warden before the server closed, But the main idea of that point was to let you guys know that I am an honorable, trustworthy person and that I will do everything to complete the guard duty. I will help out anyone that needs help and all around just be a positive person, even if I get like 3v1ed i'll still say gg or gf. When new players spawn in or ask me what to do i'll tell them to look at all the signs at spawn.I know that its a very slim chance anyone will see this and or accept this but, I still love ths server enough to tryhard on my applications and actually try to make it a pretty thick size.
7. Other Info About You: I love to play minecraft prison servers and just have fun while doing it.I play alot because I just got this computer because my old one got a virus. A lot of my friends don't like prison servers because they say its to hard to rankup or they are to time consuming, but I like those types of servers because to rankup you need to have dedication. I am a fun, loving person and like to hangout with friends and play a diverse options of games. I have been wanting to be a guard for a while but never seem to get in.I heard that it is really hard to become a guard but I thought I just try my best, because there is always that slim, slim possibility that u may get in.
8. What timezone you live in: EST but i'm on almost everyday for about 5-7 hours.
9.What rank are you currently: A, I know I know its a low rank but I'm only a low rank because my old computer got a virus, so I went out and bought this one.The specs on this one is better than my old computer because I use to play prisontech on like 10 fps lol, but now I run like 45-100 (depending on which area I'm in.)
2. Age: 18
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: since sundee started
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:since sundee started
5. How Often Do You Play:mostly daily 6. Why Should We Pick You: because I'm mature, ill follow all the rule and will behave my best
7. Other Info About You: my name is Kyriakos (just call me Kyri) i am cypriot but live in Australia since i was 7. I've been playing minecraft since it was called the cave game. I'm very good to get along with and i would be proud to become a new guard.
8. What timezone you live in: EST
9.What rank are you currently: C
1. IGN:minecraft1254f45
2. Age:19
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:I have been active on this community for about 1 month.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:About a month.
5. How Often Do You Play:I play Everyday for 3-6 hours sometimes 4-7 on weekends
6. Why Should We Pick You:You should pick me Because I am mature and I dont disrespect or break rules
also, me and my friend own a prison server and we think we can help you grow this one. And I am staff on countless
servers, I am trustworthy, I dont scam in game, with money, items or tokens.
I can help you develope this server by getting people on donating
(Btw I can donate around 20-100$)
7. Other Info About You:I am 19 And I live in Kelowna BC I have skype (User:Minecraft1254f45), facebook, twitter, twitch And email
(User:[email protected]) as Contacts. If I make it please Email me.
8. What timezone you live in:I likve in Pacific time zone
9.What rank are you currently: I am rank C.
1. IGN:Johnfreeman14
2. Age: Mature 17 Year old
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Almost a month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Same as above
5. How Often Do You Play: Every Day, 4-5hrs a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: You should pick me because I see alot of people breaking the rules and such, but just have to stand idle, and watch them continue to break those rules, not being able to help. I also see a huge lack of guards on these servers, I haven't seen one online yet! If i am chosen I will be online alot more than not. I used to be a Warden On an old Prison server, Genocide Prison, if anyone remembers it! (Was not very popular...) and after a year or so of struggling the server was taken down due to lack of payment and players. I also understand the community in the server, people know me and I know them, albeit not very many of them, but I do help people when I can. I also was a Super-Admin on GP-GN, go look it up it's a thing! But I left due to having school to deal with and a Job IRL, it was a bit too much. But I now got a new job, and have more down time to spend playing Minecraft! xD And I have been Looking around for a new server job, and found you guys and thought I would give it a go!
7. Other Info About You: I live In Ohio, am 17, all around good guy! I prefer to be contacted via skype Skype name: alextisler
8. What timezone you live in: EST or -5 GMT
9.What rank are you currently: S
1. IGN: Tireman12
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about a month now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: around a month
5. How Often Do You Play: 4 hours on the week ends
6. Why Should We Pick You: because i understand that when ever i go online the guards are never on and i feel like it would be better if there were more guards so players can actually play the game and have a good time, with guards on duty protecting the prisoners. i have read all the rules and understand what to do with each weapon and what happens when people don't listen to the rules and or guards commands.
7. Other Info About You: i love minecraft think its a awesome time and i enjoy playing on the server and i hope that it is always on for people to enjoy. also i am going to donate soon.
8. What timezone you live in: PTZ
9.What rank are you currently: A soon going to H
1. IGN:FosterStone4003
2. Age:21
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:about 5 months now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:5 months
5. How Often Do You Play:at least 2hours every day
6. Why Should We Pick You:you should pick me because i love prison server it is super fun and whats making it not fun is full diamond guys beating people up when they want to go mine. I lost my god pick to them. What server is in need of guards when i go on no guards are on at all. It makes me mad. Please if you dont pick me please make a on of other people guards. it will make this server funner and more enjoyable. Also about me i am really good at pvp i never scam i will not abuse my privilege and i love this server sooo much
7. Other Info About You: I just graduated college i have my own house. i am a game and website desighner
8. What timezone you live in:central
9.What rank are you currently: rank H soon ill think i will doanate to get super Alos pleas if you dont pick me please pick a bunch of other people to be guards this server really needs more guards
1. IGN: gixxer_406 2. Age: 16 3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2 Months now 4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Around 5 Months 5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday for around 5 hours a day 6. Why Should We Pick You:I Love this server and I want to help out the lower ranks and help make the server more fun for people, I help low ranks with their questions and try to make the server more fun and easier for people. I am very mature and try my best to help out people whenever they have questions. 7. Other Info About You: I have Teamspeak 3, Skype, and love to follow rules. 8. What timezone you live in: Mountain Time Zone 9.What rank are you currently: J+ (Join full server donor)
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 3 Months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:3 Months
5. How Often Do You Play: About 4-5 Hours A Day (Regally Get On)
6. Why Should We Pick You: I like protecting the weaker & killing the killers
7. Other Info About You: This is one of my main servers I play on I also have lots of free time to protect PrisonTech
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern Time.
9.What rank are you currently: A
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:Ever Since SSundee's first video about this server
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:I play a lot i really am addicted to this server and other TechGe3ks servers like pixelmon
5. How Often Do You Play:I'd say now 8 to 10 hours.
6. Why Should We Pick You:I love the server and its ways of creativity I've never seen a server like this. I follow the rules and basics of this server.
7. Other Info About You:I donated the most in the month of January which is this month!
8. What timezone you live in:Mountain Standard Time
9.What rank are you currently:I am an S prisoner now and i will get to Free by the end of this week!
Age:16 1/2 will be turning 17 in july
How long have i been playing in the the community: I have been play ing for about 2 months now,i am a VIP on the server i love this server so much!!
How often you play a day: I play as soon as i am finished with my homework when i get out of school. I play for 2-6 hours.
Why should we pick you: You should pick me because i am responsible, i am trustworthy, i will do everything i can to bring down people with swords, i will do my best to help other people on the server who need help.
Other things you should know about me: Im a very good pvper, i like help out people on the server.
Time zone: Pacific time zone
What current rank are you: I am currently in S Ward halfway to F Ward im so happy
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about a month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: A couple of weeks
5. How Often Do You Play: Usually everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I won't abuse my powers, I read all of the guard rules and I'm very active on the server
7. Other Info About You: I've really enjoyed my time on this server I didn't play minecraft that much until I saw SSundee's video on this and I been playing on this server ever since
8. What timezone you live in: EST (MA)
9.What rank are you currently: A
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 1 Year now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 1 year
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday for about 3-5 hours except mon-fri then 1-3 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: Because I have been active in your community and am a very trusting person. I am
Friends with a lot of other guards also. One last reason is because I want a fun prison server and would love to
Help out in any way possible
7. Other Info About You: I live in Rochester, Michigan and have been reading a lot of things about this server and
have become a ge3k about it
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern Time zone
9.What rank are you currently: Elite rank
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: almost 2 years
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: almost 2 years
5. How Often Do You Play: daily 3-5 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I donated and I'm a fan of how u run and operate your servers and worked on similar projects
7. Other Info About You: I follow all the you tubers that made vids on yours server and enjoy all pie except 3.14
8. What timezone you live in: est.
9.What rank are you currently: A ward
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I think about a total of about 3 weeks.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 2-3 weeks
5. How Often Do You Play: I play everyday, except Sundays because of church and some random
busy days.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am honest, never lie, never scam, and never break the rules. I am really looking forward to be helpful, loyal, and honest to the whole server of PrisonTech.
7. Other Info About You: Nothing much to put here, mostly I am honest and loyal to this server.
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern Time
9.What rank are you currently: H-Block
Thank you for you'r time and effort to read and accept\decline this application. ~Zekeman
P.S. Some confusion may happen regarding my PMC username and my MC username.
Minecraft 1.6.EPIC
+ Me
+ You
1. IGN: Twedbear
2: Age: 18
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 4 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 4 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 8 Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and have read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply. http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff member on a skyblock server.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
9: What Rank Are You Currently: Rank F [VIP]
2. Age: i am 17 years old
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: i have been active in this community for over 6 months as of january 10th.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: i have been playing on the prison server for over 7 months.
5. How Often Do You Play: i play everyday after i get home from my school.
6. Why Should We Pick You: because i have expierience in these sort of things because i run my own server with my friend. im the one that kinda enforces the rules and she's the one that builds everything.
7. Other Info About You: i am a girl, i love this server, i am a vip, and i think it's about time i start helping with the server.
8. What timezone you live in: i live in mountain time
9.What rank are you currently: i am an H rank
2. Age: 18
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2-4 Months apx.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 2-4 Months apx.
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday
6. Why Should We Pick You: I'm Responsible And Will Not Kick People For No Reason. And Will Enforce Rules When Needed.
7. Other Info About You: Male, In Ward A, Elite And This Server Rocks.
8. What timezone you live in: Canada-Mountain Time
9.What rank are you currently:Ward A, Rank Elite
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:2 yaer's
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:2 yaer's
5. How Often Do You Play:ever day
6. Why Should We Pick You:because i am very nice
7. Other Info About You:good gamer
8. What timezone you live in:aset
9.What rank are you currently: i am c rank at the time
2. Age: 15 please don't read my age and just skip over it, because I am very intelligent for my age.
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: I can't remember for how long, buts its been a while beacause i joined a little before brenybeast made his video.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: The same for the community I joined a little after breny made his video.
5. How Often Do You Play: I play at least 5-7 hours a day and try my best on everything I do.
6. Why Should We Pick You: Because I understand the concepts of being a guard, I have been a guard on multiple servers and hope to be a guard on here.I love this server and when turr made a livestream a while back I won donator+.I am also a new comming youtuber and livestreamer so I can hopefully livestream and do pvp vids on the server. A couple other things I have noticed is that there is hardly any guards on, well when i'm on, and I really do want to change that, and make the server have an even better vibe.I will hopefully try to accomplish every need a prisoner has that I can accomplish. I am very loyal and honest and try my best at everything I do, and I really put my mind to things so I can accomplish the job, and get it done right. You might just ask why am I more unique than other applicants, well because I have been guard on different prison servers and got as high as a warden before the server closed, But the main idea of that point was to let you guys know that I am an honorable, trustworthy person and that I will do everything to complete the guard duty. I will help out anyone that needs help and all around just be a positive person, even if I get like 3v1ed i'll still say gg or gf. When new players spawn in or ask me what to do i'll tell them to look at all the signs at spawn.I know that its a very slim chance anyone will see this and or accept this but, I still love ths server enough to tryhard on my applications and actually try to make it a pretty thick size.
7. Other Info About You: I love to play minecraft prison servers and just have fun while doing it.I play alot because I just got this computer because my old one got a virus. A lot of my friends don't like prison servers because they say its to hard to rankup or they are to time consuming, but I like those types of servers because to rankup you need to have dedication. I am a fun, loving person and like to hangout with friends and play a diverse options of games. I have been wanting to be a guard for a while but never seem to get in.I heard that it is really hard to become a guard but I thought I just try my best, because there is always that slim, slim possibility that u may get in.
8. What timezone you live in: EST but i'm on almost everyday for about 5-7 hours.
9.What rank are you currently: A, I know I know its a low rank but I'm only a low rank because my old computer got a virus, so I went out and bought this one.The specs on this one is better than my old computer because I use to play prisontech on like 10 fps lol, but now I run like 45-100 (depending on which area I'm in.)
Thank you for your time -ThunderBoltZz_
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 4 months i have another acct but it isn't as active as this one
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 6 months
5. How Often Do You Play: pretty much 14 hours a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: I should be picked because i am active and follow the rules don't hold grudges and am an overall responsible person
7. Other Info About You: i want to be a cop irl so i try to be the most responsible person my age that i know. i run with a good crowd
8. What timezone you live in: PCT (california)
my apologies i thought i put in my IGN ty for understanding
2. Age: 18
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: since sundee started
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:since sundee started
5. How Often Do You Play:mostly daily
6. Why Should We Pick You: because I'm mature, ill follow all the rule and will behave my best
7. Other Info About You: my name is Kyriakos (just call me Kyri) i am cypriot but live in Australia since i was 7. I've been playing minecraft since it was called the cave game. I'm very good to get along with and i would be proud to become a new guard.
8. What timezone you live in: EST
9.What rank are you currently: C
2. Age:19
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:I have been active on this community for about 1 month.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:About a month.
5. How Often Do You Play:I play Everyday for 3-6 hours sometimes 4-7 on weekends
6. Why Should We Pick You:You should pick me Because I am mature and I dont disrespect or break rules
also, me and my friend own a prison server and we think we can help you grow this one. And I am staff on countless
servers, I am trustworthy, I dont scam in game, with money, items or tokens.
I can help you develope this server by getting people on donating
(Btw I can donate around 20-100$)
7. Other Info About You:I am 19 And I live in Kelowna BC I have skype (User:Minecraft1254f45), facebook, twitter, twitch And email
(User:[email protected]) as Contacts. If I make it please Email me.
8. What timezone you live in:I likve in Pacific time zone
9.What rank are you currently: I am rank C.
1. IGN:Johnfreeman14
2. Age: Mature 17 Year old
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Almost a month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Same as above
5. How Often Do You Play: Every Day, 4-5hrs a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: You should pick me because I see alot of people breaking the rules and such, but just have to stand idle, and watch them continue to break those rules, not being able to help. I also see a huge lack of guards on these servers, I haven't seen one online yet! If i am chosen I will be online alot more than not. I used to be a Warden On an old Prison server, Genocide Prison, if anyone remembers it!
7. Other Info About You: I live In Ohio, am 17, all around good guy! I prefer to be contacted via skype Skype name: alextisler
8. What timezone you live in: EST or -5 GMT
9.What rank are you currently: S
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about a month now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: around a month
5. How Often Do You Play: 4 hours on the week ends
6. Why Should We Pick You: because i understand that when ever i go online the guards are never on and i feel like it would be better if there were more guards so players can actually play the game and have a good time, with guards on duty protecting the prisoners. i have read all the rules and understand what to do with each weapon and what happens when people don't listen to the rules and or guards commands.
7. Other Info About You: i love minecraft think its a awesome time and i enjoy playing on the server and i hope that it is always on for people to enjoy. also i am going to donate soon.
8. What timezone you live in: PTZ
9.What rank are you currently: A soon going to H
2. Age:21
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:about 5 months now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:5 months
5. How Often Do You Play:at least 2hours every day
6. Why Should We Pick You:you should pick me because i love prison server it is super fun and whats making it not fun is full diamond guys beating people up when they want to go mine. I lost my god pick to them. What server is in need of guards when i go on no guards are on at all. It makes me mad. Please if you dont pick me please make a on of other people guards. it will make this server funner and more enjoyable. Also about me i am really good at pvp i never scam i will not abuse my privilege and i love this server sooo much
7. Other Info About You: I just graduated college i have my own house. i am a game and website desighner
8. What timezone you live in:central
9.What rank are you currently: rank H soon ill think i will doanate to get super
Alos pleas if you dont pick me please pick a bunch of other people to be guards this server really needs more guards
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2 Months now
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Around 5 Months
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday for around 5 hours a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: I Love this server and I want to help out the lower ranks and help make the server more fun for people, I help low ranks with their questions and try to make the server more fun and easier for people. I am very mature and try my best to help out people whenever they have questions.
7. Other Info About You: I have Teamspeak 3, Skype, and love to follow rules.
8. What timezone you live in: Mountain Time Zone
9.What rank are you currently: J+ (Join full server donor)