1. IGN:Boom132457689
2. Age:13(turning 14 in 12 days)
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 1 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 1 month
5. How Often Do You Play: Every Day 2 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I want to stop all the trolls on the servers from making other player's server experience bad. And I have a sense for justice. This could be a beginning.
7. Other Info About You: My brother is ted747 (really). I lived in Italy for 8 years. I LOVE Minecraft.
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern time US.In 6 months I'll be Central Time.
9.What rank are you currently: H
3.How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 5 Months
4. how Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 5 Months
5. How Often Do You Play: 12 Hours A Day
6. Why Should We Pick You: I Am Very Active On The Server,I See a Lot of Trouble Making In The Server That Guards Don't See Very Often,And I'm Very Watchful!
7. Other Info About You: I'm Very Creative,Smart,Adventurous, And Careful.
8. What Timezone Do You Live In: UTC (Central Timezone)
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 3 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 3 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 12+ Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply. http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff as i'm a support on another server which is currently changing its network (Name) and updating from 1.6.4 to 1.7.x. At the moment it has a temporary ip, this is why i have been playing on the prison server for last 3 weeks and i'm really enjoying it. I've made a large amount of friends and i have a good reputation.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
9: What Rank Are You Currently: Rank F, Can Be Rank J.
1. IGN: kylebarthelson 2. Age:14, 15 in March. 3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Since February 2013. I've had time off in between then and the past few months. 4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Since February 2013.
5. How Often Do You Play: 2-4 hours a night, 6-10 hours on weekends. 6. Why Should We Pick You:I have studied these 'prisoners' and I know where they like to attack each other and where they think they're safe from guards. I'm highly mature and I'll look out for the wants of the people. I know how a D ranker, "noob" feels when they get attacked and lose their inventory of stuff, as it is all they have and it ruins their day. I believe I am dedicated to this server and have not committed any offences to this date. When I get home from school, I see no guards online usually for up to 3 hours, and I see massacres everywhere, as if the place is a slaughterhouse. I can fill in for the time the guards aren't on, and I would love the opportunity to support my absolute all time favorite server. Oh, and I tend to help out the guards when they're getting attacked by multiple prisoners even though I get jailed for it. I see being a guard as a huge opportunity and I reckon I'd do well. I am well skilled in PvP in my own opinion, playing many PvP minigames such as Survival Games, The Walls and Bow Spleef to improve my accuracy. I would absolutely put my guard duty before things such as my xbox, and my friend's realms server. I am very approachable, friendly and caring, I want to help this server out as much as possible and I think that becoming a guard would allow me to do this to the best of my abilities. I love this server, it's probably the main server I play at the moment, even though my only goal is to become a guard at the moment as there isn't really much for me to do until the server updates to 1.7.
I'd love the opportunity to help almost as much as I'd love to work with fellow guards. They are a great bunch and I'd like to be a part of them. I know the guard rules and I've memorised them, and I really, really would love to do it. I swear to do what the wardens instruct and I will be the best guard I can be, to the best of my abilities. 7. Other Info About You:Non-donor but planning on VIP when I get a job, sometimes a bit too kind. Highly protective. Access to a Minecraft Realms beta testing account. Absolutely addicted to Minecraft, and believe in justice. Never abused. Top of the class, high scores in exams without studying. I know the guard rules, and I have them on a note on my phone. lel. Minecraft is my favourite game and this server is my favourite server. It is the server on which I have the most progression. 8. What timezone you live in:GMT +10:00, Victoria 9.What rank are you currently: J rank.
1. IGN:Your_name_duh
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 10 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:10 months
5. How Often Do You Play: every day I can
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and more responsible than most of the youth of America. In my opinion, I am the best fit for the task of being a guard
7. Other Info About You: not much to say. I code java script, don't know why you would need to know that though...
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern standard time (USA)
9.What rank are you currently: c ward
1. ign : Croatbballer.
2. Age : 16.
3. How long have you been active in our community: January 2014.
4. How long have you been playing on the prison server: since January 2014.
5. How often do you play: as long as I can most 1:30 at the least nearly every second day.
6. Why should we pick you: I am very mature and I have a good judge of character and one of the respected people in my community and I would encourage all my friends to join this sever so they can experience a great prison sever.
7. other info about you: non donor but planning to get vip very soon minecraft is my favourite game and I have noted down the rules on my phone and have a wonderful time on this sever and I would like to spread that cheer with all the other players.
8.what timezone do you live in: GMT +10:00 Victoria Australia.
9. what rank are you in: c ward soon B.
My IGN is: flurbert
I am 17 years old
i have been active in this community for 1 year since november 28 2012
i have been on the prison server for about a week i have already ranked up to ward A though
i play minecraft/this prison server every single day whenever i can
i am very mature and i dislike the thought of people being rude and jerks to one another i would like to help stop that on this server
i am i great builder if ever needed i would build something for the server and i am a good rule follower
i live in the New york time zone
i am currently Ward A without any rank
1. IGN: thelilbeast0829
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 3 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 3 months
5. How Often Do You Play: every day
6. Why Should We Pick You: because I will always be on to survey the community
7. Other Info About You: honest trustworthy and will continue to play as a normal person
8. What timezone you live in: eastern
9.What rank are you currently: S with a donor rank of super
1. IGN:agentsmith10
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:a year almost year and a half
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:for about 10 months now
5. How Often Do You Play:everyday for about 4 hours if not more
6. Why Should We Pick You: you should pick me because i have good grammer i am 17 i am home shcooled so i can play a lot and when ever i play i do not see a lot of guards i am not sure why but i don't.
7. Other Info About You:home schooled good grammer i'm 17 and i live in Va
8. What timezone you live in:eastern time zone
9.What rank are you currently: i am currently C+ almost B+
1. IGN: jordan11v
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 2 months
5. How Often Do You Play: about 3-6 hours a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: Every so often I go to c b or a and their is constant pvp around these areas and whether your armored or not you will get attack you have nothing or not you get attacked and I want to stop that not only because at times it gets annoying because I don't want to have people rage quit, or anything like it. I also think you should pick me because I will help newer players get around and help the new people exposed to the pvp area get around
7. Other Info About You: I'm a $15 donor, I'm also a youtuber with 30 subs, I have a black market shop
8.What timezone you live in: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9.What rank are you currently: Rank S
1. IGN:brendanex
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 5 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 9 months
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday as much as i can thats like 3 hours everyday on a weekday and on the weekends i play almost 6 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and don't like people getting bullied by people in a higher rank and with better armor. if i see fighting i will break it up. i have read the rules several times and would really like for you to pick me. I will do my best and always be fair. i know many guards and they always tell me to apply i have applied many times but unfortunately never been accepted. thank you for viewing my guard app and i would very much appreciate for you to pick me
7. Other Info About You: I will never get revenge
8. What timezone you live in: i live in Virginia beach which is EST
9.What rank are you currently: F 1. IGN:brendanex
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 5 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 9 months
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday as much as i can thats like 3 hours everyday on a weekday and on the weekends i play almost 6 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and don't like people getting bullied by people in a higher rank and with better armor. if i see fighting i will break it up. i have read the rules several times and would really like for you to pick me. I will do my best and always be fair. i know many guards and they always tell me to apply i have applied many times but unfortunately never been accepted. thank you for viewing my guard app and i would very much appreciate for you to pick me
7. Other Info About You: I will never get revenge
8. What timezone you live in: i live in Virginia beach which is EST
9.What rank are you currently: F 1. IGN:brendanex
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 5 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 9 months
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday as much as i can thats like 3 hours everyday on a weekday and on the weekends i play almost 6 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and don't like people getting bullied by people in a higher rank and with better armor. if i see fighting i will break it up. i have read the rules several times and would really like for you to pick me. I will do my best and always be fair. i know many guards and they always tell me to apply i have applied many times but unfortunately never been accepted. thank you for viewing my guard app and i would very much appreciate for you to pick me
7. Other Info About You: I will never get revenge
8. What timezone you live in: i live in Virginia beach which is EST
9.What rank are you currently: F
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 1 1/2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 1 month
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday for about 4hrs a day.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I think that you should pick me because I am a very nice person, and I like to make people have fun in the game so I want to make it so people dont die as much by campers, or people who just kill. I also think I have the stuff to be a guard because I like helping people out and making sure that they have a good time. I also want to be a guard because I am Very Familiar with the server, how to get around and most of the nooks and cranies. I also know all of the guard rules and commands.
7. Other Info About You: I think of myself as a very nice person and a helpful person, I love to interact with people, and like to help people out.
8. What timezone you live in: I live in Alaska Time
9.What rank are you currently: I am currently in the rank J
1. IGN: epicpro01
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 2 months
5. How Often Do You Play: Whenever I can.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am fair. I have not killed one prisoner. I follow rules.
7. Other Info About You: i am an all A student.
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern United States
9.What rank are you currently: D
1. IGN: Vikram987
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 3 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:3-4 months
5. How Often Do You Play: I play everyday, for atleast 2-3 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I make decisions fairly, and I can justify for my actions.
7. Other Info About You: My name is Vikram, I live in Canada, and I love prisontech!
8. What timezone you live in: GMT -7:00
9.What rank are you currently: I am currently a A rank
Thanks for reading my application, and I hope to serve PrisonTech well!
1. IGN: whoaitskailee
2. Age: 16
3. I have been playing on this Techge3k server for about 1 months now. I was a bit on and off for awhile because of my network making this server not reachable. But, I have donated and am now always active.
4. I have been playing on the Prison Server for about 3 months now. I donated the 2 months temp. and am almost out of my time. I would have been playing on the other games if I wasn't so addicted to the prison server lol.
5.I play about 2-4 hours (mon-fri) and on (sat-sun) about 4-8 hours
6. You should pick me because I am devoted to this server. To be honest I would like to be guard, but I won't be butt hurt if I don't get it because I didn't come on this server to be staff. I came on this server because how awesome it is and how friendly (and mean) the community is. I have been moderator on a server before, also had some experience in Mansamusa Prison Server (it was up a year ago, had to get cut due to budget problems). I love this server and just want to show how much I appreciate this server
7. I am currently 16 and am a 2 month donor. I would donate more but my parents restrict me on my credit card. I also am very friendly and have some good connections with people on the server which I may be able to give insight on. I realize that you read a billion of these peoples applications and probably they might have a better application then me; but please realize that i'm not a staff hunter. I'm a person who wants to help run a server and im ready to devote more time any time!
8. I live in PCT
9. I am currently rank " J" and have a few million before I get the rank free
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 1 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about a month
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday 10hrs a day.
6. Why Should We Pick You:I have owned and co owned two servers and know exactly what I'm looking for on any server
7. Other Info About You: I hate trolling/trolls, scamming, and others attacking others in pvp areas when the attacker had more stuff.
I help out anyone, I once gave someone full enchanted diamond armour, a diamond pick and sword.
2. Age:13(turning 14 in 12 days)
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 1 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 1 month
5. How Often Do You Play: Every Day 2 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I want to stop all the trolls on the servers from making other player's server experience bad. And I have a sense for justice. This could be a beginning.
7. Other Info About You: My brother is ted747 (really). I lived in Italy for 8 years. I LOVE Minecraft.
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern time US.In 6 months I'll be Central Time.
9.What rank are you currently: H
2. Age: 16
3.How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 5 Months
4. how Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 5 Months
5. How Often Do You Play: 12 Hours A Day
6. Why Should We Pick You: I Am Very Active On The Server,I See a Lot of Trouble Making In The Server That Guards Don't See Very Often,And I'm Very Watchful!
7. Other Info About You: I'm Very Creative,Smart,Adventurous, And Careful.
8. What Timezone Do You Live In: UTC (Central Timezone)
9. What Rank Are You Currently: F
1. IGN: Twedbear
2: Age: 18
3: How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community : 3 Weeks
4: How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 3 Weeks
5: How Often Do You Play: 12+ Hours a Day
6: Why Should We Pick You: I understand and read / reviewed the Guard rules and several people have suggested me to apply. http://forums.techge...uard-rules.658/
7: Other Info About You: I already have experience as staff as i'm a support on another server which is currently changing its network (Name) and updating from 1.6.4 to 1.7.x. At the moment it has a temporary ip, this is why i have been playing on the prison server for last 3 weeks and i'm really enjoying it. I've made a large amount of friends and i have a good reputation.
8: What Time Zone You Live In: +10 GMT, Brisbane Time, Australia.
9: What Rank Are You Currently: Rank F, Can Be Rank J.
1. IGN: kylebarthelson
2. Age: 14, 15 in March.
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: Since February 2013. I've had time off in between then and the past few months.
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: Since February 2013.
5. How Often Do You Play: 2-4 hours a night, 6-10 hours on weekends.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I have studied these 'prisoners' and I know where they like to attack each other and where they think they're safe from guards. I'm highly mature and I'll look out for the wants of the people. I know how a D ranker, "noob" feels when they get attacked and lose their inventory of stuff, as it is all they have and it ruins their day. I believe I am dedicated to this server and have not committed any offences to this date. When I get home from school, I see no guards online usually for up to 3 hours, and I see massacres everywhere, as if the place is a slaughterhouse. I can fill in for the time the guards aren't on, and I would love the opportunity to support my absolute all time favorite server. Oh, and I tend to help out the guards when they're getting attacked by multiple prisoners even though I get jailed for it.
I'd love the opportunity to help almost as much as I'd love to work with fellow guards. They are a great bunch and I'd like to be a part of them. I know the guard rules and I've memorised them, and I really, really would love to do it. I swear to do what the wardens instruct and I will be the best guard I can be, to the best of my abilities.
7. Other Info About You: Non-donor but planning on VIP when I get a job, sometimes a bit too kind. Highly protective. Access to a Minecraft Realms beta testing account. Absolutely addicted to Minecraft, and believe in justice. Never abused. Top of the class, high scores in exams without studying. I know the guard rules, and I have them on a note on my phone. lel.
Minecraft is my favourite game and this server is my favourite server. It is the server on which I have the most progression.
8. What timezone you live in: GMT +10:00, Victoria
9.What rank are you currently: J rank.
2. Age:16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 10 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:10 months
5. How Often Do You Play: every day I can
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and more responsible than most of the youth of America. In my opinion, I am the best fit for the task of being a guard
7. Other Info About You: not much to say. I code java script, don't know why you would need to know that though...
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern standard time (USA)
9.What rank are you currently: c ward
2. Age : 16.
3. How long have you been active in our community: January 2014.
4. How long have you been playing on the prison server: since January 2014.
5. How often do you play: as long as I can most 1:30 at the least nearly every second day.
6. Why should we pick you: I am very mature and I have a good judge of character and one of the respected people in my community and I would encourage all my friends to join this sever so they can experience a great prison sever.
7. other info about you: non donor but planning to get vip very soon minecraft is my favourite game and I have noted down the rules on my phone and have a wonderful time on this sever and I would like to spread that cheer with all the other players.
8.what timezone do you live in: GMT +10:00 Victoria Australia.
9. what rank are you in: c ward soon B.
2. Age:12
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:3 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:3 months
5. How Often Do You Play: when ever I can
6. Why Should We Pick You: because I will not use guard just to jail people I hate I will use
it in a responsible way
9.What rank are you currently: h trying to get s
My IGN is: flurbert
I am 17 years old
i have been active in this community for 1 year since november 28 2012
i have been on the prison server for about a week i have already ranked up to ward A though
i play minecraft/this prison server every single day whenever i can
i am very mature and i dislike the thought of people being rude and jerks to one another i would like to help stop that on this server
i am i great builder if ever needed i would build something for the server and i am a good rule follower
i live in the New york time zone
i am currently Ward A without any rank
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 3 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 3 months
5. How Often Do You Play: every day
6. Why Should We Pick You: because I will always be on to survey the community
7. Other Info About You: honest trustworthy and will continue to play as a normal person
8. What timezone you live in: eastern
9.What rank are you currently: S with a donor rank of super
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community:a year almost year and a half
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:for about 10 months now
5. How Often Do You Play:everyday for about 4 hours if not more
6. Why Should We Pick You: you should pick me because i have good grammer i am 17 i am home shcooled so i can play a lot and when ever i play i do not see a lot of guards i am not sure why but i don't.
7. Other Info About You:home schooled good grammer i'm 17 and i live in Va
8. What timezone you live in:eastern time zone
9.What rank are you currently: i am currently C+ almost B+
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 2 months
5. How Often Do You Play: about 3-6 hours a day
6. Why Should We Pick You: Every so often I go to c b or a and their is constant pvp around these areas and whether your armored or not you will get attack you have nothing or not you get attacked and I want to stop that not only because at times it gets annoying because I don't want to have people rage quit, or anything like it. I also think you should pick me because I will help newer players get around and help the new people exposed to the pvp area get around
7. Other Info About You: I'm a $15 donor, I'm also a youtuber with 30 subs, I have a black market shop
8.What timezone you live in: Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9.What rank are you currently: Rank S
1. IGN:brendanex
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 5 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 9 months
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday as much as i can thats like 3 hours everyday on a weekday and on the weekends i play almost 6 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and don't like people getting bullied by people in a higher rank and with better armor. if i see fighting i will break it up. i have read the rules several times and would really like for you to pick me. I will do my best and always be fair. i know many guards and they always tell me to apply i have applied many times but unfortunately never been accepted. thank you for viewing my guard app and i would very much appreciate for you to pick me
7. Other Info About You: I will never get revenge
8. What timezone you live in: i live in Virginia beach which is EST
9.What rank are you currently: F
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 5 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 9 months
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday as much as i can thats like 3 hours everyday on a weekday and on the weekends i play almost 6 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and don't like people getting bullied by people in a higher rank and with better armor. if i see fighting i will break it up. i have read the rules several times and would really like for you to pick me. I will do my best and always be fair. i know many guards and they always tell me to apply i have applied many times but unfortunately never been accepted. thank you for viewing my guard app and i would very much appreciate for you to pick me
7. Other Info About You: I will never get revenge
8. What timezone you live in: i live in Virginia beach which is EST
9.What rank are you currently: F
2. Age:17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 5 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about 9 months
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday as much as i can thats like 3 hours everyday on a weekday and on the weekends i play almost 6 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I am very mature and don't like people getting bullied by people in a higher rank and with better armor. if i see fighting i will break it up. i have read the rules several times and would really like for you to pick me. I will do my best and always be fair. i know many guards and they always tell me to apply i have applied many times but unfortunately never been accepted. thank you for viewing my guard app and i would very much appreciate for you to pick me
7. Other Info About You: I will never get revenge
8. What timezone you live in: i live in Virginia beach which is EST
9.What rank are you currently: F
2. Age: 17
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: About 1 1/2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: About 1 month
5. How Often Do You Play: Everyday for about 4hrs a day.
6. Why Should We Pick You: I think that you should pick me because I am a very nice person, and I like to make people have fun in the game so I want to make it so people dont die as much by campers, or people who just kill. I also think I have the stuff to be a guard because I like helping people out and making sure that they have a good time. I also want to be a guard because I am Very Familiar with the server, how to get around and most of the nooks and cranies. I also know all of the guard rules and commands.
7. Other Info About You: I think of myself as a very nice person and a helpful person, I love to interact with people, and like to help people out.
8. What timezone you live in: I live in Alaska Time
9.What rank are you currently: I am currently in the rank J
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: 2 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: 2 months
5. How Often Do You Play: Whenever I can.
7. Other Info About You: i am an all A student.
8. What timezone you live in: Eastern United States
9.What rank are you currently: D
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 3 months
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server:3-4 months
5. How Often Do You Play: I play everyday, for atleast 2-3 hours
6. Why Should We Pick You: I make decisions fairly, and I can justify for my actions.
7. Other Info About You: My name is Vikram, I live in Canada, and I love prisontech!
8. What timezone you live in: GMT -7:00
9.What rank are you currently: I am currently a A rank
Thanks for reading my application, and I hope to serve PrisonTech well!
2. Age: 16
3. I have been playing on this Techge3k server for about 1 months now. I was a bit on and off for awhile because of my network making this server not reachable. But, I have donated and am now always active.
4. I have been playing on the Prison Server for about 3 months now. I donated the 2 months temp. and am almost out of my time. I would have been playing on the other games if I wasn't so addicted to the prison server lol.
5.I play about 2-4 hours (mon-fri) and on (sat-sun) about 4-8 hours
6. You should pick me because I am devoted to this server. To be honest I would like to be guard, but I won't be butt hurt if I don't get it because I didn't come on this server to be staff. I came on this server because how awesome it is and how friendly (and mean) the community is. I have been moderator on a server before, also had some experience in Mansamusa Prison Server (it was up a year ago, had to get cut due to budget problems). I love this server and just want to show how much I appreciate this server
7. I am currently 16 and am a 2 month donor. I would donate more but my parents restrict me on my credit card. I also am very friendly and have some good connections with people on the server which I may be able to give insight on. I realize that you read a billion of these peoples applications
8. I live in PCT
9. I am currently rank " J" and have a few million before I get the rank free
2. Age: 16
3. How Long Have You Been Active In Our Community: about 1 month
4. How Long Have You Been Playing On The Prison Server: about a month
5. How Often Do You Play: everyday 10hrs a day.
6. Why Should We Pick You:I have owned and co owned two servers and know exactly what I'm looking for on any server
7. Other Info About You: I hate trolling/trolls, scamming, and others attacking others in pvp areas when the attacker had more stuff.
I help out anyone, I once gave someone full enchanted diamond armour, a diamond pick and sword.
8. What timezone you live in: est
9.What rank are you currently: B ward, donor