Specifically ones that provides resistance spells/abilities. Like take 10% less damage. Dont take drowning damage. Take less fire damage.
I am unable to find any, but maybe there are plug-ins that add more potions that could do such things? I do not think that is quite what you are looking for though..
Off topic:
How goes getting the server up, any luck? Also, do you have skype, I would love to be able to keep in touch with the server owner
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
When I'm With You I Feel 3 Pounds Lighter... Probably Because You Bore The Sh*t Out Of Me...
I am unable to find any, but maybe there are plug-ins that add more potions that could do such things? I do not think that is quite what you are looking for though..
Off topic:
How goes getting the server up, any luck? Also, do you have skype, I would love to be able to keep in touch with the server owner
There is a plugin that adds more potions and I plan on getting it minecraft has a ton of potions in the coding that aren't included ingame but there is a plUgin to add them. I have a Skype but I would prefere to keep it personal. I get so many Skype requests that I think I'll make on for minecraft.
If you are looking for an experienced build team I would like to suggest you check out the MCL33T clan. We are professional Minecraft Architects & Admin that specialize in large building projects. We operate by completing builds and advertising your server on our website in exchange for build credit and being allowed to advertise our website on your server.
If you're interested in seeing what we can offer you please visit MCL33T.COM! Thanks.
Your website is a blank forum with 0 posts and 0 online members. You have no screenshots or videos of your work. And you want to advertise on my server? My answer: no thanks
Hmm I have not seen this one. I may use it for slight racial or calss abilities Nice work Colin.
Also, unless There are any objections, I am planning on doin this to the server:
Adding races
Making all classes one rank and adding more classes.
NOT using guilds
New ideas and or suggestions:
When spells are castes it currently drains you of exp. abilities cost nothing.
There is now the option to make spells cost anything oh want. If I wanted it could cost a diamond to cast a spell.
So what do you want to make spells cost? I can make the cost an item that is not obtainable through normal gameplay and then you get X amount every Y minutes. I can make spells not have a cool down if you want. It's all very configurable. So what do you think?
1) your IGN: Polofficer
2) how old are you?19
3) Why do you want to be a tester? Because I like to help out. Im a decent builder but not the kind you want for this project, and you have stated you dont need anymore. I don't want to be an admin because... hm.... I become to much of a,uh raging asshole, cracking down on everyone for mistakes.
4) Have you ever been banned before? if so explain: Twice. Once It was a factions server and my faction sent me to join a faction and see what they are doing. Well, I figured the mod that controlled the faction was spawning items for it like stacks of diamonds and tnt. So I had an a Admin in my faction and he told me to blow the tnt up and steal the diamonds for myself. So I did and the mod when my Admin wasnt on (Guava) banned me. The second time was today, I was trying to say title but the swear protection picked up tit I think instead of title
5) Have you read and accept the rules? Yes I have ^
And I would also like to be a lore writer. Uh I saw that you had no ideas so I thought I would just write something about the history of the world. (I think you said something about dwarves in an earlier post, if not than I am idiotic)
This land used to be controlled by a single empire, one that thrived and had peace at all of its borders, From the High and soaring mountain peaks, to the breezy, sunny coast there was no war. Until one day the dwarves of the mountains rebelled. They brought their legions and sacked the castles of the Empire. But when the Emperor heard of this he rallied the lords and their soldiers and marched to the Mountain Keep. While the Emperor marched on to quell the Dwarven Rebellion, the Raiders from across the sea pillaged the coastal villages. The Emperor never got news of this and so the Raiders were free to continue raiding their way down the border. With the Emperor doing nothing about the coast and the provinces near the Mountain getting sacked, the people had no choice but to rise up and attack the new threats themselves, swearing aliegence to their local lords who struck out agaisnt the dwarfs and raiders. The came to the village of Snow's Frost and held the bridge fromt he dwarves, that went on for several months until the Emperor was slain and his troops fighting with no master. Somehow the Emperor's survivng troops managed to fend off the dwarves and drive them into the mountain, where they starved. The raiders however fled when the lords started to strike at them, killing them by the hundreds. The land was never the same though, their was no sovereign ruler and ever lord was trying to make himself the Emperor. That was thirty years ago.
1) your IGN: Polofficer
2) how old are you?19
3) Why do you want to be a tester? Because I like to help out. Im a decent builder but not the kind you want for this project, and you have stated you dont need anymore. I don't want to be an admin because... hm.... I become to much of a,uh raging asshole, cracking down on everyone for mistakes.
4) Have you ever been banned before? if so explain: Twice. Once It was a factions server and my faction sent me to join a faction and see what they are doing. Well, I figured the mod that controlled the faction was spawning items for it like stacks of diamonds and tnt. So I had an a Admin in my faction and he told me to blow the tnt up and steal the diamonds for myself. So I did and the mod when my Admin wasnt on (Guava) banned me. The second time was today, I was trying to say title but the swear protection picked up tit I think instead of title
5) Have you read and accept the rules? Yes I have ^
And I would also like to be a lore writer. Uh I saw that you had no ideas so I thought I would just write something about the history of the world. (I think you said something about dwarves in an earlier post, if not than I am idiotic)
This land used to be controlled by a single empire, one that thrived and had peace at all of its borders, From the High and soaring mountain peaks, to the breezy, sunny coast there was no war. Until one day the dwarves of the mountains rebelled. They brought their legions and sacked the castles of the Empire. But when the Emperor heard of this he rallied the lords and their soldiers and marched to the Mountain Keep. While the Emperor marched on to quell the Dwarven Rebellion, the Raiders from across the sea pillaged the coastal villages. The Emperor never got news of this and so the Raiders were free to continue raiding their way down the border. With the Emperor doing nothing about the coast and the provinces near the Mountain getting sacked, the people had no choice but to rise up and attack the new threats themselves, swearing aliegence to their local lords who struck out agaisnt the dwarfs and raiders. The came to the village of Snow's Frost and held the bridge fromt he dwarves, that went on for several months until the Emperor was slain and his troops fighting with no master. Somehow the Emperor's survivng troops managed to fend off the dwarves and drive them into the mountain, where they starved. The raiders however fled when the lords started to strike at them, killing them by the hundreds. The land was never the same though, their was no sovereign ruler and ever lord was trying to make himself the Emperor. That was thirty years ago.
you can also help us wright lore
```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ATTENTION! the server is now online! but because of some stupid errors we have to stay in 1.2.5 don't worry construction can still carry on but we wont get emerald blocks trip wire ect.. one the bukiteers figure out how to fix my problem I will update the server ASAP you are all free to join if you have a 1.2.5 .jar if you don't i apologize for the incontinence if its not iligal ill post a copy of my un-modded 1.2.5 .jar
thank you and if you have questions please ask!
Notice! the ip address has changed to:
nothing better to do so ill write the lore of how the races all came together it is a tale of much violence and bloodshed (got into character fast XP) a long time ago there was only the humans they lived prosperously and had no enemy's all was calm but soon a part of the kingdom decided to rebel and so a war was started. many people rallied to the rebelling nations as they saw that the current leadership was incompetent and should be overthrown this war between the 2 powers raged until finally in a final show the rebel leader was slain and all who were a part of his nations were put into exile many of these people went to live in caves in groups thus over the years they have become the brutes we know as the orcs strong and brave warriors but they are not very fond of the sun since they spend most of there times in caves. ( <---- orcs story) soon the elves came and wanted to Allie with the humans many agreed but a few nations thought that the elves were evil people that had come to overthrow there government and destroy there citys so these people fought the elves and for that the elves casted a spell upon these nations makeing them very short and thus driving them into mountains but the elves spell was passed down with children and these people became the dwarfs makeing mines in mountains and waring with the orcs who would always attack dwemer citys due to the amazing cave systems and citys they would make underground (the orcs living place) (<----- dwarf/elve story)
this is the lore i have made i know its a bit far out but you know its minecraft lore dont expect it to be perfect
(insert punctuation where you see fit )
sorry i forgot to specif the types of elves (maybe the dark elves casted the spells while the wood elves hid and the regular elve searched for a peaceful solution?)
nothing better to do so ill write the lore of how the races all came together it is a tale of much violence and bloodshed (got into character fast XP) a long time ago there was only the humans they lived prosperously and had no enemy's all was calm but soon a part of the kingdom decided to rebel and so a war was started. many people rallied to the rebelling nations as they saw that the current leadership was incompetent and should be overthrown this war between the 2 powers raged until finally in a final show the rebel leader was slain and all who were a part of his nations were put into exile many of these people went to live in caves in groups thus over the years they have become the brutes we know as the orcs strong and brave warriors but they are not very fond of the sun since they spend most of there times in caves. ( <---- orcs story) soon the elves came and wanted to Allie with the humans many agreed but a few nations thought that the elves were evil people that had come to overthrow there government and destroy there citys so these people fought the elves and for that the elves casted a spell upon these nations makeing them very short and thus driving them into mountains but the elves spell was passed down with children and these people became the dwarfs makeing mines in mountains and waring with the orcs who would always attack dwemer citys due to the amazing cave systems and citys they would make underground (the orcs living place) (<----- dwarf/elve story)
this is the lore i have made i know its a bit far out but you know its minecraft lore dont expect it to be perfect
(insert punctuation where you see fit )
sorry i forgot to specif the types of elves (maybe the dark elves casted the spells while the wood elves hid and the regular elve searched for a peaceful solution?)
very nice. if you want to come on the server its up.
this goes for everyone! the server is up (still 1.2.5 :() and the port was changed to :25585 so hope to see you all in game!
id love to join but i cant until it is 1.3 will that be soon? if not i will look into finding a downgrade also i would also like to say this 20ishx20ish trees going up about 100 blocks with 3 or 4 in the respective places connected tis a wood elve city
id love to join but i cant until it is 1.3 will that be soon? if not i will look into finding a downgrade also i would also like to say this 20ishx20ish trees going up about 100 blocks with 3 or 4 in the respective places connected tis a wood elve city
it could be some time before the server is 1.3 as im not sure what the problem is. i would say about 1 week.
also im not sure what you mean by wood elf city. and coincidentally me and Unholy are building one right now. But this is getting abit out of topic "looking for" ill begin making a server thread tomarow.
hey ive got a downgraded version now but unfortunetly the server is down any idea on whe it wil be back up?
yea the server is down because GOD DAM VOXEL SNIPER WONT INSTALL!! but thats not your problem... Ill keep everyone updated on when the server is up in the post above
I want to be a developer for the server. I can code in java to make custom plugins for the server. I can also configure plugins. Please reply if you would like my help.
I want to be a developer for the server. I can code in java to make custom plugins for the server. I can also configure plugins. Please reply if you would like my help.
that would be great! i need some coding done for stuff. on acale of 1-10 how skilled at making plugins are you? and wat types of plugins are you good at making?
I am unable to find any, but maybe there are plug-ins that add more potions that could do such things? I do not think that is quite what you are looking for though..
Off topic:
How goes getting the server up, any luck? Also, do you have skype, I would love to be able to keep in touch with the server owner
There is a plugin that adds more potions and I plan on getting it minecraft has a ton of potions in the coding that aren't included ingame but there is a plUgin to add them. I have a Skype but I would prefere to keep it personal. I get so many Skype requests that I think I'll make on for minecraft.
You should def. do it. It is a great way to keep in touch with the people working with you.
Well I did, if anyone wants my Skype info just pm me
Your website is a blank forum with 0 posts and 0 online members. You have no screenshots or videos of your work. And you want to advertise on my server? My answer: no thanks
Hmm I have not seen this one. I may use it for slight racial or calss abilities Nice work Colin.
Also, unless There are any objections, I am planning on doin this to the server:
Adding races
Making all classes one rank and adding more classes.
NOT using guilds
New ideas and or suggestions:
When spells are castes it currently drains you of exp. abilities cost nothing.
There is now the option to make spells cost anything oh want. If I wanted it could cost a diamond to cast a spell.
So what do you want to make spells cost? I can make the cost an item that is not obtainable through normal gameplay and then you get X amount every Y minutes. I can make spells not have a cool down if you want. It's all very configurable. So what do you think?
2) how old are you?19
3) Why do you want to be a tester? Because I like to help out. Im a decent builder but not the kind you want for this project, and you have stated you dont need anymore. I don't want to be an admin because... hm.... I become to much of a,uh raging asshole, cracking down on everyone for mistakes.
4) Have you ever been banned before? if so explain: Twice. Once It was a factions server and my faction sent me to join a faction and see what they are doing. Well, I figured the mod that controlled the faction was spawning items for it like stacks of diamonds and tnt. So I had an a Admin in my faction and he told me to blow the tnt up and steal the diamonds for myself. So I did and the mod when my Admin wasnt on (Guava) banned me. The second time was today, I was trying to say title but the swear protection picked up tit I think instead of title
5) Have you read and accept the rules? Yes I have ^
And I would also like to be a lore writer. Uh I saw that you had no ideas so I thought I would just write something about the history of the world. (I think you said something about dwarves in an earlier post, if not than I am idiotic)
the races are:
dark elf
wood elf (yes ik alot of elves >.>)
(more might be added later)
you can also help us wright lore
the server is now online! but because of some stupid errors we have to stay in 1.2.5
thank you and if you have questions please ask!
Notice! the ip address has changed to:
this is the lore i have made i know its a bit far out but you know its minecraft lore dont expect it to be perfect
(insert punctuation where you see fit
sorry i forgot to specif the types of elves (maybe the dark elves casted the spells while the wood elves hid and the regular elve searched for a peaceful solution?)
very nice. if you want to come on the server its up.
this goes for everyone! the server is up (still 1.2.5 :() and the port was changed to :25585 so hope to see you all in game!
also im not sure what you mean by wood elf city. and coincidentally me and Unholy are building one right now. But this is getting abit out of topic "looking for" ill begin making a server thread tomarow.
thats the temporary forum page. So please check there often because News and all Info will go there!
yea the server is down because GOD DAM VOXEL SNIPER WONT INSTALL!! but thats not your problem... Ill keep everyone updated on when the server is up in the post above
that would be great! i need some coding done for stuff. on acale of 1-10 how skilled at making plugins are you? and wat types of plugins are you good at making?